Sunday, November 27, 2016

Agenda De Forex

En la agenda de Asia de hoy. En los días que terminan en "Y" vendemos el USD / JPY.

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Inflazione ex prodotti freschi

PIB Consumi Privati

PIB Consumi Privati ​​(adj)

PIB Indice dei prezzi QoQ

Pil QoQ annualizz

agenda macro



Esportazioni totali nette

Inflazione ex prodotti freschi

PIB Consumi Privati

PIB Consumi Privati ​​(adj)

PIB Indice dei prezzi QoQ

Pil QoQ annualizz

Esportazioni totali nette

PIB Consumi Privati

PIB Consumi Privati ​​(adj)

PIB Indice dei prezzi QoQ

Pil QoQ annualizz

Commento di giornata

La ultima seduta della settimana y aprecia dei dati giapponesi sull'andamento dell'inflazione e, al 13.30, el appuntamento con el dato final relativo a la cresta economica statunitense del cuarto trimestre. Alquiler de vacaciones en Gran parte dei mercati europei e en Canadá.



Nella settima operazione di rifinanziamento a lungo termine la destinación all'erogazione di credito all'economia reale (LPT orientado, opción de refinanciación a largo plazo), le banche di Eurolandia hanno.

La Banca centrale ungherese ha anunciado que el costo del denar es de 1,35 por ciento. Si tratas del nuovo minimo storico. Gli analítico avevano estimular una conferencia del dato.



Dall'analisi del diario gráfico del tasso del cambio dollaro Usa / yen emerge un cuadro técnico ribassista de breve período. Le quotezioni infatti, dopo aver de un test de caballo para el 9 de noviembre y el 18 de diciembre, la resistencia a la estadística de una cuota de 123,70, hanno intrapreso una discesa de che le ha portate a viola al ribasso diversi supporto statici e dinamici. A tal proposito, è rilevante la rottura avvenuta il 24 dicembre del supporto.


Universiadi del Trading: Nikeleones, lavado de la autocrática continuada del metodo de inversión ... obiettivo + 40% o arrivare tra i primi 15.

Nicola Calzà (líder del equipo), Pierluigi Adornato, Federico Nobili, René Pfitscher y Alessandro Caluori sono y componentes del equipo Nikeleones. Rappresentano nell & # 8217; edizione en corso delle Universiadi del Trading il Dipartimento di Management & # 38; Technology dell & # 8217; Università Bocconi di Milano. Sono diventati operativi & # 8230; Continua una leggere & # 8594;

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: A medida que las naciones compiten por el crecimiento impulsado por las exportaciones, los bancos centrales se enfrentan a crecientes críticas por manipular sus monedas nacionales. El razonamiento detrás de la manipulación de la moneda tiene sentido, pero en un mundo cada vez más globalizado es la devaluación de la moneda competitiva viable?

Biografía: El Sr. Iskandar Najjar ocupará el cargo de Director General de Alpari ME. Es responsable de la gestión, el control y la supervisión de la empresa.

El Sr. Najjar ha tenido una gran experiencia en relaciones con clientes y corporaciones con su tiempo en Barclays Bank PLC en Manchester, así como experiencia en investigación antes de establecer las operaciones de ACM ME DMCC en Oriente Medio en Dubai. Allí fue responsable de coordinar estrategias de ventas y procedimientos; La gestión general y el desarrollo de los departamentos internos. También fue director en operaciones de ACM Institutional markets, en las que fue responsable de la consecución y mantenimiento de clientes institucionales.

Antes de unirse a Alpari, Najjar era un consultor privado que trabajaba en operaciones para desarrollar toda la división de comercio en línea de un banco de inversión en Oriente Medio.

Sr. Najjarâ € ™ s experiencias se construyen en su BA Business Economics degree en Manchester y su diploma de Finanzas MSc de Leeds Business School.

Sherif Saad Entrenador Ejecutivo cum Director de Ventas FX Open Investments

Asunto: & ldquo; El lenguaje secreto de los gráficos & rdquo;

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: El seminario ofrece a usted una nueva perspectiva de cómo leer y entender ВЎВ ° La Ciencia de ChartsВе ±. Durante este seminario le mostraremos cómo la teoría geométrica, el análisis técnico y otras estrategias le ofrecen un concepto diferente al ver y entender los gráficos. Esta información se puede utilizar en cualquier tipo de gráficos en cualquier tipo de mercados. Esta información le ayudará a alcanzar su verdadero potencial y éxito en el comercio.

Biografía: Viniendo de la industria y después de décadas de experiencia, el Sr. Sherif ha construido una reputación que va más allá de las cartas y los candeleros.

Un comerciante activo acertado en su propio derecho, entregando solamente lo que cabe cada individuo en sus entrenamientos. Además de ser entrenado bajo la supervisión de un profesional profesional de Forex profesional que responde a sus necesidades comerciales individuales que se introducirá en el núcleo de comercio de divisas. 'La ciencia del comercio'.

Sherif Saad es un entrenador calificado de Forex. Con más de 10 años de experiencia comercial, es un instructor de análisis técnico y fundamental certificado. Él es un pionero de la divisa, entrenador ejecutivo y es uno de los directores de ventas más acertados de la compañía.

Dirige clases internacionales en Malasia, Singapur, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Egipto, etc. Ha dado cursos a más de 6000 estudiantes en todo el mundo con testimonios de reconocimiento de distinción. Con sus propias estrategias comerciales especiales y la sensibilidad del movimiento del mercado, es capaz de dominar los oficios con resultados probados y entrenar a los estudiantes de manera práctica y teórica.

Con su rica experiencia en el mercado de divisas y la actitud profesional, es el único en el que puede confiar y definitivamente le guiará desde el nivel principiante hasta el profesional en la divisa comercial.

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: Durante los últimos 24 meses, la industria global de divisas ha sido testigo de una gran cantidad de cambios materiales que se destacarán en la presentación.

Crecimiento constante de la industria

Enmiendas reglamentarias

Desplazamiento fuera de los EE. UU.

Fusiones & amp; Adquisiciones

La volatilidad del mercado está aumentando

La educación es cada vez más importante

Los bancos se unen a la industria

La experiencia del cliente es la clave

Impacto de las redes sociales

El mundo se está haciendo más pequeño

Biografía: El Sr. Khatib es un experimentado profesional en finanzas con amplia experiencia en gestión financiera, estrategia y planificación de negocios, gestión de riesgos y operaciones. En Amana Capital, es responsable de las operaciones de la empresa, la implementación de sus planes estratégicos y la gestión de los recursos financieros y de capital de la empresa.

Comenzó su carrera con Arthur Andersen en Riyadh en la división Asesoría y Asesoramiento Empresarial antes de unirse al Arab Bank en Emiratos Árabes Unidos como Asistente de Control Financiero donde estableció y dirigió su división de Planificación y Análisis Financiero. También trabajó como Director Financiero de Dubai Media Incorporated (red de Dubai TV), donde dirigió equipos de reestructuración en los campos de Finanzas, Estrategia, Recursos Humanos y Control de Calidad. Antes de unirse a Amana Capital, fue el ex Director Ejecutivo y Director Financiero de Orion Holding Overseas, una compañía holding de DIFC con operaciones en soluciones de intermediación financiera y de TI.

El Sr. Khatib es un graduado de la Universidad Americana de Beirut (AUB) y tiene varias certificaciones profesionales, incluyendo CPA y CMA. También ha enseñado Finanzas & amp; Cursos de contabilidad en las universidades de Dubai y es un instructor de CMA, CPA y cursos de revisión de la CIA en Morgan International.

El Sr. Khatib es miembro del Consejo y Vicepresidente de la Asociación de Instituciones Financieras en Líbano, un organismo que representa el interés de todas las instituciones financieras en el Líbano.

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: Vea las estrategias de batalla probadas para los comerciantes interesados ​​en el comercio de alta frecuencia utilizando estadísticas y configuraciones fundamentales para aprovechar los movimientos de precios a corto plazo. Aprenda cómo detectar y reaccionar rápidamente a los cambios en el impulso del mercado y aprovechar las tendencias y los movimientos de tendencia contra la tendencia.

Biografía: Boris Schlossberg es director de investigación de divisas de GFT, proveedor líder a nivel mundial de servicios de cambio de divisas en línea. Schlossberg es responsable de proporcionar análisis fundamentales y técnicos a la red global de clientes individuales e institucionales de la empresa, medios de comunicación.

Antes de unirse a GFT, el Sr. Schlossberg era un estratega de divisas para Daily FX. Su carrera en Wall Street comenzó hace más de 20 años con Drexel Burnham Lambert y durante ese tiempo, ha negociado una variedad de instrumentos financieros, desde acciones y opciones hasta futuros de índices bursátiles y divisas.

El Sr. Schlossberg es colaborador semanal de Squawk Box de CNBC y comentarista regular de la radio y la televisión de Bloomberg. Sus investigaciones diarias de la moneda son cotizadas extensamente por los alambres de noticias de Reuters, de Dow Jones y de Agence France Presse y aparecen en muchos periódicos por todo el mundo. Schlossberg ha escrito para la revista SFO, Active Trader y Análisis Técnico de Acciones y Productos Básicos. Es autor de Análisis Técnico del Mercado de Divisas de John Wiley and Sons (2006) y Comerciantes Millonarios de John Wiley (2007).

Mike Baghdady Director Comercial SpyGlass Trading Solutions

Presentación no disponible

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: Cómo obtener una ventaja de & ldquo; Edge & rdquo; En su comercio y gestión de riesgo? Una ventaja es la marca del operador profesional que nos da una ventaja estadística explotable basado en el comportamiento de precios que es probable que se repitan en el futuro. En el comercio, el mejor borde viene de los comportamientos del mercado causados ​​por patrones de comportamiento psicologicos de comerciantes. Las emociones humanas y el pensamiento irracional es lo que crea patrones repetitivos y brinda oportunidades para ganar dinero, & rdquo; Los comerciantes ganadores están siempre en busca de oportunidades que surgen como resultado de estas emociones humanas y hacer su dinero mediante la explotación sistemática de los patrones de comportamiento irracional de otros comerciantes. Es por eso que Price Behavior funciona y sigue funcionando porque se basa en los movimientos del mercado que resultan de la irracionalidad sistemática y repetida que está incrustada en cada persona.

Mike Baghdady es el principal experto mundial en Comportamiento de Precios y un veterano de 33 años de los mercados financieros globales, pasando el final de su carrera profesional en el piso de NYBOT hasta su fusión con InterContinental Exchange.

Un analista de mercado clave, columnista sindicado y comentarista de las estaciones de televisión financiera, Mike comenzó su carrera en Nueva York como aprendiz de Alan Shaw, ampliamente considerado como el padre del moderno Análisis Técnico de aprendizaje.

Comenzó su carrera comercial como comerciante de granos físicos y dirigió una de las operaciones de granos más importantes de Oriente Medio durante 15 años. Fue galardonado con el título de Comerciante del Año en 1987 por la revista AmCham de la Cámara Americana de Comercio, en su Egipto natal, donde también se especializó en Economía en la Universidad Americana. Desde entonces ha trabajado como comerciante de materias primas, comerciante de acciones, analista de futuros, operador de opciones y un instructor tanto para el mercado de divisas como para el mercado de acciones, así como asesor técnico de varios importantes fondos globales de cobertura y corporaciones multinacionales.

Wayne McDonell Chief Currency Coach FX Bootcamp

Asunto: & ldquo; ORO, OIL y estrategias de comercio de divisas en 2010 & rdquo;

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: El flujo de dinero global es un factor clave en la valoración del comercio de divisas. Estos tres productos tienen una relación de coeficiente de correlación fuerte, lo que significa que un buen entendimiento de su relación fundamental es extremadamente útil para todos los comerciantes de divisas. En esta presentación, una vez que hayamos establecido cómo desarrollar un sesgo de mercado, también exploraremos cómo crear planes comerciales basados ​​en análisis técnicos de gráficos usando Promedios móviles, Osciladores como MACD o estocástico, Soporte / Resistencia y Pivot Points.

Biografía: Wayne McDonell, el entrenador en jefe de divisas para FX Bootcamp, es un comerciante de forex profesional con un espíritu empresarial y la mente de un líder empresarial. Él negocia sus propios fondos y entrena a otros cómo hacerlo de manera consistente y rentable utilizando un enfoque conservador de la negociación. FX Bootcamp es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros y está registrado en la NFA como asesor comercial de materias primas. McDonell en línea forex videos de formación se han visto más de 1 millón de veces y sus webinars en vivo en FXstreet han atraído a tanto como 1.200 comerciantes cada uno. Antes de centrarse en la divisa, el Sr. McDonell trabajó en varios iconos de Silicon Valley como Cisco Systems y Apple Computers antes de encontrar su éxito en el mundo de las nuevas empresas. Más tarde, como capitalista de riesgo, invirtió más de 100 patentes de consumo e industriales. El Sr. McDonell ha aparecido en muchas publicaciones incluyendo el Wallstreet Journal. La revista Futures, Your Trading Edge. El diario FOREX, la revista Trader moneda, revista Inc., TechWeek, Semana de la Información, el National Post, y otros. Aparece semanalmente en FOREX Television, y ha aparecido en Bloomberg Television y FOX Business Television. Su libro Strategic & amp; Tactical FOREX Trading & quot; Es un best seller y el segundo más alto clasificado FOREX libro en el Amazon. com.

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm En nombre de dbFX Peg Reed Director General de Global Partnerships Interbank FX

Asunto: & ldquo; FX como Clase de Activo: Mejore su desempeño en Forex Trading & rdquo;

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: El mercado de FX está creciendo en popularidad como una clase alternativa de activos, desde la comunidad empresarial hasta el cliente minorista. En esta sesión, el Director Gerente de Global Partnerships de Interbank FX, Peg Reed, demostrará cómo FX como una clase de activo permite alta liquidez y transparencia. Peg Reed se unió a Interbank FX en abril de 2009 después de 30 años en Wall Street trabajando con una serie de organizaciones financieras de clase mundial. Con un historial exitoso de creación, construcción y gestión de empresas rentables, Reed es responsable de construir y mantener nuestras relaciones de socios en todo el mundo.

La Sra. Reed pasó la primera parte de su carrera con el Bank of America, el Barclays Bank y el American International Group donde, como comerciante de divisas, hizo importantes contribuciones a la rentabilidad de las empresas. Posteriormente, asumió la responsabilidad de gestionar carteras de riesgo de gran tamaño, así como supervisar las cuentas de grandes corporaciones multinacionales, fondos de cobertura y personas de alto patrimonio neto.

En 1999, la Sra. Reed con un grupo de compañeros del mercado FX lanzó Hotspot FXi. Hotspot FXi fue creado como un ECN para ser utilizado por la comunidad de divisas al por mayor. La Sra. Reed estuvo involucrada en una serie de aspectos estratégicos clave en la creación de esta entidad, tales como Riesgo, Marketing al Mercado Institucional y la tecnología requerida para satisfacer las demandas de la comunidad de usuarios. Ms. Reed creó el primer modelo de corretaje que HotspotFXi utilizó para que los clientes pudieran operar en la plataforma en nombre de su primer broker. Esta estrategia creó múltiples asociaciones que aún existen en la actualidad.

Después de Hotspot FXi Reed se unió a Lava Trading como Jefe de Ventas, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con todos los grupos de Lava Trading para asegurar soluciones enfocadas en el cliente para que los clientes participaran en el producto ECN de Lava. La experiencia de Reed se extiende en FX desde el trato de voz hasta el establecimiento de soluciones electrónicas para el mercado y espera que Interbank FX amplíe globalmente el negocio de marcas privadas.

Walid Ead Gerente Regional FXCM

Asunto: & ldquo; Las ventajas de negociar en una plataforma de No-Dealing Desk & rdquo;

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: La presentación cubrirá la estructura de una plataforma NO-Dealing Desk y sus ventajas. Se presentará un estudio de caso para cubrir el comercio en la plataforma tradicional de la mesa de negociación frente a una instalación directa (No Dealing Desk). También cubriremos cómo el cliente puede identificar si su corredor opera o no un mostrador de negociación.

Biografía: Walid Ead es Gerente Regional de Forex Capital Markets LLC (FXCM). El Sr. Ead es un miembro registrado de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros y tiene varios años de experiencia de comercio en la Junta de Comercio de Chicago. El Sr. Ead es un orador habitual en conferencias y seminarios de comercio y actúa como enlace entre FXCM y varias instituciones financieras importantes en la región MENA.

Biografía: Director de Desarrollo de Negocios en Go Forex, Daniel tiene más de 10 años de experiencia en las industrias de Forex y commodities. Habiendo comenzado el viaje al mundo financiero como un distribuidor en una sala de operaciones de divisas, ha ocupado numerosos puestos relacionados con los mercados y el desarrollo de negocios de esos mercados. Debido a la riqueza y variada naturaleza de su experiencia, Daniel ha desarrollado una profunda comprensión de la mecánica de la industria y de todos sus componentes. Entre los papeles anteriores que ha llevado a cabo:

Administración de fondos de clientes

Establecer una nueva sala de operaciones y actuar como Chief Dealer

Consultor privado de numerosas firmas de Forex en el desarrollo de su negocio en línea y fuera de línea

Logro de FSA (Reino Unido) y adquisición de la regulación de AFS (Australia) para una empresa de Forex

Gerente de negocios senior de uno de los mayores productores y corredores de productos básicos del mundo

CEO de la empresa Forex

Daniel tiene un B. A. En Filosofía y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Manchester (Reino Unido) y un Máster en Empresa e Iniciativa de la Universidad de Swinburne (Melbourne, Australia).

Nour Eldeen Al-Hammouri Jefe Estrategista de Oriente Medio GFC Markets

Asunto: & ldquo; Los desafíos de elegir el corretaje correcto de la divisa en estos tiempos que cambian & rdquo;

Biografía: Nour Eldeen Al-Hammouri, el Jefe de Estrategia de Mercado para el Mundo Árabe en GFC Markets ha sido recientemente galardonado con el segundo lugar por el ArabFXIT encuesta internacional de analistas para destacar la situación económica que presenciamos a diario. Este premio fue obtenido a través de sus informes de análisis técnicos que fueron rastreados todos los días y en comparación con muchos otros analistas de todo el mundo

Uno de sus principales logros fue predecir la crisis económica 6 meses antes de que golpeara. Además, maneja hábilmente la fusión del análisis técnico y fundamental de los mercados utilizando el análisis de Intermarket.

Como resultado de su dedicación y trabajo duro y eficiente, Nour ha sido abordado varias veces por las estaciones de televisión más grandes - como; CNBC & amp; Bloomberg - para entrevistas & amp; Presentando algunos pensamientos, discusiones e ideas sobre los mercados del mundo.

Nour, a pesar de su corta edad, obtuvo el puesto de CFTe (Técnico Financiero Certificado) de la IFTA (Federación Internacional de Analistas Técnicos).

Resumen: A medida que el entorno regulatorio en torno a diferentes restricciones cambia, elegir el corredor comercial adecuado se convierte en lo más importante. Daniel Kibel, Director de Desarrollo de Negocios de GFC Markets, estudiará los desafíos que enfrentan los comerciantes y corredores individuales, ya que ambos tratan de mantenerse al día con las reglas y regulaciones cambiantes. Nour Eldeen Al-Hammoury, galardonada internacionalmente Jefe de Estrategia del Mercado de Oriente Medio para los Mercados de GFC, también echará un vistazo a Oro y Petróleo y hacia dónde se dirigirán en 2010.

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: * Recesión, Depresión o Recuperación. Donde está la economía mundial y dónde vamos en 2010. Phew. NO Gran Depresión - Parte II. Así que parece que no vamos a tener una segunda Gran Depresión después de todo. Qué nos salvó? La respuesta, básicamente, es B-I-G del Gobierno. Sólo para ser claro: la situación económica sigue siendo terrible, en realidad peor de lo que casi nadie pensaba posible no hace muchos meses. Y el Gran Gobierno, dirigido por gente que entiende sus virtudes, es la razón por la cual.

* Global: doble inmersión o una pausa que se actualiza? En los últimos días, los mercados de valores han estado bajo presión, los bonos han subido y los precios de las materias primas han salido. Pero, a veces me siento como si acababa de entrar en Baskin-Robbins y ordenó un doble-dip de su 'brotes verdes' oferta especial y pidió en una taza y no un cono como yo no quería que goteo en mi VW Tapicería, me refiero a la recuperación!

* 'V' para la victoria. A medida que pasaba el mes de septiembre y nos dimos cuenta de que era hace 70 años cuando empezó la Segunda Guerra Mundial y escuchamos las palabras de Winston Churchill, casi podrían repetirse hoy: "Compraremos (acciones) en el Dow, el FTSE, el Micex e incluso el Compuesto de Shanghai hasta que tengamos una recuperación mundial en forma de "V". Sobre la base de la evidencia que he visto durante los últimos 2 meses, parece que el mundo se movió de la recesión en el segundo trimestre. Cuando vemos la evidencia de esto, en los datos de Q3, es probable que muchas áreas habrán vuelto a un crecimiento "cercano a la tendencia".

* ¡Que diferencia hace un año! Los acontecimientos de hace 12 meses ya se sienten como una violenta tormenta que comienza a desviarse en la distancia. Todavía podemos oírlo retumbar y ver el relámpago pero sentimos que el peligro ha terminado. El ojo de la tormenta ha pasado y nos confortamos, imaginando brevemente quizás el daño que pudiera estar causando en otros lugares, pero básicamente contando nuestras propias bendiciones. Todavía estamos aquí. Para nosotros en el Reino Unido fue en realidad los eventos de un mes más tarde cuando llegamos al punto de máximo peligro, el fin de semana del 11 al 12 de octubre cuando nuestros prestamistas acordaron una recapitalización con el Tesoro. Las personas involucradas lo inventaban a lo largo de esas 48 horas, sabiendo que los bancos no abrirían el lunes a menos que se encontrara un camino adelante. Eso es lo cerca que llegamos.

Biografía: Me uní al Morgan Guaranty Trust Co de Nueva York en septiembre de 1971, en realidad, el día que me uní fue declarado un día festivo después de que el presidente Nixon sacó a los Estados Unidos del patrón oro (recuerda $ 35.00 / oz) y mi carrera ha sido llenada Con tales puntos culminantes. Como comerciante de bonos, probablemente hice una de las primeras operaciones en el bono de 30 años ORIGINAL y podría haber sido con una de mis primeras cuentas. Townsend-Greenspan.

Formó MaxCor (1978) con Bruce Maxwell para hacer las reposiciones de bonos del gobierno como uno de los primeros corredores del acuerdo de recompra del gobierno en Nueva York. Tuve un tiempo maravilloso con un joven Bob Diamond, antes de BarCap y durante 7 años fue el corredor de repo de Salomon Brothers y John Merriwether (pre-LTCM), y, sí, asistí a unas pocas sesiones de Liar's Poker. En mi otra capacidad, ayudó a ejecutar el primer intercambio de activos (Sep-1981). Entre Citicorp y Detroit Edison.

Desde mi retiro pasé 7 meses escribiendo la "Financiación de Commodities" para Thomson / Reuters (mayo de 2006 a noviembre de 2006) con una pequeña ayuda de mis amigos de Barcap / Deutsche Bank / Goldman Sachs / Morgan Stanley / Citigroup / Lehman y Se unió a MIG Investments, un pequeño corredor suizo de FX y pronto será un banco privado como economista jefe en noviembre de 2007, y todavía recibo más de 400 correos electrónicos por día. Aparecen regularmente en CNBC-TV / la BBC / CNN / Fox Business News / Sky de negocios / Al-Jazeera y Bloomberg TV y radio (NY)

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Wayne McDonell Chief Currency Coach FX Bootcamp

Asunto: & quot; Negociación FOREX estratégica y táctica "

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: En esta presentación educativa aprenderá cómo usar el análisis técnico para alinear las fuerzas del mercado y el precio para mejores oportunidades comerciales con potencialmente menos riesgo. La planificación del comercio, con el uso de entradas de media móvil y salidas de puntos de pivote, se discutirá en una forma fácil de entender cómo, manera.

Biografía: Wayne McDonell, el entrenador en jefe de divisas para FX Bootcamp, es un comerciante profesional de divisas con un espíritu empresarial y la mente de un líder empresarial. Él negocia sus propios fondos y entrena a otros cómo hacerlo de manera consistente y rentable utilizando un enfoque conservador de la negociación. FX Bootcamp es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros y está registrado en la NFA como asesor comercial de materias primas. McDonell en línea forex formación videos se han visto más de un millón de veces y sus webinars en vivo en FXstreet han atraído a tanto como 1.200 comerciantes cada uno. Antes de centrarse en la divisa, el Sr. McDonell trabajó en varios iconos de Silicon Valley como Cisco Systems y Apple Computers antes de encontrar su éxito en el mundo de las nuevas empresas. Más tarde, como capitalista de riesgo, invirtió más de 100 patentes de consumo e industriales. El Sr. McDonell ha aparecido en muchas publicaciones incluyendo el Wallstreet Journal. La revista Futures, Your Trading Edge. El diario FOREX, la revista Trader moneda, revista Inc., TechWeek, Semana de la Información, el National Post, y otros. Aparece semanalmente en FOREX Television, y ha aparecido en Bloomberg Television y FOX Business Television. Su libro "Strategic & amp; Tactical FOREX Trading" es un best seller y el segundo libro FOREX más valorado en Amazon. com.

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Mike Baghdady Director Comercial SpyGlass Trading Solutions

Asunto: & ldquo; Regla de comercio de base con TradeStation & rdquo;

Presentación no disponible

Resumen y amp; Biografía

Resumen: Tradestation es el líder en el comercio basado en la regla. Cómo combinar la velocidad de enrutamiento de órdenes de acceso directo con la potencia para probar y automatizar las estrategias de negociación. Multi Asset Platform, tanto si negocia acciones, opciones, futuros o divisas, TradeStation ofrece herramientas de creación de estrategias y pruebas únicas, analíticas personalizables. TradeStation es la primera plataforma comercial que le da el poder de crear, probar y automatizar completamente sus propias estrategias de negociación basadas en reglas. Ahora, la entrada de pedidos y la parte de ejecución del software hacen de TradeStation un producto superior. También puede automatizar la ejecución de sus estrategias comerciales introduciendo sus reglas de negociación. Es difícil de creer, pero el sistema automáticamente colocará sus operaciones, y si se ejecuta, supervisará las posiciones y las cerrará en los puntos especificados.

Mike Baghdady es el principal experto mundial en Comportamiento de Precios y un veterano de 33 años de los mercados financieros globales, pasando el final de su carrera profesional en el piso de NYBOT hasta su fusión con InterContinental Exchange.

Un analista de mercado clave, columnista sindicado y comentarista de las estaciones de televisión financiera, Mike comenzó su carrera en Nueva York como aprendiz de Alan Shaw, ampliamente considerado como el padre del moderno Análisis Técnico de aprendizaje.

Comenzó su carrera comercial como comerciante de granos físicos y dirigió una de las operaciones de granos más importantes de Oriente Medio durante 15 años. Fue galardonado con el título de Comerciante del Año en 1987 por la revista AmCham de la Cámara Americana de Comercio, en su Egipto natal, donde también se especializó en Economía en la Universidad Americana. Desde entonces ha trabajado como comerciante de materias primas, comerciante de acciones, analista de futuros, operador de opciones y un instructor tanto para el mercado de divisas como para el mercado de acciones, así como asesor técnico de varios importantes fondos globales de cobertura y corporaciones multinacionales.

Los datos y los bancos centrales en la agenda en Asia hoy - NZ, RBA, China

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116 (t)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Seminarios de Forex

Forexearlywarning llevará a cabo un seminario de forex en línea de 4 horas en vivo y la capacitación el sábado 8 de agosto de 2015. Una agenda completa y la inscripción para los detalles del seminario ya están disponibles.

Información del Seminario

Forexearlywarning. com ha realizado seminarios, conferencias y talleres de divisas en vivo en los Estados Unidos y Canadá en más de 25 ciudades, así como seminarios en línea y seminarios web semanales. Podemos hacer presentaciones en vivo a grupos de comerciantes de divisas de 40 a 150 personas. Estas presentaciones han sido seminarios de 4-8 horas de duración e incluyen un entrenamiento completo en nuestro sistema de comercio, y el almuerzo o la restauración en un ambiente de clase con Internet WIFI. Nuestros seminarios en vivo son seminarios sin fines de lucro que sólo cobramos una pequeña cuota para cubrir nuestros gastos reales de bolsillo.

También realizamos seminarios en línea en vivo en nuestra sala de seminarios web una o dos veces al año. Tenemos seminarios semanales gratuitos los lunes y miércoles por la noche y estos seminarios semanales están en curso.

Agenda del Seminario

Durante nuestros seminarios de forex en vivo generalmente cubrimos múltiples análisis de tiempo, soporte y resistencia, análisis paralelo e inverso, gestión de entradas comerciales, administración de dinero y The Forex Heatmap & reg ;. Además, también cubrimos muchos de los temas cubiertos en nuestras 35 lecciones de forex. Los comerciantes que asisten a nuestros seminarios y entrenamientos de divisas realmente disfrutan de nuestro material de capacitación y nos informan cómo sus totales de trading y pip han mejorado.

Seminarios pasados

Forex Broker comentarios con los principales corredores de Forex

Sunbird fx corredor de divisas creen en servir a sus clientes en todos los sentidos posibles. La principal prioridad de este corredor es que quiere dar plena satisfacción de sus clientes con sus retroalimentaciones positivas. Este corredor da la garantía de comercio totalmente transparente. Él demuestra su sinceridad sobre los clientes de muchas maneras como plataforma de comercio de sunbird fx es un ejemplo principal de ello. Los nuevos cambios y la mejora posible está siempre allí así que los clientes consiguen satisfacción durante el comercio con este corredor. Hay muchas razones para el éxito de este corredor. El personal de esta empresa de corretaje está altamente cualificado. Durante el tiempo de selección del personal, la Compañía siempre tiene en mente los beneficios y problemas de sus clientes. Su profesionalidad, su gestión, su estilo de trabajo y la cultura de su organización, todo se decide por la naturaleza de sus clientes. Cada miembro del personal de la empresa es realmente entiende la naturaleza de los problemas del cliente en forma de pozo. Estas acciones demostraron este corredor altamente exitoso y honesto con sus clientes. Subird fx trading está realmente ansioso de servir a sus clientes con sus servicios innovadores. El profesionalismo y la cooperación para sus clientes los hace superiores entre los comerciantes. Transacción a tiempo es una agenda de este corredor. Este corredor realmente cree en la ética y no comprometió sus reglas. Sunbird fx revisión nos dice que muchos comerciantes están enojados con este corredor y que están tratando de presentar un caso contra este corredor. El principal problema de este corredor es la retirada. Según muchos comerciantes, no hay coordinación entre el personal de esta empresa de corretaje. Cuando obtienen beneficios y piden el envío de pago, a continuación, su servicio al cliente da una opinión, pero en la llamada telefónica, la opinión diferente pasar, cada miembro del personal dice una cosa nueva. El propósito de todos es simplemente robar la cantidad ganadora. Los comerciantes dicen que esto es una compañía de estafa.

Deja una respuesta

Categorías de corredores


Diseño de sitios web por ZEESHAN

Forex Daily Outlook & # 8211; 3 de noviembre de 2009

Excelentes figuras americanas no despejaron el miedo ayer. Hoy es un día bastante ligero, con la subida de la tarifa australiana destacándose. Vamos a ver qué otra cosa es la agenda de hoy:

Australia lo hizo otra vez & # 8211; Glenn Stevens & # 8217; RBA elevó las tasas de interés una vez más & # 8211; La Tasa de Efectivo de Australia es ahora un 0,25% más alta, con un 3,5%. Esta decisión fue ampliamente esperada. Una subida de tarifas en diciembre no es cierta.

In the RBA Rate Statement, Stevens said that the strong rise in the Aussie is hurting exports. This talk against the currency and the expected decision made AUD/USD drop after the decision. AUD/USD is now at 0.9029.

There’s lots more on the Aussie’s agenda. For more, read the AUD/USD Forecast .

In Britain, Construction PMI is expected to rise from 46.7 to 47.2, still under the critical 50 mark. This means that expectations are still for contraction in this sector.

The Pound awaits an important rate decision this week, with the Quantitative Easing program in the limelight. Read the GBP/USD Forecast for more.

In the US, Factory Orders are expected to recover from last month’s fall and rise by 1.1%. Positive American figures yesterday sent the dollar down, but it was only temporary. EUR/USD wasn’t convinced by these good figures.

Axel Weber, head of the German Bundesbank, will be speaking today. He is one of the influential members of the ECB, and his words can move the markets. Read more on the Euro’s upcoming events in the EUR/USD Forecast .

That’s it for today. Happy forex trading!

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

What happens at a Forex meeting?

At Forex Toastmasters, we maintain a friendly open environment where members feel free to try things out without fear. Our members focus on positive reinforcement where we will always seek new ways encourage and challenge each other to learn and grow. Meeting at lunchtimes, we understand the importance and value of everyone's time, and make it a priority to keep our meetings with the hour to ensure everyone is able to get back to their jobs without too much if any delay.

Forex Toastmasters meets on the Second, Fourth and Fifth Wednesdays of the month at 11:55am in GBST (Coronation Drive, Milton). Our agenda varies a little from meeting to meeting (sample agenda ), but will generally follow a format similar to below.

Meeting Attendees will meet in the foyer at 156 Coronation Drive and be ushered up to the GBST boardroom by our Sargent at Arms, where we will have any introductions and prepare for the meeting.

The meeting will begin with a toast, some introductory words and a warm-up (where everyone gets the opportunity to say a few words on the day's topic).

We will then move into the body of the meeting where we will have 3 - 5 speaking segments, generally taking one of the following formats:

Manual Speeches - we will generally have two members present speeches from their Toastmasters Communication manuals

Educational Segments - Experienced Toastmasters and members will present educational segments in order to help the group improve its skills.

Impromptu Speaking - Our meetings will almost always provide participants with impromptu speaking opportunities, often in the form of a Table Topics segment, but we will also will run group debates and impromptu evaluations.

One of the key tenets of Toastmasters is the evaluation of all speaking roles within a meeting. Each meeting is likely to have the following evaluations:

Manual speeches will be evaluated against their goals,

Impromptu speeches such as Table Topics and Debates will be evaluated

Regular timer reports will demonstrate how each of the speaker met their targeted speech times

The Listener will evaluate how well the group listened during the meeting

Grammar used during the meeting will be evaluated

A General evaluation will also evaluate any speaking roles not previously evaluated

The final item in our regular agenda is a segment for committee member to bring up any points for general club discussion - this could include our distinguished club progress, upcoming area competitions and many more topics that come up from time to time.


April 4-5 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey

April 4 - Day One: For Brokers/Bankers

09:00 - Registration + Coffee

10:30 - Opening of Booth Area

11:00 - Keynote Speech: The Turkish FX Market

11:30 - 12:30 - Panel: The Secrets to Successful Marketing Simultaneous translation available

12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch

13:30 - Booth Display

14:30 - 15:30 - Panel: Liquidity Management in Turkey & Beyond Simultaneous translation available

16:00 - 16:30 - tradable & IS Investment Special Presentation: Innovation Comes to Turkey Simultaneous translation available

16:30 - Inpay Champagne Break

16:45 - 18:30 - Booth Display

18:30 - Closing of Booth Area

18:30 - 21:00 - Integral Evening Party

April 5 - For Traders, Hosted by

08:00 - Registration

09:00 - Opening of Booth Area

10:00 - Integral Menkul Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:30 - Panel: Trading Gold - Maximizing Your Gains

11:30 - 12:30 - Booth Display

11:45-12:30 - Seminar: FXTCR presents Erkin Şahinöz - Insiders of a FED Specialist

12:30 - 13:30 - Destek Menkul Lunch

14:00 - 15:00 - Panel: Trading USD/TRY in Times of Change

15:00 - 16:00 - Booth Display

16:00 - 18:00 - Destek Menkul Trading Competition

18:00 - 20:00 - Forex Magnates Grand Finale

Institutional FX

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© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Expansion On The Agenda – Fair Trading Technology Recruits CHRO To Select Talent To Move The Firm Forward

Agenda Software Trader Forex

The idea is great but it is not very robust in the way is parses Cabrillo files. I had to.

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I saw many tutorials of pftrack. It is an excellent software I ever seen.

FX al por menor

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© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Diversification On The Agenda – OANDA Purchases Social Trading Network Currensee

North America’s retail FX industry has been experiencing an exodus of companies for some considerable time now, calling into question the viability of the current business model, and whether it may be heading toward obsolescence in America.

Today, Canadian FX company OANDA Corporation, which has the majority of its core business concentrated within the United States, announced that it is to acquire the social trading network, Currensee, thus further alluding to the willingness of America’s remaining retail FX firms’ propensity toward diversification into other areas via mergers and acquistions.

In this particular case, a point of interest is that it is purchasing an external social trading network having launched its own in-house, community-based social trading platform under the designation of fxUnity in April 2012, which it subsequently discontinued in March this year. citing adverse criticism from users as the reason.

Social Trading Moves Up A Gear

Expansion into the arena of social trading has become a great matter of importance for retail firms wishing to increase volumes of novice traders, and to use as a tool to acquire clients with little or no trading experience. The established social trading networks are now seeking further development opportunities, and have widened their scope of late.

Whereas the business model employed a year ago, centered on providing such services to MetaTrader 4 retail FX brokers. the entire sector is now broadening its horizons by fostering partnerships with new platforms and seeking distribution channels via institutional service providers, particularly, subsequent to MetaQuotes having issued a warning to brokers alleging that four social trading providers had contravened a MetaQuotes protocol.

According to Forex Magnates’ research, the entire social trading industry hosts 235,000 users and is responsible for $240 million of customer funds. The most notable players in that field alongside Currensee, are ZuluTrade, Tradency, Myfxbook and eToro.

Over a five year period, 600,000 clients used social trading, and the largest markets are Japan, which accounts for 30% of the entire social trading market, followed by Europe and Russia representing 15% each, further showing the possible attraction of an existing social trading company to American retail FX firms, as a means of tapping into this activity overseas (the full research can be purchased separately).

Beyond America’s Horizons

The United States government has been engaged in rolling out extensive and finely detailed market reform criteria post financial crisis, intended to completely restructure the method by which all financial products are sold, and critically, how FX firms provide OTC trading services to their clients, which not only has resulted in a depletion of retail FX trading in the domestic market, but has also stood social trading in a similarly stagnant position, as depicted by this graph.

In this case, with OANDA electing to purchase an external social trading network, which in the case of Currensee, has its clients based internationally, it could be that OANDA is looking to expand its service not only beyond America’s horizons, but also beyond the borders of purely gaining revenue from the ever decreasing circles of the domestic FX market.

OANDA views copy trading, a method by which traders can mirror the trading behavior of experienced FX traders from around the world, referred to by Currensee as ‘Trade Leaders’, as an area which has realized tremendous growth in recent years. In addition, copy trading makes it possible for individual traders to share research data and collaborate with other traders.

A similar view could be taken with regard to FXCM’s recent acquisition. Although, OANDA does not publish its results, FXCM’s trading activity during the second quarter of 2013, consisted of multiple record months. The firm announced $140.1 million in revenues, an all-time high, and 53% above the same period last year, showing that for certain firms, there is still a good profit to be made on home territory. On the other hand, how long will this last as the authorities make it less viable to operate is uncertain, therefore, demonstrating that these profits are being channeled into diversifying the service offering via such acquisitions.

OANDA Corporation’s CEO, K. Duker made a corporate statement today regarding the acquisition ,”From the collective experience of Currensee’s extensive community of traders,” él dijo.

Mr. Duker continued by explaining what he considers to be the main virtues of the acquisition, “Like OANDA, Currensee has a strong business vision coupled with an expert engineering pedigree. We are committed to continue serving the needs of all Currensee customers, Trade Leaders and partners, and look forward to making OANDA’s competitive spreads and superior execution available to this new group of traders.”

Technical teams are scheduled to begin the work to make the Currensee platform available to OANDA clients, and a notice will be issued once this work is completed.

“We are excited to be a part of this larger venture, and believe that our customers will find dealing with an established broker like OANDA most beneficial,” stated Dave Lemont, CEO of Currensee.

“Our clients can expect the continued excellence of our offering, and we look forward to introducing OANDA’s established global customer base to our Trade Leaders’ program.”

With a flourishing institutional FX sector and world-leading trading technology and infrastructure, America continues to mark itself as a homestead for the large, business to business and interbank segments, as well as a leader in instigating modernized regulatory structures for world markets.

Forex Magnates Summit – MarketsPulse to Attend

The Forex Magnates is getting closer. As November 14th approaches, MarketsPulse, a binary options provider has announced it will attend the event.

No less that 350 top executives will convene in London and the growing binary options segment will definitely be on the agenda.

LONDON–Executives from MarketsPulse, the world leaders in enterprise binary options solutions, will be among the 350 top forex executives attending the 2012 Forex Magnates Summit in London, Nov. 14. MarketsPulse delivers a suite of technology focused on the needs of regulated companies with an existing customer base that are interested in offering Binary Options.

MarketsPulse’s unique Binary Options offering provides companies with easy integration and a seamless experience for traders through single sign-on and joint e-wallet. With a suite of technology designed for security and confidentiality, MarketsPulse enables operational information to be confidential on the broker’s servers.

The Forex Magnates Summit allows senior management from across the industry to discuss the latest trends and future developments. “We believe that Binary Options is one of the most exciting developments in online trading, and we look forward to connecting with more clients and executives at the Forex Magnates Summit to share the latest in this fast growing industry,” said Rachely Esman, CEO of MarketsPulse. The 2012 Forex Magnates Summit takes place at Grange St. Paul’s Hotel, 10 Godliman St. London EC4V 5AJ. To set up a meeting with MarketsPulse

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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..As forex differentials threaten power firms’ agenda

By Sulaimon Salau and Toyin Olasinde | 17 December 2015 | 3:55 am

A power transmission facility in Lagos.

Some of the investment plans scripted by the private power firms during the privatisation programme may not be realised after all, going by the recent lamentations on the pangs of the rising exchange rate differentials on their respective operations.

Besides, the power firms were also groaning under outrageous debt profile of the customers, especially the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs); gas supply challenges; poor access to loan facilities; non-cost reflective tariff and policy frameworks of the Federal Government, among others.

The Managing Director, Egbin Power Plc, Kola Adesina, who was worried with this situation explained that the foreign exchange differencial challenges has been impacting on the operations of the electricity generations companies, as they needed to shop for materials from abroad.

He therefore urged Federal Government to help solve the problem of the huge foreign exchange exposure. “At the time of privatisation, the exchange rate was N155.76 to $1; but today, the official rate is N199 which is not readily available,” he said.

He further appealed to the government for the payment of over N47 billion debts due from MDAs to his company over the years.

Adesina said the additional 220Mega Watts from Egbin would yield about 16 per cent supply improvement to Lagos State and its environs, adding that it would further drive economic growth and development through the revival of entrepreneurial aspirations, job creation, real sector growth and enhanced productivity in the state.

“Over one million homes in Lagos would enjoy additional six hours per day of stable power supply. Over 6,000 direct jobs, over 10,000 indirect employments, to be created from support and maintenance services, engineering, procurement, supplies to different sectors. Robust growth for hundreds and possibly, thousands of SME’s across Lagos,’’ he said.

Adesina added that Egbin has already commenced feasibility studies to double the capacity of the plant to 2670mw in the nearest future, while plans are at advanced stage for its industrial park.

The Egbin Power Plant, the nation’s biggest generating utility, is now operating at its installed capacity of 1,320MW following the rehabilitation of a turbine that had been idle for several years.

The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunda Fashola, who was in Egbin recently to lunch the rehabilitated turbine, stressed the need for government ministries, departments and the military to pay for electricity supplied to them by power firms, so as to ensure that the power sector remains “sufficiently funded”. The minister however assured that the issue of debts in the sector would soon be resolved.

On the allocation for foreign exchange, he explained that the Central Bank of Nigeria is on top of the situation.

“I am sure that they will come up with something that addresses your concern as we go on. We must not be deterred, and we must talk to one another. I have proposed that very soon we will be holding some monthly meetings with all the Discos, all the owners, and we will run stress test to know who is having problems,” he said.

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FOREX FOCUS: Time To Push The Federal Agenda

When the going gets tough, the European Central Bank gets federal.

With the euro's future now hanging by an ever thinner thread, the need for fiscal unity in the euro zone has become more imperative.

Without it, the single currency will more than likely fail.

This is certainly the agenda ECB Governor Jean-Claude Trichet was pushing hard in a speech Monday in which he repeated calls for a euro-zone finance minister to oversee the financial sector.

In other words, just as monetary policy through the region is now coordinated by the ECB in Frankfurt, fiscal policy for member countries would be organized in Brussels and the euro zone would be one major step closer to a federalist state.

Brussels would no longer have to ask, Brussels would now be able to tell.

The timing of Trichet's latest federalist push was certainly judicious.

It comes after a weekend in which the German government has been weakened even further by the latest state elections, leaving it possible that Chancellor Angela Merkel may not have enough support to get parliamentary approval at the end of this month for the key funding facility for the debt crisis as well as the latest bail out plan for Greece.

Even before then, a constitutional court ruling this week could increase parliamentary control over future disbursements and reduce further Germany's ability to respond to the needs of peripheral debtors.

French appetite for saving the euro could also suffer in coming months as the anti-euro leader of the National Front, Marine Le Pen continues to breathe down the neck of Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy ahead of presidential elections next year.

He will find it difficult to be quite so pro-euro while Le Pen's policies are attracting so much support.

But, it is probably the reluctance of key peripheral debtors, namely Greece and Italy, to adopt the necessary budget cuts that is making the federal option even more attractive.

As the debt crisis intensifies and borrowers, in the form of the European Union, the ECB and the International Monetary Fund, demand even more austerity, national resistance is rising.

In Greece, negotiations with the so-called troika of borrowers, were suspended for 10 days last Friday when Athens refused to accept any more spending cuts this year.

In Italy, the already scandal-weakened administration of Silvio Berlusconi has been busy watering down its budget cutting plans much to the dismay of the ECB.

To prevent any back-sliding, the ECB is threatening to reduce its support for Italian bond markets, a key element in keeping funding costs down and helping Italy avoid default.

A move toward federal control would certainly make life easier. By making budget targets legally binding, national governments would have little option but to comply and survival of the euro would be more likely.

But, the cost for saving the single currency would be high.

Handing over the fiscal reins of their economies to Brussels would mean long-term austerity in many peripheral members and a start to fiscal rectitude that many peripheral countries have never adhered.

Copyright y copia; 2016 eFXnews

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Nigeria: Inflation, Forex Crisis Top Agenda As MPC Meets Today

By Chijioke Nelson

The worsening economic indicators ranging from rising unemployment records, falling manufacturing index, low consumption, out-of-target inflation level and lingering foreign exchange crisis, among others, will put to test the ability of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to cause change in the economy.

Besides, while these indicators can be said to be challenge overtime, the latest report of the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), which showed a contraction of 10 per cent year-on-year and rising inflation that has entered double digit, would require immediate and effective policy direction.

The MPC meeting, which begins today, would be the second in the year, convened to review developments in the domestic and global fronts, as well as take key policy decisions.

The meeting is also coming against the backdrop of renewed optimism in the global economy, low domestic economic performance and increasing challenges on real economic growth and consumer purchasing power.

Since the last policy meeting in January, new reports showed that economic activities, measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), slowed to a record low of 2.11 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015 - the lowest growth rate since 1999.

Amid low output growth, headline inflation rate rose to 11.4 per cent in February, the first double-digit rate in almost 42 months, which is beyond Central Bank of Nigeria's (CBN) inflation target of six per cent - nine per cent and attributed to rising food prices, cost of imported goods, as well as replacement costs.

President and Chief Executive Officer of Time Economics Limited, Dr. Ogho Okiti, said the relatively-predictable two previous monetary policy meetings are not like this one where "MPC is caught between the devil in slow growth and the deep blue sea in rising inflation."

"The MPC has limited tools to spur growth and enhance economic activities. Having also achieved its target in the last three years, the Committee will be careful to ensure that Nigeria do not return to an era of consistent double digit inflation and macroeconomic instability it entails," he said.

In a note to The Guardian at the weekend, analysts at Afrinvest Securities Limited said the policy-makers have three options to tweak on in an effort to cause change in the economy after the meetings.

The analysts said CBN will either retain all rates and continue to harp on structural reforms and policy co-ordination with the fiscal authorities or adjust the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) upwards by one per cent to two per cent to compensate investors for lowered real return and attract foreign private capital.

Head of investment Research at Afrinvest, Ayodeji Eboh, said it is likely that the committee would not do anything spectacular by leaving all rates as they have been.

Besides, an economist at the Pan Atlantic University, Dr. Austin Nweze, told The Guardian that the meeting is gradually losing impact, especially as the sought after direction from the fiscal side has not been forthcoming.


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The Current State of the FX Liquidity Paradigm

An expansive update on recent innovations in institutional and wholesale liquidity provision to fund managers, global FX brokers and banks.

The foreign exchange markets continue to be “disrupted” by new market entrants, trading models, regulations and other factors. What is the current state of the FX liquidity paradigm when viewed through the lens of market fragmentation? Have we reached a point of market saturation? How is the industry responding to these changes and what solutions are being developed for them by banks, brokers and technology vendors?

FX Market Structure: The Equity Market Nexus

Algos, ECNs. What's Next for FX?

The foreign exchange markets have adapted the ECN, algorithmic trading and smart order routing from the equities market. How do equities and FX market structure experts view the current FX landscape? What opportunities are there for additional crossover in 2014?

Industry Trends Fireside Chat

Consolidation, Transactions, M+A Outlook

The FX industry has seen a wave of consolidation and acquisitions recently. What is the outlook for this activity to continue in the coming months? What should industry participants look for in terms of industry, legal and regulatory considerations that are driving the trend?

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CHAT Virtual Currencies: Future or Fad?

This chat will attempt to sort the reality from the hype around virtual currencies.

Jaron Lukasiewicz, CEO of Coinsetter, will address key questions raised by Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Are virtual currencies actual currencies? Do they provide non-currency utilities in global e-commerce, especially in less developed markets? What is the outlook for virtual currencies as they evolve in coming years?

FX Regulation, SEFs and OTC Clearing

The implementation of Dodd-Frank is reshaping the institutional FX landscape in the U. S.

Banks have dropped prime brokerage services, exchanges as well as newly designated SEFs, see great opportunity in non-exempt products. This timely presentation will provide an extensive update on the current status of the new and pending regulations. Perspective on how market participants are addressing these regulatory challenges will also be shared among the interactive session’s domain expert and attendees.

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CHAT Chinese Renminbi: What's Next?

An expert view on the economic, political and market forces influencing the Chinese currency.

NYU Professor Ann Lee provides an expert view on the economic, political and market forces influencing the Chinese currency. What was behind the recent decision to broaden the band from one to two per cent? What does this signal in terms of a change in governmental policy? What does the future hold?

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CHAT Principles of Forex Web Development

The key principles of building a high-quality website, and how they are applied in Forex.

Learn what it takes to develop a website that traders want to visit, from the team at Forex Factory

Innovation Inquisition: Explore the Viability of New Products in FX

Interactive new product pitches to top executives

Up and coming and more established technology solutions providers will speed pitch their newest ideas to an expert panel of fund managers, retail FX brokers, and bank FX traders. This no-holds-barred discussion will reveal the true value of each offering, discover new applications for them and areas where they need improvement.

Options: The Next Wave for FX

Is 2014 the year that FX options will break out?

Options saw the largest percentage growth of 60% in the 2013 BIS Survey. Dodd-Frank and other regulations are ushering options onto exchange and SEF venues. How will the resulting product standardization and enhanced transparency expand trading opportunities for the buy and sell side? Will these changes to the options trading paradigm ignite a surge in trading from retail and institutional traders?

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Premier conference, exhibition & dinner that gather the stakeholders in the Africa foreign exchange markets to shape the agenda of online trading.

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Forex Transactions: A Regulatory Guide - The Commodity Exchange Act (Act) gives the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) jurisdiction ended off-exchange (also called over-the-counter or OTC) foreign currency futures and options transactions as well as particular leveraged foreign currency transactions existing to or entered into with retail customers. Under the Act, single particular regulated entities could be counter parties to these off-exchange trades with retail customers. These regulated entities are particular registered futures commission merchants (FCMs) and registered Retail Foreign Exchange Dealers (RFEDs). All other off-exchange futures and options transactions with U. S. Retail customers are prohibited except made on or theme to the rules of a regulated chat.

Before vacant on, you must understand two of the stipulations with the intention of we will aid right through this Guide.

& # 183; For our purposes, a customer is one have fun to a forex trade who is not an eligible contract participant as defined in the Act. This includes those with assets of a reduced amount of than $10 million and generally Small businesses. & # 183; equally used in this Guide, forex transactions are leveraged off-exchange foreign currency transactions everywhere lone have fun is a customer (as defined in the before bullet), apart from with the intention of the stretch does not include transactions with the intention of upshot in real manner of speaking surrounded by two days or with the intention of create an enforceable obligation to give up linking parties who are Competent of making and taking manner of speaking pro affair purposes.

NFA's forex supplies apply to all NFA Members with the intention of engage in forex activities with customers. This Guide must help our Members who are theme to NFA's forex supplies understand persons supplies. This Guide does not, however, include each requirement with the intention of could apply and does not deal with each point of the supplies it does include. Inside addition to this Guide, you must read NFA's rules and interpretive notices and the CFTC's rules, interpretive notices and calligraphy regarding forex transactions. NFA's generally noteworthy rules and interpretive notices regarding forex transactions are built-in in Appendices 1 and 2.

Forex Transactions: A Regulatory Guide

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Japan's Kan: Europe, forex on G-20 agenda

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) -- Japanese Finance Minister Naoto Kan said Friday that officials from the Group of 20 major economies will discuss Europe's fiscal problems and the foreign-exchange market when they meet next month, according to reports. "Europe's problems are affecting other countries through exports to Europe. So that's going to be a major topic," Kan was quoted as saying by Reuters. He added that currency markets, including Europe's impact on foreign-exchange rates, would be of interest for "some countries" in the G-20, reports said. Finance officials and central bankers from the G-20 will meet in Busan, South Korea, on June 4-5 to lay the groundwork for the bloc's leaders summit in Canada later in the month.

Copyright ©2016 MarketWatch, Inc. All rights reserved.

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FOREX-Dollar at 2-1/2-month high after Fed keeps Dec rate hike on agenda

* Dollar index at 2-1/2-month high, near Aug peak

* Fed statement effectively says it will discuss rate hike in Dec

* Euro pressured by ECB easing prospects, hits 6-month low on yen

By Hideyuki Sano

TOKYO, Oct 29 (Reuters) - The dollar stood near a 2 1/2-month high against a basket of currencies on Thursday after the U. S. Federal Reserve left the door open for a rate hike in December, when the European Central Bank is widely expected to add to its stimulus.

The fresh confirmation of a contrasting direction in monetary policy was enough to boost the dollar index to as high as 97.818, its highest level since Aug. 10.

A break above its Aug. 7 peak of 98.334 would bring the index out of its trading range in the past half year, opening the way for a test of its 12-year peak hit earlier this year at 100.39.

The Fed, which kept its rates on hold as expected, took an unusual step of making direct reference to its next meeting in its statement.

"In determining whether it will be appropriate to raise the target range at its next meeting, the committee will assess progress - both realized and expected - toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation," it said.

In another step towards a rate hike, the Fed also dropped a warning on global economic slowdown.

As a result, money market futures <0#FF:> are pricing in about a 50 percent chance of a rate hike in December, compared to around 30 percent previously.

"The Fed's statement is open to interpretation. But for those who have been waiting for a December rate hike, it could be taken as paving the way for that," said Daisuke Uno, chief strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Bank.

With markets almost split, U. S. data in coming weeks, starting with the advance reading of U. S. GDP due later on Thursday, is seen as holding the key in determining the odds of a December move.

U. S. economic figures in recent weeks are pointing to soft patches, and economists expect a key U. S. manufacturing index due on Monday to show the first contraction in the sector in 2-1/2 years, which not be conducive for a rate hike in December.

As the dollar held an upper hand, the euro fell to $1.0896 on Wednesday and last stood at $1.0924.

The euro has fallen 3.7 percent since ECB President Mario Draghi signalled the bank was ready to expand its stimulus and cut interest rates deeper into negative territory a week ago.

Against the yen, the common currency fell to a six-month low of 131.97 yen.

The yen, however, weakened against a broadly strong dollar, which rose to 121.12 from Wednesday's low of 120.02.

The biggest focus for the yen is the Bank of Japan's policy meeting on Friday, with markets unusually split on whether the BOJ would increase its stimulus.

Although some Japanese policy makers have in recent days openly questioned the need for another monetary stimulus at this point, easing hints from the ECB and surprise rate cut by China last week have fanned speculation of BOJ action.

Reflecting market nervousness, the yen recovered some of its previous day's losses after Japan's industrial production beat market expectations, thus reducing expectations of an immediate BOJ policy move.

Elsewhere, the Swedish crown quickly recovered after hitting a two-month low on Wednesday as investors judged the central bank's expansion of its asset purchases insufficient to weaken the currency given expectations of further ECB easing.

The krona initially fell to 9.4360 per euro but recovered to end the day 0.5 percent higher at 9.3450.

The New Zealand dollar also eased 0.3 percent to $0.6678 after the New Zealand's central bank kept rates on hold as expected but maintained a dovish tone. (Editing by Richard Pullin)

FXIC Forex Industry Conference 2014

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Interesting reading the hedging thread below where mention is made of ACM being the only retail shop to offer this facility - "ACM's new java platform allows long/short positions in the same pair, in the same account."

I was attracted to ACM (Advanced Currency Markets) last year around about the same time FXCM etc stopped guaranteeing no slippage in volatile market conditions (supposedly due to traders taking advantage of NFP price moves etc) but was put off by some of the very dark stuff in their contract regarding their responsibilities for correcting errors that are not immediately noticed.

ACM make a big deal of being the last of the retail shops to offer "Guaranteed fills in ALL forex market conditions."

The combination of these two 'USPs' seems to be actively encouraging traders to focus on trying to exploit these moves! (that other shops changed business models to stop us)

Now add in the fact that ACM insist on your opening account being 5000usd even for mini account (compare that to 300usd or so opening accounts elsewhere) which greatly exceeds the rest. Do you see where I'm going with this?

ALSO they are at pains to point out that they are "part of the refco group with 14 billion in assets"- but that will surely be ringfenced from Acm's liabilties should things hit the fan? So what's that all about?

Does anyone here have any experience of using ACM particularly since they 'joined' the refco group? A forum like this might be the best way we can get some kind of communal feel for what they are all about; am I just being too suspicious?

May 27, 2005, 5:12pm

Joined Aug 2003

ACM make a big deal of being the last of the retail shops to offer "Guaranteed fills in ALL forex market conditions."

Dont they send out disclaimers " except during extreme market volitility"?

IFR News feed. Does IFR have an agenda?

Originally Posted by watchtower4x

Sometimes I think IFR Markets is just messing with my mind trying to get me in the herd to create liquidity opposite the way the big boys are moving. They used to be more detailed giving specific strategy at each S/R level. Now they are more general and not as useful. More importantly, I don’t think they can be trusted.

Does anyone have a track record on their positions? I was thinking it might be interesting to follow their calls and save them for later right/wrong analysis.

If you think they are trying to get you into the herd to create liquidity opposite the way the big boys are moving, then you just need to fade that and problem solved. In reality it is nowhere near so clear cut. They have various tools there for different types of traders, use whatever you think is of value and the rest ignore(or come back to at a later point). As for a track record on their positions who cares really? Are you buying a signal service? Are you wanting a news service? They are very different.

The goal of many insanely profitable traders is to take various inputs and develop their own trading signals that no one can take away from them. So if you were depending on the IFR service for signals and they went away tomorrow what would you do? The ideal scenario is to use their service as a way to help you place trades, but not the only way, not the only input so if they were to go away, you could find an alternative/ still be very profitable.

They can’t mess with your mind unless you let them. There is a lot of information there and it can be easy to be overwhelmed and frustrated and wonder just how to make sense of it. If after all, they are messing with your mind and you are suffering such pain you can always take some time off or stop reading their news feed.

IFR News feed. Does IFR have an agenda. 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings July 12, 2011 Grkfx

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The Keys to Successfully Trading Forex

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Friday, January 16, 2015, at 12:15 p. m. Eastern Time (9:15 a. m. PT).

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Email info@festivaloftraders. com if you have questions or any problems in completing your registration.

The LIVE version of FXStreet


We are happy to announce that our Best Speaker 2016 winner, Wayne McDonell, will hold a seminar in Dubai. We as media partner want to invite you to join the group, with a special price only for FXStreet users, $691.68 instead of $786.00

In this live Forex trading event you will learn several techniques for day trading forex. With the guidance of Wayne you will access the live markets throughout the day and apply the strategies in real-time with real money. Indeed, you are requested to bring your own laptop, so you can trade together!

Save the date . Monday, March 28 . 2016 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (GST) The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai – The Walk, Dubai 30269, United Arab Emirates

Asiste en streaming a la FXStreet Session de José Ricaurte en Barcelona. Te esperamos hoy 16 de marzo a las 18h30 (CET), conectaremos en directo con el Mobile World Centre. dónde se desarrollará el evento. No te lo pierdas y sobre todo, dale a pantalla completa para no perderte detalle.

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Metodología #Resistencia y #Soporte con José Ricaurte Jaén

El exceso de información, indicadores y osciladores lleva a una parálisis mental durante la operativa que impide al trader operar debido a la presencia de tantas condiciones. En esta sesión, José Ricaurte nos enseñará a utilizar la información más básica, así como rentable que ofrecen los gráficos: #Resistencia y #Soporte. Además, explicará cómo aprovechar las dos herramientas claves que todo operador posee: capacidad de observación y sentido común.

El pasado 16 de febrero tuvimos la suerte de contar con la visita especial de Adrián Aquaro . uno de nuestros colaboradores más seguidos, con el que seguramente estés familiarizado por sus informes y coberturas en directo de los principales eventos económicos. Estuvo en Madrid con nosotros, donde pudimos conocerle en persona y compartir con él nuestras impresiones sobre trading.

Disfruta del video de su sesión Administración eficiente de una cuenta de trading dónde nos enseñó a optimizar los recursos y el tiempo . Requisito fundamental para operar con seguridad, así como cuestiones relacionadas al manejo del riesgo y de los tiempos en el trading. Read the rest of this entry »

Last Thursday was very special for us. The group in Madrid celebrated its first year of sessions, and the most important thing, a year with the same team and sponsor. In this time we have grown up together. Remarkably, considering the number of attendees, up to 40 per event but also in content, in learning and friendship.

Alberto Muñoz, our host, has done an amazing job in this time being the link for all the pieces in this puzzle. We can even say that the attendees, after one year have become friends and that XTB as broker has found a new way to meet the trader and talk one-to-one with them.

Last Thursday in Madrid we held a fantastic session with Carlos Valverde where he explained the way he trades and the mental game that it represents for every trader.

Carlos showed us how psychology moves the market, and how to identify it, providing the attendees with some tricks to improve focus an trade like a professional.

In his method, he developed “The 5 Fundamental Laws”. If you want to know more about it, you will have to click play on the video. Read the rest of this entry »

Early this month, on the 7th of October, we held a very special Session in Barcelona with Yohay Elam . founder of Forex Crunch and one of the veterans of the group in Barcelona.

Yohay Elam has been in Forex trading for over 10 years. Like many forex traders, Elam has earned the significant share of his knowledge the hard way. Macroeconomics, the impact of news on the ever-moving currency markets and trading psychology have always fascinated him and these are the topics that Forex Crunch focuses on. Before founding Forex Crunch, Yohay has worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies and has a B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Read the rest of this entry »

Our monthly meetings are evolving, we are immersed in depth in the new concept of learning to trade live. At this point the highlight of the month is without any doubt, the Live Trading Day event that we are celebrating in a couple of weeks in Barcelona, on the 4th June (save the date!). This event will be a full journey of trading and will explore the opening of the markets with renown expert traders. As national figures you will have Yuri Rabassa, Marc Ribes and Gisela Turazzini among others, and internationally our contributor Chris Lori will be with us on a special workshop. You can watch the video here. We have partnered with BCNtradingPoint for the event and got FxPro on board as exclusive sponsor.

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Geometric Progression

Investment & Financial Management

Understanding Forex

Click here for a detailed PDF of the course.

Visión de conjunto

South Africa is now firmly entrenched in the global economy. Any company involved in any aspect of exporting or importing needs to understand the impact of Foreign Exchange on their business. This course will take you through everything you need to know about the FOREX market.

We discuss all of the details of FOREX from:

Going Global.

Importing and Exporting.

INCO terms.

International Trade agreements.

Looking at how the FOREX market developed;

The Gold standard;

Fixed Exchange rates and pegs versus floating exchange rates;

Balance of payments and balance of trade;

The implications of a current account deficit for South Africa and USA;

Exchange controls;

Currency quoting conventions and jargon such as base currency, terms currency, direct quotes, indirect quotes, pips etc;

The crosses and simple ways of calculating the cross rate from two other currencies;

Some FOREX settlement jargon and rolls;

Trading in FOREX personally and professionally and all of the trading jargon e. g. long, short, bid offer, choice, hedge etc.

FOREX forwards and forward exchange contracts.

Interest rate parity.

Determining the forward price.

Forex Futures

Forex options.

Currency Swaps

Fx Swaps.

Please refer to the agenda attached for more info.

Having a basic understanding of the financial markets is recommended however you can get by with just limited knowledge. Refer to the “Understanding the Financial Markets” course for more information. Delegates who register for the course will receive PDF notes to recap the key introductory concepts.

Business analysts;




Reguladores & amp; Compliance Staff

Risk Managers;

Fund Managers & Trustees;

Graduates and interns.;

Delegates registered to write CFA® exam, FRM® exam. PRM® exam or RPE.

Anyone seeking a greater insight into the FOREX Market.

Please contact us if you would like to run this course in-house.

A certificate is available on request

Detailed Agenda

Understanding Exporting & Importing

Researching the foreign market and appointing agents.

Export \ import documentation.

Pricing for the foreign market.

All the Incoterms such as FOB, ex-works, DDU etc.

Packing and logistics.

Import and export parity.

International trade Finance.

Discussion and video on importing and exporting.

A brief Historical Journey of Money and FOREX

The story of money from barter to Coinage.

Paper Money & E Money.

The Gold Standard.

Deposit Banking & Goldsmiths.

Bretton Woods.

The Floating Exchange rate.

The formation of the Euro.

Exchange rate pegs and how they work.

The IMF Special Drawing Rights.

Protectionism vs free trade.

Balance of payments and balance of trade.

The Capital Account.

Implications of a current account deficit on South Africa.

A brief overview of SA Exchange Control.

(In order to understand were we are going, it helps to understand where we have come from.) This section includes Video.

The Spot Forex Market

How it works and jargon of the market.

Base and terms currency.

Indirect \ direct.


The quote style etc.

The crosses & FOREX calculations.

A look at major, minor, exotic and emerging market currencies.

Rolls & Settlement.

Trading Forex

Agent & Principal.

Jargon such as "Yours", "Mine", "Double", "Spread", choice, depth etc.

Arbitrage, hedging, speculating, long \ short.

Hand signals.

(This is a fun section as you will learn to trade Forex and the jargon of trading. This section is vital for understanding how traders talk and understanding quotes.)

Forex Forwards and Forward Exchange Contracts

Understanding Forwards and forward cover.

The cost of carry.

The interest rate parity.

Calculating the outright forward rate

Premium and discount

Forward exchange contracts


Examples of forward cover Disasters

This section includes video and animation. Delegates with also look at various forward cover scenarios.

An introduction to Forex Futures & Options

Understanding futures and their applications.

Initial Margin, variation margin & the clearinghouse.

FOREX Futures contract specifications including contracts from international exchanges to the Yield X contracts.

Understanding options.

Currency options and their applications.

Options on Futures.

An introduction to Forex Option valuation.

In this section, delegates will learn how to gamble in order to understand the framework of how options are priced. We will introduce option valuation without having to go into the detailed maths.

Currency SWAPS and FX SWAPS

Understanding currency swaps.

Applications of Currency swaps and quoting conventions.

FX Swaps and their applications.

Quoting conventions.

Video and multimedia is used throughout the course to reinforce concepts.

Please contact us if want to run the course in-house. In-house courses are substantially cheaper as we incur less overheads.

Euro To Falter As EU Shifts Agenda, Headlines To Drive FX Volatility

Euro: EU To Discuss Growth Pact, Short-Term Relief For Spain and Italy

British Pound: BoE Warns Of Tightening Credit Conditions, Raising Bets For More QE

U. S. Dollar: Core PCE Remains Sticky, Limiting Scope For QE3

Euro: EU To Discuss Growth Pact, Short-Term Relief For Spain and Italy

The Euro tumbled to a fresh weekly low of 1.2406 as the weakening labor market in Germany paired with lower confidence across monetary union raised the threat for a prolonged recession, and the single currency may face additional headwinds going into the end of the week should the developments coming out of the EU Summit fail to restore investor confidence. It seems as though the group is easing its push for Euro bonds as policy makers pledge to nail out a potential growth package to combat the slowing recovery, while EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Ollie Rehn plans to discuss a short-term relief program for Spain and Italy as heightening finance costs across the periphery countries raises the risk for contagion.

Should the group struggle to meet on common ground, headlines coming out of the meeting may continue to drag on risk-taking behavior, and we may see the EURUSD give back the rebound from 1.2287 as the fundamental outlook for the region turns increasingly bleak. As the EURUSD carves out a lower top in June, we should see the downward trend carried over from 2011 continue to take shape in the month ahead, and the pair may mark fresh yearly lows in July as market participants see the European Central Bank expanding monetary policy further in the second-half of the year. According to a survey by Bloomberg News, 16 of the 24 economists polled are looking for at least a 25bp rate cut next week, and dovish comments coming out of the Governing Council could trigger a sharp selloff in the exchange rate as investors see scope for the ECB to adopt a zero interest rate policy later this year.

British Pound: BoE Warns Of Tightening Credit Conditions, Raising Bets For More QE

The British Pound slipped to a low of 1.5508 as the ongoing turmoil in the Euro Zone – the U. K.’s largest trading partner – dragged on market sentiment, and the sterling may fade additional headwinds over the near-term as market participants continue to raise bets for more quantitative easing. Indeed, the Bank of England warned of tightening credit conditions for the third-quarter as ‘ elevated cost of bank funding is passed through to borrowers ,’ and we may see the Monetary Policy Committee continue to lean towards additional asset purchases in an effort to stem the downside risks surrounding the region. As the GBPUSD fails to hold above the 10-Day SMA (1.5625), we may see the pair make another run at the 50.0% Fibonacci retracement from the 2009 low to high around 1.5270, but we may see an ongoing rift within the MPC as the stickiness in underlying price growth raises the threat for inflation.

U. S. Dollar: Core PCE Remains Sticky, Limiting Scope For QE3

The greenback is tracking higher during the North American trade, with the Dow Jones-FXCM U. S. Dollar Index (Ticker: USDOLLAR ) quickly reversing the overnight decline to 10,121, and the reserve currency may appreciate further over the remainder of the week as the flight to safety gathers pace. Nevertheless, the final 1Q GDP report for the world’s largest economy reinforces our bullish outlook for the dollar as the Core Personal Consumption Expenditure index – the Fed’s gauge for inflation – rose at the fastest pace since 2Q 2011, and the stickiness in underlying price growth continues to limit the Fed’s scope to push through another large-scale asset purchase program as it raises the risk for inflation. In turn, we should see the FOMC move away from its easing cycle, and the central bank may look to shift gears towards the end of the year as growth and inflation gradually gathers pace.

--- Written by David Song, Currency Analyst

To contact David, e-mail dsong@dailyfx. com. Follow me on Twitter at @DavidJSong

To be added to David's e-mail distribution list, send an e-mail with subject line "Distribution List" to dsong@dailyfx. com.

Will the EUR/USD Resume the Downward Trend From 2011? Join us in the Forum

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..As forex differentials threaten power firms’ agenda

By Sulaimon Salau and Toyin Olasinde | 17 December 2015 | 3:55 am

A power transmission facility in Lagos.

Some of the investment plans scripted by the private power firms during the privatisation programme may not be realised after all, going by the recent lamentations on the pangs of the rising exchange rate differentials on their respective operations.

Besides, the power firms were also groaning under outrageous debt profile of the customers, especially the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs); gas supply challenges; poor access to loan facilities; non-cost reflective tariff and policy frameworks of the Federal Government, among others.

The Managing Director, Egbin Power Plc, Kola Adesina, who was worried with this situation explained that the foreign exchange differencial challenges has been impacting on the operations of the electricity generations companies, as they needed to shop for materials from abroad.

He therefore urged Federal Government to help solve the problem of the huge foreign exchange exposure. “At the time of privatisation, the exchange rate was N155.76 to $1; but today, the official rate is N199 which is not readily available,” he said.

He further appealed to the government for the payment of over N47 billion debts due from MDAs to his company over the years.

Adesina said the additional 220Mega Watts from Egbin would yield about 16 per cent supply improvement to Lagos State and its environs, adding that it would further drive economic growth and development through the revival of entrepreneurial aspirations, job creation, real sector growth and enhanced productivity in the state.

“Over one million homes in Lagos would enjoy additional six hours per day of stable power supply. Over 6,000 direct jobs, over 10,000 indirect employments, to be created from support and maintenance services, engineering, procurement, supplies to different sectors. Robust growth for hundreds and possibly, thousands of SME’s across Lagos,’’ he said.

Adesina added that Egbin has already commenced feasibility studies to double the capacity of the plant to 2670mw in the nearest future, while plans are at advanced stage for its industrial park.

The Egbin Power Plant, the nation’s biggest generating utility, is now operating at its installed capacity of 1,320MW following the rehabilitation of a turbine that had been idle for several years.

The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunda Fashola, who was in Egbin recently to lunch the rehabilitated turbine, stressed the need for government ministries, departments and the military to pay for electricity supplied to them by power firms, so as to ensure that the power sector remains “sufficiently funded”. The minister however assured that the issue of debts in the sector would soon be resolved.

On the allocation for foreign exchange, he explained that the Central Bank of Nigeria is on top of the situation.

“I am sure that they will come up with something that addresses your concern as we go on. We must not be deterred, and we must talk to one another. I have proposed that very soon we will be holding some monthly meetings with all the Discos, all the owners, and we will run stress test to know who is having problems,” he said.

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Inflation, forex crisis top agenda as MPC meets today

By Chijioke Nelson | 21 March 2016 | 2:57 am

The worsening economic indicators ranging from rising unemployment records, falling manufacturing index, low consumption, out-of-target inflation level and lingering foreign exchange crisis, among others, will put to test the ability of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to cause change in the economy.

Besides, while these indicators can be said to be challenge overtime, the latest report of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), which showed a contraction of 10 per cent year-on-year and rising inflation that has entered double digit, would require immediate and effective policy direction.

The MPC meeting, which begins today, would be the second in the year, convened to review developments in the domestic and global fronts, as well as take key policy decisions.

The meeting is also coming against the backdrop of renewed optimism in the global economy, low domestic economic performance and increasing challenges on real economic growth and consumer purchasing power.

Since the last policy meeting in January, new reports showed that economic activities, measured by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), slowed to a record low of 2.11 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2015 – the lowest growth rate since 1999.

Amid low output growth, headline inflation rate rose to 11.4 per cent in February, the first double-digit rate in almost 42 months, which is beyond Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) inflation target of six per cent – nine per cent and attributed to rising food prices, cost of imported goods, as well as replacement costs.

President and Chief Executive Officer of Time Economics Limited, Dr. Ogho Okiti, said the relatively-predictable two previous monetary policy meetings are not like this one where “MPC is caught between the devil in slow growth and the deep blue sea in rising inflation.”

“The MPC has limited tools to spur growth and enhance economic activities. Having also achieved its target in the last three years, the Committee will be careful to ensure that Nigeria do not return to an era of consistent double digit inflation and macroeconomic instability it entails,” he said.

In a note to The Guardian at the weekend, analysts at Afrinvest Securities Limited said the policy-makers have three options to tweak on in an effort to cause change in the economy after the meetings.

The analysts said CBN will either retain all rates and continue to harp on structural reforms and policy co-ordination with the fiscal authorities or adjust the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) upwards by one per cent to two per cent to compensate investors for lowered real return and attract foreign private capital.

Head of investment Research at Afrinvest, Ayodeji Eboh, said it is likely that the committee would not do anything spectacular by leaving all rates as they have been.

Besides, an economist at the Pan Atlantic University, Dr. Austin Nweze, told The Guardian that the meeting is gradually losing impact, especially as the sought after direction from the fiscal side has not been forthcoming.

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Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».

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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.

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Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

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& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:39:00

Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2016-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

Hi all Forex Traders,

I am glad to show you the new tool I coded. The Probability Meter . This great tool will give you 100% confidence and trade without stress. No lines, no histograms to watch.

Whatever your trading style, you always need to know if you trade in the right direction . The Probability Meter will show you not only the way but the strength of this direction .

After observing this tool, you will be able to define the end of the current trend and the start of the reverse . All the values will show you the way.

<--- Tiny or Standard Box ---> Here is an example of live trading board (12 resized charts) :

Parameters settable by users :

The parameters of the 2 additional indicators (MACD and Stoch)

The position of the box on your chart

The colors of the 5 indicators and text

Choice of a small box with only values instead of the big one

An alert option (pop up or email) is also available at a settable % of probability

How to decrypt the Probability Meter values?

All values and colors have to be watch closely.

1. Multi-Info+. more than 75 (red/green) for strong Up/Down trend

2. Indice Strength. 0-1-2 for strong Down trend, 7-8-9 for strong Up trend, 3-4-5-6 for sideway

3. Currency Pair Range. range of 5 or more between the 2 currencies. Example: 7-2, 9-3 etc for a strong Up trend, 0-5, 2-8 etc for a strong Down trend

4 and 5. red color for Down trend, green for Up trend and Orange for sideway

The global value in percent (%) has to be watch closely and with experience you will have feeling. This value is the combination of the 5 values listed above. 75-80% is a good point for trigger a trade.

Example how i trade with it : attach the Meter on M15 and the 2TFs below (M5 and M1). First, the 2 additional indicators on the 3 TFs must agree. Then watch the numbers of the 3 others indicators (doesn't matter which TF because the number will be the same). If these numbers are about the ones i suggested in the explanation above, then the Global % would be close to a good entry point. 75% seems to work well but with experience we'll all find our % which we are confortable with.

For exit, when you'll see that the Multi-info+ start to reverse on the 3 TFs. It's the one react the most quickly.

Want to be a real successful trader? more info here. and you'll catch the next trend.

Feel free to contact me if you have any question.

I wish you a lot of pips.

Last edited by FerruFx ; 29-04-2008, 09:19.

The United States is the world's leading economic power, with GDP valued at over $10 trillion USD in 2001. This is the highest GDP in the world and based upon purchasing power parity (PPP), it is three times the size of Japan's output, five times the size of Germany's and seven times the size of the United Kingdom's GDP. With the U. S. having the most liquid equity and fixed income markets in the world, foreign investors have consistently increased their purchases of U. S. assets. Foreign direct investments represent approximately 40 percent of total global net inflows for U. S. On a net basis, the U. S. absorbs 71 percent of total foreign savings.

The import and export volume of the U. S. also exceeds that of any other country. On a netted basis, the U. S. is running a very large trade deficit of nearly $500bln. This is because the U. S. is the largest trading partner for most countries, representing 20 percent of total world trade. This large absolute number indicates that the U. S. is heavily reliant on capital flows and the dollar is very sensitive to changes in those flows. In fact, in order to prevent a further decline in the USD as a result of trade, the U. S. would need to attract close to $1.9bn in capital inflows per day.

The U. S. is primarily a service-oriented country with nearly 80 percent of their GDP coming from real estate, transportation, finance, healthcare, and business services. With the advent of new technology such as the internet, productivity in the U. S. has consistently increased. This is particularly interesting in light of the recent economic downturn, because many economists argue that despite the current downturn, increased productivity indicates that we are in a "new economy." The importance of this comment is that if the U. S. is indeed in a "new economy," previous reactions to recessionary conditions may not repeat themselves in this downturn.

Characteristics of the U. S. Dollar More than 90 percent of all currency deals involve the USD. Gold and USD tend to have inverse relationships. Market participants closely follow the U. S. Dollar Index as a gage to overall USD strength or weakness.

Economic Indicators for United States Employment Consumer Price Index (CPI) Producers Price Index (PPI) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) International Trade Employment Cost Index (CPI) Institute of Supply Managers (Formerly NAPM) Industrial Production Consumer Confidence Retail Sales

The United Kingdom is the world's fourth largest economy with GDP valued at over $1.4 trillion USD in 2001. The economy is very healthy, with low unemployment, expanding output and resilient consumption. The strength of consumer consumption has in large part been due to a strong housing market, which is currently 16 percent above the peak in 1988. The U. K. has a service-oriented economy, with manufacturing representing an increasingly smaller portion of GDP, equivalent to only one-fifth of its national output. It's capital market systems are one of the most developed in the world and, as a result finance and banking, has become the strongest contributors to GDP. Although the majority of the U. K.'s GDP is from services, it is important to know that they are also one of the largest producers and exporters of natural gas in the EU. The energy production industry accounts for 10 percent of GDP, one of the highest shares of any industrialized nation. This is particularly important, as increases in energy prices, such as oil, will significantly benefit the large number of U. K. oil exporters.

Overall, the U. K. is a net importer of goods with a consistent trade deficit. Its largest trading partner is the European Union (E. U.), with trade between the two constituencies accounting for more than 50 percent of all of the country's import and export activities. The U. S. on an individual basis, still remains largest trading partner.

The central issue that the U. K. is grappling with is whether or not to join the Euro. The decision on Euro entry has significant ramifications for the U. K. economy. Currently, this is the key political and economic agenda on the government's plate. The U. K. is a very political country where government officials are highly concerned with voter approval. If voters do not support Euro entry, the likelihood of ECU entry would decline. The following are some of the arguments for and against adopting the Euro.

One of the primary reasons for not joining the Euro is that the U. K. government has sound macroeconomic policies that have worked very well for the country. Their successful monetary and fiscal policies have led them to outperform most major economies in the current economic downturn, including the EU.

Characteristics of the British Pound GBP is very liquid. GBP has one of the highest interest rates among the developed countries. Interest rate differentials between Gilts and foreign bonds are closely followed Euro-sterling futures can give indications for interest rate movements. Comments on Euro by U. K. politicians affect the Euro. GBP has positive correlation with energy prices.

Economic Indicators for United Kingdom Employment Situation Retail Price Index (RPIX) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Industrial Production Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) U. K. Housing Starts Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI)

The European Union (EU) was developed as an institutional framework for the construction of a united Europe. The EU consists of 15 member countries; Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. All of these countries share the Euro as a common currency, except for Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. They are known as the European Monetary Union (EMU). Aside from a common currency, these countries also share a single monetary policy dictated by the European Central Bank or (ECB).

The EMU is the world's second largest economic power, with GDP valued at over $6 trillion USD in 2002. With a highly developed fixed income, equity and futures market, the EMU has the second most attractive investment market for domestic and international investors. The EMU is primarily a service-oriented economy. Services in 2001 accounted for approximately 70 percent of GDP while manufacturing, mining and utilities only account for 22 percent of GDP.

The EMU is a trade and capital-flow driven economy. Unlike most major economies, the EMU does not have a large trade deficit or surplus. In fact, the EMU went from a small trade deficit in 2001 to a small trade surplus in 2002. EU exports comprise approximately 19 percent of world trade while EU imports account for only 17 percent of total world imports. Because of the size of the EMU's trade with the rest of the world it has significant power in the international trade arena. International clout is one of the primary goals when the EU was formed allowing the individual countries to group as one entity as well as negotiating a more equal playing field with the U. S. its largest trading partner.

The EU's growing role in international trade has important implications for the role of the Euro as a reserve currency. At the end of the 1990s approximately 65 percent of all world reserves were held in U. S. dollars, but with the introduction of the Euro, foreign reserve assets are shifting in favor of the Euro. This trend is expected to continue while the EU becomes one of the major trading partners for most countries around the world.

Characteristics of the Euro EUR/USD is the most liquid currency. Euro risks as a new currency. Spread between 10Yr U. S. Treasuries and 10YR Bunds can indicate Euro sentiment. Interest rate differentials are used to predict Euro area money flows.

Economic Indicators for the European Union Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Individual Country Budget Deficits IFO Business Climate Survey Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HCIP) M3 (measure of monetary supply tracked by the New York Federal Reserve Bank and reported every Thursday) German Unemployment German Industrial Production Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI)

Australia's gross domestic product (GDP) for 2002 was close to $400 billion USD The economy is relatively small, but on a per capita basis is comparable to many industrialized Western European countries. Australia has a service-oriented economy with close to 79 percent of its GDP coming from industries such as finance, property and business services. However, the country has a trade deficit, with manufacturing dominating its exporting activities. Rural and mineral exports account for over 60 percent of all manufacturing exports. As a result, the economy is highly sensitive to changes in commodity prices.

Japan and the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) are the leading importers of Australian goods. In the past, however, Australia has experienced much of the spillover effects of general Asian weakness. This resilience stems from Australia's sound foundation of strong domestic consumer consumption.

Characteristics of the Australian dollar Commodity-linked currency. Australia has one of highest interest rates among the developed countries. Interest rate differentials between the cash rates of Australia and the short-term Interest rate yields of other industrialized countries are closely followed. Severe weather conditions such as droughts negatively affect Australia's economy.

Economic Indicators for Australia Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Balance of Goods and Services Private Consumption Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI)

New Zealand is a very small economy with GDP valued at approximately $50 billion USD in 2001. The country's population is actually equivalent to less than half of the population of New York City. It was once one of the most regulated countries within the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), but over the past two decades has been moving towards an open, modern and stable economy.

New Zealand also has highly developed manufacturing and services sectors, with the agricultural industry driving the bulk of the country's exports. The economy is strongly trade-oriented, with exports of goods and services representing approximately one third of GDP. Due to the small size of the economy and its significant trade activities, New Zealand is highly sensitive to global performance, especially as it relates to its key Asian trading partners, Australia and Japan. Together, Australia and Japan represent 30 percent of New Zealand's trading activity. During the Asian Crisis, New Zealand's GDP contracted by 1.3 percent as a result of reduced demand for exports, and two consecutive droughts from reduced agricultural and related production.

Characteristics of the New Zealand dollar Strong correlation with AUD. Commodity-linked currency. Carry trades. With the highest interest rate of the industrialized countries, the NZD has been one of the most popular currencies to buy for carry trades. Population Migration.

Economic Indicators for New Zealand Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Consumer Price Index (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI) Balance of Goods and Services Private Consumption

Japan is the third largest economy in the world with GDP valued at over $4 trillion USD in 2002 (behind the U. S. and the entire Eurozone). The country is also one of the world's largest exporters and is responsible for over $400 billion in exports per year. Manufacturing and exports account for nearly 20 percent of GDP. This has resulted in a consistent trade surplus, which creates an inherent demand for the JPY (despite severe structural deficiencies). Aside from being an exporter, Japan is also a large importer of raw materials for the production of its goods. The primary trade partners for Japan in terms of imports and exports are the U. S. and China. China is becoming an increasingly important trade partner. In fact, China's inexpensive goods have allowed it to gain a larger share of Japan's import market.

Japanese Banking Crisis In the 1980s, Japan's capital market was one of the most attractive markets for international investors seeking Asian investment opportunities. The country had the most developed capital markets in the region while its banking system was considered to be the one of strongest in the world. At the same time, the country also experienced above-trend economic growth and near-zero inflation. This resulted in rapid growth expectations, boosted asset prices and rapid credit expansion that led to the development of an "asset bubble." Between 1990 and 97 the asset bubble collapsed inducing a USD $10 trillion fall in asset prices, as well as a fall in real estate prices that accounted for nearly 65 percent of the total decline. This fall in asset prices sparked the banking crisis in Japan, which began in the early 1990s and developed into a full-blown systemic crisis in 1997, followed by the failure of a number of high-profile financial institutions.

With Japan experiencing deflationary conditions each succeeding month of deflation raised the real burden of the banks' outstanding debt. To date, the Japanese Ministry of Finance and Bank of Japan are still grappling with this problem.

Characteristics of the Japanese Yen Proxy for Asian Strength / Weakness. The Bank of Japan and Ministry of Finance are very active participants in the FX markets. JPY movements are sensitive to time: Fiscal year end, Japanese trading hours etc. Banking stocks are widely watched. Carry trade effects.

Economic Indicators for Japan Gross Domestic Product Tankan Survey Balance of Payments Employment Industrial Production

Switzerland is the 19th largest economy in the world, with GDP valued at more than $240 billion USD in 2001. The economy is relatively small, but it is one of the wealthiest in the world on a GDP per capita basis. The confidentiality offered by the Swiss banking system coupled with the country's lengthy history of political neutrality has created a "safe haven" reputation for the country and its currency. As a result, Switzerland is the world's largest destination for offshore capital. The country holds over U. S. $2 trillion in offshore assets and is estimated to attract more than 35 percent of the world's private, wealth-management business. This has created a large and highly advanced banking and insurance industry that employs at least 50 percent of the population and comprises more than 70 percent of the total GDP. Since Switzerland's financial industry thrives on its safe haven status and renowned confidentiality, capital flows tend to drive the economy during times of global risk aversion while trade flows drive the economy during a risk-seeking environment. Therefore, trade flows are important with nearly two thirds of all trade conducted with Europe.

Characteristics of the Swiss Franc Safe Haven Status. Swiss Franc is correlated with gold. Carry trades effects. Interest rate differentials between Euro and Swiss futures and foreign interest rate futures are closely followed. Potential changes in banking regulations negatively weigh on CHF. Mergers and acquisitions are common in Switzerland's banking and insurance sectors.

Economic Indicators for Switzerland Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Balance of Payments M3 (measure of monetary supply tracked by the New York Federal Reserve Bank and reported every Thursday) Unemployment Production Index (Industrial Production)

Canada is the 7th largest country in the world with GDP valued at $700 billion USD in 2001. The country has been growing consistently since 1991. Canada is currently the world's 5th largest producer of gold and the 14th largest producer of oil. However, two-thirds of the country's GDP comes from the service sector, which employs 3 out 4 Canadians.

Manufacturing and resources are very important for the Canadian economy, as it represents over 25 percent of the country's exports.

Characteristics of the Canadian dollar Commodity linked currency. The U. S. imports 85 percent of Canada's exports. The Canadian economy is highly sensitive to changes in the U. S. economy. Mergers and acquisitions between firms in the U. S. and Canada are very common. Interest rate differentials between the cash rates of Canada and the short-term interest rate yields of other industrialized countries are closely followed. When Canada has a higher interest rate than the U. S, the sell-USD, buy-CAD carry trade becomes more popular.

Economic Indicators for Canada Unemployment Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Producer Price Index (PPI) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Balance of Trade Producer Price Index (PPI) Consumer Consumption

Expert Advisors Reviews

EA SteadyGrowth Pro Review: Hidden Agenda

After yesterday's review of the GPS Forex Robot. we continue our journey into the world of forex robots which have something to hide from us.

This time I suggest we take a look into EA SteadyGrowth Pro. a forex robot that has a remarkably solid performance at first glance – and yet, a deeper exploration is set to show us once again how a strong performance may result from the hidden agenda of gambling strategies.

Things I'll never say, Money I'll never spend

EA SteadyGrowth Pro (version 2) has a regular price of $149. However, there is currently a discount for the buyers of the first 100 copies of the software who can get it for $99, while the next 100 copies will be sold for $119. After a quick check, it turned out that the $99-copies are still for sale. I guess the queue of enthusiastic buyers is not very long.

There is a 30-day money-back guarantee but it is conditional. You will get a refund only if the robot does not produce a profit into your account for a month. I wouldn't spend my money on this EA, given that if I am displeased with the profitability, I will get no refund and this stinks.

Scrimpy website

The website dedicated to SteadyGrowth Pro is a very bare one – it gives only the most basic information about the robot. As all expert advisors, this one can work on all accounts with Metatrader 4 (MT4 ) brokers. A nice piece of news is that you can tweak the advisor settings, thanks to its risk and money management tools.

One big disadvantage is that the website does not provide specific information about the strategy of the robot. To some extent this is cool, especially if you are tired of crappy EA websites that promote mumbo-jumbo strategies using unbelievable methods of technical analysis. On the other hand though the website does not even include a photo of the EA – the hard copy the buyers are supposed to get. There is no information about currency pairs traded either. And that's already quite suspicious.

Forward tests: If you're looking for trouble, you've come to the right place

Let's dig deeper into the actual performance of the SteadyGrowth Pro and examine the live trading results from a real account with HotForex, trading GBPUSD only.

Since its launch on June 4, 2012, the account has enjoyed a gain of 80% and there has not been a single month without some gain. The thread of good news continues with the fact that drawdown is at 9% and that indicates some very low-risk trading. It is even better than Forex Invest Bot 's drawdown result of 10%, and remember that FIB is more expensive ($197).

By contrast, average pips per trade are at 3.4 and this a very disappointing figure, as it hints at a very high vulnerability to market behavior changes. Actually, this marks the weakest performance we have seen in this regard – it is just a bit stronger than the 3.3 average pips per trade shown by the Robin Vol EA on its Pepperstone account, active since Oct 10, 2011.

So, if you like to look on the bright side of life, maybe you'd be satisfied with this relatively robust performance results and will abandon further exploration. But pay attention to some missing things: the data about lots, open trades and history of trades. This raises a red flag and now we know that the developers have something to hide.

Backtests: welcome to the curve-fitting world

We'll now focus on a backtest to check whether it can disperse our doubts or reinforce them.

The test, with an Alpari NZ account trading GBPUSD is for the period between January 01, 2003

and December 30, 2010. On the surface, the performance is resilient as deposits of $25,000 result in a gain of 256%. The risk is nicely low, as relative drawdown is at 16%.

But I am not eager to explore the surface anymore and suggest we take a look into statistics in details, so let's examine the history of trades.

The robot is using a combination of two gambling techniques – grid and Martingale. What happens is that the EA trades using a fixed interval, and gradually changes the trade contract sizes.

You can see how the grid strategy works if you compare the open prices of the series of trades mentioned above – the open prices differ by 25 pips. The danger consists of entering into a sequence of losing trades – the losses will grow bigger and bigger, until the ill-fated account flops.

The Martingale strategy involves the increase of the trade contract sizes and it is at the base of the so-called curve fitting (adapting money management to trading). Thus, the robot first opens a trade with 0.01 lots, then one with 0.02 lots, and so on, until the contract size reaches 0.24.

The trade sizes are reset when the last trade in the series are profitable. Then the robot reverses the trading – if it has been buying, it now starts to sell, and the trade contract sizes start to grow again. In case the robot closes loss trades with the small trade contract sizes, it trades until a profit is made. If the robot closes win trades with the small contract sizes, it stops and reverses.

And that's a classical Martingale method, which means that ultimately you'll be overwhelmed with huge trades.

Hook me up a new revolution 'cause this one is a lie

Many people compare forex trading to gambling, but using your money for having fun at the casino is different from making living with it. The latter is serious business and that's why using gambling tricks in a forex robot makes me angry.

The good news is that it is up to you to explore stuff (and we will help you in that) and pick the optimal EA. You are the boss when it comes to trading your money on the forex market!

To the creators of the SteadyGrowth Pro, I would like to say: You're busted.

Know your keywords

Expert advisor (EA) – An algorithmic trading system for the MetaTrader platform; a trading robot. EA’s can either be downloaded free of charge or for a fee, or can be programmed in the MQL programming

Backtesting – Testing a trading strategy on past time periods through a simulation.

Drawdown - A trader's biggest loss for a certain period of time, expressed either in pips or as a

percentage of the trader's profit. The lower the drawdown percentage, the less riskier the trading

estrategia. Let's say you start with a balance of $1,000, then make a profit of $1,000, and after that lose $500. Tu

drawdown will be 25% ($500/ $1000 + $1000 = 0.25 = 25%).

Lot - The standardized contract size of a trading instrument. A standard lot consists of 100,000

currency units, a mini lot – of 10,000; a micro lot – of 1,000 units, and a nano lot – of 100 units.

Pip - The fourth digit after the decimal sign of a price quote. For example: if the EUR/USD moves from

1.3350 to 1.3351, that is one pip. Pips are used to measure price movement, profit and slippage.

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Forex: Wading Into The Currency Market

Whenever you devote money to trading, it is important to take it seriously. For traders who are getting into the forex (FX) market for the first time, it basically means starting from square one. But new traders don't have to be left in the dark when it comes to learning to trade currencies; unlike with some of the other markets, there is a variety of free learning tools and resources available to light the way. You can become FX-savvy with the help of virtual demo accounts, mentoring services, online courses, print and online resources, signal services and charts. With so much to choose from, the question you're most likely to ask is, "Where do I start?" Here we cover the preliminary steps you need to take to find your footing in the FX market.

Finding a Broker The first step is to pick a market maker with which to trade. Some are larger than others, some have tighter spreads and others offer additional bells and whistles. Each market maker has its own advantages and disadvantages, but here are some of the key questions to ask when doing your due diligence:

Where is the FX market maker incorporated? Is it in a country such as the U. S. or the U. K. or is it offshore?

Is the FX market maker regulated? If so, in how many countries?

How large is the market maker? How much excess capital does it have? How many employees?

Does the market maker have 24-hour telephone support?

In order to ensure that the money you are sending will be safe and that you have a jurisdiction to appeal to in the event of a bankruptcy, you want to find a large market maker that is regulated in at least one or two major countries. Furthermore, the larger the market maker, the more resources it can put toward making sure that its trading platforms and servers remain stable and do not crash when the market becomes very active. Third, you want a market maker with a larger number of employees so that you can place a trade over the phone without having to worry about getting a busy signal. Bottom line, you want to find someone legitimate to trade with and avoid a bucket shop. (For related reading, see Understanding Dishonest Broker Tactics .)

Checking Their Stats In the U. S. all registered futures commission merchants (FCMs) are required to meet strict financial standards, including capital adequacy requirements, and are required to submit monthly financial reports to regulators. You can visit the website of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (an independent agency of the U. S. government) to access the latest financial statements of all registered FCMs in the U. S.

Another advantage of dealing with a registered FCM is greater transparency of business practices. The National Futures Association keeps records of all formal proceedings against FCMs, and traders can find out if the firm has had any serious problems with clients or regulators by checking the NFA's Background Affiliation Status Information Center (BASIC) online.

Test Drive Once you've found a broker, the next step is to test drive its software by opening a demo account. The availability of demo or virtual trading accounts is something unique to this market and one that you'll want to exploit to your advantage. Your goal is to learn how to use the trading platform and, while you're doing that, to find the trading platform that suits you best. Most demo accounts have exactly the same functionalities as live accounts, with real-time market prices. The only difference, of course, is that you are not trading with real money.

Demo trading allows you not only to make sure that you fully understand how to use the trading platform. but also to practice some trading strategies and to make money in the paper account before you move on to a live account funded with real money. In other words, it gives you a chance to get a feel for the FX market.

Do Your Research When you trade, you never want to trade impulsively. You need to be able to justify your trades, and the way to find justification is by doing your research. There are many books, newspapers and other publications with information about trading the FX market. When choosing a source to consult, make sure it covers:

The basics of the FX market

Análisis técnico

Key fundamental news and events

Because the FX market is primarily a technically driven market, the best book that you can read as a new trader is one on technical analysis. The better you get at technical analysis, the better you can trade the FX market from a speculative perspective. (For further reading, see our Introduction To Technical Analysis .)

When it comes to newspapers, seasoned foreign exchange traders typically refer to the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal simply because they contain international news. Trading FX involves looking beyond mere economics, since politics and geopolitical risks can also affect a currency's trading behavior. Therefore, it's also important to keep up with major non-financial news sources such as the International Herald Tribune and the BBC (online, on TV or on the radio) for the big stories of the day.

One of the most popular magazines among FX traders is the Economist . because it covers many macro themes; however, currency-specific and trading magazines are also popular.

Once you have a solid foundation in FX trading, you need to keep up to date on daily fundamental and technical developments in the FX market. A variety of free FX-specific research websites, which can be found easily on the internet, will do the trick.

Education and Mentoring Programs - Are They Worth It? The benefit of online or live courses over books, newspapers and magazines is that you can get answers to the questions that perplex you. Hearing or seeing other people's questions is also extremely valuable, since no one person can think of every possible question. In a classroom setting, either online or live, you can learn from the experiences and frustrations of others. As for a mentor, he or she can draw on personal experience and hopefully teach you to avoid the mistakes he or she has made in the past, saving you both time and money.

What About Trading Systems and Signals? Many traders wonder whether it is worthwhile to buy into a system or a signal package. Systems and signals fall into three general categories depending on their methodology: trend, range or fundamental. Fundamental systems are very rare in the FX market; they are mostly used by large hedge funds or banks because they are very long term in nature and do not give many trading signals. The systems that are available to individual traders are typically trend systems or range systems - rarely will you get one system that is able to exploit both markets, because if you do, then you have pretty much found the holy grail of trading.

Even the largest hedge funds in the world are still looking for the switch that can identify whether they are in a trend or a range-bound market. Most large hedge funds tend to be trend following, which is why hedge funds as a group did so poorly in 2004, when the market was trapped in a tight trading range. Range-bound systems will only perform well in range-bound markets, while trend systems will make money in trending markets and lose money in range-bound markets. So, when you buy into a system or a signal provider, you should try to find out whether the signals are mostly range-bound signals or trend signals. This way you can know when to take the signals and when to avoid them. (To learn more, see Identifying Trending & Range-Bound Currencies .)

Trading Setups - Finding What Works Best for You Every trader is different, but the best trading style is probably a combination of both technical and fundamental analysis. Fundamentals can easily throw off technicals, while technicals can explain movements that fundamentals cannot. Smart traders will always be aware of the broader fundamental picture while using their technicals to pinpoint good entry and exit levels; combining both will keep you out of as many bad trades as possible, and it works for both day traders and swing traders. Most free charting packages have everything that a new trader needs, and many trading platforms offer real-time news feeds to keep you up to date on economic news.

Conclusion Learning to trade in the FX market can seem like a daunting task when you're just starting out, but thanks to the many practical and educational resources available to the individual trader, it is not impossible. Learning as much as possible before you put actual money at risk should be at the forefront of your agenda. Print and online publications, trading magazines, personal mentors, online demo accounts and more can all act as invaluable guides on your journey into currency trading.

For further reading, check out A Primer On The Forex Market and Common Questions About Currency Trading .

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An economic policy advisor who promotes monetary policies that involve the maintenance of low interest rates, believing that.

Highly liquid assets held by financial institutions in order to meet short-term obligations. The Liquidity coverage ratio.

La ventaja competitiva que una empresa tiene sobre otras empresas de la misma industria. Este término fue acuñado por renombrado.

Un crédito fiscal en los Estados Unidos que beneficia a ciertos contribuyentes que tienen bajos ingresos de trabajo en un año fiscal determinado.

Un cálculo de impuestos que agrega ciertos elementos de preferencia de impuestos de nuevo al ingreso bruto ajustado. Utilización de los impuestos mínimos alternativos (AMT).

La fecha de vencimiento de varios futuros de índices bursátiles, opciones de índices bursátiles, opciones sobre acciones y futuros sobre acciones individuales. Todas las acciones.

Finance Magnates Tokyo Summit 2015

Finance Magnates has officially launched the full site of Tokyo Summit 2015, the most important multi-asset electronic trading event in Japan. Set in the prestigious Mandarin Hotel in Tokyo, the Summit is a top notch trading industry gathering, with leading sponsors and blue chip firms’ representatives providing the perfect venue for seizing and creating business opportunities in the vast Japanese forex market.

Secure Your Seat in Tokyo Summit

The event is held for the third constitutive year, bringing together over 800 FX and trading professionals from all across the industry, both local and global.

On top of the high level panels, various experts will present shorter hands-on workshops about topics of interest

This year, the summit will be held on July 29th, and the agenda is chock full with panels, influential industry speakers, exhibitions and world-class networking opportunities. Under the banner of “Innovation through Education”, Tokyo Summit 2015 is set to meet the growing demand from Japanese professionals for hands-on, insightful learning sessions and seminars.

The panels will provide enriching debates held by industry leaders, discussing the hottest topics in the Japanese sphere. On the agenda are Technological Innovation in Japan’s financial market; Japan’s Governmental Reforms and Influence on the Financial Sector and Global Challenges Facing the Japanese Market.

On top of the high level panels, various experts will present shorter hands-on workshops about topics of interest, from liquidity pools to diversification in the binary options space. And as in every year, the event will be concluded with the Finance Magnates Awards, a true hallmark of quality as it is the only industry award given by peers.

Until we meet at the Mandarin Hotel, you can stay tuned to news, photos and updates about the Summit on Finance Magnates Events’ twitter and Facebook pages. In fact, companies are invited to share with our readers their images, experiences and advice from the recent events.

Finance Magnates Tokyo Summit 2015 is nominated in:

Finance Magnates Tokyo Summit 2015

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Research Team at Societe Generale, suggests that the agenda of the meeting of European Council will have such areas as discussion of the proposed “New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the EU”, a review of the problems of the migration crisis and the support of a recommendation on the economic policy of the euro … [Leer más & # 8230;]

The USD/CHF pair paused its victory and turned lower this Thursday on the back of the dovish Fed minutes and upbeat Swiss trade data. Now, this pair trades almost without changes at 0.9925, reversing a dip to fresh session lows struck at 0.9906. Actually it reverts towards daily highs as the US dollar is seen … [Leer más & # 8230;]

Very soon on 10th March will take place the next ECB meeting. With that in mind we expect that the ECB will do such key components as: a EUR 10bn will increase in the monthly pace of QE; a 6mth extension to the QE program to September 2017; and a 10bp cut in the deposit … [Leer más & # 8230;]

The European Head of GMR at MUFG Mr. Derek Halpenny thinks that the euro will have support from the real yield spread between the euro-zone and the US so the pressure for aggressive easing is building ahead of the ECB which will take place on 10th March. For December disappointment, market participants are afraid that … [Leer más & # 8230;]

The GBP/USD pair is weak after BOE’s McCafferty blamed receding inflationary pressures for his decision to ditch rate hike call. The comments hit the wires in the NY session and weakened Sterling ahead of the UK CPI release. May be the economy hits deflation in last month. It will not be a surprise for the … [Leer más & # 8230;]

Goldman Sachs informs that during last months the market-based China growth risk factor has declined. This risk factor is pricing in sub-2% growth in China. It has declined about 4pp over the course of the last year or so. This is in line with declines in China growth visible in indicators such as the Current … [Leer más & # 8230;]

A binary option is popular amongst traders. It will deal with a kind of purchased asset where the buyer can gain a fixed payoff or low to zero. Using of binary options trading will allow an investor to receive a great amount of returns in a short time. This option has be a potential of … [Leer más & # 8230;]

Brent prices trimmed gains to trade around its 5-DMA which has at USD 31.49 levels as technical correction ran out of steam on concerns of oversupply and possible risk-off in the markets which could take place. Prices turned lower from USD 31.82 levels. A minor bullish move is gathering pace in the New York session … [Leer más & # 8230;]

The main currency pair EUR/USD has failed to 1.13 handle as the carry unwind stalled following an uptick in the European stock. The hourly 50-MA, which was strong enough to support earlier but today has been taken out following the European opening bell. The Euro Stoxx 50 index currently is 1% higher. The demand for the safe … [Leer más & # 8230;]

Lets assume Mr. Willam wants to be Forex Money Manager. He receives a special account and is looking for the clients. He can advertise his account with exhibitions, personal promotion, etc. Three businessmen want to invest and have contacted with the manager. When the Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) is signed, the client’s account deposit arrives … [Leer más & # 8230;]


Forex CFDs

Forex CFDs

Forex CFDs

: 30 September 2011

Today is awash with economic data. In the UK, earlier this morning, we had September consumer confidence which rose for the first time in four months.

In the US, we will have personal income and spending for August, which is expected to remain unchanged. Later in the day, the US will see September's Chicago PMI figures and it's expected to fall.

At the same time as that release we have September University of Michigan confidence, which has been known to move the markets if the figure is drastic. Although this month it is expected to rise only marginally.

As nervousness was the theme for yesterday, risk wasn't on the agenda for FX investors.

Safe haven currencies were back in the picture and the Yen and Dollar took advantage of it. This has continued into this morning, and we can expect it to remain if the data later on today is weak.

Forex CFDs

: 29 September 2011

FX markets are relatively flat with a hint of Dollar weakness as both EUR/USD and Cable makes small gains.

The Euro has crept back above $1.3600 to $1.3620 but gains for the single currency remains contained as the elephant is still firmly in the room. Over the short term support and resistance is seen at $1.3570/1.3515/1.3475 and $1.3690/1.3750/1.3800.

Forex CFDs

: 28 September 2011

The Dollar sold off almost one percent on the FX markets yesterday, handing big gains to the likes of EUR/USD, GBP/USD and AUD/USD.

This morning the Dollar is seeing a revival as the equity markets dip on the open. EUR/USD is slightly lower at $1.3570 and GBP/USD is roughly flat at $1.5640.

USD/JPY is down a little to ¥76.50 and the pair remains tentatively above the ¥76.00 level. The pair has managed this for the past couple of months but the Dollar hasn't managed to gain back anywhere near the same amount of ground against the Yen than it has against other currencies.

The ultimate risk currency, the Australian Dollar, had a bumper day and almost reached parity with the Dollar, peaking just below the $1.0000 level before running out of steam. Today the AUD/USD has fallen back from yesterday's high of $0.9985 to $0.9885.

The pair still remains well below its short term downward trend line where a move above parity and then $1.0025 will be needed to break that.

Forex CFDs

: 27 September 2011

On the forex futures markets. it looks like it’s the return of risk appetite for now at least. Global equities are enjoying a bit of a rally which has encouraged traders to look for riskier currencies.

This has seen a drop in the safe havens like the Dollar and Yen with EUR/USD trading at $1.3517. Support is at $1.3415 and resistance at $1.3560.

The Dollar has been the one to watch in recent days and its appreciation has set alarm bells ringing.

For now though, the strength in the equities markets is translating to a bit of Dollar weakness across the board, albeit mild weakness. Cable is only a few ticks lighter and USD/JPY is just about flat.

It’s the ultimate risk currency that’s doing well this morning as the Australian Dollar lifts itself back towards $0.9900. However, this is still some way off parity where is so spectacularly dropped below last Thursday.

Forex CFDs

: 26 September 2011

The effect of this weekend’s IMF summit proved to have a major bearing on the Euro as it dropped to its lowest level last seen at the turn of the New Year.

The EUR/USD pair traded as low as $1.3362 on our spread trading platform this morning, as traders are really feeling the ongoing tension of the European debt situation.

The reality is that everybody is looking to the decision on Greece’s next round of its bailout package, and the longer it drags on, so does the nervousness.

Here’s an interesting fact for you; futures traders who trade the Euro versus the Dollar have increased positions on the pair declining, according to figures from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Saying all this, it currently looks like there is a small bear squeeze on the go and the Euro has moved higher to $1.3437. Many will be looking to this evening’s German survey of business conditions, which is likely to bear an effect on the single currency.

Forex CFDs

: 23 September 2011

The US dollar has been the one to benefit from all this turmoil and has risen some 8% against it’s basket of other currencies.

This is a big move for the greenback and is one that has got investors and traders across the world sitting up and taking note.

Having said that, this morning the dollar is giving back a few of the gains in line with the bounce in equities. GBP/USD is up some 80 points to $1.5425 and EUR/USD is 60 points to the good at $1.3530.

Forex CFDs

: 22 September 2011

In the forex futures markets, with the focus heavily on the FOMC meeting yesterday, the dollar was always going to be carefully monitored by traders.

After the Federal Reserve declared their bearish stance, it encouraged traders to pile into the dollar. It hit a two week high against the yen and managed to also reverse all its earlier losses against the euro.

It appears the bears are most definitely out for now and we could expect to see traders taking to the safe havens of the currency markets, which certainly include the dollar. The euro is currently trading down against the dollar to $1.3550 which is at a one week low.

Forex CFDs

: 21 September 2011

With equities staying strong yesterday, the bulls were out and traders increased their risk appetite.

In forex there was no real news that we didn’t already know about the Eurozone or Greece and so the single currency was given a bit of breathing space and managed to post a decent gain against the dollar.

Having said that, we know how easily fundamental news can shift traders’ mindsets and don’t forget that these are extremely jittery markets. Despite its jump yesterday, the euro is trading down at $1.3674 against the dollar and technicals could be suggesting more of the same.

The EUR/USD market stands below a strong resistance level at $1.3676 so traders should be cautious here.

Forex CFDs

: 20 September 2011

The euro is having a small 60 pip jump this morning versus the dollar, despite the inevitable news that Italy has now joined the members club of eurozone countries that have been downgraded.

After Standard & Poor cut their credit rating late last night, the euro took a dive as traders weren’t so keen on sticking with the single currency.

Greece are still yet to come together on a deal with the IMF so that is also still at the back of traders’ minds.

EUR/USD is currently at $1.3655 and near term support and resistance are seen at $1.3600/$1.3520 and $1.3800/$1.3900 respectively.

Forex CFDs

: 19 September 2011

It was a decent week for the euro after world financial leaders coordinated a liquidity package to ensure banks are holding enough US dollars.

Nevertheless it seems it was just a bit of a bear market squeeze and traders have resumed normal business this week. The euro dropped over 100 pips against the dollar from last night and has only rebounded ever so slightly this morning.

From a trader’s point of view, they are jumping onto the euro bandwagon on the release of “patch-up” good news and we see small squeezes here and there. Traders are also looking at the bigger picture though, whether Greece are actually able to pay their debt in full.

Currently the euro is trading at $1.3692 against the dollar but stands below its last resistance level, which could signal further potential downside.

Spread betting and CFD trading carry a high level of risk to your capital and you can lose more than your initial deposit so you should ensure spread betting and CFD trading meet your investment objectives and if necessary seek independent advice.

The information and comments provided herein under no circumstances are to be considered an offer or solicitation to invest and nothing herein should be construed as investment advice. The information provided is believed to be accurate at the date the information is produced.

By Simon Denham, 30 September 2011

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Forex Update 9 November 2012 Speculation that Barack Obama would be re-elected as the US President hurt the dollar yesterday as the global forex markets associated him with ongoing loose monetary policy. As a result, the EUR/USD pair rose to. » read more .

Forex Update 12 October 2012 As an immediate reaction to the Spanish credit rating downgrade, the shared currency dropped versus the US dollar. Nevertheless, this may pile pressure on the Spanish government to ask for a bailout from the ECB. Ironically, that turned the table and. » read more .

You are here » " Forex CFDs " » As nervousness was the theme, risk wasn't on the agenda for forex investors. Safe haven currencies were back in the picture and the Yen and Dollar took advantage of it. This has continued into. » Return to Top

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Lesson. Fast Track Your Way to Profitable Trades Using an Automated System Speaker. Joshua Martinez Date. Friday, September 11, 2015 Time. 1:15 p. m. U. S. Eastern Time (10:15 a. m. Pacific)

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It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented on these websites will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Los resultados anteriores no son necesariamente indicativos de resultados futuros. Examples presented on these websites are for educational purposes only. These set-ups are not solicitations of any order to buy or sell. The authors, presenters, Tiger Shark Publishing LLC, and all affiliates assume no responsibility for your trading results. There is a high degree of risk in trading.

AtoZForex. com Lagos — The problems facing Europe as a whole seems to run deeper than most people realise. The European union is faced with two potential cases threatening the instability of the 28 member socio-political union. The idea of a potential Grexit plus Brexit shows the instability in the area, which leaves us wondering what the EU leaders agenda is.

Germany being the largest creditor state to Greece has held a firm ground as regards the measures expected to be implemented by Greece to entitle the indebted nation to an additional tranche of aid. As regards the recent situation on Greece, there are only two politicians whom markets seem to pay attention to: finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and, of course, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and both have diverging approach to the situation. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, Merkel is bent on keeping the Eurozone together, therefore prepared to avert a Grexit at all cost. Schaeuble, on the other hand, does not mind this as a last resort and actually considers Grexit as an important bargaining tool for Germany and the rest of the eurozone.

Schaeuble therefore sees ally in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since the Fund is known to be more used to taking a tough line against its borrowers. Merkel on the other hand will align more with the European Commission as this group is thought to be more preoccupied with keeping Greece in the euro and willing to give away a more generous deal.

Heres an excerpt from a Bloomberg article published on May 19 regarding Merkel’s stance: “ Merkel would hold the speech after Greece and its creditors agree on a deal with conditions she deems strong enough to sell to parliament and the German public, according to two government officials. She would argue that a Greek exit from the euro area would risk causing geopolitical instability in the region, said the officials, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are private.”

The EU also has the Brexit situation to worry about as the likelihood of Britain leaving the union increased in the last few days, as Prime Minister David Cameron is already failing to negotiate “a better deal” for the UK within the 28 member bloc. Although, the decision will be taken by the people via a referendum.

Cameron was in with the aim of starting a negotiation as regards the terms of membership within the EU. According to a report in according to France’s Le Monde newspaper (as reported by the Guardian) Germany and France circumvented Cameron’s demands to instead renegotiate the Lisbon Treaty and succeeded in sealing a pact to “integrate the eurozone without reopening the EU’s treaties.”

However, the report states the French and German proposal to strengthen the integration of EU member states without reopening the treaties will shut the door on Britain renegotiating its terms of its membership, therefore posing a higher risk of a Brexit.

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FOREX y CFDs son productos apalancados e implican un alto nivel de riesgo. It is possible to lose all your capital. Estos productos pueden no ser adecuados para todos y usted debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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&dupdo; 2016 "Atoz FOREX - All you need in FOREX" ® Todos los derechos reservados.

Indecision Leads the Agenda at the G20 Finance Summit

on 26 February 2016. from fortune. com

China sought to restore confidence in its economy as financial leaders from G20 nations gathered in Shanghai on Friday, and Premier Li Keqiang urged greater global coordination and consideration of policy spillovers. But Germany appeared to all but rule out coordinated stimulus to counter a deepening global chill, and U. S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said there was no need for a crisis response, as in 2009 when the Group of 20 (G20) major economies agreed on coordinated stimulus to prevent a worldwide depression. While the health of the world’s second-largest economy, which hosts the G20 presidency this year, is a key talking point. (Read the full story )

You Can Be An Investor In-The-Know! Who Should Become An Investor Is there a goal that you wish to accomplish? Perhaps you would like to travel abroad. Maybe you have young children and would like to ensure that they have a good education and a secure financial future. Possibly, you would like to start a business, or indulge.

Opening the Door to Investments Investment and forex trading houses (such as ACM Gold) recognized the need to educate new and experienced investors about alternate investment opportunities, forex trading, and long term investments. After conducting a series of surveys, the collated data indicated that the general public had.

Investing Made Easy The theme of the conference is Simply Investing vs. Investing, Simply. It is set to serve as an introduction to stock and forex trading as well as long - and short-term investments. Subjects on the agenda include the answers to rudimentary questions (focusing on individuals who are interested in how.

Investments, stock trading and forex are all on the agenda for The U Invest Conference 2015, which will take place in the latter half of this year. This conference is aimed at paving the way for a prosperous and opportunity-filled 2016, and the agenda is relevant to all types of investors.

ACM Gold is world-renowned for their trading solutions.

I n this lesson we're going to find out, "Where is the Market Going Next?"

This is important because what we do as we search for profits in the Forex market is determined to a great extent by how well we can anticipate the direction of prices.

This applies not only to the short-term but the long-term as well. As we've seen prices can have a long-term agenda along with many short-term swings.

Our trading strategy needs to match the timeframe and direction of these moves!

To get started watch this training video. See how the short term moves interact with the long-term trend.

So how do we determine the longer term trend? Many years ago I put together an indicator I named "Oscar." I used it to trade the stock market.

In the past I would calculate the figures by hand. But now it's done automatically by the indicator package. If you'd like to learn more go to Module 8 and click on the link at the daily observation page.

Next, we need an indicator to help us with the short-term direction. To do that we use the AVG log described here. This indicator gives us an idea of how far prices might move once they've changed direction.

We also use a chart that goes all the way back to the early days of trading. It's called Point and Figure and I use it every day that I trade.

What it does is more or less filter out the "noise" that we see when prices make meaningless moves. Moves that are simply random and insignificant. Learn all about P&F right here.

Lastly, you need to have a working knowledge of Indicators. Print out this report so you can refer to it later as you trade.

This concludes Lesson three. On our next lesson we're going to use these tools to help us earn short term profits. I want to get you started earning pips as soon as I can so you'll begin to build up your trading confidence.

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Posts Tagged ‘forex’

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Advertencia de riesgo: Trading Forex y Derivados conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital y sólo debe negociar con dinero que puede permitirse perder. Los derivados de negociación pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores, así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. La Guía de Servicios Financieros (FSG) y los Informes de Divulgación de Productos (PDS) de estos productos están disponibles en Titan FX Ltd para descargar desde este sitio web o se pueden obtener copias impresas poniéndose en contacto con cualquier oficina de Titan FX. La FSG y PDS deben ser consideradas antes de decidirse a entrar en cualquier transacción con Titan FX Ltd. Titan FX Ltd es una compañía registrada de Nueva Zelanda número 5390661, Nueva Zelanda Proveedor de Servicios Financieros FSP388647 y San Vicente y las Granadinas IBC No. 22933- IBC-2015. El PDS disponible en este sitio web no constituye una oferta a ninguna persona de intereses a los cuales no sería lícito hacer tal oferta. Nueva Zelanda y residentes de San Vicente y las Granadinas son bienvenidos a navegar por nuestro sitio web, pero tenga en cuenta debido a limitaciones regulatorias que no podemos aceptar cualquier residente de Nueva Zelanda o San Vicente y las Granadinas como cliente. La información en este sitio web no es Dirigida a residentes de cualquier país donde el comercio de divisas y / o CFDs está restringido o prohibido por las leyes o regulaciones locales.

&dupdo; 2016 Titan FX | NZ Número de compañía 5390661 | NZFSP 388647 | SVG IBC No. 22933-IBC-2015

Capital adequacy ratio, forex top agenda as CBN, banks meet today

The new computation of capital adequacy ratio, (CAR) excluding non-distributable reserves for raising quality and loss absorbency of banks’ capital base and new code of conduct for foreign exchange market operators, among others are expected to form the fulcrum of the meeting between the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and chief executives of banks in…

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How Watermelon Made a 29-⁠yrs-⁠old Benin Boy Over N1,000,000 in 73days. Click Here To Read His Amazing Story

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Event Agenda

08:30-09:00 Registration and Networking Coffee 09:00-09:15 Chairman Remarks


09:15-09:45 Accelerate RMB Become Regional Settlement Currency and Promote Innovated Financial Products Base on RMB 09:45-10:15 The Implementation of RMB Forex Option and Its Impact to Global Derivatives Markets

10:15-10:35 Morning Refreshment

10:35-11:15 Panel Discussion: Forex Option in China?


11:15 – 12:00 Panel Discussion: Hong Kong’s Interbank Market for Electronic Trading in RMB

14:00-14:30 Derivative Update – Trade Cross Currency SWAPS and Platform Buildup 14:30-15:15 Online Trading VS Mobile Trading on Forex

15:15-15:45 Afternoon Refreshment & Visit of The Exhibition Area


15:45-16:30 Panel Discussion: The Key Criteria for Broker Management 16:30-17:00 OTC Trading and Clearing 17:00-17:45 Dark Pools in Asia

18:00-20:00 Cocktail Party

08:30-09:00 Registration and Networking Coffee 09:00-09:15 Chairman Remarks

09:45-10:15 The Financial Superlative: Foreign Exchange 09:45 – 10:30 Panel Discussion: Using Transaction Infrastructure to Generate Liquidity

10:30 – 10:45 Morning Refreshment & Visit of the Exhibition Area

10:45 – 11:30 Staying in Compliance while Creating Ideas for Revenue Enhancement 11:30 – 12:00 Panel Discussion: Introducing Broker, Can We Do More Besides Just Introducing Broker?

12:00 – 14:00 Luncheon


14:00 – 14:30 Evaluating Macroeconomic Policy and Its Impact on Exchange Rates 14:30 – 15:15 Panel Discussion: Will CFDs Be A Effective and Safe Trading Instruments

15:15 – 15:45 Afternoon Refreshment & Visit of The Exhibition Area

15:45 – 16:30 Asset Class Panel: Risk Control in Asset Management Companies for Forex Trading 16:30 – 17:00 Reduce the Risk of Forex through Increased Transparency and Automation

17:00 End of Day Two & Close of Conference

Domestic First Exclusive Training — Brainstorming Forum on Development and Reform of China’s Foreign Exchange Trading Market

September 22nd Afternoon, 2011

Agenda: China’s Current Situation of Foreign Exchange Trading FX Derivatives Innovation ——If the Policy Restrict the Innovation? One of China’s Main FX Derivatives Products —— Forward Foreign Exchange (Roundtable Discussion) China’s Reform of Inter-Bank FX Trading System and Platform

Lebanon Forex, Managed Funds & Investment Expo & Conference New dates to be announced After the Great Success of the 14th MENA Forex Expo Dubai our partners requested to push forward the dates of Lebanon Expo to fully deliver an outstanding show. Organized by Arabcom Group - "We Lead They Follow" Taking your Investment & Trading Skills to the Next Level

Lebanon Forex, Managed Funds & Investment Expo & Conference

New dates to be announced After the Great Success of the 14th MENA Forex Expo Dubai our partners requested to push forward the dates of Lebanon Expo to fully deliver an outstanding show.

Organized by Arabcom Group - "We Lead They Follow" Taking your Investment & Trading Skills to the Next Level

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The Conference Agenda will cover a diversified number of Hot topics

Alternative Styles and Strategies for Investing The Strategic Approach to Online investments and Trading Managing risks in online trading Development of CFDs Option Trading "the new trend" Selecting the right Broker The Future of Gold Trading. Trends in upcoming months Managed funds. Is it working. who is offering it. how can we be sure of it. Oil trading in different markets a New strategic approach Investment opportunities in financial Markets world wide Binary markets, is it working and why? Capital Markets and Investment options Real Assets – precious metals, timber, infrastructure, agriculture, managed futures, etc. Emerging and Frontier Markets Portfolio Construction Bit coins. Where Next

The Conference Agenda will cover a diversified number of Hot topics

Alternative Styles and Strategies for Investing The Strategic Approach to Online investments and Trading Managing risks in online trading Development of CFDs Option Trading "the new trend" Selecting the right Broker The Future of Gold Trading. Trends in upcoming months Managed funds. Is it working. who is offering it. how can we be sure of it. Oil trading in different markets a New strategic approach Investment opportunities in financial Markets world wide Binary markets, is it working and why? Capital Markets and Investment options Real Assets – precious metals, timber, infrastructure, agriculture, managed futures, etc. Emerging and Frontier Markets Portfolio Construction Bit coins. Where Next

В© LEBANON FOREX SHOW 2015 All Rights Reserved to Arabcom Group Developed by Adagio Infotech Pvt. Limitado.

Category Archives: Forex

All of us know the pronouncing “paintings smarter, now not more difficult”, however ought to it in reality be possible to paintings THAT an awful lot smarter? running handiest mins a day and changing, Exceeding your cutting-edge profits? don’t worry, Its legal and those are doing it proper this very second round the sector!

Foreign exchange stands for foreign forex market. typically referred to as forex, FX, and 4X. you’ll be acquainted with the inventory market, but there are a few reasons currency exchange can blow stock trading proper out of the water!

There are three main reasons why forex can out preform the stock market any day!

There may be a completely low funding of simplest $300 dollars needed to start. this is a decrease funding whilst as compared to the investment you would make with stocks, futures, or day trading. Of path you may start with something extra than $three hundred, but simply start in which you’re, anything that is and it’s going to grow.

Foreign exchange is the maximum liquid marketplace within the international so it offers a leverage of as much as a hundred:1. The inventory market gives 1:1 and and Futures 15:1. This gives your cash fantastic room to grow and gain even greater leverage!

The foreign exchange marketplace Open 24 hours a day and has a trading volume of almost 2 Trillion dollars an afternoon. This makes the market trend properly and technical analysis works quite properly too. you may consciousness your interest and analysis on one or pairs of forex rather than the forty,000+ stocks inside the stock marketplace.

The foreign exchange market is open 24 hours, can be accessed anywhere within the international with a web connection, and can be the closing device for constructing wealth. Make money running 10 minutes an afternoon, or some hours an afternoon. work day or night time, and make cash whilst the market is up or down. The forex is bendy and may match around anyones agenda!

When it involves trading in virtually any market, Forex trading has a enormous advantage over various other players in buying and selling. Firstly, currencies has the benefit of time freedom. You see inside fx market one can possibly trade night and day from Monday through Friday. In the stock exchange that is not really possible since the marketplace closes at 4: 00 p. m. This advantage of freedom allows anyone who has not yet acquired enough money trading inside 4x market to keep their day work opportunities while trading through the night. Trading the Forex could become an excellent second job for you personally.

Unlike the stock exchange, the currency trading market won’t require a trader to cover a commission to position a trade. This will come as a welcome sign connected with relief to anyone who has grown accustomed towards vast amount of money they must fork over to their brokers which go towards paying off, exchange and govt fees. In the 4x industry you also need not worry about having a large sum of cash in your account to sell your currency pairs.

It is so amazing every single person participate in forex right now. You can apply so from the comfort of your personal home. As long as you’ve got a computer that is connected to the Internet you’re in business. You’ll be ready trading with as small as 300 dollars.

I personally love that one can trade whenever you intend to with the Forex trading. Another advantage that currencies has is that there will almost always be a need for the money. You are simply trading one forex for another inside currency market for the reason that 4x is normally referred to.

Another advantage that will 4x has over stocks is the main advantage of trading focus. As an alternative to having to select from over 4, 000 stocks you can deal with 4 main currency pairs. A stock trader also must grapple while using the time issue carrying out research on those potential stocks provides. It is also easier to understand 4 things instead of 4, 000 items. Focus is the name with the game and 4x trading makes it much easier for this.


Forex is the abridged name of “remote coin”. The Forex business sector is a money market relentless where the monetary forms of countries are purchased and sold, as a rule through specialists. For instance, you purchase Euros, paying with dollars or euros by offering Japanese Yen. The estimation of your Forex venture increments or declines because of changes in the swapping scale or the conversion scale. These progressions frequently come…

Forex exchanging alludes to exchanging money. Since monetary standards of various nations included crude materials other kid, the business sectors, have an “immaculate” That is driven by conduct vast financial powers. To ace this craftsmanship, you ought to make a careful study With the assistance of a trade or exchange Forex course. Forex is a specific type of exchange Quickly, the potential advantage and administrator solid money than different markets…

Finding Helpful Forex Help – Is it worth the time and exertion? Similarly as with a wide range of budgetary instruments are accessible That there are a lot of books, articles and sites That claim to teach on legitimate use. Nonetheless, there are numerous That are not very great, and there are others That are valuable for your requirements. To start and proceed in the right course You ought to…

Aprenda a comerciar con Forex

Learning to trade in a new market is like learning to speak a new language. It’s easier when you have a good vocabulary and understand some basic ideas and concepts. All of us start somewhere. I remember just jumping into forex and losing USD 10k in 3 months. That was really devastating for me; my wife just gave birth and we were still renting a small apartment. I promised myself I’d educate myself before diving in the deep blue ocean of Forex Trading next time.

That’s why EDUCATION is important for all traders before you trade. Don’t follow what your friends trade, don’t follow anonymous ‘tips’ and don’t rely on that software that promises you returns while you sit back and watch. No. Go for courses, read books, join forums and most importantly, try out free demo accounts with virtual money on good forex brokers to try out and experience how Forex really works.

Learn How To Trade Forex – How do you start?

1. Understand basic forex terminology.

El tipo de moneda que está gastando, o deshacerse de, es la moneda base. La moneda que está comprando se llama moneda de cotización. In forex trading, you sell 1 type of currency to purchase another type.

El tipo de cambio le indica cuánto tiene que gastar en la moneda de cotización para comprar la divisa base. For example, if you want to purchase some U. S. dollars using British pounds, you may see an exchange rate that looks like this: GBP/USD=1.589. This rate means that you’ll spend 1.589 dollars for 1 British pound.

Una posición larga significa que usted quiere comprar la moneda base y vender la moneda de la cotización. En nuestro ejemplo anterior, usted querría vender dólares estadounidenses para comprar libras esterlinas.

Una posición corta significa que desea comprar moneda de cotización y vender moneda base. In other words, you would spend sell British pounds and purchase U. S. dollars.

El precio de la oferta es el precio al que su corredor está dispuesto a comprar la divisa base a cambio de la moneda de la cotización. La oferta es el mejor precio al que está dispuesto a vender su moneda de cotización en el mercado.

The ask price, or the offer price, is the price at which your broker will sell base currency in exchange for quote currency. El precio de venta es el mejor precio disponible en el que está dispuesto a comprar en el mercado.

Un diferencial es la diferencia entre el precio de la oferta y el precio de venta.

2. Read a forex quote.

Because you are always comparing one currency to another, forex is quoted in pairs. Esto puede parecer confuso al principio, pero en realidad es bastante sencillo. For example, the EUR/USD at 1.4022 shows how much one euro (EUR) is worth in us dollars (USD).

You’ll see two numbers on a forex quote: the bid price on the left and the ask price on the right.

3. Decide what currency you want to buy and sell.

Hacer predicciones sobre la economía. Si usted cree que la economía de los Estados Unidos seguirá debilitándose, lo que es malo para el dólar estadounidense, entonces probablemente desee vender dólares a cambio de una moneda de un país donde la economía es fuerte.

Look at a country’s trading position. Si un país tiene muchos bienes que están en demanda, entonces el país probablemente exportará muchos bienes para ganar dinero. This trading advantage will boost the country’s economy, thus boosting the value of its currency.

Considere la política. If a country is having an election, then the country’s currency will appreciate if the winner of the election has a fiscally responsible agenda. Además, si el gobierno de un país afloja las regulaciones para el crecimiento económico, es probable que la moneda aumente de valor.

Leer informes económicos. Reports on a country’s GDP, for instance, or reports about other economic factors like employment and inflation, will have an effect on the value of the country’s currency.

4. Learn how to calculate profits.

A pip measures the change in value between 2 currencies. Usually, 1 pip equals 0.0001 of a change in value. For example, if your EUR/USD trade moves from 1.546 to 1.547, your currency value has increased by 10 pip.

Multiplique el número de pips que su cuenta ha cambiado por el tipo de cambio. Este cálculo le indicará cuánto ha aumentado o disminuido su cuenta en su valor.

That is basically it. You need to trade using Forex Brokers online. Don’t fret. I’ve a list of reliable forex brokers here .

Hope that helps.


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One ofthe best things about Forex trading is the fact that one can trade using leverage, thus borrowing as much as 1,000 times your capital in order to make a trade. However, borrowing money for trading in foreign exchange is the same as borrowing it for other purposes—interest must be paid on the loan. However, as currency trading involves both buying and selling, the interest due on your loan can be offset by the interest earned on the currency you buy. Before going on to particular examples, let us take a look at interest rates in general, to see how the foreign exchange market is affected by it. In central banks, interest rates are set in accordance with a country’s monetary poIicy—high interest rates make the currency more expensive to buy and lower interest rates make it less so. imagining the government ofa country with high inflation will help you understand how interest rates are used. The government, because of rapidly rising prices, might decide to raise interest rates. This would increase the cost ofthe country’s currency, and make demand and consumption fall, as borrowing would be more expensive. This in turn would cause prices to fall and inflation rates would come down. Similarly, a country undergoing recession might lower interest rates to boost the country’s economy, as lower price of currency would cause demand, and, therefore, supply, to increase. Interest rates set by central banks also determine at what rate commercial banks can borrow from governments and lend to their customers, including forex traders. Which tells us how interest rates affect this trade. A trader who, for example buys GBP/USD, needs to borrow the Dollars to buy the Pounds and will, thus, pay interest on the USD and earn it on the GBP. If the interest rate the Bank of England sets for the UK Pound is higher than the one set by the Federal Reserve for the US Dollar, the trader will earn more on the UK Pounds he bought than he pays on the US Dollars he borrowed, thus making a profit.

Forex system happens to be the greatest global trade. It taps into some movements for businessmen to gain well. One accepted Forex business agenda utilized rather gainfully in the business is called Channel Breakout. Forex Trading Channels - Channels consist of paths made on a schedule to trace the array where exchange had been transacted in a time span. They can be simply constructed. Observe the schedule in a time span and draw lines linking the comparatively tall spot business expenses, and down under linking a comparative low spot business expenses. This will give you a picture of the business array existent during a time span like, six months. Channel Breakout - Once the value of exchange goes up the peak network line, there is a rising network getaway. Also, once the value goes down below the lowest network spot, you get a downward network getaway. Network getaways happen upwards and downwards. With enough Forex input with scientific scrutiny, everyone may utilize the process for getting a gainful exchange business agenda. You have to build the channels very carefully. Every meeting of lines doesn’t indicate a proper getaway. If there is any fallacy in the line construction, what you observe is business out ofthe array, which just leads you back inside. Therefore, before anything else, gain enough knowledge on Forex. Gainful Control of Forex channels — When you figure out the working of networks, gains will happen. Construct the business with enough pauses. Then, in case of an incorrect getaway sign, you will get tolerable losses or if luck favors you, a very low profit. But if you are on the correct side of a proper network getaway, the tiny lack you received will be moved away and you get a good big satisfactory gain. Any proper Forex business shareholder worth his name capitalizes on channel breakouts. In case you want to cash in the exchange markets, take out a certain amount of time for a Forex education to build this agenda and various technological scrutiny processes.

There is no one single super smart Forex trading tool which gives you profit, profit and more profit. The only possible solution is to use a combination of different tools to identify the favorable market forces to get a maximum number of high probability trades over a period of time. Trendlines are the most popular and reliable Forex trading tool which many successful traders give their testimonial for.

Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestre Lectura anterior: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% y / y Pronóstico: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a Lectura real: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a

El Producto Interno Bruto es una medida integral de la producción y el consumo totales de bienes y servicios. El PIB es una de las principales medidas del bienestar económico general. Aunque los anuncios del PIB generalmente se ajustan a las expectativas, los cambios imprevistos en esta métrica pueden mover los mercados.

Un crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel elevado de actividad económica ya menudo una mayor demanda de la moneda nacional. Al mismo tiempo, la expansión económica plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden llevar a las autoridades monetarias a aumentar las tasas de interés. Así, las cifras del PIB mejor que lo esperado son generalmente alcistas para el euro, mientras que las lecturas negativas son generalmente bajistas.

Técnicamente, el Producto Interno Bruto se calcula de la siguiente manera:

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = consumo privado, I = inversión privada, G = gasto público, EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios, IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios.

Las cifras del PIB francés, denominadas oficialmente Cuentas Nacionales Trimestrales, se publican trimestralmente. Las cifras principales son variaciones porcentuales anualizadas del PIB real y nominal.

Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestres Lectura anterior: 1.0% q / q Pronóstico: 1.0% q / q Lectura actual: 1.4% q / q

El PIB de los Estados Unidos es un indicador de la producción total (bienes y servicios) de la economía estadounidense en el PIB continental de los EE. UU. es la medida global más comprensiva de la producción económica y proporciona una visión clave de las fuerzas impulsoras de la economía.

Influencia del PIB en los mercados Si la cifra aumenta, entonces la economía está mejorando, y así el dólar tiende a fortalecerse. Si el número no alcanza las expectativas o cumple con el consenso, el dólar bajista puede ser activado. Este tipo de reacción está de nuevo vinculado a las tasas de interés, ya que los operadores esperan una aceleración de la economía, los consumidores se verán afectados por la inflación y, en consecuencia, las tasas de interés aumentarán. Sin embargo, al igual que el IPC, un cambio negativo en el PIB es más difícil de negociar; Sólo porque el ritmo de crecimiento se ha desacelerado no significa que se haya deteriorado. Por otro lado, un número mejor de lo esperado normalmente resultará en el aumento del dólar, ya que implica que una economía en rápida expansión tarde o temprano requieren tasas de interés más altas para mantener la inflación bajo control. En general, sin embargo, el PIB ha caído en importancia y su capacidad para mover los mercados, ya que la mayoría de los componentes del informe se conocen de antemano

Debido a la intemperie de este informe y porque los datos sobre los componentes del PIB están disponibles de antemano, la cifra real del PIB suele ser muy esperada. Pero dado su significado general, el PIB tiene la tendencia a mover el mercado después de su liberación, actuando para confirmar o alterar las expectativas económicas. El crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel de actividad más elevado que generalmente se asocia con una economía sana. Sin embargo, la expansión económica también plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden conducir a un endurecimiento de la política monetaria.

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM) donde C = consumo privado I = inversión privada G = gasto público EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios

La cifra es comúnmente reportada en los titulares como un porcentaje anualizado, basado en datos trimestrales.

En una nota técnica: El PIB puede ser reportado en términos reales o nominales, ajustándose el PIB real a la inflación. El PIB en realidad tiene tres lanzamientos, como una cifra Avanzada, Preliminar y Final. La cifra de Advanced se publica cuatro semanas después del final del trimestre. Un mes después, se publica el PIB preliminar, seguido por la medida del PIB final al final del trimestre posterior al trimestre en que se informa. Como la medida más oportuna, el PIB avanzado tiende a mover a los mercados más.

Money, computer and an internet connection are the raw materials you will need to become a Forex trader. However, to become a successful Forex trader, you will need to invest some time to learn the basics of Forex trading. Probably, you may have come across various lucrative advertisements about Forex trading. So, the first lesson is that Forex is not gambling and the trader need a considerable amount of experience to make profit. It requires time and patience.

One of the best parts of Forex trading is that, the trader does not need to invest a big capital to begin the trade. The capital amount varies depending upon the Forex account and broker. Some broker website allow traders to open an account with just 10$ and some other requires a minimum of 250$. There are three kinds of Forex accounts. They are macro, mini and standard. For a beginner, the better option is to open a macro or mini account. So the three simple ways to open a Forex account is to choose the type of online Forex account, register online and activate it.

Before trading with real money, one can open a demo account to practice currency trading. Normally, a practice account will expire within 30 days. However, if you are interested in currency business, then you can learn the basis of Forex trading within three weeks. Forex business is not about profit, ups and downs are usual, but the success actually depends upon how you handle the market conditions.

Multiple time frame Forex trading system has proven to be the reliable way to do Forex business. Forex multiple time frame system help follow trends through different ways. The success of Forex business directly depends upon how one follow the trends. As a matter of fact, Forex trading trends can extend up to weeks, months rarely to years. Traders who are skillful enough to follow these movements will certainly make their profits. Let us examine multiple time frame Forex trading system.

Every trader has his own way to track currency pair chart. But the truth is that there are too many indicators and signals that put one in a dilemma that, which is the right indicator to follow. This is actually the moment that Forex multiple time frame will come in handy. With the help of multiple time frames it is actually easy to find out the obvious trend lines or indicators. Our primary objective is to decide the market direction of our trade. This strategy will help the trader to find the right entry point, stop and exits. Most traders prefer to follow daily time frames. But one should be careful that, if the trade is moving upwards, traders can only move with the market.

However, the truth is that one can find different variations in a Forex multiple frame chart. This will in turn help the trader to trade in the direction of massive trend. This simply means that the program is standard and potential profit loss is comparatively less.

Forex trading is a full-time career and success really depends upon how one tackle the market conditions both psychologically and practically. There are several journal, books and reference materials out there on the market that help you learn the basics of Forex trading. Demo account registration will help you acquire some Forex practical knowledge. But the worst part is that some traders fail to respond properly in accord to market conditions. The majority of Forex traders complaint that, most times, they are mastered by emotions than by reasoning. However, it is not possible to control all the emotions when you are loosing or winning. But, to become a successful Forex trader, one should control the emotional stress.

There is a big difference between gambling and Forex trading. In foreign exchange business one cannot guess or forecast. Some traders just imagine that their forecast of market movements is accurate. A trader is just a business man not a financial technician. His duty is to build new strategies on existing facts. Rather than forecasting, just build practical strategies on existing facts.

Forex trading for success is actually a slogan to build an effective and secure trade strategy. The strategy should not be complex and could profitably use market analysis. Building a business friendly surrounding will help a trader to get rid of emotional stress and pressure. Always trade in a group and share thoughts with other traders. This ambiance will certainly help you find more effective ways to raise your profit.

Forex trading is a full-time career and success really depends upon how one tackle the market conditions both psychologically and practically. There are several journal, books and reference materials out there on the market that help you learn the basics of Forex trading. Demo account registration will help you acquire some Forex practical knowledge. But the worst part is that some traders fail to respond properly in accord to market conditions. The majority of Forex traders complaint that, most times, they are mastered by emotions than by reasoning. However, it is not possible to control all the emotions when you are loosing or winning. But, to become a successful Forex trader, one should control the emotional stress.

There is a big difference between gambling and Forex trading. In foreign exchange business one cannot guess or forecast. Some traders just imagine that their forecast of market movements is accurate. A trader is just a business man not a financial technician. His duty is to build new strategies on existing facts. Rather than forecasting, just build practical strategies on existing facts.

Forex trading for success is actually a slogan to build an effective and secure trade strategy. The strategy should not be complex and could profitably use market analysis. Building a business friendly surrounding will help a trader to get rid of emotional stress and pressure. Always trade in a group and share thoughts with other traders. This ambiance will certainly help you find more effective ways to raise your profit.

It is impossible to trade forex without knowing the right size of lot to work with. A forex broker’s lot can be explained as the least transaction amount for a specific currency pair. A forex trader cannot choose his lot randomly. The size of forex lot varies depending upon the trading style. However, the right approach is to choose the smaller lot. Smaller forex lot size will help you to trade currencies easily. Risk management is comparatively low if you will work with small lots and you can concentrate more on your trades as well.

Micro, mini and standard are the three types of lots that are accessible in forex market. Each lot has their advantages and disadvantages. Micro is the smallest Forex broker lot that is available on the market. Micro lot is specially designed for beginners, and will help them learn the basics of forex trading system. Mini forex broker lot is an expensive version of trading. It normally offers 10,000 units of your base currency. The possibility of loss is high and is considered highly inflammable lot. If you are willing to take the risk, then mini forex lot is for you. Standard forex broker lot here means the biggest lot in Forex trading. A standard lot normally offers 1000,000 unit of your base currency. The profit is big at the same time risk too. The minimum amount you will require to open a standard lot is $25,000.

In order to conclude, mini and micro are the easily switchable forex lot. Think practically and choose your right forex broker lot.

A Forex broker is an omnipresent personality in Forex trading system. In the case of Forex trading system, they offer a platform to trade and work as an invisible link between the buyer and the seller. Since money is get involved in all these procedures, it is common to have issues with a trader and Forex broker. However, before going to Forex market it is always a fair idea to know about Forex brokers. One can find four types of brokers in Forex market. They are; Market Makers, NDD, STP and ECN.

The market makers are actually most powerful forex brokers in the currency trading market. They are doing business not for the sake clients, but for their own pocket as well. What they actually do is that when a trader wants to sell his currency, they buy the currency from the trader. This way the trader will lose his accessibility to the market. That means he will never get the market price. NDD brokers normally charge a commission to increase the spread. However, the process is more transparent. The STP brokers normally have several financial institutions as their clients. This is good for both the retail trader and the buyer. However, it is not a good idea to choose an STP broker with less clients. ECN Forex broker is the best way to trade currency. They normally offer direct accessibility to the market through web.

In order to conclude, the best way is to research as many details about Forex broker online. This will help you choose the right broker and in turn less stress.

Forex trading is a 24 hour business and require resources to keep the system up-to-date. With the help of internet, several forex trading agencies currently offer online support to do currency exchange business over internet. This provides forex traders the opportunity to get as many market movements and real-time news, graphics and prices on a computer.

However, most of these jobs are done with the help of a forex trading software. Forex traders use forex software to analyze, record and calculate market movements. Real-time analysis and market records allow professional as well as retail forex trades to make right decisions regarding the forex investment and trading. While the forex software analysis and reports show the market trend of currencies, investors can manipulate the information. Manipulation of forex software market analysis and reports is done in a variety of ways.

Forex trading software reports help you to deduce the potential profit loss. A professionally built software, however, eliminate the need of hiring market analysis service reports and other facilities to evaluate the market condition. Online security is another reason to choose forex trading software. The Majority of these forex trading analysis programs has several layers of code protection and this makes it difficult for hacked to break the codes. Security must be the prime concern when it comes to trade online.

For a trader it is crucial to choose the right product to get the desired results. The trader should conduct a small online research before choosing a program. In a nutshell, forex trading software is the corner stone of forex market improvements.

A forex broker is an intermediator between you and your currency business. However, in a business like forex, one cannot avoid the powerful presence of Forex broker. A forex broker is responsible for selling and buying orders submitted by a forex investor. This signifies that, it is the management ability of the broker that decides your profit in forex business. So, you will need to pay more attention while choosing the right broker for your forex trading. These days it is not difficult to find a forex broker for your business requirement. The right place to look for a broker is on the web. At the same time, you cannot choose your broker blindly. Frauds and scams are the hidden sides of internet research.

A good forex broker always offer right customer service; you are paying them to monitor your trading activities, so they should do their job properly. So, the quality of customer service decides the competitiveness of the broker or firm. If you discover that your broker is not working well or not meeting your expectation, then you are free to change your broker. A good forex broker will always do their job perfectly or will go beyond your expectation. They are concerned about your investment in foreign currency business.

Online forex broker reviews and forums are the best place to find your intermediator. Broker reviews normally disclose the advantages and disadvantages of a particular company or broker. So, go through as many online reviews and forums before you choose your broker.

Forex is the platform where two different currencies are traded according to the international currency trade laws. The theory is actually simple, you buy a currency and keep it until the value of your currency hikes against your pair currency. This way you can make good profit by selling your main currency against the pair. Currently, foreign exchange trading is a million dollar business and a good revenue source for both retail traders and big investors.

Big investors like banks and other financial institutions use different sophisticated strategies to win most from the market. At the same time, this does not mean that retail traders win nothing. There is no shortcut to make money through Forex trading business. People who are not generating good revenue requires some special mode of business training to improve their business strategies.

Accessibility to global financial market is the basic requirement to do forex trading. There are several ways to reach this market. These days with the help of internet one can trade through online Forex broker. If you are new to this business, then it is a good agenda to open a demonstration forex trading account through your online Forex trading broker.

This will in turn help you get used with various trading programs and online trading market. Trading platform here is the virtual currency market with up - to - date charting resources and exchange rate information. So, the basis of Forex trading is to learn all these information and resources as well as trade in account to the fluctuation of the currency market.

Forex trading can be defined as a market to trade two different currencies. All countries has their own currency; so if a currency comes to forex trading market, then it has certain value against another currency. This comparison is known as pair value. The value of a specific currency is dependent upon several parameters of the market. Fortunately, there are several user-friendly tools and services that a trader can use, to decide the parameters and increase their currency trading profits. The success of forex trading directly depends upon the way one employs the tools and services.

Tools and services that are available on the forex market are mainly used to determine the fluctuations of the currency market. At the same time, traders should understand that there is no perfect tools, but only possibilities. The possibilities of forex trading will differ from trader to trader. That is why it is not possible to develop a ready-made strategy for forex trading. So, what a forex trader should do is to find out the possibility or tool that works better with the personal trading system. If you are looking for a forex trading signal, then it is a better agenda to search for automated forex signal services.

Automated forex trading signal services are able enough to generate signal massively. Traders who are using this system will receive alarms and messages to decide whether to trade or not. However, forex trading signals are good enough to deduce profit loss. So, do your research and find out the right service for your currency trade.

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Forex Exhibitions and Conferences 2009-10

Published: 6 September, 2009 12:56

Have you been thinking about going to some Forex Event, Forex Conference or Exhibition? Look no more. We have here collected all the best currency trading exibitions and conferences as we know of.

Forex Expos, Seminars, Conferences and Events in September, 2009

Forex Conference . FXpress User Group Conference Date . Sept. 14-15 Location . Calyon International Bank, New York City For more information . Visit https://portal. fxpress. com and click on “Events”. Here you have all availible information about this forex conference.

Forex Conference . 4th Annual FIA and OIC New York Equity Options Conference Date . Sept. 22-23 Location . New York Marriott Marquis For more information . Go to www. futuresindustry. org and you will find all info you need.

Forex Expos, Seminars, Conferences and Events in October, 2009.

Forex Expo . Melbourne Trading & Investing Expo Date . Oct. 2-3 Location . Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Forex Expo . Sydney Trading & Investing Expo Date . Oct. 30-31 Location . Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre For more information on both expos: Go to http://tradingandinvestingexpo. com. au .

Financial Conference . Financial Markets World’s Risk Management for Non-Quants Date . Oct. 7-8 Location . Bayards, New York City For more information: Visit www. fmwonline. com .

Forex Trading Conference . FXstreet’s International Traders Conference Date . Oct. 14-16 Location . Barcelona, Spain For more information: Go to www. traders-conference. com and you will find the full agenda.

Futures Trading Conference . TradeStation Futures Symposium Date . Oct. 15-17 Location: Costa Mesa, Calif. Date . Dec. 10-12 Location: Naples, Fla. For more information: Visit their website, www. tradestation. com/strategy .

Forex Expos, Seminars, Conferences and Events in November, 2009.

Forex Seminar . Lawrence G. McMillan’s Intensive Options Seminar Date . Nov. Location . New York City, Marriott Marquis For more information: Go to www. optionstrategist. com and click on “Seminars”

Forex Trading Expo . The Fifth Middle East Forex Trading Expo and Conference 2009 Date . Nov. 17-18 Location . Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, Dubai For more information . www. meforexexpo. com

Event . International Traders Expo Date . Nov. 18-21 Location . Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas For more information . The official homepage have more info; http://www. tradersexpo. com .

Forex Trade Show . Gold, Forex & Derivatives Investment Shanghai Show 2009 Date . Dec. 4-5 Location . Majesty Plaza Shanghai For more information . Go to www. chinagoldsummit. com.

Forex Expos, Seminars, Conferences and Events in February, 2010.

Forex Expos, Seminars, Conferences and Events in March, 2009.

Event . 26th Annual Risk Management Conference Date . March 7-9 Location . The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples, Fla. For more information . Visit www. cboe. com/rmc

Any forex trading exibition or conferences as we forgot? Please send us an email with the info and we’ll be happy to put it up.

One Response to “Forex Exhibitions and Conferences 2009-10”

There will be an expo titled as Gold, Forex & Derivetives Investment Shanghai Show 2009 to be held on 4th – 5th December in Shanghai. We hope to list the event information on your website. Looking forward to your ideas about this issue. Gracias.

Weekly Focus: Rate Cuts Back on the Agenda

Market movers ahead

Central banks in Japan and Europe have stolen the headlines with signals of rate cuts - the US still looks set to move in the opposite direction, but much will depend on the coming week's job and wage figures.

The Bank of England has moved away from rate hikes and is unlikely to make any changes at its meeting on Thursday.

PMI/ISM figures for the US, China and parts of Europe will hopefully indicate some stabilisation after the recent setbacks for manufacturing.

Foreign exchange reserve figures may give some indication of whether Denmark will follow any ECB rate cut with its own.

Global macro and market themes

The Fed keeps the hiking cycle alive and fails to turn risk sentiment.

The Bank of Japan introduces negative rates and signals more to come.

Oil finding a bottom but not a risk-positive one.

Risk rally to prove short-lived - the ECB and the Fed are priced too dovishly.

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This publication has been prepared by Danske Markets for information purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation of any offer to purchase or sell any financial instrument. Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure that its contents are not untrue or misleading, no representation is made as to its accuracy or completeness and no liability is accepted for any loss arising from reliance on it. Danske Bank, its affiliates or staff, may perform services for, solicit business from, hold long or short positions in, or otherwise be interested in the investments (including derivatives), of any issuer mentioned herein. Danske Markets´ research analysts are not permitted to invest in securities under coverage in their research sector. This publication is not intended for private customers in the UK or any person in the US. Danske Markets is a division of Danske Bank A/S, which is regulated by FSA for the conduct of designated investment business in the UK and is a member of the London Stock Exchange. Copyright (©) Danske Bank A/S. Todos los derechos reservados. This publication is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

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Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestre Lectura anterior: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% y / y Pronóstico: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a Lectura real: 0,3% q / q; 1,4% a / a

El Producto Interno Bruto es una medida integral de la producción y el consumo totales de bienes y servicios. El PIB es una de las principales medidas del bienestar económico general. Aunque los anuncios del PIB generalmente se ajustan a las expectativas, los cambios imprevistos en esta métrica pueden mover los mercados.

Un crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel elevado de actividad económica ya menudo una mayor demanda de la moneda nacional. Al mismo tiempo, la expansión económica plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden llevar a las autoridades monetarias a aumentar las tasas de interés. Así, las cifras del PIB mejor que lo esperado son generalmente alcistas para el euro, mientras que las lecturas negativas son generalmente bajistas.

Técnicamente, el Producto Interno Bruto se calcula de la siguiente manera:

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM)

C = consumo privado, I = inversión privada, G = gasto público, EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios, IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios.

Las cifras del PIB francés, denominadas oficialmente Cuentas Nacionales Trimestrales, se publican trimestralmente. Las cifras principales son variaciones porcentuales anualizadas del PIB real y nominal.

Evento: PIB Período: 4 trimestres Lectura anterior: 1.0% q / q Pronóstico: 1.0% q / q Lectura actual: 1.4% q / q

El PIB de los Estados Unidos es un indicador de la producción total (bienes y servicios) de la economía estadounidense en el PIB continental de los EE. UU. es la medida global más comprensiva de la producción económica y proporciona una visión clave de las fuerzas impulsoras de la economía.

Influencia del PIB en los mercados Si la cifra aumenta, entonces la economía está mejorando, y así el dólar tiende a fortalecerse. Si el número no alcanza las expectativas o cumple con el consenso, el dólar bajista puede ser activado. Este tipo de reacción está de nuevo vinculado a las tasas de interés, ya que los operadores esperan una aceleración de la economía, los consumidores se verán afectados por la inflación y, en consecuencia, las tasas de interés aumentarán. Sin embargo, al igual que el IPC, un cambio negativo en el PIB es más difícil de negociar; Sólo porque el ritmo de crecimiento se ha desacelerado no significa que se haya deteriorado. Por otro lado, un número mejor de lo esperado normalmente resultará en el aumento del dólar, ya que implica que una economía en rápida expansión tarde o temprano requieren tasas de interés más altas para mantener la inflación bajo control. En general, sin embargo, el PIB ha caído en importancia y su capacidad para mover los mercados, ya que la mayoría de los componentes del informe se conocen de antemano

Debido a la intemperie de este informe y porque los datos sobre los componentes del PIB están disponibles de antemano, la cifra real del PIB suele ser muy esperada. Pero dado su significado general, el PIB tiene la tendencia a mover el mercado después de su liberación, actuando para confirmar o alterar las expectativas económicas. El crecimiento robusto del PIB indica un nivel de actividad más elevado que generalmente se asocia con una economía sana. Sin embargo, la expansión económica también plantea preocupaciones sobre las presiones inflacionarias que pueden conducir a un endurecimiento de la política monetaria.

PIB = C + I + G + (EX - IM) donde C = consumo privado I = inversión privada G = gasto público EX = exportaciones de bienes y servicios IM = importaciones de bienes y servicios

La cifra es comúnmente reportada en los titulares como un porcentaje anualizado, basado en datos trimestrales.

En una nota técnica: El PIB puede ser reportado en términos reales o nominales, ajustándose el PIB real a la inflación. El PIB en realidad tiene tres lanzamientos, como una cifra Avanzada, Preliminar y Final. La cifra de Advanced se publica cuatro semanas después del final del trimestre. Un mes después, se publica el PIB preliminar, seguido por la medida del PIB final al final del trimestre posterior al trimestre en que se informa. Como la medida más oportuna, el PIB avanzado tiende a mover a los mercados más.

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Advertencia de riesgo: Trading Forex y Derivados conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo para su capital y sólo debe negociar con dinero que puede permitirse perder. Los derivados de negociación pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores, así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. La Guía de Servicios Financieros (FSG) y los Informes de Divulgación de Productos (PDS) de estos productos están disponibles en Titan FX Ltd para descargar desde este sitio web o se pueden obtener copias impresas poniéndose en contacto con cualquier oficina de Titan FX. La FSG y PDS deben ser consideradas antes de decidirse a entrar en cualquier transacción con Titan FX Ltd. Titan FX Ltd es una compañía registrada de Nueva Zelanda número 5390661, Nueva Zelanda Proveedor de Servicios Financieros FSP388647 y San Vicente y las Granadinas IBC No. 22933- IBC-2015. El PDS disponible en este sitio web no constituye una oferta a ninguna persona de intereses a los cuales no sería lícito hacer tal oferta. Nueva Zelanda y residentes de San Vicente y las Granadinas son bienvenidos a navegar por nuestro sitio web, pero tenga en cuenta debido a limitaciones regulatorias que no podemos aceptar cualquier residente de Nueva Zelanda o San Vicente y las Granadinas como cliente. La información en este sitio web no es Dirigida a residentes de cualquier país donde el comercio de divisas y / o CFDs está restringido o prohibido por las leyes o regulaciones locales.

&dupdo; 2016 Titan FX | NZ Número de compañía 5390661 | NZFSP 388647 | SVG IBC No. 22933-IBC-2015

Forex Trading Guide: BOC Interest Rate Statement

Posted 1 year ago | 6:00 AM | 21 October 2014 1 Comment

With a major central bank decision coming up, I think it’s time for another edition of my Forex Trading Guide! Let’s take a look at why the Bank of Canada interest rate decision matters, what happened before, and what might happen this time.

Why is this event important?

If you’ve been a good student in our School of Pipsology. you’d know that monetary policy and interest rate expectations one of the biggest drivers of forex price action. Tightening monetary policy by hiking interest rates or reducing money supply tends to lead to currency appreciation while policy easing by cutting rates or boosting liquidity usually results in currency depreciation.

With that, the Bank of Canada’s upcoming interest rate statement could have a strong impact on the Canadian dollar, especially if Governor Stephen Poloz and his men announce a change in economic outlook or policy bias.

What happened before?

In their previous rate decision, the BOC kept interest rates on hold at 1.00% and maintained its neutral policy stance. Based on the tone of their statement, Poloz and his men don’t seem inclined to tighten monetary policy anytime soon, citing that the slack in the economy would be enough to keep inflation in check.

In addition, BOC policymakers noted that the pickup in inflation might just be due to temporary factors. Recall that Canada printed two consecutive months of stronger than expected CPI readings, although the gains were attributed to the Loonie’s recent depreciation.

What is expected this time?

It’s likely that the BOC will once again stick to its neutral stance for the time being, reiterating that things might stay this way for a long time and downplaying the fact that annual inflation is still above the central bank’s 2% target.

Keep in mind that other major central banks, such as the BOE and the Fed, have decided to shift to a more cautious policy bias since risks to global economic growth have resurfaced. BOC officials might also zoom in on how this might affect the Canadian economy and possibly mention that falling oil and energy prices might hurt growth.

Although Canada has had its share of impressive economic figures lately, particularly in retail sales and exports, Governor Poloz and his men might not be too keen to veer from the pack and suggest that a rate hike might come sooner than expected. In fact, the BOC would rather have a weaker Canadian dollar in order to spur export activity, which means that talking about rate hikes probably ain’t on their agenda.

A cautious policy statement might not be enough to trigger Loonie selling, but a very dovish set of remarks just might. Better keep your eyes and ears peeled during the actual event on Wednesday 3:00 pm GMT!

17/08/2015 BY Melissa T.

Fantastic Ideas To Make Foreign Currency Enable You To Get More Income

Welcome towards the thrilling world of forex! As apparent for you, this can be a big world chock-full of deals, methods and engineering. Forex trading is extremely aggressive, also it might take some time to locate what techniques are best for you personally. Make use of the following ideas to help you to get started.

Spend close focus on the economic information, particularly the news that’s provided concerning the various values by which you’re investing. Speculation may be the title of the overall game, and also the newsmedia includes a ton related to that. You need to put up electronic signals in your marketplace to permit one to use breaking news.

In forex currency trading, down and up designs of marketplace may continually be observed, but one is generally more prominent. It’s more straightforward to market indicators once the marketplace is up. Usually take a look at developments whenever choosing a.

As in only about any section of existence, the more you exercise and encounter anything the more sharply produced your abilities become. Like a beginner, this can help you to get a feeling of the marketplace and just how it functions with no threat of making use of your tough-received money. There are lots of online lessons you may also make the most of. Supply yourself with just as much understanding as you can before trying to create your first proper industry.

About the foreign currency marketplace, an excellent device as you are able to use within order to restrict your dangers may be the purchase named the collateral end. Utilizing end purchases while forex currency trading enables you to quit any trading exercise whenever your expense drops below a specific whole.

Stop-loss guns are not noticeable. nor influence a currencyis worth on the market, however many think they do. It’s difficult to determine them-and is usually inadvisable to industry without one.

The very best technique may be the reverse. Having an agenda can help you avoid your normal desires.

Study guidance you’re provided as it pertains to Forex. What might work with one broker might not meet your needs, also it could cost you lots of cash. You need to first spend time researching basic evaluation and specialized evaluation on your own, then make use of this understanding to build up your personal trading techniques.

On the planet of foreign currency. there are lots of methods that you simply have available to create greater deals. The planet of foreign currency includes a small anything for everybody, but what functions for just one individual might not for another. Ideally, these guidelines have provided you a starting place on your own technique.

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T. foreign exchange markets traded without progress most of the week as the lack of new to keep traders stay on the sidelines. Sin embargo, todo esto cambiará hoy. En la agenda de los Estados Unidos hoy, está programado para lanzar cinco miembros de la Comisión Federal de Mercado Abierto () Word of the Day. If this does not ignite to fluctuations in the US dollar, there will

Nada más es capaz de hacerlo. It is expected to be made up of speakers lineup Pollard (tough), Lillian (intermediate cautious), Lacker (tough), Evans (medial warned), Dudley (medial warned)

Y características (medial advertido). We will mobilize the head of the Fed Ms. Janet Yellen most attention because of its position but it is likely that the markets will focus on the word Features: Transition Effect of exchange rates to output and inflation, which could provide hints about the monetary policy of the Fed rate sensitivity title US dollar. As the markets have been taken into account fully lifted the interest rate in September, any bug decline in the confidence index strongly the US economy would have immediate repercussions on the long positions of the US dollar happens (International Monetary Market data showing new highs for long positions for the US dollar). En el futuro, los próximos datos económicos de Estados Unidos serán la última fecha para la dirección de la Fed.

Los datos de ventas al por menor de este viernes serán un factor clave para convencer a los mercados de que el consumidor doméstico realmente se beneficia de mercados de trabajo fuertes y bajos precios del petróleo. De una manera interesante, la perspectiva de una trayectoria gradual de las tasas de interés de la Reserva Federal probablemente Ithira preguntas en el caso de los datos se está acelerando Epeshka real comenzó. Sr. Draghi Presidente de las declaraciones del Banco Central Europeo ante el Parlamento Europeo esta mañana ha aumentado nuestros niveles de convicción. Su discurso sonaba cauteloso en promedio significativamente, al tiempo que indicaba que una mayor relajación era una opción posible en diciembre. Draghi dijo que las presiones inflacionarias han disminuido y dijo que la debilidad económica tiene dos mil carga sobre el crecimiento de los salarios, lo que a su vez debilitaría las perspectivas de inflación. A pesar de que estos datos es apenas hacer hincapié en sus comentarios en la conferencia de prensa del Banco Central Europeo, la debilidad del euro. El Sr. Draghi señaló que todas las herramientas que se pueden utilizar para las compras de activos es posible expandirse más allá de septiembre si el camino de la inflación no era cierto. Seguimos siendo optimistas en la perspectiva para el dólar de los EEUU y esperamos hacer frente al impulso descendente del euro contra el nivel 1.0660 de dólar de los EEUU (aterrizando 21/07/2015). Las correcciones serán alcistas para que el par Eurodollar sea limitado en 1.077

After doing a lots of self-study, I hope you have now some idea regarding FOREX. If someone’s answer is still ‘NO’, I would like to encourage you to learn how to do analysis in currency pairs.

Let’s do one analysis together….

I am presenting my style of analysis. I would like to request all of you to share your own style in the comment box.

I personally always like to take my trades based on price action with the confluence of Fibonacci. Usually, I don’t like to use any kind of indicators, but sometimes I consult with MA or MACD or Bollinger Bands to find some confluences.

First, I always try to find some good support and resistance zone from past history. After that, I draw Fibonacci level to see whether that support or resistance zone match with any Fib level or not. If yes then I wait for price action signal near that zone and take my position according to my money management.

I would like to emphasize that money management and strong discipline is the only tools which can make you a successful trader. If I give same analysis to 10 persons, among them only 2 or 3 will be able to do profit with that analysis. Though, it sounds very amazing but this is the fact. Experience traders do not rely heavily on analysis or indicators rather they try to manage their portfolio with their strong money management. The main target is to minimize the loss and maximize the profit.

FOREX market has its own pulse, it does not move in same pace every time. Sometimes, it moves strongly in one direction with good technical moves and some times it becomes unpredictable or it enters in range market. Every trader will get their opportunity to make money if he/she keep patience during his/her unfavorable time and wait for his suitable time.

I want to give you a live example of analysis. The following chart of AUDNZD pair is the latest daily chart.

Firstly, I was looking for a price action buy signal in blue zone. Why in this blue zone? Cause this blue zone is a good support zone.

You can see that in last Thursday price touched the blue zone and moved back up in days closing. Therefore, it created a pin bar in our expected zone. In next day, price gave some retracement. So, now it is in a good position for long.

In the attached chart, you can see that if your stop loss is around red zone and your 1st, 2nd and 3rd profit zone is the green boxes respectively, you can easily target for 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 risk-reward ration. Therefore, the R/R ration of this trade setup is good.

This place is also suitable for me to manage my trade with my own money management. Why this point is important? Cause you never know where the market will move in future. You need to be prepared to handle any kind of worst scenario. If you think that you can handle the worst situation for the trade setup then you can take your trade. Otherwise, it is wise to stay in sideline to find any better opportunity within your money management.

What is your opinion about AUDNZD trade setup? You can also post some fundamental news regarding this pair in the comment section of this post. I am expecting some insights and comments from you.


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I found that AUDNZD is going to create a very good price action pattern in near future.

In weekly chart, we got a morning star candlestick pattern in last week. The last week bullish candle was significant. This week starts with bullish sentiment.

If we zoom in to daily chart, we can see that price nicely bounced back from 1.0550 support level. In consolidation zone, price tried to break the level but it was not able to do so.

Now price is testing 1.090 resistance level. If it breaks this level it may go towards north strongly. May be it can reach up to 1.1200 or 1.1565 level (marked in the daily attached chart with green boxes).

Two possible scenarios may occur.

Scenario 1: As every body is looking at this pair for buy opportunity it may hikes up and can break the 1.090 level easily. It will not be wise to jump in that level quickly. If it breaks rapidly it will be better to wait for retracement up to last resistance level and then we should look for price action buy signal, may be in H4 chart.

Scenario 2: I am expecting this move. Price may retrace back to 1.078 level first. Later, it will move strongly towards north.

My trade plan will be as follows: I will wait for the retracement up to the retracement zone marked in gray box. If I get any price action buy signal in lower time frame I will go for that. My 1st and 2nd take profit target will be green boxes and will depend on day’s closing and my stop loss will be near red box and will be decided by daily close. I will prefer scenario 2 over scenario 1 cause in that case my risk reward ration will be good. If I do not receive any clear price action buy signal in gray zone, I will wait up to red box. If we get a buy signal, it will be a good signal for buy, cause may be that will help to create double bottom pattern. But, if it closes under red zone, I will totally out cause it may create huge movement to downward.

This pair is behaving abruptly from couple of months. Several times in past few weeks, it showed false break towards north but eventually ended to south.

This time we are getting very good reversal signal too. If you look at the MACD, we can see that it is creating bullish divergence in daily chart which is a very good sign for trend reversal. I would like to play with this pair few times. I am expecting some comments from you. Specially from our analyst-AUD pairs.

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What do you think about this upcoming trade setup on EURUSD…… If I get a price action signal near blue zone, I will go for short. It just broke the trend line last day of last week. it closed under it. It also closed under the support zone. If price retrace back towards trend line or resistance zone (previous support now becomes resistance), it will be a good opportunity for sell EURUSD. If any one has different view on it, please share your views….

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The following video explains about natural gas future:

6XkAxQ. html Natural gas moves a bit slow but with seasonality. It appears that it has reached the peak of this season and would go low as the weather warms up in the North America.

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Forex Trader Course Curriculum (8 Days $2000)

More About Forex (CURRENCY) Trading

Global, simple and highly leveraged. the appeal of FX currency trading.

The foreign exchange, currency exchange, Forex or FX market is among the largest and most liquid in the world. The majority of trades are made between banks and other financial institutions which simply need to convert one currency into another. Yet at the same time, Forex trading is highly attractive to individual traders who want maximum leverage on their investments.

With leverage as high at 50:1, investors can take significant Forex positions for a few thousand dollars vs. tens of thousands for equity trading. A side benefit is the thrill of trading elbow-to-elbow with household names in finance.

Of course, extreme leverage also means that an investment in currency trading can quickly work against you. This is why an education in Forex trading, such as that offered by EXPLORE TRADING CAPITAL, is essential.

Two good reasons to trade Forex:

First is simplicity. Unlike the thousands of stocks that an equity trader must research, there are only a few major currencies and at any one time you will be doing a currency pair trade of one currency for another. In fact, over 80% of FX trading is concentrated in pairs of just six currencies: U. S. Dollar, Euro, Yen, Pound Sterling, Swiss Frank and Australian Dollar.

A second benefit of Forex trading is convenience. Trading is round the clock and moves with the sun; the Asian market is followed by the European Market then the U. S. Market and back to Asia, 24 hours a day except on weekends. Somewhere in the world, someone is always trading Forex and so can you during trading hours that last from 22:00 GMT on Sunday to 22:00 GMT on Friday. This makes Forex trading ideal for U. S. investors who can only trade in the evenings when the major equity exchanges are closed.

Add in the leverage of starting with a small initial capital outlay, and you can see why Forex is the choice of a growing number of EXPLORE TRADING CAPITAL students who want to start fast with dramatic upside potential in their trading.

Some technical details about FX currency trading:

In Forex trading, currencies are valued down to the “pip”—the smallest unit of measurement available for a currency pair. For example, in a Dollar/Euro swap a pip would be worth 1/100 cent. This sounds like a unit almost too small to measure—but in a typical (“standard”) Forex contract $1,000 can control $100,000 in currency so a Dollar/Euro pip is worth $10, and a typical day’s move of 100 pips up or down could result in a substantial profit or loss.

There is no central market for Forex; currency trades are made over-the-counter in billions of individual swaps every day. The traditional hub of currency exchange is London with New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore also conducting significant trading volume. (Of course, EXPLORE TRADING CAPITAL graduates conduct all their Forex trading connecting from their desktops using a state-of-the-art trading platform.)

The most basic factor influencing currency exchange rates is supply and demand; money supplies are constantly fluctuating and if a currency is in reduced supply at the exact moment a trade must be made its price will go up. Beyond that, traders or speculators may assign a premium or a penalty to a currency based on expected changes in money flow caused by gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, budget debits or surpluses and other macroeconomic conditions.

Fortunately, short-term traders have developed technical analysis methods to track and capitalize on market moves without access to complete research in the underlying market conditions—and that is the focus of the EXPLORE TRADING CAPITAL Forex curriculum. Students learn about Fibonacci-based trades, reversal trades and break trades and also the management of risk and capital preservation with high-probability strategies.

Spot vs futures Forex trading:

The "spot" Forex market is a cash market. The trade will be executed immediately at the current exchange rate, taking into account any pips which have been included into the price on either side in order to generate a profit on the trade. The "futures" market represents the perception of where that same currency pair will be trading at on a specific date in the future; each side commits to a hypothetical trade on that date at the agreed-upon price.

The spot market is unregulated and prone to manipulation by brokers on the other side of the trade, who may add pips to their price that make the deal unprofitable no matter how it turns out. FX futures, in contrast, are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), a regulated market where there is a clear view of trades and prices. Therefore at EXPLORE TRADING CAPITAL we generally advise our students to trade in the futures market, using very near-term dates if they want to capitalize on fast-breaking market conditions.

Forex Trader Course Curriculum ( 8 Days $2000)

Course Agenda - Part 1 (Days 1 -3)

· Introduction to the Forex Markets

· Forex Terminology / Order Entry Types

· What is the Forex Market?

· The History of Forex trading

Has A Forex Currency War Begun?

Everyone’s talking about Forex currency wars. Is there one? And how will it affect Forex robots?

Current economic conditions are now coming out of the shadows. Has the great Forex currency war begun? The answer is no .

It began long ago when the central banks started using monetary policies to prop up their equity and derivative markets. So why all of a sudden are the talking heads and the main stream news media talking about Forex currency wars now? Obviously there is an agenda to this recent news blast about the BOJ and other central banks.

Many things can be said good and bad about the quantitative easing going on. German banks now want to repatriate their gold holdings out of the US Federal Reserve system and take possession of their gold. What is the big deal? The US federal reserve bank sent over 16 trillion to European banks during the so called economic crisis.

Forex Currency Wars Monetary Policies and Meetings

At the DAVOS meeting, a sovereign fund manager in China made statements recently about the risk of Forex currency wars and how central banks should limit their printing press. You can find the article here. The average trader would love to be a fly on the wall in some of these meetings held in dark smoke filled rooms where the banking elite plot their next scheme.

Folks, we are all witness to these events as they unfold. The best we can do is ride the wave and make money during the ups and downs of this so called Forex currency war. If you look at the recent charts, you can see some very nice patterns appear within the jpy pairs. The time is now to strike while the IRON is hot.

How It Affects Your Forex Robots

Our Forex robots will be sensitive to this market condition. Our traders should really study all of the features within each Forex robot and use this time as an advantage. Manual traders have been most blessed recently as our Fractal Breakout Indicator is really producing signals that even the most conservative trader would be proud of.

You and I cannot change the wind of the financial policies throughout the world. We can only identify current market conditions. The time to look for profitable trades is now . Check the wind, plot your course and set your sails, there are huge gains to be made. We recommend taking advantage with our new Best Forex robots bundle. It contains the Fractal Breakout indicator, as well as several other useful tools.

Artículos Relacionados

What is currency trading?

At BasicForex. net, we aim to give you all the basics you need to get started with online currency trading. We give insight into the best online forex brokers. explain how and where you can set up a forex demo account and much more.

But first and foremost, we have to answer the important question: what is currency trading?

If you give someone some euros and they give you back some dollars in return, you would both be currency trading. It's basically as simple as that, although currency trading also happens at a much larger scale.

There are around 200 countries in the world, and together they use more than 100 currencies to assign value to goods and services, and pay for all the things they need. Now more than ever, humans travel beyond the borders of their countries. Not just to take a holiday, but also to buy and sell products, supplies and even labor. Whatever the reason is, whenever someone crosses the border - physically or virtually - chances are that they'll need some (or a lot) of the local currency to be able to do transactions.

But currency trading is not just done out of the need to acquire another currency. The majority of currency trading is done to make a profit on the trade itself, or to make money in the future, when it can be traded back at a better price. Currency trading, just like regular trade, follows the concept that if you sell something for a higher price than what you bought it for, you are making a profit.

Trillions of dollars worth of currency trading is done all around the world every day. That makes money by far the most traded commodity in the world. Surely, such a big market needs to have a name.

The foreign currency exchange market

All the currency trades in the world combined, form the foreign currency exchange market. Another popular name used for this is the forex market. The term forex is derived from FOReign EXchange. Since currency trading is being done almost anywhere, you can access this market almost anywhere too, from airports to the internet. So you won't have to go to one particular place to trade at the forex market, which is one of the reasons it became so big, and why it's so easy to get into currency trading yourself.

The largest amounts of currency are traded by the major banks, with each other. Their trades account for about 40% of the total foreign currency exchange market. Companies, hedge funds, pension funds and other, similar institutions are also important players in the forex market, but individuals such as yourself can also step in quite easily, using forex brokers.

As you probably know, there are no two currencies with exactly the same value. Ten dollars are worth less than ten euros (at least, it was at the time when we wrote this), but exactly how many dollars you will get for ten euros can change literally from second to second. These changes are never that big, but big enough to make the foreign currency exchange market a potentially very lucrative playground for speculative traders.

To learn more about what the foreign currency exchange market is, and how it works, read this article where we explain its workings more in-depth.

Forex brokers

If you wanted to get into the kind of speculative currency trading that goes on at the foreign currency exchange market, your first step would be to open an account at an online forex broker. This is a website where you will get access to trading software after opening a free account. You can then use this software to make currency trades with just a few mouse clicks. Some appealing aspects of trading with these brokers, are that no commission is charged, and that you will often receive a bonus without even having to deposit any money.

A good example is Plus500. where new members can get a €25 no-deposit bonus. Simply follow this link if you want to take a look at this online broker. Keep in mind that your capital may be at risk.

If you want some more suggestions for finding good currency trading platforms, feel free to read our article about the best online forex brokers .

Forex strategy

Having a good strategy in currency trading can really improve your chances of success. If you want to get your hands on some good currency trading strategies, it can be smart to take a look at the education sections of the various online forex brokers. Most of them offer at least some basic information about currency trading, but some brokers take it to the next level. The best example of an educational forex broker is Markets. com .

This website has an extensive learning section, where you can study a wide range of currency trading topics. The offer of information and training is not just big, but also very diverse. Markets. com offers eBooks, video tutorials and even webinars, in which currency market experts personally answer your questions.

To start learning at Markets. com, simply visit their website. and navigate to the education section.

Now that you know what currency trading is and where you can do it, nothing stands in your way of making your first successful currency trades! Simply open an account at an online forex broker. and start practicing with a demo account - or go ahead and trade for real money if you prefer. Or, if you want to do some more reading first, just browse through our website for more articles about currency trading.

FX Insider

by Bradley Gilbert

Transition from thinking like a “retail trader” to an “institutional investor” with this experienced-based guide to improving your profitability. Brad Gilbert reveals how he started in forex trading, and built an impressive career trading on the currency desks of international banks. This book takes you from A to Z of how to trade live economic data releases.

Live Trading Desk & Live Trade zone

One month subscription

Connect with our trading team every day through our highly interactive Live Trade Zone and trade the economic data releases alongside our team in our Live Trading Sessions – you will get access to trading session previews, play-by-play updates and real time trade alerts. It’s the most complete on-line trading environment you’ll find anywhere.

FX Kickstart Series

The FX KickStart Series is the perfect starting point for all traders. The knowledge from these videos will set you up for a long term career in trading & it’s the same knowledge that institutional traders are taught when they first start their trading careers.

Wholesale Investor Certification

Receive certification that you understand the concepts of leverage, margins, volatility, the processes and technologies used and are prepared to monitor and manage the risks of trading.


Brad Gilbert

Managing Directory, T4T

Brad has over 25 years of experience in the forex industry. Prior to setting up T4T in 2009, Brad worked for Citibank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Toronto Dominion Bank. He started as a graduate and worked his way up to be Chief Dealer of some of the biggest FX teams in Sydney, London & Nueva York. He has also worked extensively through Asia in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam. He leads from the front and always makes time for the trading team.

Nick Twidale

Nick started in the FX industry on the spot desk at Commonwealth Bank of Australia in London in 1998 before being transferred to CBA Sydney in 2004 and then moving on to work for RBC in their Sydney Office. In his time in the market he has worked in all the major centres and traded Commodities and Options as well as Foreign Exchange. He joined T4T in early 2014 and has been an integral part of all aspects of the business since.

What’s included with the event ticket?

Admittance to the event (April 23-24, 2016) and access to all event materials (ticket does not include travel, hotel or food).

Who is this event for?

The workshop is for new, intermediate and advanced traders and investors. Every trader will benefit from the knowledge and experience shared at this event.

Why should you attend this event?

To get a clear understanding of what you need to do to make consistent cash trading forex.

To learn new skills and strategies that you can put into action straight away.

To get a clear and precise Capital Management plan that will take your trading to the next level.

What will be discussed throughout the event? What is the event agenda?

We’re focused on providing the necessary skills and knowledge to get you trading forex successfully. Our experienced team led by Brad Gilbert will walk you through every component of our training program.

You will be able to ask questions at the end of each section as we want to ensure everyone understands the concepts and strategies before we move onto the next section.

By the end of the two day workshop you should have a very clear understanding of your trade plan and how your going to approach your daily trading routine.

Are travel or hotel expenses included?

Will the event be recorded?

Yes, but only small portions. We are hoping to record as much as we can.

What should I bring to the event?

Your notebook and pens, lots of good cheer and a clear mind to learn exactly how the bankers trade!

Do you offer group discounts for the event?

Yes, please contact us and tell us about your party so we can create a custom package for you.

Live Trading Desk & Live Trade zone

Connect with our trading team every day through our highly interactive Live Trade Zone and trade the economic data releases alongside our team in our Live Trading Sessions – you will get access to trading session previews, play-by-play updates and real time trade alerts. It’s the most complete on-line trading environment you’ll find anywhere. - Live daily trading market updates - Live assessment of economic data releases – Real-time trader performance coaching - Watch professionals trade live All while discussing with like-minded traders in our interactive chat room

Sydney Traders Meet Up

Sydney Traders Meet Up

T4T Meet Up Agenda Since there's been no readily available 'source' of experienced information in the market most traders bounce from one approach to another, waste a gazillion hours watching webinars from 'so-called experts' and continually experiment with 'miracle trade systems…

T4T Meet Up Agenda

Since there's been no readily available 'source' of experienced information in the market most traders bounce from one approach to another, waste a gazillion hours watching webinars from 'so-called experts' and continually experiment with 'miracle trade systems'.

Trading is a journey that should always grow and develop as you learn more about the market and about yourself. But it's extremely important to have the 'Foundation' knowledge: understand how the market works, how the main players (the bankers) analyse and execute their trades.

Once you have this foundation you can then apply all sorts of methods and tools to 'enhance' your performance. You'll find things that are a complete waste of time and others that are pure gold!

Sharing Our Experience

This meet up is all about sharing the 'foundation' knowledge to get you on the path to success as a trader. We hope to meet fellow traders and share trading strategies and styles which can hopefully improve all of our performance.

Whether you are interested in learning to trade or finding ways to invest your money in trading, a visit to this meetup is all you'll need to get started: beginner, intermediate and professional traders and investors are all welcome.

At the very least it's a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and share a few trading stories from the investment banking days whilst having a few drinks!

Come along and let's meet up. I can assure you it'll definitely be worth your while!

Note: Many members have tried to join up, and then spam the group to sell them something, like the latest magical EA (trading robot), or the "secret" strategy. Sorry, but you won't last long in this group. We can smell a rat a mile off!

New members must be approved by the organizer

Announcing China Forex Expo 2016 in Shenzhen

ChinaForex Expo 2016 will be a grand event for brokers, traders, investors, affiliates and IBs. It is an important event in Forex and Binary options industry. List of partners includes FXStreet, Forex Bonus Lab, ForexBonus100, Global Banking and Finance Reviews, OCR, Private Banking, Profit F, TradeFord, Trading Central, etc.

ChinaForexExpo is a leading tradeshow for the retail forex industry bringing together attendees, exhibitors and sponsors for the event. Attendees to the ChinaForex Expo 2016 will get the opportunity to network with likeminded individuals from the retail forex industry as well as conduct business with forex affiliate and forex IB partners.

Attendees to the China Forex Expo 2016 can register for free on the official website as well to learn more about the venue and the agenda for the event.

Speakers of China Forex Expo 2016 will discuss with visitors the hottest topics in forex market area. Here is a list of speakers (not full list): Demetrios Zamboglou from Zebrafx, Rani Sawaf from Centroid Solutions Ltd. Chris Bailey from Financial Orbit Limited, Mark Coe from MCC Capital Advisors, J BRADLEY HALL from CHAIRMAN AND CEO, Jack Bouroudjian from Index Futures Group, LLC. Yu Qidao from Uuoption and more…


Dirección. 155, Add: 77 Xingyi Rd, Changning, Shanghai, China

SOURCE: PRFinance. com (News Release Distribution and Press Release Distribution Service)

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TSLA, YHOO . 10 Stocks Moving In Thursday.

RJET, DAL . Republic, Delta Reach Agreement to Restructure Codeshare Relationship

ROVI, TIVO . Tivo Worth $11 To $15.50 In Takeout, Jefferies Predicts

Forex Trading Strategy – Channel Breakout

Forex Trading Strategy – Channel Breakout

Forex trade happens to be the greatest global trade. It taps into some movements for businessmen to gain well. One accepted Forex business agenda utilized rather gainfully in the business is called Channel Breakout.

Forex Trading Channels

Channels consist of paths made on a schedule to trace the array where exchange had been transacted in a time span. They can be simply constructed. Observe the schedule in a time span and draw lines linking the comparatively tall spot business expenses, and down under linking a comparative low spot business expenses. This will give you a picture of the business array existent during a time span like, six months.

Channel Breakout – Once the value of exchange goes up the peak network line, there is a rising network getaway. Also, once the value goes down below the lowest network spot, you get a downward network getaway. Network getaways happen upwards and downwards. With enough Forex input with scientific scrutiny, everyone may utilize the process for getting a gainful exchange business agenda.

You have to build the channels very carefully. Every meeting of lines doesn’t indicate a proper getaway. If there is any fallacy in the line construction, what you observe is business out of the array, which just leads you back inside. Therefore, before anything else, gain enough knowledge on Forex.

Gainful Control of Forex channels – When you figure out the working of networks, gains will happen. Construct the business with enough pauses. Then, in case of an incorrect getaway sign, you will get tolerable losses or if luck favors you, a very low profit.

But if you are on the correct side of a proper network getaway, the tiny lack you received will be moved away and you get a good big satisfactory gain.

Any proper Forex business shareholder worth his name capitalizes on channel breakouts. In case you want to cash in the exchange markets, take out a certain amount of time for a Forex education to build this agenda and various technological scrutiny processes.

That will build up the exchange agendas, which would yield gainful consequences. If you don’t give some time to completely figure out the stakes and yields contained in a Forex business agenda, you may not get the desirable consequences. So you see, your gain just depends on you.

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– Freelancer Tools and Services for testing Web Projects | MacTale90+ browsers, Linux, Win, Mac and even the presentation in different versions …. Provides an enhanced browser interface to aid in building and testing dynamic …

How To Calculate Pips On Forex Calculate your potential profit fast and easy with Forex exchange calculators pip and margin by ✦PaxForex. In this article we discuss and define what forex pips, lots, margin and leverage are. We also provide examples of each for easier comprehension. Forex Tool – 1 PIP Value Calculator – This Tool gives you the value of

Sep 5, 2015 … 11-best-frree-photoshop-plugin-7 … with simplicity in mind and provides a clean and simple user interface. & # 8230; It uses Cliplets to help you create this cinemagraph. & # 8230; Simply press Cmd+Shift+T on a Mac, or Ctrl+Shift+T on Windows, … for layer styles: simply hold down theAlt/Optkey and drag the FX icon in the …..

Proven ability to interface with all levels of internal organization to ensure solutions …. man hour management using charts, graphs, Power Point presentations and …. He and his staff are committed to helping clients 7 days a week and making the …. led a multi-disciplinary workforce that was dispersed to 35+ different sites.

Calculate your potential profit fast and easy with Forex exchange calculators pip and margin by ✦PaxForex.

In this article we discuss and define what forex pips, lots, margin and leverage are. We also provide examples of each for easier comprehension.

Forex Tool – 1 PIP Value Calculator – This Tool gives you the value of 1 pip in dollars for each currency pair – Select the lot size of your choice.

In finance, specifically in foreign exchange markets, a percentage in point or price interest point (pip) is a unit of change in an exchange rate of a currency pair .

– How to calculate the margin and pip value of CFDs (such as Stock …Apr 16, 2015 … Hi all, To extend my vision, I start studying CFDs, such as Stock Index, Oil, Commodity, etc. Unlike Forex, I don't understand how margin…

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Feb 13, 2015 … "How much is a 1 pip movement on EURUSD (or any pair) worth in my currency? & Quot; & # 8211; here's the answer! & # 8211; Free download of the 'Simple Pip Value …

Jan 19, 2012 … When FX first launched the brilliant series Archer, it was going against conventional wisdom that you couldn't put an animated series on the …

Automated Forex Contest Forex School Fox Forex School Online Review – Forex School Online with Johnathon Fox Reviews, Testimonials & Comments From Students Learn about forex trading with FOREX. com’s learning center. We offer video tutorials, webinars and online trading courses. Johnathon Fox is a professional Forex and Futures trader who also acts a tutor and metnor to many

– Unsupervised Wiki – WikiaFX will premiere its newest series with the animated comedy Unsupervised, which will premiere on January 19 at 10:30 … Unsupervised – Season 1 Trailer.

Feb 8, 2012 … Watch full episodes of Unsupervised and get the latest breaking news, … Not only is he an executive producer of FX's It's Always Sunny in …

Nov 15, 2012 … Despite garnering poor ratings, FX opted to order a second season of Unsupervised in late March. There's no word on when they'll air or how …

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Jan 23, 2012 … The best network on television is FX, hands down. & # 8230; League,” and “Louie” has no business even putting a show like “Unsupervised” on the air.

Unsupervised is an American animated sitcom which ran on FX from January …. FX officially announced Unsupervised season finale to be aired on Thursday, …

Automated Forex Contest Forex School Fox Forex School Online Review – Forex School Online with Johnathon Fox Reviews, Testimonials & Comments From Students Learn about forex trading with FOREX. com’s learning center. We offer video tutorials, webinars and online trading courses. Johnathon Fox is a professional Forex and Futures trader who also acts a tutor and metnor to many

Triple Crown Contenders – Horse Racing – About. com – How to Calculate Betting Odds and Payoffs. horse racing – Doug Pensinger/Getty Images. Thoroughbred Horse Racing Entries and Results. horse racing …

Forex or Currency Futures? & # 8230 ;. For example, if the Euro to US Dollar exchange rate was 1.2500 in the US and 1.2505 in the UK, an arbitrage … Points and Ticks …

It calculated the rate from a panel of banks representing countries in each of … LIBOR is also the rate used to base the price for interest rate swaps and credit default swaps. & # 8230; LIBOR is usually a few tenths of a point above the Fed funds rat…

The dong (VND) is Vietnam’s official currency. Paper notes come in … local currency only. Exchange your money at banks or other authorized currency exchange centers. & # 8230; Bring a small calculator to calculate currency conversions. Travelers’ & # 8230;

Forex School Fox Forex School Online Review – Forex School Online with Johnathon Fox Reviews, Testimonials & Comments From Students Learn about forex trading with FOREX. com’s learning center. We offer video tutorials, webinars and online trading courses. Johnathon Fox is a professional Forex and Futures trader who also acts a tutor and metnor to many aspiring traders world

SuperCloset Is Conducting A Grow Box Giveaway Each Quarter This Year – SuperCloset, the #1 best-selling manufacturer of fully automated complete hydroponic systems, is doing grow box giveaway each quarter through their social … media reach with the inclusion of quarterly contests to giveaway free grow boxes and products.

Forex Training Glasgow Free Forex Workshops – Our Free Trading Workshop are available all over UK including several venues in London and Manchester. – click here for free course – FX FlowForex trading online training. & # 8230; Location - Fx Flow, 126 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 2RQ. Cost - £1995 per participant. Terms of Booking-. Payment of all … Hi, Calculate Forex Lot Size Definition of the trading terms tick, tick size, and tick value, and examples of their use in trading. & # 8230; Futures markets often have specific tick sizes, but stock markets have a tick … Calculate the Size of a Futures Market Trade · How F… Forex School Fox Forex School Online Review – Forex School Online

No Automatic Ticket for Any PDP Lawmaker: Mu’azu – At the end of the meeting, however, Mr. Mu’azu told journalists that the PDP will not give automatic tickets to its members to contest the 2015 general elections. He said that automatic tickets were only given by parties that were undemocratic.

ANALYST TAKE: "Investors have also shown greater enthusiasm for equities and other riskier assets in recent days due, in part, to central bank easing," said Fawad Razaqzada, a technical analyst at Forex. com. "The Fed has turned less hawkish, too and …

Mensajes de navegación

THE purpose of America’s primary elections is for political parties in each state (and American territory) to determine their preferred candidate for November’s presidential election. The contests are spread out over more than four months. There are two main ways of holding a vote: a straightforward primary and a caucus. Most states hold a primary, which works like a regular election with voters casting their vote at a polling booth or by post. Caucuses are small party meetings held throughout a state where candidates’ supporters speak on their behalf before a vote is held.

Almost all caucuses are restricted to voters who are either registered Democrats or Republicans. Around half the primary elections are similarly “closed”; the remainder are “open” so that at least independent voters—those who don’t register as Democratic or Republican—can take part. (In Colorado, North Dakota and Wyoming, Republicans will hold informal caucuses, but the decision on who should be their party’s candidate will not be made. Continue reading



Corporate concentration - PROFITS are an essential part of capitalism. They give investors a return, encourage innovation and signal where reso.

Eliminating measles - Eradicating a disease is the sort of aim that rich countries come up with, and poor ones struggle to reach. But for some.

Islam in Europe: perception and reality - THE BLASTS that ripped through a Brussels airport and metro station on March 22nd killed at least 30.

Hillary Clinton’s problem with (white) men - TODAY, March 22nd, Hillary Clinton contests the next set of Democratic primary elections—in Ar.


KIEV FOREX EXPO has been playing a major role in the FOREX and online trading industry in the CIS and Eastern Europe for over 7 years.

Nowadays the exhibition is the “must see” event by the trading community. International brokers, banks, field supporting businesses and latest industry’s trends will be introduced to the visitors of the event. The program of the KIEV FOREX EXPO will include educational seminars, workshops, round tables as well as inspiring lucky draw and trading competitions.

Seminars and Workshops

Discussions From the FOREX guru and leading industry’s speakers

Admission is free

Address: Kyiv, Gospitalnaya 4 Street, Rus Hotel

Who Is Who In The Forex Market?

The essential procedure for forex is usually buying one specific unit of currency as well as promoting an additional. That is fairly simple, market one, purchase another. It’s the biggest, quickest, most liquid marketplace in the world. It involves just about all countries that use foreign currency, that is basically the entire planet. You don’t have to be a experienced expert, or possess a diploma so that you can trade in this market, that is what makes it so attractive, actually anyone can take action. So long as you’ve got the ability to discover, plus an web connection, you’ve got what must be done to become a currency investor.

Nevertheless, if you want to be a prosperous foreign currency investor, you will find some things to remember. Even though it isn’t needed, it is a smart concept to study Currency trading before diving in. This could imply research or even a class, you are able to consider on-line training applications, or perhaps read up on this. The primary factor the following is to be taught. The better knowledgeable you are, the better off you will be, no doubt about it.

One more thing you need to continue to keep in mind is that, such as something in daily life, it comes with an portion of risk to the Forex market. The marketplace can be very profitable, and incredibly risky as well. The concept seems easy, purchase foreign currency whenever it’s fragile, then sell this when its powerful. This permits the investor the opportunity of getting very wealthy, very fast. But actually predicting the time the market changes can be extremely hard as well as takes encounter as well as knowledge.

The Currency markets offers more advantages than the stock market or even buying and selling goods or bonds. These types of marketplaces near at certain times and you have to work around their operating times. Not so with the Forex market, because it works with foreign currencies all over the globe, it really is open to trade twenty four hours, the entire week, so it’s simpler to get the time in your own agenda. The dimension of the market is additionally beneficial. The additional markets would have to trade A day a day for 3 directly several weeks so that you can match the sheer volume of the Currency markets.

The size of the current market also feels like a fit in another way. The private little trader may industry and operate without the fear of becoming altered through the big traders. As well as because there are no clearing costs or contracts, meaning there’s more income remaining in which you want to buy. Knowing when to buy and to offer is essential to buying and selling, but it is important too to find out when to stop. If you believe your own deals heading down and you’re losing money, cease during the day. Make the time before beginning trading once again, researching your own exercise all night over what you do right and what you do differently.

Please before you commence your forex trading – make sure to get proper education about the realities of the forex trading market.

Or you can use forex managed account service where other traders will take care of managing the trading process on the currency exchange market.

Forex Trading Seminar

Today’s article will be different than usual: you know that I LOVE providing trade setups and technical analysis.

But proper Forex trading is MORE than just analysis and trade setup ideas.

Successful Forex traders are tremendously diverse in their skills:

1) They have iron patience, discipline and confidence (and no fear);

2) They are alert and quick in reaction to the Forex market;

3) They master their trading plan and execute it with perfection;

4) They have a grand trading psychology which is in sync with the market psychology;

5) They continuously improve their trading strategies;

6) They have an iron clad risk and money management implementation;

The above confirms it: you need be multi talented to succeed. Missing one of these key items could swing you from a winning Forex trader to a losing one.

Forex trading is not only about catching pips – Forex trading is about consistency.

The MAJOR question is: how do you reach that level of consistency?

The only true mechanism is this:


There is NO other way around. Only the three “E’s” will help: education, education, and education. This is the one and only true way of learning Forex trading.

Every Forex trader needs that Forex educator and mentor by their side to become the best trader they can be.


The best educational method for the Forex trader is:

The Forex trading seminar.

This is by the far the very best way of improving your skills as you progress and become a better and better trader!

You probably have tons of questions so let’s address them!

The answers are: knowledge and experience.

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is profit. Knowledge is key.

And experience is even MORE important!

No Forex trader can achieve success without a mentor!

All, I repeat ALL, successful Forex traders have mentors.

Forex traders need people who guide, support and motivate them.

Forex trading is like completing a marathon.

And Forex traders are the runners. Of course we can run a great race the first half of the marathon, but…. Are you prepared for the full race? Are you sure you will not lose steam in the last miles of the race? Can you truly say that you are, and beyond any doubt, totally ready for the entire Forex career?

Your answer should be no! Every professional athlete, such as a marathon runner or any other sport, has a coach. Every great manager has a career coach.

Anybody who is successful in life has a mentor!

And why on earth would a Forex trading seminar be good for me?

The idea behind the seminar is to familiarize Forex learners more intensively with specific and deeper concepts within the realm of Forex trading. The topics are typically more in-depth and detailed of nature.

The seminar concept offers a great interaction between an experienced Forex instructor and other seriously dedicated and well knowledgeable Forex students.

The Forex trading seminar offers a way for Forex traders to learn about new, very strategic, out of the box, and successful Forex trading concepts.

It not only provides a great method of Forex students to learn from the very best Forex traders and mentors, but also a way how to gain from their vast experience!

Simply put, the Forex trading seminar provides you with a method to learn from the best.

And folks, this is the real magic bullet, golden egg, and “holy grail” you are looking for!

3) What to look for when searching for a Forex trading seminar to attend

There are some things that you want to check before attending a Forex trading seminar.

a) Is the Forex trading seminar live or online? Both types are great.

The advantage of an online Forex trading seminar is that it is usually less expensive to join. That is because you do not have to book plane tickets, hotel rooms, expensive dinners at a restaurant, and the usually more costly entrance tickets.

Online Forex trading seminars are easier to access from the comfort of your own home.

b) Who is the Forex instructor?

Is the Forex instructor(s) how is leading the Forex trading seminar a well known Forex trader with a reputable reputation in the Forex market? Or is someone that you just met at the corner who asked you first for a $10 loan just before trying to sell you a seminar?

c) How does the agenda look like?

It is important to have a rough idea what the course is all about. You do not need to know every single details of every minute, but it would good to get a rough indication of what will be discussed.

d) What is the price?

Logically speaking, you want to know how much the Forex trading seminar is going to cost. Don’t be too focused on saving costs though at the expense of quality.

4) Winners Edge Trading has completed the marathon

We at Winners Edge Trading have completed that marathon…. many times.

We know what lies on the road ahead of you. La decisión es tuya.

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Don’t be foolish and naïve, prepare yourself for the Forex marathon by getting the best coach and mentor ever: Winners Edge Trading.

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Are you interested in joining a Forex trading seminar sometime soon?

What topic would benefit you the most?

Well folks, we hope that you have enjoyed this article on Forex trading seminars!

As always, Good Trading! Ps. Those who have read yesterday’s article: the USDCAD triangle broke cleanly to the downside during the Asian session – as expected.

BUT this is key: before London open I explained via twitter how I translated the trade idea (of yesterday’s article) to a specific trade plan.

So make sure you follow us at https: [email protected] so that you can keep up to date with our updates.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Trading forex en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Don’t another important spillage will need a strange his patience the ability to wait waited for the trades to come to waiting for the signals to set up so that you can enter without having all the emotional a effort put into trading and waiting for it to come back in your favor after scoring against you little chart we have a couple indicators and you can see the road in here the markers going flat.

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Don’t I just give the court reggie secrets with the you get it today on taking trades verses watching treats K everybody knows that the only way to make money in the market is to be a treat acre not true washer well what’s the difference obviously betrayed watch would be somebody that over analyzes the market okay that leads to miss trades that in essence is opportunity cost you lose money because you’re not taking trades and that this something that a lot of people really is stuck on alright the the best thing to do is when you see a single set up and it matches with your trading plan place the trade then manage it if you write manager if you’re wrong manager and he managed trade very simple stop losses take profits.

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There’s different strategies to use different techniques to to to implement either or both on one of the ways that that I like to use is our manual training stop which is how we treatment watching trade but also and are trailing stop we’ve designed one the trades their places stop-loss the exact same way that we trade our mail trailing stops may call at the Norwood stop that’s made available to anybody that’s interested in going on to our further approx the best thing you can do is realize that you can take a trade when you seem 2345 with the signal setup you can take it incrementally you don’t have to go all its only to the indicators i’m looking for. a better place my whole for lots on their you can take a two-point 1.2 in gradually LP the number lots to do and on positions based on when the signals are lining up a number a single.

The best thing to do is when you see a traitor take if you see a high probability trade don’t wait Gideon take you right away there’s no point in waiting when you see it all the singles lineup specially see more Wilson flying is that indicators telling you hate we’re gonna go this direction you gonna jump on board or not this agenda for a strategy series has my point for the day hope to be able to talk to you soon trading the the

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Forex in Pavlodar

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Forex in Pavlodar

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