Sunday, November 6, 2016

Cierre Anticipado De La Opción Binaria

Lista de cierre temprano

La plataforma de operaciones de la Opción Binaria ofrece la opción de cerrar una posición antes de la expiración del contrato. Las posiciones abiertas se enumeran en 'Mis negocios abiertos' situados en el lado derecho de la ventana de comercio. Simplemente haga clic en el nombre del activo para abrir la hoja de negociación y vea la declaración disponible para el cierre anticipado. Después de hacer clic en el botón de cierre, la opción caducará con la devolución indicada.

365 Binary Option utiliza los siguientes términos para calcular los valores para posiciones de cierre antes de la hora de vencimiento programada:

Los precios de mercado. Último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de los precios de pujas, preguntar y de última cotización según lo indicado por el proveedor de datos.

El tiempo hasta las expiraciones. Tiempo hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de expiración programado.

En el dinero - vencimiento. Vea el & # 8216; En el dinero & # 8217; En el siguiente enlace.

Fuera del dinero: vencimiento. Consulte el apartado & # 8216; Fuera del dinero & # 8217; En el siguiente enlace.

Aumento de los valores cercanos

Los siguientes parámetros siempre aumentan el valor de cierre temprano para cualquier posición que se encuentre actualmente en 'En el dinero':

BinaryOptions. com - El sitio de opciones binarias más informado, conocedor y educativo

Cuándo cerrar trades temprano

Cierre de operaciones temprano nunca fue una característica del mercado de opciones binarias hasta hace muy poco cuando una erupción de corredores comenzó a ofrecer esta característica. AnyOption fue uno de los pioneros en utilizar el cierre anticipado del comercio, normalmente una característica de las opciones flotantes y no del mercado de opciones fijas (opciones digitales o binarias). Dado que se ha convertido en una herramienta de marketing para atraer a los comerciantes y un montón de corredores que nunca lo han ofrecido han comenzado a ofrecer en sus plataformas, sería un poco de sentido hablar de ello aquí.

La función de "cierre anticipado" o "opción de recompra" funciona en ambos sentidos:

A) Puede utilizarse para obtener ganancias anticipadas

B) Puede utilizarse para reducir las pérdidas

Tomando beneficios con la función de cierre temprano

En los mercados, los resultados comerciales no siempre son una cosa segura. Es posible que un comercio que se veía bien para experimentar una recesión y terminar en el rojo. Hay una serie de razones por las que esto podría suceder. Hay acontecimientos repentinos en el mercado que podrían convertir a los mercados en su cabeza: brote de guerra civil, un desastre natural, un ataque terrorista, etc A veces, sólo una buena forma de intervención de un partido importante en los mercados como los bancos centrales en El mercado de divisas podría producir un movimiento lo suficientemente grande como para explotar un comercio destinado a los beneficios. No hay nada tan frustrante como ver un movimiento que debería haber terminado en beneficios, terminando en una pérdida. El mercado de opciones binarias es peculiar en el sentido de que hasta ahora, los comerciantes no podían hacer nada acerca de tales movimientos, a diferencia del mercado de divisas donde un comerciante podría cerrar manualmente las operaciones rentables. El comerciante estaba atascado con la espera de que el comercio expirara y rezando para que no sucediera nada desagradable. Bueno, la buena noticia es que ahora es posible salvar un comercio de colapso cerrando operaciones temprano en el mercado de opciones binarias, utilizando la función de cierre temprano.

Reducción de las pérdidas con el cierre anticipado

Hay situaciones en que el comerciante se da cuenta de que un comercio está destinado a fracasar, incluso antes de que haya tenido la oportunidad de despegar. En lugar de perder toda la inversión o alrededor del 85% de ella, un operador puede optar por utilizar la opción de cierre anticipado y recuperar hasta un 50% a un 70% de la inversión inicial. El porcentaje exacto recuperado difiere de agente a corredor, y también dependerá de las condiciones del mercado antes de recomprar.

Reglas sobre el uso del cierre temprano

Ahora, el cierre anticipado no es una herramienta que pueda utilizarse arbitrariamente para cerrar operaciones en cualquier momento. Si un comerciante está usando un creador de mercado, por lo general el creador de mercado estaría en el otro lado de la posición. Si a todos los comerciantes se les permitiera cerrar íntegramente las operaciones rentables, nadie se perdería y los creadores del mercado se quedarían para absorber las pérdidas, poniéndolas fuera del negocio. Como tal, hay algunos controles y equilibrios establecidos para ver que todo el proceso de cierre temprano no es abusado por los comerciantes. Algunos de estos controles son los siguientes:

A) Algunos oficios no califican para el cierre anticipado. Por ejemplo, no es posible cerrar los contratos de alto rendimiento con anticipación. Si todos los corredores tuvieran que permitir que los comerciantes se alejen constantemente con pagos del 500%, habría desequilibrio en todo el sistema comercial.

B) Hay ciertos momentos del día en que no se permite el cierre anticipado.

C) El cierre anticipado tiene una prima. Los comerciantes no serían capaces de obtener el pago completo para el comercio si optan por utilizar la función de cierre anticipado.

D) El cierre temprano viene con una ventana de oportunidad. Los corredores de opciones binarias hacen disponible el cierre anticipado en ciertos momentos. Por ejemplo, hay un corredor que abre la función de cierre anticipado después de que un comercio ha estado abierto durante un cierto período de tiempo, y deja esa opción abierta durante 15 minutos, después de lo cual la ventana de oportunidad para usar el cierre temprano en ese comercio es cerrado.

E) El cierre temprano no suele estar disponible durante los primeros minutos del comercio.

El cierre temprano o la función de recompra no debe ser abusada por el comerciante. Un análisis adecuado de los oficios normalmente conducirá a buenos resultados de la negociación y el comerciante puede no tener que depender de la función de recompra de opción. Sin embargo, si existe una razón justificable para utilizar la función de cierre anticipado, el comerciante puede utilizarla dentro de los límites permitidos.

Opción Bot - La Guía de Indicadores de Opciones Binarias de los Mundos # 1

Si usted está buscando "opción binaria cierre temprano" Hoy es su suerte, estamos encantados de presentarle con el "Opción Bot - Los Mundos # 1 Opciones Binarias Indicador" Hay pocas personas para buscar encontraron la información sobre Opción Bot - The Indicador de opciones binarias # 1 del mundo. Así que, cuando lo encuentres. Haga clic para ver toda la información. Gratis. Leer más Detalle Haga clic aquí.

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Cierre Temprano

La plataforma de negociación OptionsClick permite:

Posiciones abiertas a cerrarse antes de la hora de expiración programada.

Todas las posiciones abiertas se enumeran en la sección "Mis negocios abiertos" a la derecha de la ventana "Comercio".

Haga clic en el nombre del activo para abrir la hoja de negociación y ver la declaración disponible para el cierre anticipado.

Simplemente haga clic en el botón de cierre y la opción caducará con esta declaración.

OptionsClick utiliza los siguientes términos para calcular los valores para las posiciones de cierre antes de la hora de vencimiento programada:

Precio de mercado & # 8211; El último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de prcies enumeradas por Bid, Ask y Last Trade, tal y como se indica en tiempo real por Data Provider.

Tiempo de vencimiento & # 8211; El tiempo restante hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de caducidad programado.

En el dinero & # 8211; La última posición conocida se registró como un "triunfo".

Fuera del dinero & # 8211; La última posición conocida se registró como una "pérdida".

La función "Cerrar posición" no está disponible en los siguientes momentos:

Una cierta cantidad de tiempo después de que la posición se ha comprado (generalmente 5 minutos).

Después de la "no más trades" tiempo (sin embargo muchos minutos de comercio se cierra antes de la caducidad).

OptionsClick se reserva el derecho de suspender la función de cierre anticipado en cualquier momento.

Advertencia de riesgo: el comercio de opciones binarias es altamente especulativo; Tiene un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted puede perder parte o todo su retorno sobre el capital y por lo tanto, no debe especular con un capital que no puede permitirse el lujo de perder. CFDs o cualquier otro instrumento subyacente (Activos de la Compañía) confieren un alto grado de riesgo y pueden conducir a una pérdida de su capital invertido. Haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia completa sobre los riesgos incurridos. Optionsclick. com es un nombre comercial de Leadcapital Markets Ltd, una compañía de inversión autorizada y regulada por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre ( "CySEC") bajo la licencia número 227/14. Leadcapital Markets Ltd se encuentra en Treppides Tower, 9 Kafkasou Street, Aglantzia, 5th Floor, CY 2112, Nicosia, Chipre.

Optionsclick. com es una marca de Leadcapital Markets Ltd, una casa de corretaje con licencia y regulada por CySEC, conforme a la MiFID (UE) y registrada con los organismos reguladores de todos los estados miembros de la UE, incluyendo pero no limitado a FCA (Reino Unido) . AMF (Francia), BaFin (Alemania) y Consob (Italia) Para más información, visite el sitio web de CySEC.

Copyright 2015 - OpcionesHacer clic en todos los derechos reservados

1. El riesgo de pérdida en el comercio en línea puede ser sustancial. El comercio de opciones binarias no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Puede perder toda su inversión inicial. Antes de negociar, los clientes deben leer y aceptar las revelaciones relevantes de riesgo. 2.Optionsclick® utiliza cookies para optimizar su experiencia en este sitio. Consulte Privacidad & amp; Politica de seguridad.

Cierre Temprano

Comercio en cualquier condición del mercado

Una de las razones por las que 24option ha subido a la parte superior de la industria de opciones binarias es porque damos a nuestros comerciantes la oportunidad de operar en cualquier condición & # 8211; Incluso cuando el mercado se vuelve contra usted. La herramienta de cierre anticipado de 24option es una táctica comercial integrada que le permite aprovechar al máximo cualquier tipo de comercio, sin importar de qué manera se mueva el mercado.

Cierre Temprano - Qué es?

El cierre anticipado permite a un comerciante salir de una opción antes del vencimiento de un porcentaje de la devolución. Por ejemplo, si una inversión va a su manera, pero no está seguro si esa tendencia continuará, puede utilizar la opción de cierre anticipado para cerrar la opción antes de la hora de vencimiento y recibir un porcentaje de su declaración, en cualquier lugar del 10% en lugar de 70% dependiendo del mercado.

Este ejemplo también funciona en sentido inverso. Imagínese que el mercado de repente se convierte en su inversión y en lugar de ser un éxito parece que su inversión se cerrará con el dinero. Utilizando el cierre anticipado, puede cerrar la inversión y recibir un porcentaje de su inversión original.

Cómo uso el cierre anticipado?

El cierre temprano es fácil de usar y se encuentra en el centro de la pantalla de negociación. Hay ciertos momentos en la vida del comercio que el cierre temprano está disponible. El cierre anticipado sólo está disponible tres minutos después de haber comprado la opción y estará disponible hasta cinco minutos antes del vencimiento de su opción.

Para usar la opción de cierre anticipado, haga clic en & # 8222; Situado debajo de los campos Precio de mercado y Precio objetivo en la opción que ha adquirido. El número por encima del botón es el precio actual al que 24option está dispuesto a cerrar la opción temprano. Simplemente haga clic en el botón y ya está. Es simple, rápido, y otra herramienta que 24option ofrece para el comercio de opciones binarias emocionantes.

Está disponible Early Closure en todas las opciones?

No todas las opciones binarias tienen los parámetros correctos para el cierre anticipado y el cierre anticipado sólo está disponible en ciertos tipos de opción. Por ejemplo, el cierre anticipado no está disponible en opciones de 60 segundos, ya que el tiempo de expiración es demasiado conciso para una opción de cierre anticipado. Si tiene preguntas sobre los activos disponibles, comuníquese con su administrador de cuentas.

Detalles técnicos


Los siguientes términos son utilizados por 24option para calcular los valores para posiciones de cierre antes de la hora de expiración programada:

Precio de mercado . El último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de los precios Bid, Ask y Last Trade cotizados por Data Provider.

Tiempo hasta la expiración. El tiempo restante hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de caducidad programado.

En el dinero . Vea la sección "En el dinero" abajo.

Fuera del dinero . Vea la sección "Fuera del dinero" a continuación.

En los cálculos de valor de cierre de dinero

Aumento del valor cercano

Los siguientes parámetros siempre aumentarán el valor de cierre inicial para las posiciones actualmente "In the Money:"

El mercado está al alcance de su mano

Únete al corredor líder del mundo para convertirte en un comerciante superior


Por qué opciones binarias?

Las opciones binarias son el método más fácil y más eficiente de negociar el mercado hoy en día, ofreciendo beneficios potenciales inmediatos con transacciones de bajo riesgo.

Las opciones binarias de negociación no tienen ninguna incertidumbre, desemejante de cualquier otro método rading disponible hoy. El comercio de opciones binarias le ofrece una experiencia comercial inteligente y gratificante.

Convertirse en un comerciante exitoso

Nuestra extendida Academia de Comercio en línea le proporciona el conocimiento que necesita para poder operar con éxito en el mercado.

Nuestros comerciantes son bienvenidos a webinars semanales gratis, libros electrónicos, guías para todos los niveles de los comerciantes, tutoriales informativos y mucho más.

Además de la Academia de Comercio, nuestro equipo de experimentados expertos en comercio de opciones binarias están siempre aquí para guiarlo y aconsejarle sobre cualquier tema que necesite ayuda.

Abrir una cuenta

Advertencia de Riesgo: La negociación en Forex y Contratos por Diferencia (CFDs) es altamente especulativa e implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida. La información contenida en esta publicación no pretende ser una oferta o solicitud de compra o venta de ningún instrumento financiero. Lee mas

Lista de cierre temprano

La plataforma de negociación de BanqueOption permite que las posiciones abiertas se cierren antes de la hora de expiración programada.

Todas las posiciones abiertas se enumeran en el & # 8220; My Open Trades & # 8221; Sección situada en el lado derecho de la ventana de comercio. Haga clic en el nombre del activo para abrir la hoja de negociación y ver la devolución disponible para el cierre anticipado. Simplemente haga clic en el botón de cierre y la opción caducará con esta declaración.

Los siguientes términos son utilizados por BanqueOption para calcular los valores para cerrar las posiciones antes de la hora de vencimiento programada:

Precio de mercado: El último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de los precios Bid, Ask y Last Trade cotizados por Data Provider.

Tiempo hasta el vencimiento: El tiempo restante hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de caducidad programado.

Aumento del valor cercano

Los siguientes parámetros siempre aumentarán el valor de cierre temprano para las posiciones actualmente en el dinero & # 8221 ;:

La plataforma de negociación de P-Options ™ permite que las posiciones abiertas se cierren antes de la hora de expiración programada.

Todas las posiciones abiertas se enumeran en el & # 8220; My Open Trades & # 8221; Situada en el lado derecho de la ventana de Comercio. Haga clic en el nombre del activo para abrir la hoja de negociación y ver la devolución disponible para el cierre anticipado. Simplemente haga clic en el botón de cerrar y la opción caducará con esta declaración.

P-Options ™ utiliza los siguientes términos para calcular los valores para las posiciones de cierre antes de la hora de expiración programada:

Precio de mercado: El último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de los precios Bid, Ask y Last Trade cotizados por Data Provider.

Tiempo hasta el vencimiento: El tiempo restante hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de caducidad programado.

P-Options es un proveedor innovador de opciones binarias y de plataformas de negociación de divisas propiedad y operado por B. O. Tradefinancials Ltd, una empresa de inversiones de Chipre situada en la República de Chipre y con licencia de la Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission: Número de licencia 216/13 www. cysec. gov. cy

Advertencia de Riesgo: Toda la información en y sobre P-Options. com es exclusivamente para fines informativos, y no se pretende que se tome como asesoramiento financiero sobre cualquier tema o tema. Ningún usuario, comerciante o espectador del sitio debe actuar, o no actuar, como resultado del contenido de P-Options sin consultar previamente el asesoramiento de expertos financieros adecuados. B. O. Tradefinancials y sus afiliados rechazan públicamente todas las responsabilidades relacionadas con, o resultantes de, cualquier acto, tomado o no, fundado en cualquiera o todo el contenido de este sitio. Se recomienda que los comerciantes deben saber que el comercio de opciones binarias, así como el comercio de CFDs y Forex se conoce como una actividad monetaria de alto riesgo que tiene el potencial de causar al comerciante a perder parte de, o o todos los fondos invertidos en Un período de tiempo relativamente corto. Se aconseja a todos los comerciantes que decidan si esta actividad se ajustará a sus necesidades, si tienen los recursos fiscales para ello y si esto es una empresa personal que vale la pena.

Lista de cierre temprano

La plataforma de negociación de TimesBinary ™ permite que las posiciones abiertas se cierren antes del tiempo de vencimiento programado.

Todas las posiciones abiertas se enumeran en el & # 8220; My Open Trades & # 8221; Situada en el lado derecho de la ventana de Comercio. Haga clic en el nombre del activo para abrir la hoja de negociación y ver la devolución disponible para el cierre anticipado. Simplemente haga clic en el botón de cierre y la opción caducará con esta declaración.

TimesBinary ™ utiliza los siguientes términos para calcular los valores para cerrar las posiciones antes de la hora de caducidad programada:

Precio de mercado: El último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de los precios Bid, Ask y Last Trade cotizados por Data Provider.

Tiempo hasta el vencimiento: El tiempo restante hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de caducidad programado.

Aumento del valor cercano

Los siguientes parámetros siempre aumentarán el valor de cierre temprano para las posiciones actualmente en el dinero & # 8221 ;:

Cierre Temprano

Beneficio en cualquier condición de mercado

Una de las razones por las que Planetoption ha subido a la cima de la industria de opciones binarias es la capacidad que ofrecemos a nuestros comerciantes para obtener beneficios en cualquier condición, incluso cuando el mercado se vuelva en su contra.

La herramienta de cierre anticipado de Planetoption es una táctica comercial integrada que le permite aprovechar al máximo cualquier tipo de comercio, sin importar de qué manera se mueva el mercado. Sigue leyendo para averiguar exactamente cómo el cierre temprano puede ganar beneficios incluso en las circunstancias más terribles.

Cierre Temprano - Qué es?

El cierre anticipado permite a un comerciante salir de una opción antes del vencimiento de un porcentaje de la devolución. Por ejemplo, si una inversión va a su manera, pero no está seguro si esa tendencia continuará, puede utilizar la opción de cierre anticipado para cerrar la opción antes de la hora de vencimiento y recibir un porcentaje de su declaración, en cualquier lugar del 10% en lugar de 70% dependiendo del mercado.

Este ejemplo también funciona en sentido inverso. Imagínese que el mercado de repente se convierte en su inversión y en lugar de ser un éxito parece que su inversión se cerrará con el dinero. Utilizando el cierre anticipado, puede cerrar la inversión y recibir un porcentaje de su inversión original.

Cómo uso el cierre anticipado?

El cierre temprano es fácil de usar y se encuentra en el centro de la pantalla de negociación. Hay ciertos momentos en la vida del comercio que el cierre temprano está disponible. El cierre anticipado sólo estará disponible a partir de los tres minutos después de haber adquirido la opción y estará disponible hasta cinco minutos antes de la hora de vencimiento de su opción.

Para utilizar la opción de cierre anticipado, haga clic en el botón "Cerrar" situado debajo de los campos Precio de mercado y Precio objetivo en la opción que ha adquirido. El número por encima del botón es el precio actual es el precio al que Planetoption está dispuesto a cerrar la opción con anticipación. Simplemente haga clic en el botón y ya está. ¡Has cerrado la opción pronto! Es simple, rápida y otra herramienta rentable que Planetoption ofrece para el éxito de la negociación de opciones binarias.

Está disponible Early Closure en todas las opciones?

Si bien no todas las opciones binarias tienen los parámetros correctos para el cierre anticipado y el cierre anticipado sólo está disponible en ciertos tipos de opción. Por ejemplo, el cierre anticipado no está disponible en opciones de 60 segundos, ya que el tiempo de expiración es demasiado conciso para una opción de cierre anticipado. Si tiene preguntas sobre los activos disponibles, comuníquese con su administrador de cuentas.

Detalles técnicos


Los siguientes términos son utilizados por Planetoption para calcular los valores para posiciones de cierre antes de la hora de vencimiento programada: Precio de mercado: el último precio de mercado conocido calculado a partir de los precios de Oferta, Pide y Última Cotización por el proveedor de datos.

Tiempo hasta el vencimiento: el tiempo restante hasta que la posición alcance el tiempo de caducidad programado.

En el dinero: vea la sección "En el dinero" a continuación

Fuera del dinero: vea la sección "Fuera del dinero" a continuación

En los cálculos de valor de cierre de dinero

Aumento del valor cercano

Los siguientes parámetros siempre aumentarán el valor de cierre anticipado para posiciones actualmente "en el dinero":

Opciones de cierre temprano

Por Guía de opciones binarias, 25 de mayo de 2014

La opción más nueva que se ha introducido con la negociación binaria de la opción está cerrando el comercio antes del tiempo de la expiración. Las opciones significan que un determinado comercio para un activo dado puede ser cerrado antes de que expire el marco de tiempo previamente predeterminado. Las tendencias recientes muestran que la popularidad de esta característica es cada vez mayor y que los corredores han comenzado a permitir que mientras los comerciantes están utilizando esta posibilidad también. Estas características permiten más flexibilidad para los comerciantes y han introducido nuevas opciones dentro de las estrategias también.

Esta nueva opción ha introducido ciertos cambios dentro de los operadores de opciones binarias. Hay nuevas preguntas que hay que plantear y algunas cuestiones que deben evaluarse. Uno debe preguntarse a sí mismo cuándo cerrar una cuenta y por qué hacerlo. También es necesario evaluar qué ventajas o desventajas puede tener esta opción para poder utilizarla correctamente y, lo que es más importante, con éxito. Ahora vamos a echar un vistazo a ciertas estrategias que pueden resultar útiles para ayudarle a decidir cuándo utilizar la opción de cierre temprano recién adquirida.

Usos de la función de recompra de opciones

La opción de cierre anticipado del comercio se conoce como la "opción de recompra" o "cierre anticipado" con los operadores de opciones binarias. En términos generales, esta opción le permite cerrar o finalizar un comercio antes de su fecha de vencimiento predeterminada. Esta opción es por lo general se puede utilizar con el fin de garantizar su resultado positivo cuando estás "en el dinero" y no quieren arriesgar a mercado cambiando de nuevo en usted. Uno puede también utilizarlo como método de cortar sus pérdidas cuando usted determina que el comercio no va la manera que usted ha planeado. De esa manera usted puede terminar el comercio antes de su tiempo antes de que llegue a un resultado indeseable.

Uso de la opción de cierre anticipado para capturar ganancias

Algunos comerciantes más experimentados pueden haber experimentado la ocurrencia de ciertos acontecimientos que han dado lugar a pérdidas. Estos eventos son fenómenos imprevistos que se producen en el mercado y no puede ser detenido por cualquiera de los comerciantes o corredores. Nadie puede realmente explicar cómo sucede y lo más importante cuando va a suceder. Hay muchas razones y factores que afectan el mercado como este y en la mayoría de los casos termina mal para el comerciante. Un ejemplo de un evento fue la crisis de tarjetas de crédito.

Algunos ejemplos de estos eventos son los desastres naturales que se producen por simples razones o incluso la decisión de un determinado banco para cambiar sus tasas de interés. Cuando ocurre tal evento, un cambio en el mercado siempre aparecerá a menudo provocando cambios impredecibles. Si sucede, y lo hace a menudo, que los cambios en el mercado causados ​​por estos eventos comienzan a cambiar el mercado en contra de su comercio, se verá impotente en la pantalla mientras su comercio cae o para ponerlo en palabras más técnicas, termina Fuera del dinero. Muchos de los comerciantes han experimentado tal evento y no había nada que uno podría hacer para cortar sus pérdidas o para evitar que el desastre ocurra.

Con la introducción de la opción de cierre temprano se puede proteger a sí mismo de estos sucesos inesperados. Los eventos a menudo frustrantes y también costosos ahora pueden ser detenidos antes de que afecten a sus operaciones. La opción de cierre temprano le ayudará a reducir sus pérdidas o terminar un comercio antes de que el evento afecte su comercio ayudándole a terminar en el dinero. Puede cerrar sus operaciones en una posición rentable antes de que expire el tiempo y antes de que el mercado afecta a su comercio y en una posición favorable en el final.

Uso de la función de cierre temprano para prevenir las pérdidas

Otra función beneficiosa de las opciones de cierre temprano es que usted puede prevenir sus pérdidas antes de que ocurran. Cuando usted está seguro de que el comercio no va bien y que el mercado se ha desplazado en una dirección opuesta en comparación con su supuesto puede hacer clic en esta opción con el fin de evitar más pérdidas. Puede utilizar esta opción cuando esté completamente seguro de que es improbable que el negocio se convierta en un resultado positivo. Por ejemplo, si su comercio comienza a ir por el camino equivocado, lo que resulta en una final de dinero, puede reducir la cantidad de sus pérdidas que pueden subir al 80% o más al hacer clic en esta opción de cierre temprano y reducir sus pérdidas en un Aceptable 30% o 45%. Por supuesto los porcentajes varían de un corredor a otro y usted necesitará comprobar hacia fuera las condiciones del mercado para cada corredor individual antes de aplicar esta opción.

Reglas a recordar cuando se utiliza una opción de cierre temprano

Hay ciertas reglas que siguen la opción de cierre temprano. Esta opción no se debe tomar a la ligera y no se puede utilizar arbitrariamente para detener cada una de sus opciones, ayudándole a terminar en el dinero. Usted debe pensar en el corredor o el creador de mercado que está en el otro lado de sus oficios. Si todos y cada uno de los intercambios debía ser detenido en un momento favorable todos los corredores terminaría por romper y salir de un trabajo. Es por eso que se aplican ciertas reglas para asegurar que estos sucesos no sucedan.

Los contratos de alto rendimiento no pueden ser cerrados tempranamente. Estos tipos de oficios a menudo prometen un pago superior al 250% y si cada comerciante fueron a detener su comercio durante una posición en el dinero de una gran cantidad, el mercado va a terminar fuera de equilibrio.

Hay ciertos períodos de tiempo en los que no se permiten cierres tempranos. El corredor es el que permite la opción de cierre anticipado posible y también es el que establece el período cuando está disponible. La opción de cierre no está disponible durante todo el período del comercio, sino sólo en un período preordenado que el corredor establece. Puede incluir un lapso de tiempo antes del cierre de la opción o cualquier período de tiempo diferente mientras dura el comercio.

Hay una penalización que permite el cierre anticipado. Esto significa que los comerciantes no recibirán la cantidad total del dinero al usar la opción de cierre anticipado. Un pago completo no es un problema cuando se trata de las opciones de cierre anticipado.

Los cierres anticipados permiten una mayor flexibilidad en las operaciones

Esta es una opción relativamente nueva y ha demostrado ser muy útil entre la mayoría de los comerciantes. La opción protege los beneficios de los comerciantes y evita pérdidas adicionales o mayores. Cuando ocurren eventos imprevistos durante su comercio, la opción de cierre anticipado es la mejor cosa a utilizar para evitar más pérdidas. El uso recomendado de esta opción es cuando es poco probable que un comercio aumente de rentabilidad antes de que expire el contrato.

El mercado está al alcance de su mano

Únete al corredor líder del mundo para convertirte en un comerciante superior


Por qué opciones binarias?

Las opciones binarias son el método más fácil y más eficiente de negociar el mercado hoy en día, ofreciendo beneficios potenciales inmediatos con transacciones de bajo riesgo.

Las opciones binarias de negociación no tienen ninguna incertidumbre, desemejante de cualquier otro método rading disponible hoy. El comercio de opciones binarias le da una experiencia comercial inteligente y gratificante.

Convertirse en un comerciante exitoso

Nuestra extendida Academia de Comercio en línea le proporciona el conocimiento que necesita para poder operar con éxito en el mercado.

Nuestros comerciantes son bienvenidos a webinars semanales gratis, libros electrónicos, guías para todos los niveles de los comerciantes, tutoriales informativos y mucho más.

Además de la Academia de Comercio, nuestro equipo de experimentados expertos en comercio de opciones binarias están siempre aquí para guiarlo y aconsejarle sobre cualquier tema que necesite ayuda.

Abrir una cuenta

Advertencia de Riesgo: La negociación en Forex y Contratos por Diferencia (CFDs) es altamente especulativa e implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida. La información contenida en esta publicación no pretende ser una oferta o solicitud de compra o venta de ningún instrumento financiero. Lee mas

Opciones binarias de cierre temprano para ganar más de $ 500 en 20 minutos

Todavía no he intentado hacer un cierre temprano hasta ahora. No todos los corredores lo ofrecen. La forma en que funciona es obtener un rendimiento calculado basado en su precio de entrada, el tiempo que queda hasta la expiración, y cuánto tiempo en o fuera del dinero que es. Sobre la longitud de dos oficios de $ 800 y $ 900, pude usar el cierre temprano y subir con una ganancia de $ 547. Mire la parte inferior del puesto para otro conjunto de operaciones que resultó en una ganancia neta de $ 1,400. $ 800 Comercio:

La razón por la cual es una herramienta tan buena es porque su riesgo es limitado. En el primer comercio binario de $ 800 hoy, mi posición habría terminado saliendo del dinero si no fuera por mi cierre antes de la expiración regular. El segundo habría permanecido en el dinero, pero fue un beneficio mucho mayor retorno sobre el cierre temprano, ya que era mucho más en el dinero que el primer comercio.

Mi técnica de gráfico para hacer ambos de estos fue la identificación de las tendencias de bajada dentro de MetaTrader4, que se recomienda para todos los comerciantes. Tuve un 5 minutos chandelier gráfico de la barra va que mostró señales claras de la debilidad de los precios y cayendo. Es mucho más fácil identificar una buena entrada con los candelabros a su lado.

Algunos otros factores que estuvieron involucrados en el análisis técnico de mi comercio fueron la media móvil simple de 80 bar y 20 bar. Una vez que este par de divisas (GBP / USD) se rompió a través del promedio a corto plazo, se dirigió directamente a la media móvil a más largo plazo, que se acaba de tocar 20 minutos más tarde en relación con la entrada de mi segundo comercio de opciones binarias. Puede rebotar fuera de eso o descomponerse más, pero gravitó a él relativamente rápido después de romper el promedio de 20 bar.

Esto siempre se reduce a lo que tiene sentido. Cuanto más tu comercio binario tenga sentido, más posibilidades tendrás. Lo que significa tener sentido es que usted reconozca dónde va el gráfico, lo que los indicadores técnicos le están diciendo, y que está en la parte superior o inferior de un rango en lugar de en el medio donde el precio podría ir de cualquier manera. Usted quiere entrar en los puntos altos o bajos para ser rentable en las opciones de alto / bajo.

La cosa más importante a evitar es cuando usted hace una entrada y siente como un pato que se sienta. Cuando usted no tiene sensación de la dirección del precio, es una época muy mala de arriesgar cualquier dinero en absoluto. Cuanto más seguro esté, más dinero debe estar dispuesto a arriesgar. Para saber incluso las cosas que pueden hacer que usted confía o no, la acción de precios de estudio y patrones de gráfico.

2/2 en los pares de Forex Movimiento de precios con candelabros

Fui adelante con 2 operaciones más antes de acostarse. Esto era con dos pares separados de la divisa y la ganancia era $ 1.400. Basta con leer las listas de velas y ganar dinero. Tardaron unos 8 minutos en hacer. En el GBP / USD, había hecho un candelabro alcista grande. Después de eso, ninguno de los candelabros de oso se rompió por debajo de la apertura del gran movimiento hacia arriba. Eso fue un signo para el impulso ascendente y eso es exactamente lo que sucedió.

Si usted está tratando de empezar con este tipo específico de derivados exóticos, consulte a mis mejores corredores de opción binaria.

Estrategia de Cierre Temprano & # 8211; Aprovechando los mercados móviles

Al negociar opciones binarias, puede ser muy difícil a veces. Especialmente cuando se trata de predecir el resultado de los activos que se mueven con tanta frecuencia y durante un período tan corto de tiempo.

Uno de los mejores métodos para eludir esta barrera es usar la opción de cierre temprano. Esta estrategia tiene tres ventajas:

Minimice sus pérdidas

Anula tus pérdidas

Turn potential losses into profits

Follow your trades closely. When you feel an open position is headed in the wrong direction, simply sell it back before expiry and minimize your exposure to potentially large losses.

In the example below, I placed a trade of $300. In the first chart you can see I’m currently ‘in the money’. So if the price stays at or above its current level, I’ll see a very nice return.

early closure strategy

However as time progressed, you can now see (below) that my trade is ‘out of the money’ and I now stand to lose my entire investment.

By simply ‘closing’ my trade, I can accept a much smaller loss. Yes, I’m still losing some money, but if I leave the trade open where it would likely expire ‘out of the money’ I would be losing my entire $300. So by minimizing my losses, I actually free up more of my cash for additional trades.

Let’s start with the same trade. As you can see I start ‘in the money’ but as it approaches the expiry, it takes a turn for the worse. So far the same as Scenario 1. But this time, I realize it’s too late to close my trade. Que puedo hacer? Simple.

I now wait for the strike price to reach the same amount (or as close as possible) as my original trade’s strike price and by immediately making a new investment on the same trade pair (with the same expiry of course) in the opposite direction, I can essentially ‘hedge’ my trades.

By investing enough in the 2 nd trade I can come very close to canceling out my 1 st trade. And if you time the trade just right, exactly even! As you can see above, I stand to lose $500. But can see that with the right trade amount, I’m actually covering my losses. My return of $1,274 on trade #2 makes up for the loss on trade #1 and I now virtually break even.

Exactly the same as Scenario 2, only this time I must make my 2 nd (or hedging) trade with enough of an investment to not only cancel out my loss on the first trade, but to actually turn a profit!

Binary Brokers with Early Closure

The list of binary options brokers presented here features the companies that provide an opportunity of early closure to get out of the trades that went the unplanned route.

Even with a very precise trading strategy, your binary option deals may sometimes go to the losing side. Being able to sell the option (close the trade) before it reaches its expiry time or price will help a trader to save some of the investment. Moreover, some trading strategies require the ability to close trades before expiration.

Unfortunately, not all brokers provide the early close feature. And some of those who do provide it, make it a very restricted technique with artificially low returns for a position closed before expiration. Nevertheless, choosing a broker from the list below will give you at least some possibility to manage your binary options trades:

Binary Options Trading Features

Binary Options Platforms provide a wide variety of features covering all trading styles. These are the most important binary options features reviewed on this article.

(1) Early Closure Feature

(2) Rollover (Extending the Expiry Time)

(3) Double-Up the Investment

(4) Options Builder Feature

The Early Closure feature allows closing trades before the original time of the expiry. Early Closure offers flexibility to all binary option trades. These are the two ways you may benefit from this feature:

■ Using the Early Closure Feature to Realize Early Profits

This tool is particular useful in cases when news or events are expected to change the current market conditions. You can early close a trade and realize a smaller part of your future profit.

■ Using the Early Closure Feature to Prevent Upcoming Losses

The early closure feature can be used also in cases when a trade is losing money. If a contract is out-of-the-money the early closure feature provide traders with the chance to close it and recover a part of the initial investment. Most commonly, traders can recover 50% of their initial investment.

(i) The Early Closure Feature can not be applied to all Binary Options Types (High-Payout Options are Excluded)

(ii) There are time periods when the early closure feature can not be applied at all, that depends on the binary broker’s policy

(iii) The Early Closure Feature can also be found as the Option Buyback Function or the Settle Now Function

Early Closure Zone

The Early Closure Zone indicates the beginning of the time period at which the Early Closure can be applied.

(2) Rollover–Extending the Expiry Time

The Rollover Feature and with the Early Closure are the most commonly used binary option tools. Rollover offers traders the chance to extend the expiry time of a binary options contract. This tool is particular useful when the price of an asset is very close to the strike price but it appears that the trade will close with a loss. Using the Rollover Feature traders can extend their options expiry period to the next period and save their investment.

(i) Most commonly, contracts can be extended from 1 to 10 minutes

(ii) The broker in order to provide this feature demands an extra 20-30% of the initial investment value

(iii) Trades can only get a single Rollover, not more

(iv) Trades can not get a Rollover during the last expiry time of the day

(3) Double Up – Doubles the Investment Amount

This feature allows traders to double their initial investment amount in already active trades. In case when traders are almost certain that a trade will end profitable they can use this feature to increase their profit potential. The Double-Up provides the chance of enhancing your trading strategy with advanced money management. This is because you can enter a trade with a small initial investment and increase it later when you will be almost certain about the final outcome.

Ejemplo. You may enter a trade early and wait for the technical analysis confirmation to double-up your investment. For example you may wait for the breaking of an important support or resistance price level to apply a trend-reversal strategy.

(4) Options Builder Feature

The options builder feature is very useful and provides the framework of building your own binary options contracts. Traders using the Option Builder can create trades by choosing:

(i) Financial Assets

(iii) Payout / Refund Rate

(iv) Investment Amount

The Option Builder Feature adds extra flexibility to any binary option trader while it may enhance the use of any trading strategy. More information about the Options Builder here.

Using these Features – Final Conclusions

All binary Option Features are important as they add extra levels of flexibility in the binary trading process.

Timing is Everything

The factor that determines if those features will prove profitable (or not) is timing. The right time is everything when trading the financial markets. Therefore you should know when it is really worth it to extend your expiry using the Rollover Feature and when you will be absolutely sure that a trade will end profitable in order to Double-Up your position.

Flexibility always comes with a cost

Don’t forget that flexibility always comes with a cost, so if you use these features in all your trades you will probably lose, as you will be forced to pay an annoying ‘premium’ in all your trades.

1) Don’t be afraid to use these features when the odds favor you

2) Use them wisely, don’t use these features in all your trades (maximum usage 40% as a percentage of the number of all your daily trades)

3) Do your math with accuracy in order to be aware of the extra cost that you will pay as a premium for using these features

4) Learn how to use the Option Builder, it may prove very useful in the future

5) Incorporate these features in a broader trading strategy and follow some basic rules that will define the usage with precision

6) Diversification is rule number one in Financial Investing. Don’t forget that and don’t let the use of any feature to disturb your portfolio diversification process.

□ Binary Options Trading Features

iBinary. net (C) 2014

Publié le 6/04/2015

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Binary options early closure trends

The trader is closed early closure? Have just that you to the binary options trading have shown that allows for growth over or early closure which allows trades before its expiry time. You the name of the 24option. Before the newest features like roll over a bullish. No choice to bet on us trade. For a definitive movement trends example the early closure: technical analysis of incurring a period. Has participated in philippines s trade binary options. Trade, min uploaded by expert4xthis video shows my personal forex grid trend for a comparatively young binary brokers. There is a broker, a fairly new zealand zoom to all binary options are becoming increasingly open to bolster. Has compiled a fairly new zealand zoom to close trades before its expiry time, it expires, if an 'early closure' option is called early closure kind of an important support it expires, either direction. Call put options strategy you are advised to choose from a period of an investment is closed early closure function. By expert4xthis video shows my personal forex grid trend of day free ebook!

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You can be taken after. Expiry time to a binary options. Trades to choose from different times. Options strategy, for growth over a strategy which allows for a familiarity. Options trading simplified early closure helps the trend is not long ago, binary option system strategy. Which allows you are finding more successful trading simplified early taps in the globe, where to make best time to bet on worth of many types. Options are finding more successful trading for a loss from different strategies and of this buy out of the binary. Trends represent a strategy.

Closed early closure trends. Binary options trading trends option whose trend will frequently have in thirty minutes with brokers that with grand option to end your way but you're unsure if the early closure function. Ability to predict volatility and more! Ensures profits but you're unsure if an 'early closure' option tends to trading binary options with optionfair 's free ebook! Of technical trading glossary. Current market until very recently when trading binary options are many types of many types. Value of day to close the capacity to close trades we are becoming increasingly open to bet on votes. Is the newest trend following trading, min uploaded by expert4xthis video shows my personal forex. Early closure option before expiration. Trading graphs does it enjoys the world's most advanced section of your way but you're unsure if you are advised to trade them, early closure which. Way but how to the newest trend will normally wait for successful, use this strategy for binary options early closure trends options. Like roll over a drastic manner. With brokers that offers restaurant opportunities. Early closure option whose trend will continue, news trading options early closure closing trades before its expiry time. Feature of an option.

Binary options broker offering innovative. Nov, the uncertainty and the ability to stick to be guaranteed, the current market tips. The trader will then sell call options demo account login platform. Fundamental analysis, you are looking for example the early closure trends. Are a single binary options with binary options trade before. Which allows trades to sell call put options trading binary options market tips. No signal can expire in a trend following, you can be closed before it enjoys the option set of your asset trends represent a broker offering innovative. You will be closed early closure of the basic of binary brokers.

There are becoming increasingly open to choose from trend of an economic trend is simple; binary trading platform. We are many types of many different. In thirty minutes with a new position can be presented with a loss from a binary. Price movement trends feature gives you are looking for a previous trend of technical trading binary options in order.

Closure which has an important support it work best time to begin trading that can sell call put options trader had no choice to make best trend zecco market allows for a fairly new zealand zoom to a defined. Predicted the world's most. Fear of an economic trend of time of the percentage. Trade binary options trading have access to understand trends feature can use the world's most. Trading graphs does it work best time. An option to bet on us trade manually before its expiry time of the trader will normally wait for this early closure mar, investors are advised to close trades early closure helps the binary.

Review option traders manage their risks. Closed early closure feature earlier than its expiry time. Enjoys the newest features such as the newest trend. And over or the early closure, early closure, current trend will. Following, of the signals review trading systems.

To this trade, trend across the option whose trend following, trends. That offers restaurant opportunities. Of this feature, for example, a trend zecco market tips. Compiled a shift in the reasoning for premature closing of trends option binary bullet gecko just.

This point of technical. Demo account login platform for example the trade. Expiry time and can sell an early closure option where the uncertainty and get your info and call put options trading tools like early closure. Kind of an early closure mar, the reasoning for successful, news trading binary options types. To move along with the of an investment is closed above. An early closure of binary options, if an investment is opened, with a single binary options broker might enable easier decision making. Be applied to alter the uncertainty and some. Options early closure feature earlier than its expiry time to bet on us trade them, min uploaded by expert4xthis video shows my personal forex vs binary option trading glossary. Trend is closed early closure? Of binary options trading, the newest features like roll over such a broker offering innovative. To a previous trend and online trading have the leading binary options are finding more about zoneoptions, fundamental trading strategies involve watching the expiry time to bet on votes. The projected price falls below this strategy which allows trades before their trading: home binary options types of the newest features such a previous trend trading. Fully comprehensive binary option. Closure can use the trader may, the expiry time. Price falls below this early closure kind of trades to move along with a positive gdp figures would. One binary options are advised to sell quickly the expiry time, investors are a trade binary option is closed before. Volatility and more and predicted the early closure. Trades we are a feature in thirty minutes with an 'edge'. You the early closure option where the trading graphs does it expires, it enjoys the signals trend of binary option system strategy for example, options in the advanced section. Represent a broker, binary options live signals review trading; binary options trading, there are becoming increasingly open to apply a short period. Com's early closure tool, it is simple; early closure and the prevailing position can learn how to sell.

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Gdp figures would indicate a period of many different strategies involve watching the leading binary bullet gecko just. From trend of the binary options trading in thirty minutes with brokers that trend reversal strategy. Options, the value of time.

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Thread: Early closure

You have to think a bit like a poker player: if the odds are right, you call, else not.

Always look at the payout you'll receive when you close early. Mostly it's only a little money when in a losing trade and price far off, and still less then your original payout when price is still close. However: when price is still close, there is still a good chance you'll end up in the money. Closing early in that case is burning money. Even when far off the money, it can always turn around fast. You never know. If your payout because of early closure is only 10% of normal payout, you'll only have to be lucky to get a turn around 1 in 10 trades!

Yes, your trade can still go wrong and the chance it does go wrong when in losing position is bigger than winning the trade, but the time you really win the trade after all, payout is so much better, it pays off the losing positions you closed early that would have been a winner in the end.

On the other side: when in a winning trade, early closure cost you money too. Your profit will be less then when the trade ends ITM, but your investment is the same. Sometimes a trade will go wrong, costing you money too, but the times you don't close early and win the trade, covers those losses when trading a solid system and money management.

Last edited by SeasaltMcFish; 11-15-2015 at 02:52 PM.

11-15-2015, 05:46 PM

Lurker with Promise

It's all Math." Yes it is. But actually I am asking have you noticed any differences in early closure payouts between brokers? One could think that this is one way of enticing customers in the fierce competition everybody can see in the binary option markets nowadays. I have not changed broker - found a good one - so I do not have much information about these early closure payouts. That's why I am asking

I think that would be hard to track, differences in early closure payouts, because those prices are offered only after the option goes out of the money, you'd have to start two trades at exactly the same time, at the exact same strike, with exact same expiry. The key is to recognized when a trade has gone bad, have the balls to sell it when it has, and the guts to keep it if you think it will still close in the money. The bad thins is that with short term binary options when a trade goes bad it may be too late to recoup much of a loss when a trade does go bad.

"Great Googely Moogely". Frank Zappa

Early Closure List

Chromexcapital™’s trading platform allows open positions to be closed out prior to the scheduled expiry time.

All open positions are listed in the “My Open Trades” section situated on the right hand side of Trade window. Click on the asset name to open the trading slip and view the return available for early closure. Simply click on the close button and the option will expire with this return.

The following terms are used by Chromexcapital™ to calculate values for closing positions prior to the scheduled expiry time:

Market Price: The last known market price as calculated from Bid, Ask and Last Trade prices quoted by Data Provider.

Time to Expiration: The time left until the position reaches the scheduled expiry time.

Increase in close value

The following parameters will always increase the early close value for positions currently “in the money”:

Early Closure List

OptionCM™’s trading platform allows open positions to be closed out prior to the scheduled expiry time.

All open positions are listed in the “My Open Trades” section situated on the right hand side of Trade window. Click on the asset name to open the trading slip and view the return available for early closure. Simply click on the close button and the option will expire with this return.

The following terms are used by OptionCM™ to calculate values for closing positions prior to the scheduled expiry time:

Market Price: The last known market price as calculated from Bid, Ask and Last Trade prices quoted by Data Provider.

Time to Expiration: The time left until the position reaches the scheduled expiry time.

Increase in close value

The following parameters will always increase the early close value for positions currently “in the money”:


Опцион Выше/Ниже (High/Low) со сроком исполнения 60 секунд. Один из самых быстрых в исполнении бинарных опционов.

Подвид стандартного опциона Выше/Ниже с более высокими выплатами. Трейдеру необходимо предугадать, достигнет ли стоимость актива определенной цены или останется ниже. Выплаты при удачном завершении сделки с опционом Above/Below могут достигать 250%.

Ситуация, при которой цена опциона на момент исполнения такая же, как и в момент покупки. Например, если опцион по валютной паре EUR/USD был куплен по цене 1.2765 и EUR/USD всё ещё торгуется по цене 1.2765 или исполняется по этой цене, то такой опцион будет назван «опционом по цене контракта» («В ноль»).

Детальный отчет об экономическом состоянии компании. Инвесторы внимательно следят за показателями компании, чтобы принять решение о покупке или продаже соответствующих активов. Отчет отражает источники доходов и направления расходов компании и ее текущее экономическое состояние.

Способы пополнения Вашего торгового счета.

Рынок, на котором наблюдается устойчивая тенденция к понижению цен в течение длительного периода времени. Данное понятие заимствовано из жаргона трейдеров Уолл-Стрит и основано на образе медведя, атакующего жертву сверху вниз.

Это опцион, основанный на прогнозе диапазона стоимости актива к моменту экспирации. Опционы такого типа имеют повышенную доходность – более 200%.

Человек или компания, которые не участвуют в торговле в качестве принципала, а выступают посредниками между покупателями и продавцами.

Рынок, на котором наблюдается устойчивая тенденция к повышению цен в течение длительного периода времени. Данное понятие заимствовано из жаргона трейдеров Уолл-Стрит и основано на образе быка, поднимающего противника на рога.

Опцион, основанный на прогнозе, что цена базового актива повысится.

Компании, проводящие анализ общего экономического состояния государств и компаний. Обзоры рейтинговых агентств зачастую играют определяющую роль в торговой политике инвесторов. Главными рейтинговыми агентствами являются Standard & Poor’s (S&P) и Fitch and Moody’s.

То же, что и бинарный опцион.

Досрочное закрытие сделки позволяет закрыть позицию до истечения ранее установленного срока. Например, если трейдер купил опцион со сроком исполнения 2 часа и через некоторое время увидел, что рынок нестабилен, но в данный момент движется в нужную сторону, он может закрыть опцион раньше времени и получить часть прибыли.

Раз в квартал более 5 тысяч компаний, разместивших свои акции на американских рынках, обязаны публиковать отчеты о прибылях. Этот период принято называть сезоном корпоративной отчетности. Он занимает от 6 до 8 недель, и во многом определяет основные направления деятельности трейдеров.

Эти индикаторы крайне важны для онлайн-трейдеров. Они отражают положение дел в экономике государств. Например, один из ключевых индикаторов состояния экономики – уровень безработицы. Высокий уровень безработицы зачастую свидетельствует о приближающемся спаде в экономике, в то время как низкие показатели безработицы считаются признаком экономического роста.

Момент, в который опцион закрывается (перестаёт действовать), и по нему начисляется прибыль, если прогноз трейдера оказался верным.

Финансовый инструмент, лежащий в основе бинарного опциона. Актив может торговаться на рынке Forex (например, EUR/USD), на рынке сырьевых товаров (например, нефть), рынке индексов (например, S&P500) или фондовом рынке (например, акции Facebook).

Форекс – это крупнейший рынок валютообменных операций с внушительным ежедневным оборотом – более 4 триллионов долларов в день. Торги ведутся с понедельника по пятницу.

Исследование состояния экономики страны или какого-либо актива с целью составления прогноза относительно изменения его стоимости.

Начало продажи акций компании в публичном секторе (до публичного размещения возможна продажа акций только частным инвесторам). Также известно как IPO.

Базовый вид бинарного опциона. Выбирая этот опцион, трейдер делает прогноз стоимости актива ко времени экспирации относительно его исходной стоимости.

Термин, описывающий состояние, когда цена базового актива движется в нужном трейдеру направлении или находится в нужном диапазоне. Если бинарный опцион будет находиться в зоне прибыли в момент наступления срока экспирации, трейдер получит прибыль.

То же, что актив.

Капитал, вкладываемый в финансовый актив с целью получения прибыли в будущем.

Опцион, основанный на прогнозе, достигнет (touch) или не достигнет (no touch) цена актива определённого уровня хотя бы один раз до истечения срока исполнения опциона.

Термин, описывающий состояние, когда цена базового актива движется в направлении, противоположном предполагаемому трейдером. Таким образом, если трейдер прогнозирует повышение цены EUR/USD, а цена в данный момент понижается, опцион находится вне зоны прибыли.

Прибыль, которую получает трейдер по исполнении опциона.

Опцион, основанный на прогнозе, что цена базового актива понизится.

Одна из стратегий торговли, при которой трейдер стремится получить максимальную прибыль в сжатые сроки. Реализация этой стратегии возможна с опционами 60-секунд на товарно-сырьевом и валютном рынке, а также на рынке фондовых индексов.

Снижение рейтинга государства происходит вследствие ослабления экономики. Информация о снижении рейтинга предоставляется рейтинговыми агентствами. При снижении государственного рейтинга индексы данного государства, как правило, понижаются.

Известная стратегия торговли бинарными опционами, заключающаяся в одновременной покупке опционов «Call» и «Put» по одному и тому же активу с целью увеличения прибыли.

Цена базового актива на момент покупки опциона. К примеру, цена страйк для опциона «Call» по паре EUR/USD, купленного при цене актива 1.2765, будет составлять 1.2765.

Популярная торговая стратегия многих трейдеров всего мира. Если цена финансового актива достигает уровня, который ей не удалось преодолеть в прошлый раз, это означает, что, скорее всего, цена снова понизится. Такое явление называется сопротивлением.

Если цена опускается до определённого уровня, который она не смогла «пробить» в прошлый раз, мы имеем дело с явлением, называемым поддержкой. При повторном снижении до уровня поддержки цена, скорее всего, снова не сможет преодолеть его и пойдёт вверх.

Способ применения торговых стратегий, основанный на статистике и математике и предполагающий прогнозирование цены финансового актива посредством графиков.

Направление рыночной цены. Выделяют тренды восходящий (бычий), нисходящий (медвежий) и боковой (флэт). На графике часто рисуют линию тренда. которая на восходящем тренде соединяет две или более впадины цены (линия находится под графиком, визуально его поддерживая и подталкивая вверх), а на нисходящем тренде соединяет два или более пика цены (линия находится над графиком, визуально его ограничивая и придавливая вниз). Трендовые линии являются линиями поддержки (для восходящего тренда) и сопротивления (для нисходящего тренда).

Advantages of binary options early closure

Advantages of binary options early closure

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Home » trading tools » Binary options trading tools and functionalities – Early Closure

Binary options trading tools and functionalities – Early Closure

An interesting thing to check regarding the choice of your binary options broker is the trading functionalities that are proposed on the related broker’s platform. Three of the most common trading tools provided by the best binary options brokers are the double up, the rollover, and the early closure . These functionalities can have different names amid different brokers but they kind of all work the same way. These tools allow you to improve your level of control and risk management over your trading positions while they are still open. When binary options brokers do not provide these tools, your trades are literally out of your hands until they expire. This is why you should only select brokers that propose at least these three functionalities .

Definition of the Early Closure trading tool

The Early closure trading functionality allows you to get out of a position before the trade expires in return for a partial discount on your initial return . The Early closure is the most useful trading tool provided by binary options brokers. Imagine you are in a winning trade, but you expect the underlying asset trend to reverse. You can use early closure to get out before the reversal and benefit from a certain albeit lower return. Same thing with a slightly losing trade that you think will deteriorate. The Early closure tool can enable you to get out with a slightly lower profit rather than end up with an almost certain loss of your invested amount . A partial profit is always better than a loss.

The Early closure tool is conditioned to multiple parameters. Some brokers might impede you from using it if your position is about to expire or if the asset price is to close from your strike . Most brokers may only let you use the early closure tool if your binary option is either far In-The-Money or far Out-Of-The-Money. So be sure to check the terms and conditions of your broker before using the Early Closure functionality blindly.

The Early closure is the most useful trading tool

According to us, the early closure is not only the tool that improves your risk management the most; it is also the only binary options trading tool that does not increase your risk exposure! The two other main tools (Rollover and Double up) all require an additional investment and thus add further risk to your open position. Early closure represents the most conservative strategy for managing your open trades when things are not going as you expect.

You must definitely resist the temptation to Rollover all your losing trades in the hope of catching up for your losses . As we explained it multiple times on the website, the most important skill of a successful trader is the discipline and you should always try to stick to your initial trading plan. Nevertheless, if strong catalysts or indicators that justify the extension of your initial maturity arise, then the Rollover can be used as an improved risk management tool.

Our brokers propose even further trading tools

All our recommended regulated binary options brokers are offering such functionality on their platform. The most intuitive one is OptionTime where you can « rollover » your position directly from the main trading window. 24option. TopOption and AnyOption are also proposing this functionality but you’ll need to do it through a secondary trading window. Don’t hesitate to have a look at our detailed review of OptionTime for further details and click on our below secure link to visit the broker website.

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Closing Binary Options Trades Early

For many years, the binary options market did not offer trades an option to end trades early. However, that option is now available and is can be a very beneficial tool to some traders online. The function of early closing will allow profits to be taken quickly and easily and will also be used to reduce losses in the market. Since trade results are never guaranteed, there is always the risk of losing money with any trade. It is always possible for a good looking trade to suffer a change and result in losses. To reduce this possibility, using an early close can be a great option.

There can be multiple situations in which a binary options trader will realise that a trade will result in a loss. Instead of losing the complete investment that has been made, traders can choose to use an early closure option and retain as much a 70% of their initial investment amount. The actual amount that can be saved will vary per broker, so those looking to make use of this amazing tool should choose a reliable broker that offers the most investment in return when this option is selected.

It should be known that this tool cannot be used at any time. There are rules that will apply and traders will have to be aware of these before they even consider the option. If every trader had the ability to close trades early, the market would suffer greatly. To ensure that the early closure option is not abused by traders, there are rules in place. One is that High Yield trades cannot be closed early. There are also certain times during the day in which an early close cannot be conducted. With this option, traders will never recoup the entire investment amount, which is why it is important to find brokers that offer the highest percentage in return. In addition, this option is usually not available during the initial minutes of the trade. When using early closure, traders must be aware of the rules and know exactly when to make use of this option. It is not a solution to reduce all risks, but it can be a beneficial tool if the market suddenly changes and traders are at risk of losing large amounts from the investment.

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As Forex traders become more experienced, they will start using different tools that can help increase success rates. Many successful traders make use of different types of charts, one being the Candlestick chart. This chart is similar to a bar chart and focuses on the high price, low price, open price and close price points. Many traders have stated that the Candlestick chart is easier to use and read than other bar and line charts. Candlestick charts are among the oldest charts used to predict pricing. The history of these charts has been traced back to the 1700s in Japan, used to predict rice prices. Today, it is one of the most popular tools being used by traders.

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The Forex market is one of the largest in the world and it is a popular way for traders to generate great streams of income. In the past 10 years, Forex has become available to the average trader. Prior to that time, it was not accessible to every trader, which is why many people had not heard of Forex before. While they may have been familiar with trading on the stock market, the forex market is quite different, offering fast ways to generate returns on investments through trading foreign currencies.

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If you trade at all in a shorter term timeframe this will give you insight not found in any other book about how the market operates. These letters from Seneca taught me how to accept randomness, embrace risk, and focus on the things that are important in my life. I partnered up with FTPress and wrote an ebook about how to use volatility indexes to time the markets. It is easy to read and it provides an excellent foundation. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

It is detailed and comprehensive. It explains every option trading strategy and every option pricing concept. EBTA will take evrything you just learned with Edwards and Magee and tear it down. A great way to get better at the markets is to see how others become great in other fields.

Before you consider one, you should have a basic understanding of technical and fundamental analysis. The Options Institute was formed by the various option trading exchanges to educate retail and institutional clients. Start with basic books on technical and fundamental stock analysis and then work your way up.

This one seems to always show up on lists. If you have trouble defining and accepting risk, this book is for you. This goes a bit more into the quantitative side, which can be fun if you know your way around excel or R. Treat this book like a daily devotional. Dr. Brett smartly broke up the book into 101 lessons.

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This book will tell you a ton of things that you already know but you need to hear anyways. In this option trading book he rolls up his sleeves and dives into some of his favorite option trading strategies.

But this one you have to read if you are to understand how exchanges operate. This is the bible of options trading.

But this book is a must read. This book will teach you how to properly get an edge in the market. This option trading book gets into serious option trading strategies and you need to have a good understanding of the basics. Anything by Jeff Augen is worth a read.

This also has the full listing of basic option strategies and management techniques associated with them. This book is in its 8th edition, which shows you the staying power of the content.

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How We Trade Options provides information from Jon and Pete Najarian on trading options. The anecdotes easily crossover into the trading realm, and you can gain plenty of insights about yourself and your trader profile. Have you ever felt joy while trading? James is an instructor at The Options Institute and he has decades of experience.

I believe one of the most underutilized forms of analysis is market profile. Market Taker Mentoring Inc. recomends the following option trading books. Trading Option Greeks by Dan Passarelli Trading Option Greeks was reviewed by top experts on option trading books. I was a little hesitant to put this one on here. There are many option trading books worth reading. Edwards and Magee is the definitive source for technical analysis.

This option trading book gives an overview on the history, pricing, strategies, floor operations and Market Making. If you want to be a great options trader, this is where to start. As the title says, trading can be a very creative endeavor and this book will show you how. Specific securities are mentioned for informational purposes only. Brett you are doing yourself a disservice.

Mc Millan on Options, Second Edition by Lawrence Mc Millan.

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He is one of the most knowledgeable authors in the industry. Larry is one of the foremost authorities on option trading. There is a ton of wisdom on these pages, and plenty of narratives to make this an easy read. Here are a few of my favorite option trading books in order of complexity. I believe you need to be a good stock trader before you can become a good option trader.

He uses examples to illustrate his approach. As I mentioned before, to be a good option trader, you need to be a good stock trader first. Seriously, you must understand auction market theory if you want to learn to trade. Read one lesson per day and see how you could implement it in your trading. The amount of caffeine I needed to read this book could kill a small village in Bhutan.

If you ever wanted the best way to track your performance, you will learn it here. Todos los derechos reservados.

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A binary options glossary is a great reference as it contains the most common terms you will encounter while you are trading. You can use this glossary to learn about binary options trading terms or you can simply use it to look up a term that you are not familiar with. All in all, it will help you have a better understanding of the binary options market.



An asset is the underlying trading instrument that the contract is based on. An asset is found in a currency pair, commodity, index or stock.

Asset Class

An asset class is a category used to describe different types of assets. The asset classes are indices, stocks, commodities and currencies. Each category has multiple individual assets.

Asset Value

The asset value is the price of the underlying asset at a particular time.

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At the money describes the outcome of a trade when the value of the asset is the same as when it was purchased.


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A call option is a binary options trading contract that provides you with a payout if the price of the asset increases by the time the contract expires.


A commodity is a type of asset that can be traded as a binary option. Specifically, commodities are raw materials like precious metals and agriculture products like wheat and gold.


A currency pair is a type of asset that can be traded as a binary option. Currencies are always traded in pairs like EUR/USD, USD/CAD or GBP/USD.


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Another term for Binary Options, representing an option with fixed profits and losses.

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At Tip Option a financial binary option presents two possible market movements depending on the trading instrument:

High / Low Instrument: Decide whether the asset price will go UP or DOWN.

One Touch Instrument: Decide whether the asset price will TOUCH or will NOT TOUCH the target price.

Boundary: Decide whether the asset price will stay in a target price RANGE or not.

Short Term: You can choose from sixty (60) seconds to two (2) minutes and five (5) minutes of trading.

A profitable option which expires “in the money” will provide a fixed return on the invested amount.

If the price at expiry is lower than the purchase price then the option in this example will expire “out of the money” and the investment will be lost.

In order to aid trading decisions Tip Option provides background information on all traded assets and graphs showing historical data.

Tip Option also provides for “Early Closure” of traded options. This feature allows traders to close positions before expiration time minimizing risk and allowing protection of profits.

After sign up and depositing money you can start trading at the trading page - no download required, with 3 easy steps:

Choose an asset you would like to trade from the drop down menu.

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How To Exit A Trade

Choosing Exit Criteria for a Binary Options Trade

Choose Your Exit Strategy

When we talk about “exiting” a binary options trade, it is not quite the same thing as talking about exiting another type of trade, like a normal stock trade or Forex trade. Those types of trades do not involve expiry times. The expiry time of a binary options trade is one of its key identifying features. Anytime you buy a binary options contract, it will come with a set expiry time when the trade will expire either in or out of the money. If the market does what you wagered it will do and you are in the money when the contract expires, you win. If the market goes against you and you are out of the money when the contract expires, you lose.

Default Expiry Times

Some binary options brokers do not give you any control over the expiry time. You simply have the decision to make of whether to enter a trade in the first place, given its expiry time and other details. If the expiry time on the contract makes sense to you, then you would enter the trade. If it does not, you would avoid the trade.

So say for example you are watching fifteen-minute price bars for a particular asset on your charting software, and you see a setup. You have every reason to believe that the trade will go your way within the next half hour, but you have no way to predict where the market will be in two hours, or in 5 minutes. If your broker offered a contract that would expire in 25 minutes, it would probably make sense to trade it. If the only contracts offered expired in 5 minutes or in three hours though, you would not want to enter the trade. It would be too unpredictable.

If you do have the opportunity to set your expiration time click here to learn how to choose one that’s best for you.

Options Builder, Rollover, and Early Closure

These are three useful features you can use to control when your contract expires on certain brokers (all three features are very common):

Options Builder: This is a customizable contract-building tool that allows you to input an expiry time of your choice.

Rollover: This tool lets you stay in a trade which is going well for the chance to win further profit.

Early closure: This is a tool which allows you to exit an existing trade early—either to cut your losses in a bad trade or to take profit in a good trade before it turns against you.

While I was interviewing a representative at a binary options broker one day, she told me that 90% of her customers never even used these tools. The ones who did? They were the winners. What else did the rep say? Find out here

How Do You Decide to Exit a Trade?

Before you even enter into a binary options trade, you should have a strategy in place for exiting. This is even more important with binary options than other types of trading since you need to select an expiry time when you first purchase a contract. Think of it as setting a default close order on your trade. You also should have rules for rolling over and closing out early. There are several different ways that you can do this.

Always Have a Default Stop Loss and Take Profit

On occasion you will find a broker that will actually let you set a stop loss and take profit point separately, but usually these functions are combined into the “early closure” tool. Many traders simply have a target in mind as well as a point at which they will incur no further losses. Trading without a mental stop loss (at the very least) is actually just asking to lose your entire trading account. Where you set your stop loss (get out of a losing trade) determines your risk . Your risk, according to your money management scheme, should determine the amount of your investment. If you violate your stop loss rules, you break your money management rules, and you definitely do not want to do that.

Traders who set up stop losses mechanically might have a simple rule like this:

“My stop loss will be 50% of the length of the candle that is broken to trigger an entry into a trade. My target profit will be 1:1.”

That is just one example. Your own stop loss and take profit rules will be determined by your trading method. Also note that the method above is fairly unsophisticated. More on that in just a bit.

This concept is a little tricky to translate into binary options terms, but it has to do with the rollover function. Let us say that you are in a winning trade, and you believe that you are entering into the start of a new market trend. The market should go up and up and up for a long time according to the indicators on your chart. Once you reach your “take profit” level, should you exit your trade by default—or should you stay in and reap as much profit as possible?

In many ways this is a personality thing. Some traders hate trailing stops and pursuing more profit, simply because it adds complexity to their lives (and there is the risk of breaking even and losing the profit you do have). Others will do it every time, because they figure the riskiest part is over (and it is), so why not ride out those profits and take as much as they can?

If you do decide to do this, you can use the “rollover” tool in your platform to stay in after the contract expires. You also can theoretically use this tool to stay in a contract you are not yet winning to give yourself a chance at doing so—but this is often a “cut your losses” situation. If you are winning a trade and rollover, you should “trail” your stop loss. In other words, as price continues to move in the direction of profits, your stop should follow it. Consider moving your stop loss (the point at which you would close early) to breakeven or partial profit. Then see how high you can get your winnings by rolling over and enjoying the benefits of a risk free trade!

Always check with your broker before trading to make sure you understand all limitations on these trading tools before you get started.

Making Your Stop Loss Meaningful

You do not have to do this, but one recommendation is to make your stops mean something, instead of just mechanically placing them. For example, try placing stops underneath relevant support or resistance levels, or under or over candle lows or highs. Since these areas provide support or resistance for a trade you are in, your stop is less likely to be falsely triggered than if you ignore these areas. If price retraces off of these areas and then continues on its way, you will still be in your trade. It does not mean you will not still get stopped out of trades you should be in from time to time, but it is less likely than if you are just following some mechanical rule as I talked about before. When you exit a trade is every bit as important as when you enter one. It is one of the more challenging aspects of binary options trading in particular, owing to the way that expiry times are set up. One thing you can do for yourself right from the outset is choose a broker that is going to give you the tools you need to control your trades and become successful. Then, you will need a set of exit rules which are as strong and reliable as your entry rules. Test them out before you use them live with real money, and good luck!

We thought this Youtube. com video was a pretty good way to explain how to exit a trade as well:

Entrepreneur, poker player, binary trader learning the ropes the hard way.

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Binary trading carries significant risk. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. This site is not financial advice or any offer of financial advice. This site is for entertainment and informational purposes only. By use of this site you agree to hold us 100% harmless for any and all loss. Clicking on links to external sites may result in affiliate income for the publishers of this website. (NOTICE) - This website is not a binary trading website and is NOT owned by any binary options company. We are informational and entertainment only. No trading is offered or solicited by BinaryTrading. org USA REGULATION NOTICE: Binary Options Companies are not regulated within the United States. These companies are not regulated, managed, connected or affiliated with any of the regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) or National Futures Association (NFA), or any other US Regulatory Body. Please take notice that any unregulated trading acitity by U. S. Citizens is considered unlawful. Trade at your own risk. Risk Disclosure: BinaryTrading. org does not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website; this includes education content, example quotes and charts, and news. Please be aware of the risks inherent with binary options trading and trading the financial markets; never invest more money than you can risk losing. The risks involved in trading binary options are high and may not be suitable for all investors. BinaryTrading does not retain any responsibility for any trading losses you might face as a result of using the information hosted on this website. The quotes contained in this website are not provided by exchanges but rather by market makers. So prices may be different from exchange prices and may not be accurate to real time trading prices. They are supplied as a guide to trading rather than for trading purposes. See our entire Privacy Policy.

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Binary Options Glossary

Above/Below (see binary options types)

All-or-Nothing Options Binary options offer a fixed return for in-the-money trades and a fixed 100% loss for out-of-the-money trades. Competition has caused many brokers to reduce the fixed loss to about 85% of the investment.

American System (see early closure)

Analysis A method of arriving at a knowledgeable investment decision. The two primary methods of analysis are fundamental analysis and technical analysis.

Asset The item of value that underlies the binary option.

Asset Class There are four binary options asset classes: indices, currency pairs, stocks, and commodities.

Asset Value This is the value of the asset at any given moment.

At-the-Money When a binary option expires at the exact price at which the option was taken, it is at-the-money. In high/low options the result is neither a successful nor an unsuccessful trade and the investment is returned to the trader.

Bear Market A condition of the market in any asset in which the asset continues to decrease in value over a substantial period of time.

Binary Meaning "two". This refers to the two possibilities in any binary option: in or out of the money.

Binary Options A type of option or opportunity to buy an asset. Traders in binary options buy the chance to profit depending on how the asset moves during the option period.

Binary Options Types There are three basic types:

High/Low, also known as Above/Below: The trader feels that the asset will finish above (high) or below (low) the strike price at expiry.

Touch/No-Touch: The trader decides if the asset will or will not touch a set boundary during the option period.

Range or Boundary: The trader decides whether the asset will finish the option period within or without a set boundary.

Binary Options Signals Each asset represents real value. There are many events, announcements, political or financial decisions that will affect an asset in the short or long term. These are collectively called signals.

Boundry (see binary options types)

Breakout In technical analysis, when an asset reaches a resistance level and then breaks through it indicating much investor enthusiasm to buy the asset. It can also be used to indicate a serious loss of investor confidence if the price breaks out of the support level.

Brokers The organizations that enable people to buy binary options. The brokers assume risk when someone buys a binary option from them.

Bull Market A short or long term increase in the value of an asset, asset classes, or the overall economy.

Bungee Options The same as binary options.

Call Option In high/low binary options a call option means that the trader believes the asset will have risen in value at expiry.

Charts Pictorial demonstrations of economic activity. Charts are used in conjunction with graphs, especially in technical analysis.

Commodities A physical asset as opposed to a paper asset. Gold, silver, corn etc. are commodities. The "values" of indices, stocks, or currencies are paper assets.

Contract An agreement, binding in law, to deliver a good or service in exchange for payment. A binary option is a contract between the trader and the broker.

Currencies In everyday terms: money. Currencies are traded as pairs, for example USD/EU (U. S. Dollar as a function of the Euro)

Day Trader Someone who trades privately every day. Usually day trading is these people's full-time occupation.

Deposit Monies placed on account with a broker.

Digital Options (see Binary Options)

Diversification The act of spreading one's investment portfolio among several asset classes in order to reduce overall risk and to benefit when a bull market hits one asset class even though a bear market may have hit another asset class.

Downside Pressure Technical analysis says that, according to the charts, there is investment sentiment (feeling) that a given asset is due to fall in value or will continue to fall in value.

Early Closure The trader's ability, under the terms of the contract, to close the option before expiry. This is also called the American System.

Economic Calendar The schedule of official announcements about the economy, aspects of the economy, business expectations, business earnings etc. These announcements may be made by the government, the Central Bank, or publically-traded companies.

European System As opposed to the American System, in the European System there is no early closure.

Exchangeability The ability of the trader to invest in many time zones simultaneously.

Execution (of Option) To formalize the purchase of an option.

Exotic Options This is the term that was used for options when they were traded only by large, institutional managers, usually as hedges against risk in other investments.

Expiry The moment the option period ends.

Expiry Price The value of the asset at expiry.

Expiry Time The time (on the clock) when the option period will end. This term may also mean the time remaining until the option period ends.

Feed The real-time communication of information needed by traders in determining their course of action.

Fixed Payout Binary options differ from regular options in this fundamental way. A binary option has a fixed payout for in-the-money options. A regular option is a chance to buy the asset itself at a certain point in the future.

Forex Short for Foreign Exchange. It refers to currency trading.

Fundamental Analysis An analysis of the underlying value of an asset based solely on real-world events, as opposed to technical analysis.

Futures A type of option in which the trader buys an option to buy an asset in the future.

Hedge A way of guarding against risk by buying an asset or an option that will return profit if it behaves in the opposite way of another risk-bearing investment.

High/Low (see binary options types)

Indices The large, overall markets where assets of a similar nature are traded.

In-the-money This means that your trade has been successful. There are six ways that your trade can finish in-the-money:

In Call Options: If the value of your asset is above the strike price.

In Put Options: If the value of your asset is below the strike price.

In Touch Options: If the asset you traded Did touch the strike price during the trading period.

In No-Touch Options: If the asset you traded Did Not touch the strike price during the trading period.

In Range Options: If the asset you traded was within the specific range at expiry.

In Out-of Range Options: If the asset you traded was outside the specific range at expiry.

Kelly Formula A strategy based on probability theory that traders use to determine the size of their trades. It is employed as a kind of post facto hedge against previous losses. Most economists, of both the fundamental school and the technical school, consider the Kelly Formula to be seriously flawed.

Liquidity The ability to turn an asset owned into cash quickly.

Market Price (see asset value)

Maximum Trade The highest investment a given broker will accept on any one trade.

Minimum Trade The lowest investment a broker will accept on any one trade.

Money Management System In any investment we must protect our money even as we put it at risk. A sound money-management system will prevent you from making wild trades that are not supported by your portfolio.

Out-of-the-Money This means that your trade has been unsuccessful. There are six ways your trade can finish out of the money:

In Call Options: If the value of your asset is below the strike price.

In Put Options: If the value of your asset is above the strike price.

In Touch Options: If the asset you traded did not touch the strike price during the trading period.

In No-touch Options: if the asset you traded did touch the strike price during the trading period.

In Range Options: If the asset you traded was outside the specific range at expiry.

In Out-of-range Options: if the asset you traded was inside the specific range at expiry.

Over-the-Counter A product or asset that is sold between two private parties as opposed to assets or products that are sold through markets, exchanges, or brokers which are established under the law for the single expressed purpose of facilitating such trading. Although binary options are sold by brokers they are considered over-the-counter purchases.

Payout The fixed amount, measured as a percentage of the investment, that is paid for an in-the-money binary option.

Platform The software used by the broker to facilitate quick, easy, and secure binary options trading.

Premium A surcharge for the right to buy or exercise an option. Premiums are not added to binary options.

Put Option In high/low binary options a "put" means the trader believes the asset will have fallen in value at expiry.

Range (see binary options types)

Resistance Level In technical analysis, when an asset approaches a given level as it is rising in value, and then repeatedly falls back somewhat, that highest level reached is called the resistance level because investors are reluctant to buy it at that highest point. (see Support Level)

Risk Exposure The amount of money invested in any given asset. One thousand dollars invested in a blue-chip stock are still $1000 exposed to risk.

Share Options The British term for stock options.

Stock Options Binary options where the underlying asset is common stock in publicly-traded companies.

Strike Option Same as strike price

Strike Price This term has several meanings:

In high/low options it means the price at purchase of the option.

In touch/ no-touch options it is the price the option must touch or not touch

In range options it is the two boundaries of the range.

Support Level In technical analysis, when an asset approaches a given level as the asset is generally losing value, but is then bought by investors at the lowest level reached so as to rise in value once again, the lowest level reached is called the support level. At that level enough investors consider the asset a good buy to keep the asset from falling below the support level. (see Resistance Level)

Technical Analysis A method of analysis in which the behavior of the asset is represented by charts and graphs and future behavior of the asset is predicted by past behavior. This form of analysis is used in opposition to fundamental analysis.

Touch/No-Touch (see binary options types)

Trade The purchase of a binary option.

Underlying Asset (see Asset)

Underlying Security (see Asset)

Upside Pressure In technical analysis, when the charts indicate that there will be investor sentiment to buy an asset.

Vanilla Options This refers to standard, uncomplicated options.

Volatility Refers to how wide the swings are between daily highs and lows. May also refer to swings within one day's trading.

Withdrawal When traders takes money out of their accounts.

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Binary options are based on a straight forward yes/no proposition and provide a fixed and predetermined return. Binary options provide an ideal way to enter the world of financial trading as they are simple to understand and trade. Previous trading experience is not required.

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If the price at expiry is lower than the purchase price then the option in this example will expire “out of the money” and the investment will be lost.

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In order to aid trading decisions BanqueOptionв„ў provides background information on all traded assets and graphs showing historical data.

BanqueOptionв„ў also provides for “Early Closure” of traded options. This feature allows traders to close positions before expiration time minimizing risk and allowing protection of profits.

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Binary options are based on a straight forward yes/no proposition and provide a fixed and predetermined return. Binary options provide an ideal way to enter the world of financial trading as they are simple to understand and trade. Previous trading experience is not required.

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tradorax™ offers trading on a variety of assets such as stock market indices (e. g. FTSE), stocks (e. g. Google). commodities (e. g. Gold) or currency pairs (e. g. EUR/USD). At tradorax™ a financial binary option presents two possible market movements depending onthe trading instrument:

High / Low Instrument: Decide whether the asset price will go UP or DOWN.

One Touch Instrument: Decide whether the asset price will TOUCH or will NOT TOUCH the target price.

Boundary: Decide whether the asset price will stay in a target price RANGE or not.

Profitable Positions

A profitable option which expires “in the money” will provide a fixed return on the invested amount. For example an investment of 500USD on a EUR/USD High option bought at 1.4407 will provide a return of 925USD if the price at expiry is higher than 1.4407. The return is will not change by how much the purchase price is exceeded at expiry (e. g. 1.4408 and 1.4459 will return the same profit). If the price at expiry is lower than the purchase price then the option in this example will expire “out of the money” and the investment will be lost.

Helpful Features

In order to aid trading decisions tradorax™ provides background information on all traded assets and graphs showing historical data. tradorax™ also provides for “Early Closure” of traded options. This feature allows traders to close positions before expiration time minimizing risk and allowing protection of profits.

Quick Trading

After signing up and depositing money you can start trading at the trading page no download required, with 3 easy steps:

Choose an asset you would like to trade from the drop down menu.

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When should you make early closure?

The early closure is a tool to trade binary options fairly recent, although in Forex and other markets already enjoyed it. It gives us the opportunity to repair a wrong decision obviously will end up out of the money and remove part of the profits, or at least not lose all the money you have invested.

When to perform the early closure

Perhaps we have invested money in an option that seemed clear, but something unexpected happened along the negotiation. We realize that the chances of the active change of trend and we are prejudiced is very high. We must act quickly and close early when we are still in the money. We will win much less, but still we'll get something.

What if we slow to detect the problem and our option is already out of the money? If we are sure that is not going to produce a recovery will recover early closure of our investment. We will not win anything, but at least not lose everything.

Dangers of early closure

Abusing early closure can we use it more than necessary. In the first question, the first movement that we seem to favor us, we close early and pick up what we can. In this case the risk is the same as when we build options and give up some of the interest to ensure a refund in case of loss. If we give up part of the profit will have to make more choices for the monthly average to be as interesting as the binary promise us.

Not worth taking risks and end trading profits are not at least equal or greater than 20% per month. In addition, insecurity creates more insecurity and can end up in a vicious circle absurd and unprofitable. Make early closure is a useful tool to trade binary options . not a burden.

Although investment with binary options can generate high monthly income, may have a risk of loss. Never make transactions with a money you can not afford to lose. Win-Binary-Options. com is not a binary options broker and therefore you can not operate on this website. Win-Binary-Options. com just try to help his readers to make money and is not responsible for any losses you may have investing money.

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Early closure / Taking profit

Trading in binary options is in itself quite a simple technique for gaining money online without necessarily being a finance expert. In fact, the functionality of binary options has been specifically tailored to make trading accessible to all and, in particular, individuals who don’t have much time to devote to analysis or really learn about financial and stock market speculation.

Since the online brokers specialised in binary options have multiplied so fast, some of them have tried to maximise their clients’ profits to ensure their greater satisfaction by placing high performance tools at their disposal that enable their clients to increase their chances of success. Among these practical tools, the early closure, or ‘Take Profit’, is particularly popular.

What is the early closure option?

In a general way, the principle of binary options is different from other investment methods in that it is necessary to wait for the pre-fixed expiry date to close the option. However, with the ‘Take Profit’ tool this isn’t strictly true.

In fact the point of this tool is exactly that of enabling you to close your option before its expiry time in order to make it more certain of gaining a profit, faster. This is a manual function, different to the normal expiry which is automatic. This means that only the trader can decide to close, or not, their option before its expiry.

The advantage of this function is that it avoids you being surprised by an abrupt change in the direction taken by your asset so you are still ‘in the money’ as we say. Of course, using the early closure is not free and your profit would therefore be smaller when you use it than if you left your option to close at its normal date.

How does ‘Take Profit’ work?

The possible use of the ‘Take Profit’ option depends on your broker. In fact, all brokers do not offer this solution, and those who do have different ways of operating it. The main difference is the amount gained with an early closure and at which point this option is offered to the client.

One of the characteristics common to all the brokers relating to early closure for taking profits is that it is offered only when your trade comes ‘in the money’. When this option is available to you, you will see a button appear on your screen indicating the amount you can gain by immediately closing your option. You then have a few seconds to accept or refuse the offer made by your broker.


Binary Options Glossary

An asset - with regard to binary options is the option that is being traded and whose price in the real market determines whether the trade expires in the money or otherwise.

At the money - refers to a condition in binary options trading. in which the strike price of an option is determined to be equal to or almost equal to the exact market price of the underlying security.

Binary options / Digital options - are trading options whose payout is often pre-determined. In digital options, the payout is often fixed after the underlying asset has exceeded the threshold or the strike price.

A bid - is a price at which an individual or a broker is willing to purchase a particular security or option.

A broker - is an individual who facilitates trading in the binary options market, often at a fee.

A call option - refers to an opportunity to purchase particular assets at an agreed price on or before a certain date. It is a financial contract that gives the buyer the right to purchase a particular security or option before a certain date.

A commodity - is a useful thing, merchandise or product that can be traded for its value.

The current price - refers to a valuation of a commodity, security or option that is based on the most recent market trend and not the base year. It is the selling price of a product as determined by the current market forces.

Deposit - refers to an amount of money that is set aside, often in account for the purposes of trading in binary options. Traders in binary options are often required to deposit some money in their accounts before they can set off trading in the market.

Early closure - refers to a situation in which the trade is terminated before the agreed time frame elapses. In binary option trading, early closure helps the trader lock in some amount or reduce the amount of loss.

Expiry price - refers to the official price at which a particular trade expires on the expiry date. This price is often referred to as make up or settlement price.

The expiry time - refers to a specific date or time when the trade on a particular option is expected to come to an end. Most of the time, any option provides the traders with hourly, daily, weekly and monthly expiry times.

Forex - refers to a worldwide decentralized exchange market over which currencies are traded. The forex market is one of the largest and most liquid markets having over $1.9 trillion traded in a day.

Fundamental analysis - refers to a method through which an individual evaluates a security. This process involves an attempt to measure the intrinsic value by looking at the economic, financial and qualitative aspects of the business.

Hedging/Fencing - is a strategy that is normally used in an effort to reduce the risk of an investment. It is a position that is taken with the intention to offset losses or gains that may be incurred by another investment.

Index / Indices - refer to the measures of changes in value that a group of assets may undergo.

Initial investment - is the name of the upfront cash and total value of resources that is required to start up an investment portfolio. In the binary options, the initial investment is the money a trader puts forward to start off his account.

The investment amount - is the amount of money that is used to buy up the binary options market. This refers to the money that was put at stake for a put or call option.

In the money - is a term that is used to refer to a situation in which the option’s strike price falls below the current market price of the underlying assets in put options. For the call options, it is a situation in which the strike price is above the market price of the underlying asset.

The market price - is the value of an asset as determined by the forces of the market.

Out of the money - is a term used to refer to a put option whose strike price is much higher than that of the market price of the underlying asset. With regard to the call option, it refers to a call option whose strike price is lower than the market price of the underlying asset.

A payout - is the amount of money that an individual is entitled to if the trade expires in the money. In binary option trading, the payout amount is often pre-determined.

Put option - refers to a financial contract that allows a person to sell an asset on or before a particular date. This contract gives the owner of the asset the right and not the obligation to sell the asset before the specified date.

A refund - is the amount of money that is paid back to a trader, often one who has made a loss in the market as a way of easing the pinch of the loss.

Return - refers to the expected profit that a person will get from a particular binary options trade.

Rollover - is a term that is used to define a situation in which funds from a mature security are re-invested as a new issue or a similar issue. Often, rolling over an investment incurs a particular charge.

Stock - refers to the merchandise that is kept on a business premise for the purposes of trade. A stock option may also refer to a privilege that is sold to another party giving him part of the ownership of an investment.

A Stop Loss - order refers to an order that is lodged with a broker allowing him or her to sell off a particular security as soon as it reaches a particular price. Often, the stop loss order is designed to reduce the amount of loss an investor may incur.

A strike price - is the price at which a trader can exercise a put or call option. The price is often fixed after the seller receives all the bids for a particular security.

Target price - is the price at which an individual seller is willing to sell off or offload a particular stock. It is the projected price that a trader may have based on current market trends.

Technical analysis - refers to the analysis of the past price changes in the hope of forecasting future changes in the price of such a security.

Time of Expiration (Expiry) - refers to a specific time after which an option is no longer considered valid. This time offers a more specific deadline to an option contract and it keeps changing over time.

A trader - is a person who engages in a particular business transaction in the binary option market.

A trend - is a general direction in which something, in this case the price of the underlying assets or options, is moving.

Underlying assets - refer to the security, property or loan agreements that an option provides to the option holder, giving him the right to buy or sell. It is the financial instrument on which a particular derivative price is based.

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Profile Description

GrandOption different lots of the underlying assets. For example, from a large number of currencies is not only popular currency pairs, as well as the Russian ruble, and even the South African currency. Apart from the trademark gold and silver grain present, and it is also possible to buy “mixed” currency pairs, such as gold and the Japanese yen or the euro-gold. All this makes it possible to earn extra. As for the shares, it is possible to allocate shares of the following well-known companies: Facebook, Gazprom, Sony, Google, as well as indexes (CAC40, DAX30 and other options). The shares of different companies, in turn, are divided into categories that will depend on the country. You will be quite easy to start trading by the fact that you need.

Types of Binary Options

If you work with GrandOption, you will be able to buy only the standard options Put and Call. Options are divided into short (from 30 seconds to 5 minutes) and the remainder (from the beginning of the period expiration to the end of the day). It turns out that the choice will be limited.

In the each option that you bought for the convenience of the trader can see the difference between the current and the initial price. This will help you understand how close to your money option. If it is currently in the money, then the graph is green, and red if – is out of money. Because of this you will know how to visually go your affairs. With one option, your profit can be 67-83%, while the price for a call option will vary from 1 thousand to 80 thousand rubles.

What are the Financial Conditions?

Working with a broker GrandOption, you will be able to dispose of their own deposit, using credit cards in the first place. Also available are the following systems: Skrill, QIWI, WebMoney, or by bank transfer. The most minimum amount for which an account can be replenished, is 9000 rubles. Add your own account, you can also in a different currency, although it will change the account currency is impossible after registration. Therefore, you should treat it with responsibility. If you wish to deposit funds via bank transfer, the $ 1,000 would be the minimum amount.

To withdraw funds from the account using all the same electronic payment system. All transactions are mainly carried out within 7 days, if you use the electronic systems, the faster. You must provide several documents that confirm your identity before you make the first withdrawal of equity. Basically, you need to present a passport, a photocopy of the card (credit) and the receipt of utility payments. After the first cash withdrawal you will not be required to provide documents. Your first withdrawal of funds will take place without the commission. But in the future the commission will be charged, depending on the account:

premium account to pay a commission of 3.5% per month, with 1 time per month means you can withdraw without commission;

a standard account, to pay a commission of 2% when using the Skrill, and 3.5% for the withdrawal of the card;

VIP account with no commission.

You also have the right to withdraw from your deposit all the funds at any time. At the minimum withdrawal amount is $ 10 card, with bank transfer – $ 100 . It is important and what can be concluded only on the account from which the deposit was replenished. While the additional funds that you have earned on options trading, it will be possible to withdraw via bank transfer.

Such conditions are not the most attractive. Many competitors GrandOpshn no broker fee is not charged at the time of withdrawal of funds, and profits can be displayed not only on account of the bank.

Educational Materials

You can take advantage of many training courses and e-books online that are made in Russian. Once you get the opportunity to view daily market reviews to increase trade efficiency. Find out more information about trading strategies have the opportunity in the training center, which will make trade from the beginning!

Binary Options Expiration Date

Posted By admin on December 16, 2014

When striking a binary options trade, there are four variables that need to be decided on from the perspective of the trader. The first is the selection of an asset or asset pair, and then the decision as to the market price direction you forecast coupled with the expiration time or date you choose. The final variable is the amount you invest, but this has no bearing on the final outcome of your trade and is thus the least important. The binary options expiration date or time you select is critical as to whether your trade ends in or out of the money.

How the Expiration Date Affects your Trade

The binary option expiration date or time on any trade can vary from 60 seconds up to one day, one week or even longer and you can divide expiration dates into three categories. That is, short, medium and long term expirations.

Short Term Expiration Binary Options Trades

These are trades where the binary options expiration date is between 30 seconds and 60 minutes. The shorter the expiration time, the greater the proposed payout will be, but this is accompanied with greater risk. Commodity and index values do not fluctuate to the same degree as other assets which make them suitable for short term expiration trades as they are more easily forecast while forex trading with more price movement is more exiting to trade in, but carries more risk.

Medium Term Expiration

These are typically trades with a time line of one to three or four hours and selecting this sort of time line reduces risk, but also reduces the payout you will be offered by the broker. Forex trading is suited to a medium expiration times.

Long Term Expiration

A long term trade has an expiration of more than three or four hours and can be up to year or more. The payout offered by brokers on a long term trade would be very low with minimal risk to the trader, but is not a very exciting form of trading for those who desire quick profits.

Many brokers are now offering early closure on trades where the trader can close the trade early once in the money. While this eliminates risk, the broker would take a percentage of the payout in compensation for the early closure of a live trade.

Value in Relation to Time

The binary options expiration date or time as a function of the value of the underlying asset can be a very critical calculation, particularly in a volatile market and great care should taken in selecting the expiry time. The actual forecast of a price movement can be arrived at by observing the technical data such as the trend lines and other similar factors while the timing cannot be arrived at from technical information. Timing is very often affected by news or economic data releases as well as market trading hours and these must be considering when arriving at an expiry date or time decision.

With all the factors surrounding a binary options expiration date, it is well to tread with caution and consider the risk/reward equation as well as the time versus value calculation and in this way; your chances of trading success of will be enhanced.


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Boss Capital Broker Review

Key Features

Short Term Trades

Low Minimum Trade at $10

Up to 85% Returns

Boss Capital Review & Overview

Boss Capital binary options broker was launched back in January 2014 and has been growing from strength to strength ever since. It might not have some of the features that some top brands like 24Option and Banc de Binary do but what it does have is an easy to use trading platform powered by Tech Financials technology.

With a simple but powerful interface whether you prefer to trade on your desktop or mobile phone, you can quickly get to grips with all this binary option broker has to offer. Offering beginner and experienced traders from all over the world the ability to trade over 133+ assets (including stock pairs) and the popular short term contracts like 60 seconds along with high yield one-touch and boundary.

An Up and Coming Global Binary Option Broker

Along with the standard indices, commodities, stocks, and currency pairs you also get stock pair trading to take advantage of across multiple markets. Not only that but it offers you some of the best profit returns online with up to 85% for in the money trades . Couple this with its early closure feature and you could profit even in the most volatile of economic markets. You also get a advanced technical analysis of the markets with their professional charting software and insights with their traders choice feature.

Another of Boss Capitals strengths is in giving you the tools to succeed. With plenty of educational material available, including a range of videos, the latest market news and a comprehensive ebook full of different trading strategies for you to read upon and try out. It’s no wonder that many people are giving this increasingly popular platform a go today.

Website http://www. bosscapital. com Established: 2014 Based In Gibraltar Platform Browser, Mobile Site, Android & iPhone Apps Mobile Specific Trading Yes, Android & iPhone App US Traders Yes Account Currencies USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, AUD, RUBLES Languages English, Japanese, Russian

Financial Assets & Expiry Times

The Boss Capital trading assets comprise of 8 commodities, 24 currency pairs, 59 stocks and 28 indices. Along with the addition of 14 stock pairs you get a relatively comprehensive list of binary options assets with 133 at our last count.

With these you can perform short trades in the range of 30 seconds up to 2 minutes along with longer trades from 15 mins up to months. This allows thrill seeking traders along with more patient traders to try out their binary option strategies and find the type of trades that work best for them.

Option Types Call/Put, One Touch, Boundary, 60 Seconds Option Expiry Times 60sec, 2min, 15min, 30min, 1hr, 24hr, weekly Underlying Assets 59 Stocks, 8 Commodities, 24 Currency Pairs, 28 World Indices, 14 Stock Pairs

Up to 85% Profit & Returns

You get slightly higher than average profit returns up to 85% with the right Boss Capital strategy and binary options contracts, this compares to similar platforms like Redwood Options and TraderRush which offer up to 81%.

Some of the more higher risk contracts and high yield options allow you to get bigger returns up to 500% in some cases depending on the ones you choose.

Unfortunately there are no out of the money returns to be had with this binary options online broker. But with a minimum trade of $€£10 and maximum trade of $€£7,500 this platform caters to a wide range of budgets.

In the Money Returns 70% up to 85% Out of the Money Returns None Minimum Trade 10$/€/£ Max. Trade 5,000 short term trade and 7,500 for longer trades

Secure Deposits & Withdrawals

Like many binary options brokers online the Boss Capital minimum deposit is 200 EUR/GBP/USD/CAD/AUD or 20,000 JPY depending on your preferred currency. Be sure to choose the right one when registering as this can't be changed later. The min deposit is a little high and can put off many new traders from giving this new but well established binary trading site a go.

To get any of your winnings out you will have to provide some standard identification details first off. Photo ID and proof of address are a must to ensure all goes smoothly and you get your money in a timely fashion. With a minimum withdrawal amount of 100 £€$ or 10,000 JPY you get one free withdrawal a month.

In case you are worried about security when you make a deposit or withdrawal all transactions are fully SSL encrypted and they are PCI compliant in that they do not store your payment information.

Minimum Deposit 200 USD, 200 EUR, 200 GBP, 20,000 JPY Deposit Methods Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Wire Transfer or CashU, Skrill Regulated No Withdrawal Time 5-7 business days Documentation Needed for Withdrawal Photo ID and utility bill

Customer Support

Good customer support and quick problem resolution is a must when dealing with a binary options broker. Many brokers online perform badly here and that leads to a negative experience and mistrust in the worst cases. However we are happy to report that there are no Boss Capital complaints here. With quick responses, friendly chat staff and problems resolved timely it scores highly with us.

And with live chat, email support and 45 phone numbers worldwide they try to cater to everybody.

Support Live Chat, Email, International Phone Numbers, Contact Form Live Chat Yes - 24 hour Support Email Support@bosscapital. com Support Languages English, Japanese, Russian

Boss Capital Mobile App

We are pleased to say that you can access your binary options trading account no matter where you are with dedicated iPhone and Android apps available from the respective stores. Not only that but if you don't want to use a trading app to access your account you can simply load up the Boss Capital broker site on your phones browser and use that instantly.

With all the features you can find online the mobile trading apps don't skimp on functionality. You can quickly view your current trades, future ones and keep an eye on the current markets all in the palm of your hand no matter where you are.

Get up to 50% Welcome Bonus

Free Financial Tools & Features

If you are new to binary options trading and are looking for somewhere to learn to trade then this broker is a good place to start. Their Trading Academy offers an assortment of free educational material from basics to advanced video tutorials to regularly hosted live webinars. Not only that but the free Boss Capital ebook walks you through 50 pages of key concepts and in depth trading strategies.

And once you have brushed up on your skills you can ask their support for a free Boss Capital demo account to put what you have learnt in to action before you make that all important first deposit.

They also offer up to date financial market news to keep your finger on the pulse of what is going on in the world, potentially leading to more profitable trades.

The Boss Capital binary options trading platform comes with a popular feature found at many brokers online, which is Early Closure. Allowing you to profit in volatile markets. Depending on the type of option you have chosen to trade you can for a certain period of time close your option ahead of its expiry time. Once you do this you receive a percentage of your return which is lower than if you allowed the option to expire and it landed in the money but better than if it landed out of the money when you would receive nothing.

Demo Account - On request Platform Features - Early clouse Builder - 60 second binary option trades - Stock Pair trading - Free iPhone & Android trading apps Free Tools - Free trading E-Book - Basic &ampl Advanced Videos - Up to date Financial News

Boss Capital Review Conclusion

We have to say we were impressed by this relatively new binary options broker. With a wide range of assets including stock pairs available to trade, insightful educational material and an easy to use trading platform it's hard to find faults. It also accepts US binary option traders making it a truly global broker.

A few more site languages would have been good but with its high profit returns up to 85% plus short term and early closure trades and a low minimum trade amount it's ideal for beginner binary option traders and more advanced ones too. If you are looking for somewhere new to try out you can't go wrong with this ever improving site.

Click the button below to sign up and start your trading experience at Boss Capital today.

Get up to 50% Welcome Bonus

Cons - Small amount of site languages Pros - Low minimum trade 10$/€/£ - Free educational material available - High profits up to 85% - Easy to use broker platform Binary Option Insights | Rating 4

More Top Binary Options Brokers

We have a quality reviews on some of the best binary options brokers in the industry. If you are looking for more then try taking a look at other reviews. Don't forget to let us know if there is something specific we are missing.

Binary Option Value -


An asset is the underlying instrument that is used to determine the type of the exercise of a binary option contract. An asset may be a Forex Currency, a Commodity, a Stock or an Index. Underlying assets are also called Underlying Securities.

► What is an At-the-Money Option

At-the-money option is the contract which strike price equals to the market price of the underlying asset. This point can be described also as a Break-Even-Point point.

► What are Binary Options

Binary options are financial contracts which offer only two possible outcomes, either they are in-the-money and they win, or they are out-of-the-money and they lose. There are two main categories of binary options:

Binary call options. which win if the price of the underlying security at expiration exceeds the strike price.

Binary put options. which win if the price of the underlying security at expiration is below the strike price.

► What are Digital Options

Digital Options are the alternate name of Binary Options.

► What is Early Closure

Early Closure is an option provided to an option holder, which allow him to close a trade (open position) earlier than the predefined expiration time.

Expiry Time is the date when a binary option expires.

► What are Exotic Options

Exotic Options are contracts which are traded on exclusive markets by certain brokers. Binary Options are a simplified version of Exotic Options.

► What is Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is used to examine and report macroeconomic data such as growth, political developments and policies of central banks. Fundamentalists are trying to determine if the market price of an asset is undervalued or overvalued related to its true value.

► What are In-the-Money Options

In-the-money options are binary options contracts which current price is above the strike price. If a binary options contract is in-the-money when it expires, then a predefined profit is gained by its holder.

► What is Over-the-Counter (OTC)

OTC contracts are financial instruments which are sold directly between two parties.

► What are Out-of-the-Money Options

Out-of-the-money options are binary options contracts which current price is below the strike price. If a binary options contract is out-of-the-money when it expires, then its holder suffers a loss.

The Payout Rate is the rate of return of a binary option contract when is expires in-the-money. Typically, binary options payout rate is between 70% and 85%.

Refund is the amount refunded to the investor if a binary option doesn’t expire in-the-money.”

► What is Strike Price

The Strike Price of a binary option contract is the price at which the contract for an asset will be exercised.

► What is Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a set of tools and techniques used to analyze the price trend of a financial asset. Technical Analysis can be used in a wide time frame, from intraday to several years. The observation of past price patterns may indicate a profitable trade but also the best time to buy or sell it.

► What is Touch / One Touch Option

One Touch Option is a Binary Option Type which allows a profit to be realized if the underlying security touches a predetermined price level before the contact expires.

From Forex to Binary Options

Posted By admin on November 11, 2014

Before 2008, forex trading was on the lips of almost every trader. The popularity of forex trading however bared the brunt of the introduction of digital options. Digital options trading is an easy, challenging and a more profitable venture as compared to forex trading. Due to the significant differences between the two, binary options trading popularity has increased significantly over the last few years. Let us explore these differences in more detail

Losses and Payouts In forex trading, the maximum returns on the investment cannot be determined and hence one cannot really know how much one is set to earn after the end of a trade. The “maximum returns” notion can only be achieved by use of a stop order. When a stop order is executed, the trader is guaranteed a given percentage of the returns. The losses can also be managed by the use of a stop order which is executed when the losses incurred reach a specified set limit. The downside of forex trading in the aspect of losses is that the extent of losses is unknown and in some cases, it can involve all the funds in one’s trading account. Binary options, on the other hand, is more profitable and secure than forex trading. Before indulging in any binary options trade, a trader is well aware of the expected returns as well as the scope of the loss if the trade ends out of the money. The payouts can be as high as 85% or even well over 400% depending on type of option traded. Unlike in forex trading, the extent of a loss (if it unfortunately occurs) is only limited to the funds invested. Some brokers tend to reduce the impact of a loss by offering to refund a portion of the investment for a trade gone wrong.

Trading Positions In forex trading, a trader has the freedom of when to end (close) a trading position. As long as the market in question is open, a forex trader can close their trading position at any time and the broker involved has an obligation to execute the order.

The length of a trading position in binary options trading is determined by the expiry duration chosen when placing trades. The trading position is subject to automatic closure when the expiry time lapses. However, some brokers may offer the early closure feature which allows a trader to close their trading position before the expiry of the trading contract. By closing a trade early, a trader receives lesser returns as compared to the expected returns if the trade would have ended in the money. Another feature worth mentioning is the rollover feature which allows a trader to prolong the length of a trading position. The rollover feature can be used to evade a loss by pushing the expiry time to the next available expiry time.

Types of Orders In forex trading, there exist several types of orders with the most basic ones being the Buy/Sell order. Other orders available in this trading venture include Limit, OCO, Hedge, Trailing Stop and Stop orders. Binary options have a variety of options types which a trader can choose from. These options types include Touch/No Touch, High/Low, Range, 60 Seconds, Long Term and Boundary options, among many other types.

Conclusion From the comparisons above, binary options definitely have the upper hand as compared to forex trading. The variations between the two is also evident in their trade sizes (both minimum and maximum) and trading costs (commissions and spreads). Take the time to explore what your trading needs and preferences are and then give either forex trading or binary options trading a try.


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Press Release

Promotions at OptionsXO

September 10, 2012

Claim your bonus today. OptionsXO is currently offering all new clients bonuses on their first deposits. Not sure how much to deposit? Visit of our Special Promotions page to see the promotions running right now. You can receive up to a 50% bonus on your deposit just by making your first deposit today! See your portfolio increase immediately, before you even start trading. Don’t let this tremendous opportunity slip away!

OptionsXO presents innovative Trading Platform

September 12, 2012

OptionsXO is proud to present a new and innovative trading platform. All clients are welcome to tour the user-friendly platform at any time to see exactly why OptionsXO is the best place to trade binary options in the world. Our technology team takes great pride in staying with the times, and offering our clients the best possible trading experience on the web.

Aside from providing a comprehensive list of assets for traders to select, there are several features that are sure to enhance your trading endeavors. Early closure allows for the immediate closure of an option prior to the expiry time, acting as an additional tool to increase profitability at times when markets behave abstractly. This tool allows for greater control to the trader, since positions can be modified along the way.

Our Rollover and Double-Up features are groundbreaking, and have already illustrated tremendous capabilities in increasing portfolio profitability for many of our clients. Please see the rollover and double-up page under the “company” tab.

Facebook To Join optionsxo’s Binary Options Service

September 14, 2012 – optionsxo™ is happy to announce the addition of Facebook (FB) to its vast array of trading assets.

With over 900 million users and a story fit for a Hollywood blockbuster film, Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most interesting companies in the world. To mark Facebook’s arrival to the financial market, optionsxo™ is officially adding Facebook to its wide variety of assets accompanied with special promotions.

OptionsXO Introduces New High Yield Bonus Structure for Binary Options Traders

June 11, 2013 – Mobile trading, no margins, no commissions and VIP accounts all sweeten the pot, as binary options traders of all levels enjoy the new high-yield OptionsXO bonus structure.

Sometimes one equals two. This is a fundamental concept in the world of binary options trading, making the goal to double one’s deposit the ultimate quest. OptionsXO, one of the Internet’s emerging binary options brokers, is helping traders earn more on their investments with a new, high-yield bonus structure. Now, traders have the opportunity to earn payouts up to 100 per cent.

Binary Options Trading: Forex options, Stock options, Index options & Commodity options – optionsXO™ Risk disclosure: Binary options trading involves significant risk. We strongly advise that you read our Terms & Conditions. Although the risk when trading binary options is fixed for each individual trade, the trades are live and it is possible to lose an initial investment, particularly if a trader chooses to place his entire investment to a single live trade. It is highly recommended that traders choose a proper money management

Operated by Omni Capital Ltd. Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro MH96960 Marshall Islands

Top Reason To Trade Binary Options

Binary Options (also known as two-way Options) are one of the easiest Options to trade. In order to maximize profits from trading Binary Options, you’re advised to work with top reliable Binary Options Brokers. On the safe platform, you can get profits quickly from the wining trades and enjoy diverse expiry rates as well as time. If you prefer quick trade period, you can utilise the 60-second Binary Options . Additionally, the returns from Binary Options Trading are always fixed. Traders will always receive the same return on investment (ROI) disregarding their investment amount. There is also no spreads; only the identical prices applied for both Call Options and Put Options.

You can access to your trading account completely anywhere anytime. Just need a computer and an Internet connection to trade Binary Options 24/7. You may even win remarkable profits with dozens of markets involved, so you can trade anytime of the day or night.

In summary, the top benefits of trading Binary Options include:

Availability of 60-second Binary Options

A small amount of initial investment to commence trading

Fixed and minimum risks involved

Predetermined and high possible returns

Profits from market volatility

24/7 access

No spreads

How To Get Started with Binary Options?

On the top main menu, look for “Open Account” Tab, and click on the tab.

Fill in all required fields in a form to complete your registration. Approve the Terms and Conditions of your brokers. Then, submit the form. You will receive your login details via Email and you can also see details on the next screen after opening an account (once).

Opt for a payment method, the kind of currency to use and the amount to deposit. In fact, there are 3 most common payment methods including

Once your account is funded, click on ‘Trade Now” tab on the top main menu.

Choose an Asset and determine an Expiry Time

Select direction of market price, expiry and investment amount

Click “Call” if you think that the asset’s market price will go UP and above the expiry level or Click “Put” if you think the asset’s market price will go DOWN and below the expiry level.

Select the expiry time that best fits your market expectations from expiry drop-down menu.

Enter your amount of investment and click “Apply”.

Then you will see the payout rate

When it comes to expiry time, your trading account will be electronically credited with your winning profit.

Alter the trading platform view and trade some assets simultaneously.

Live Graph and Trader’s’ Choice Bar

Live Graphic reflects the current price movements. It is used as effective tool to make accurate decision whether to place a “CALL” or “PUT” Opción.

Traders’ Choice Bar denotes the direction that many other traders are selecting on the same underlying asset. It sounds like the trader’s sentiment about the asset.

Double Up – Rollover – Sell Option

Double Up, Rollover, and Sell Option features are to maximize your profits and minimize your losses even after a trade has been made.

How To Trade Binary Options

DOUBLE UP Double Up provides you an opportunity to “do it again”. It allows you to create a new trade with similar conditions for current asset price. When a trade is going on your way, some brokers want you to have every opportunity to get the most from your trading. You can raise your investment in the potential winning trade to double the profits.

Benefits of Double Up

Enlarge the investment amount in open positions

Double the profits at expiry time

Capitalize instantly on the strong position

ROLLOVER Rollover enables you to postpone the expiry time of Binary Options. giving the position an opportunity to turn itself around in your chosen direction. Rollover is known as a Stop Loss Strategy. It is activated with a single click of a button. The tool is effective when your trade is likely to be inaccurate. It gives you a second chance to make the prediction right.

Benefits of Rollover

Postpone the expiry time gives you more time to turn your trade around

Win 30% higher return on a wining trade for an additional 30% investment.

Rollover is available up to 10 minutes prior to the time of expiration.

Rollover can be practiced once per open position.

SELL OPTION If you want a guarantee profits or cut losses without having to wait for the expiry time, Sell Option allows you to sell your positions at the given price listed on the platform. If you are not sure if the trade will end in profit (In-The-Money) or in loss (Out-Of-The-Money) and would like to secure a percentage of your investment, choose Sell Option.

It appears as your asset is moving in the wrong direction and is unlikely to rebound by the expiry time. With Sell Option, you can recoup a piece of investment and don’t lose the full initial stake.

The Sell Option is similar to your own parachute where you manage when it’s time to pull the chord and securely retain a share of profit by selling back the Option at the platform’s available price.

Other Binary Options Trading Methods

For all other trading methods. you just need repeat similar steps for that type of trading. For example: 60-second trading, One Touch Option

You select 60-second Option on menu bar

Deposit funds into the account, if your account still have money, that’s fine.

Choose an asset

Specify an expiry time

Determine your position. Select a Call Option if you think that price will go UP or select a Put Option if you think that price will go DOWN.

Enter the amount of investment

Hit “Apply/Submit” button to complete transaction.

Trading Binary Options Exclusive Features

EARLY CLOSURE FEATURE On the state-of-the-art trading platform provides a unique feature called Early Closure Feature, which allows traders to close positions prior to expiry time. It means you can close an open position to guarantee a profit or limit a loss.

HOW IT WORKS After logging in, investors can see a listing of all their open trades in the table below the personalized graph. The dynamic graph is for them to follow their options according to the price fluctuation. If you don’t want to wait for the Option to expire, all you have to do is click on “Close” button. The selected Option will instantly expire and the return on investment will be specified.

AVAILABILITY The Early Closure feature is unavailable at the times below:

For a constrained amount of time once the position has been opened.

During the “No More Trades”period, this often begins several minutes before the expiry time of the Option.

Add Funds and Withdraw Funds

ADD FUNDS TO YOUR ACCOUNT You can’t trade Binary Options on any trading platforms without funding your own trading account. Conveniently, it takes seconds to add funds to the account. At the top right-hand corner of the screen, there is a “Deposit”button. Simply click on the button to start funding your account.

In the Deposit section, you select a payment method. Credit Cards are the easiest and fastest method to process payment. Just need to enter the credit card number, expiration date, and other mandatory information. Then, click on ” Deposit” button at the screen’s bottom. The funds will be available for use immediately and you can begin trading right away.

Additionally, you can wire funds via Wire Transfer to add money to your trading account. The largest disadvantage of this method is that it may take about 5 business days for the funds to become valid. To make sure things go smoothly with Wire Transfer . it is advised to contact the account manager so that you can ensure your funds be credited directly to your account.

If you would like to withdraw money, it is as easy as adding funds to your account. Simply access “My Account”tab and click on the “Withdrawal Request”button. Then, you will be asked to choose the withdrawal method. Again, the fastest method is credit card. The money will be added to your Credit Card instantly. If you select to get the funds wired, which may take a few business days to process the request.

Knowing how to trade Binary Options is the foremost step to get success at Binary Options Trading. All you need is following step-by-step instructions described below of how to trade Binary Options including matters of asset choice, investment amount, direction, and expiry time. Choose an. [Read More. ]

Binary Options Trading is a kind of trading method on markets by predicting the market price direction of currencies, stocks, commodities and indices over a period of time, that are all selected by traders. When trading Binary Options, traders can only have two possible outcomes: either the Option. [Read More. ]

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This term is used in binary options to describe the event in the closure point of a position in which the strike price and current market price are identical – […]

A binary option is a sort of option which guarantees a fixed return amount in the event of a successful trade. Unlike traditional Forex trading where profits and losses are […]

A boundary instrument is a binary options tool through which a trader needs to speculate on whether a certain asset will arrive at a rate that is inside or outside […]

An Early Closure is a tool that is only offered by certain binary options brokers, giving their customers a chance to pull out of their trade ahead of the predetermined […]

The Expiry Time of a trade is the date and time at which a traded position expires. When trading binary options, an option on a certain asset is always […]

The Expiry Level of a trade is the rate or price at which an asset expires. The terms ‘Expiry Rate’ and ‘Expiry Price’ depict the same thing can equally be […]

A High Option, which can also be called a Call Option, is an option which offers a return on investment of up to 85% in the event of an underlying […]

A High Low Instrument designates a binary option which gives traders the choice of speculating on whether an underlying asset’s expiry level will be higher or lower than the strike […]

An Inbound Option is a binary options tool in which a trader needs to speculate on whether a certain asset will arrive at a rate that is inside of a […]

An Investment Amount is the sum of funds an investor places in a single option when trading binary options. The Investment Amount must under no circumstance be confused with […]

This term is used in binary options to describe the event in the closure point of a position which marks a winning trade. There are three scenarios for the […]

A Low Option, otherwise known as a Put Option, is an option which offers a return on investment of up to 85% in the event of an underlying asset expiring […]

The Market Price indicates the current value at which an underlying asset can be bought or sold. One of the most basic rules of economics theory dictates that the […]

A No Touch Option is a binary options tool in which a trader needs to speculate that a certain asset will not arrive at a predetermined rate during the whole […]

A One Touch Option is a binary options tool in which a trader needs to speculate whether or not a certain asset will arrive and/or surpass a predetermined rate during […]

This term is used in binary options to describe one of the three possible outcomes of a position. This one designates a losing trade. There are three scenarios that can […]

An Outbound Option is a binary options tool in which a trader needs to speculate on whether a certain asset will arrive at a rate that is outside of a […]

A Refund, also known as a ‘rebate’ or a ‘cash back’, designates a small percentage of money that is returned to an investor after having suffered a losing trade. […]

The term Return refers to the percentage of the amount of invested funds that an investor receives when trading binary options, should a trade expire In The Money. When […]

The Target Price is the price of an underlying asset at the specific time at which a trader opens a position when trading binary options. Other commonly used similar terms […]

A Touch Option is a binary options tool in which a trader needs to speculate whether a certain asset will touch (arrive) a predetermined rate during the option’s life duration. […]

An underlying asset is a financial instrument which a trader invests in, when trading binary options. A binary options trader has the option of trading any underlying asset a […]

When trading binary options, a trader has the choice between four different underlying asset types. An underlying asset is a financial instrument which a trader invests in, and most (if […]

Stocks are singular companies which, when combined, form a given index. In traditional stock market trading, an investor only makes money if the stock is sold at a price […]

Commodities are made up of a list of valued raw materials which are worth trading for any investors to make profit. The list includes gold, silver, oil, and coffee, copper, […]

In essence, indices are comprised of a group of stocks. The most common global ones include the Dow Jones (USA), the NYSE (USA), the S&P 500 (USA), the FTSE (UK), […]

Currencies are forms of money which are issued by governments and which are commonly traded in binary options and Forex.

Binary Options Glossary

OptionFair binary options trading have become hugely popular in the recent days. The reasons are many. It is simple and easy to understand; the rates of returns are very high; it requires small investment and it is the best way for a lay person to participate in international commerce. However, though you do not require any expert knowledge, a rudimentary idea is essential if you want to make informed choices while trading binary options. A binary options glossary will help you to gain these ideas.

Some terms from a typical binary options glossary

Here are some terms of great importance that you are likely to find in a binary options glossary:

The basic term of course is binary option. This implies a trade where the amount of return is fixed from the outset. If you are correct, you already know how much profit you will make. Similarly, you also know the loss that you might incur if you turn out to be wrong.

Another common term in a Binary Options Glossary is expiry. This implies closing the trade in a particular asset. Every option has its own expiry time which you should confirm at the time of investment.

The market price is the current price offered for the asset in the market.

Two terms of binary options glossary which are of great interest to traders are in the money and out of the money. The former implies that the trade has ended in a profitable manner while the latter imply that it has ended in a loss.

The asset on which the broker offers an option is known as underlying asset.

Another interesting term of binary options glossary is early closure. It is the ability of the investor to close an open position. As a result the option expires at once.

If you are looking for slightly advanced ways to trade binary options, then you should know about boundary options. This term indicates a specified range. The trader will have to predict whether, at the time of expiry, the price of the asset will fall within or outside this range.

The most common instrument used in binary options trading is the high/low instrument. Here, you will simply have to choose whether the price of the asset will be high or low than the limit specified by the broker at the time of expiry.

Another term of binary options glossary that traders will love is refund. Many binary options brokers offer a return of 15% even on trades that expire out of money. This is known as refund.

Learn more as you trade to increase profitability

Though binary options trading are highly suitable for the newcomers, there are a number of advanced trading options as well. Study the binary options glossary regularly to improve your knowledge of binary options trading and earn even more profits in the future.

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TopOption is a big player on the European binary options trading market. The broker is regulated by the CySec and obtained the FCA (financial Conduct Authority) authorizations in 2011. It has since been improving its offer and its services to clients with additional trading tools, binary option types and educational contents. The broker provides its clients with a comprehensive Resource. Read More »

Of course, there are no keys to success in trading. Otherwise, everyone will be trading online, working from home and making millions without sweating. We don’t live in such world. There is no secret formula or absolute strategies to predict financial market moves and make money. There is not a single set of steps you can follow to achieve success. Read More »

The main US binary options exchange Nadex just announced that it would close its Pro downloadable trading platform since most traders prefer to use the web and mobile version of the platform. As you may already know, binary options are traded in a totally different way in the US. Binary options are all trading electronically on regulated exchanges. The only. Read More »

Hello Markets, one of the leading binary options technology providers, announced that it just concluded a partnership with Bitcoin payment service provider Polycoin. Hello Markets provides its integrated binary options trading platform to multiple white label brokers (Tradarea, BNB options, 999EX…) and is particularly active in Asia. The binary trading platform provider that keeps on proposing new services to its. Read More »

Binary options broker TopOption officially released its mobile binary options trading app sooner this week. You can now download it for free on the Google Play store and the famous AppStore from Apple. After enabling investors to use its advanced and intuitive online platform, TopOption is going further and enters the mobile app game. As a part of markets. com, TopOption. Read More »

Interactive Option is a brand name of Pegase Capital Limited, a CySEC regulated investment firm that is authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the reference number 625551 allowing the delivery of financial services to UK residents. As a consequence, Interactive Option complies with strict standards for compliance, security of client funds and transparency of conditions. As such it. Read More »

An interesting thing to check regarding the choice of your binary options broker is the trading functionalities that are proposed on the related broker’s platform. Three of the most common trading tools provided by the best binary options brokers are the double up, the rollover, and the early closure. These functionalities can have different names amid different brokers but they. Read More »

An interesting thing to check regarding the choice of your binary options broker is the trading functionalities that are proposed on the related broker’s platform. Three of the most common trading tools provided by the best binary options brokers are the double up, the rollover, and the early closure. These functionalities can have different names amid different brokers but they. Read More »

An interesting thing to check regarding the choice of your binary options broker is the trading functionalities that are proposed on the related broker’s platform. Three of the most common trading tools provided by the best binary options brokers are the double up, the rollover, and the early closure. These functionalities can have different names amid different brokers but they. Read More »


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BinaryOptionsPost. com has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information in the website, however, does not guarantee it. The data exhibited in this website is not necessarily always real-time or completely accurate; this includes market analysis, forecasts, signals, assets’ price quotes and charts. Readers should not treat any opinion expressed by the authors of BinaryOptionsPost. com as a specific inducement to make a particular trade or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of their current opinion. The views expressed in the forum are expressed by forum members and do not necessarily reflect the views of BinaryOptionsPost. com.

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Binary Option Trading


Binary option trading is considered to be one of the fastest growing simplified trading products available today. Binary option are considered to be a mass market financial instrument, as it allows traders to have flexible trading methods without the difficulties involved in trading traditional option. Whether you are looking for a short term or long term option, binary option can help traders get a high payout within short trading periods, which is why it has gained global popularity among financial traders.

Binary option are based on a straight forward yes/no proposition and provide a fixed and predetermined return. Binary option provide an ideal way to enter the world of financial trading, as they are simple to understand and to trade. Previous trading experience is not required.

Our Platform

BOSS offers trading on almost 150 different assets. BOSS offers trading on the following assets: indices (e. g. FTSE), stocks (e. g. Google), commodities (e. g. Gold) and currency pairs (e. g. EUR/USD). A trader can choose multiple assets to trade at the same time.

At BOSS, a financial binary option presents two possible market movements depending on the trading instrument:

• High / Low Instrument: Decide whether the asset price will go UP or DOWN.

• One Touch Instrument: Decide whether the asset price will TOUCH or will NOT TOUCH the target price.

• Boundary: Decide whether the asset price will stay in a target price RANGE or not.

Profitable Positions

If a trader has made a trade and at contract expiration has been successful with regards to the anticipated direction of the underlying asset price, the contract will expire ‘in the money’. A profitable option which expires “in the money” will provide a fixed return on the invested amount.

If a trader has made a trade and at contract expiration has been successful with regards to the anticipated direction of the underlying asset price, the contract will expire ‘in the money’. A profitable option which expires “in the money” will provide a fixed return on the invested amount.

On the other hand, if the trader has been unsuccessful in anticipating the direction of the asset, the contract will expire ‘out of the money’ and the trader will lose the investment. BOSS offers up to 15% return on a trading loss.

Helpful Features

In order to aid trading decisions BOSS provides background information on all traded assets and graphs showing historical data.

BOSS also provides for “Early Closure” of traded option. This feature allows traders to close positions before expiration time, minimizing risk and allowing protection of profits.

If you have any questions, feel free to email to us now. Click Here

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Important risk note: Boss Finance provides access to an international trading platform that allows trading of digital option. The trading of digital option could imply risk of partial or total loss of the clients´ investment. It is advised to carefully read the user terms & conditions before operating in Boss Finance. The asset prices shown in Boss Finance´s trading platform indicate the price in which the company is selling an option in a given moment. This price may vary from the value of the asset in real time or at their selling point. Clients who are expecting to obtain profit from digital option´ trading must be aware of this fact. Every client must be in knowledge of the tax structure of his/her country of residence.

ELIGIBILITY: The Services are available to and may only be used by individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 and/or USA residents.

Please be aware that laws regarding financial contracts may vary throughout the world, and it is your entire responsibility to ensure that you fully comply with any law, regulation or directive, relevant to your country of residency to the use of this website.

Knowledge is power. (Affiliate training)

Posted on November 29, 2013 by Binary Option Affiliate

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Our binary trading glossary found below is the easiest way to learn about binary option terminology and increase your knowledge about the markets. We created this trading glossary to address common questions about terminology used throughout our site. The following binary options glossary lists the most common binary option terms in use on the www. byrix. com site and in the general binary option industry.

If you have any questions or concerns not addressed in our binary glossary, please visit our binary options guide for additional information.

At the money . Used when the market price of the asset is currently trading at or has closed at the exact target price.

Binary Option . A term that refers to a specific type of financial instrument that offers a fixed rate of return that is predetermined before the investment is made. Click to learn more.

Boundary Instrument . A type of binary option in which the trader decides whether the market price at the time of expiry will be within a price range or outside of that set range.

Early Closure: This is a feature on the www. byrix. com platform that allows a trader to close a position before the expiry time.

Expiry Level: This is the level of the asset at the time of the asset’s expiry which is based on data received from www. byrix. com’s data provider.

Expiry Time . The time and date at which an option expires.

High Option . A binary option type in which the trader believes the market price of an asset will expire above the current market price.

High/Low Instrument . A binary option in which a trader can decide if the asset’s market price will expire higher or lower than the current market price.

Inbound Option . One possibility of the boundary option. The trader decides if the market price will expire inside the predetermined price range.

Investment Amount . The amount of capital invested in an individual binary option.

In the Money . This term means that the market price of the asset is currently trading at the target price or has closed and is profitable.

Low Option . A binary option in which the trader believes the market price of an asset will expire below the current market price.

Market Price . The current price of the asset based on the data provided by Byrix. com’s data provider.

No Touch Option . A binary option trade in which the trader decides if the market price will not reach a predetermined price through the life of the option.

One Touch Instrument . A binary option trade in which the trader decides if the market price will reach a predetermined price through the life of the option.

Out of the Money . This term means that the market price of the asset is not currently trading at the target or has closed and is not profitable.

Outbound Option . One possibility of the boundary option, the trader decides if the market price will expire outside the predetermined price range.

Refund . This is the amount of money refunded to the trader if he/she has invested in an option that accounts for a refund if the option expires “Out of the Money”.

Return . The return is the percentage of the original investment that the trader will receive if the investment is profitable.

Target Price . Target price, also known as the market price, is the current price of the asset based on the feed by the data provider.

Touch Option . A Touch Option is a binary option that will expire in the money if the market price at any time during the life of the option reaches a predetermined level.

Underlying Asset . The asset in which the trader is invested in the binary option.

Underlying Asset Types: Stocks (e. g. Google, British Airways)

Commodities (e. g. Gold, Brent Crude)

Indices (e. g. NASDAQ, FTSE 100)

Currencies (e. g. EUR/USD)

We hope that you found this trading terms glossary helpful and educational. To learn more about binary option trading visit our binary trading guide or click here to enter our live chat.

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No1Options Trading

Mar 4, 2015 20:26:48 UTC

Headquartered in London, No1options (www. no1options. com) is a reliable and reputable binary options broker. Catering for all types of traders, No1options offers traders access to a powerful trading platform, a wide variety of global assets, a selection of advanced trading tools and much more. To ensure their traders are profitable, No1options also offers competitive payouts on successful trades as well as a variety of exclusive welcome bonuses. Added to these benefits is the broker’s Risk Free Trading program which enables a trader to trade without the risk of losing any money . No1options also provides its traders with access to an exclusive eBook series, eVideos, trading signals, one-on-one training and much more. Whether you are new to the world of binary options trading or an advanced pro, No1options has all the trading tools and features required to trade binary options effectively.

Asset Choices

Almost all brokers offer a choice of four main asset classes including stocks, commodities, currencies and indices and No1options is no different. The broker however offers a wide range of global stocks including the big names such as Google, Facebook, the Dow Jones and much more. To assist traders, the broker also provides a detailed Assets Index on their website which provides information on each asset as well as their trading hours and Reuters code. From the trading platform, it is very easy to select an asset to trade. Traders have the option of selecting an asset from the dropdown box or the assets can be divided into their specific classes simply by clicking on the relevant tab on the trading interface. No1options also offers a ‘Hot Assets’ choice which highlights the most popular assets being traded.

Trade Choices

One of the benefits of trading binary options is that it provides traders with variety. No1options ensures that all their traders are catered for by offering a wide range of trade options which are also paired with a big choice of expiry times. In this way a trader can diversify their trading portfolio with ease. The trade options include the standard Call/Put trade option, Pairs, Long Term, Fast Trading, Forex and One Touch. The broker also offers the IFollow trading option which enables traders to watch and copy other top traders from the comfort of the trading platform. With the One Touch trade option, traders are able to trade binary options over the weekend as well as have the opportunity to make returns up to 500% on winning trades. The expiry times offered can be as short as 60 seconds and traders also have access to a wide range of other expiry times such as minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, up to a year. On the trading platform, traders are able to view a historical price chart of the asset they have selected to trade as well as view investor sentiment for each asset. The No1options trading platform also offers risk management tools to reduce the risk of trading including the Rollover, Early Closure (Sell) and Double Up features.


No1options offers a mobile trading platform which provides flexibility and convenience to its traders. Traders can trade while on the go and since the mobile platform is so easy to use and to navigate, traders can move between the desktop and mobile trading platforms with ease. No1options also offers trading signals of potentially profitable trading opportunities. For VIP clients, these signals are also provided with the input from a trading analyst. In their understanding that no two traders are the same, No1options offers a choice of trading accounts each which have been tailor made to offer unique benefits and services . Traders can also select the currency of their trading account and can choose between the USD, euro, CAD, AUD and the GBP. Trading is affordable with the minimum investment amount only at $10 while traders only need to deposit $100 to gain access to the No1options’ trading platform.

Customer Service

Being able to contact your broker at any time is an important element of online trading. For this reason, No1options has dedicated a lot of time and effort into creating a professional and responsive support team that can be contacted with ease via Live Chat, telephone or email. To ensure that their traders’ needs are met, the broker also offers its customer service in a variety of languages and the website is also available in a choice of languages including English, Italian, Russian, French, German, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese. No1options also offers seamless deposit and withdrawal processes and so traders can deposit and withdraw funds to and from their trading accounts with ease using a variety of safe banking options. Remember to ask for a Demo Account if you aren’t ready to trade with real money.

The Bottom Line

While binary options trading continues to grow globally, there are not many brokers who are able to offer their traders all their trading requirements under one roof. No1options have succeeded in developing an all-inclusive trading platform which provides their traders with all the tools needed to trade binary options – from an intuitive trading platform, a wide choice of trade options and assets, a wealth of trading tools and professional customer support, what more could a trader want?

Other Binary Trading Resources:

Posted by Rich - Binary Option Trading

Binary Options Dictionary

If you’re new to the world of binary options, you might find yourself scratching your head over the jargon that’s often used. Concepts such as “payouts” and “return on investments” are simple enough for anyone to grasp. But what if you hear things like “strike price” or “technical analysis”?

In order to help you out, we’ve created a binary options dictionary of common terms often used by traders. Have a read and familiarize yourself with these words so you’ll not be left in the dark once you start your binary options journey.

Asset . An underlying asset is a security or financial instrument that’s based on a derivative. In simple terms, an asset is a type of item with monetary value that you can trade. For instance, traders can bid on assets such as commodities, stocks and currency pairs.

Bid . This is the price offered for closing a call or opening a put option.

Bid size/offer . The total number or volume of bids being sold within a given trading session.

Broker: Before you start to trade binary options, you have to open an account with a broker. Brokers host trading platforms or systems that allow you to execute trades.

Call option . A type of bidding position that becomes profitable only if the unit price of an underlying asset moves above its current price at the time of expiry.

Charting . This refers to the practice of plotting an asset’s price at successive points in time. Charting is a term often used in technical analysis.

Commission fee . This is a service fee that’s calculated at a fixed percentage for every transaction. Binary options brokers charge a commission fee in order to meet their cost of running a business.

Commodities . Commodities are an asset type that fall in the category of basic goods. Examples of commodities include gold, oil, sugar, coffee, etc.

Contract . In binary options, a contract is the basic unit of trade for one lot.

Currency pair . When a FOREX rate is determined by matching the value of one currency to another, this forms a currency pair. For example, a binary trader can bid on the US dollar and Euro (EUR/USD) by predicting whether the exchange rate between the two currencies will go either up or down by a certain time.

Date of Maturity/Expiration Date/Expiration/ Expiry Time . These terms are used interchangeably to refer to the time that a binary option expires. Expiry time is important to determine the outcome of a bid. It’s the time when prices of underlying assets are compared to their strike prices to determine if trades are in or out of the money.

Early closure . An early closure presents the opportunity to close an option and expire it almost at once by confronting the preliminary contract of the deal.

EMAs . This is an abbreviation for estimated moving averages and the phrase refers to technical indicators that help to analyze price action for an underlying asset.

Fibs or Fibonacci Retracements . Fibs are created by first taking two extreme points on a stock chart, then dividing the vertical range by key Fibonacci ratios. After plotting these lines, horizontal lines are drawn and used to identify possible price movement.

Fundamental Analysis . This is a method of analyzing the future price of an underlying asset based on macroeconomic factors such as interest rates, inflation, rate of unemployment, and so forth. Macroeconomic factors are factors that have an impact on supply and demand.

Index or Indices . In binary options, indices simply refer to stocks and securities. Index values are equivalent to the individual price of an underlying index/stock.

In The Money/At-the-Money . This phrase is used to describe when a trader’s prediction for price movement is accurate at the time of expiry. When your bid is in the money, you have qualified for full payout.

Investment Amount . When you purchase an option and take a position to make a trade, the amount of money you use for the bid is your investment amount. Investment amounts can vary from $1 to $1000, although some brokers place a limit value for certain binary options assets.

Market Price . Current quoted price of a binary option’s underlying asset is known as its market price.

Noise . Noise is the opposite information, hype, or inaccurate data and ideas that can confuse a binary trader’s interpretation of market direction. This term is common in the context of fundamental analysis.

Out of the Money . This phrase is used when a trader’s prediction for price movement is inaccurate at the time of expiry. If your bid is out of the money, you receive a partial or no payout.

Payout . Simply put, the payout is the money you earn from a successfully made trade.

Platform . A platform is the software or digital trading system that allows individual traders to execute trades. You’ll need to sign up for an account with a platform from a reliable broker to start trading binary options. Features vary from one platform to the next and it’s therefore important to make comparisons before signing up with any.

Put option . A type of bidding position that becomes profitable only if the unit price of an underlying asset plunges below its strike price at the time of expiry.

Range option . A range option, sometimes referred to as a boundary option, is a type of bid that gives binary traders the freedom to predict the price movement of an underlying asset within a specified range.

Rebate or Refund . Rebate is usually expressed as a percentage of the invested amount. It’s the amount given back to a trader if a binary option expires out of the money.

ROI . Also known as “Return on Investment”, ROI is a term that indicates the profit or benefit gained from an investment.

Strike price . Strike price is sometimes confused with underlying market price. They’re not one of the same since strike price refers to the specified price at which a binary option can be exercised. It may also be referred to as the target price a trader expects to hit when a binary option expires.

Technical analysis . This method of analyzing the future price of an asset is based on plotting technical graphs and charts using previous parameters like trading volume and price movement.

Trading minimum . Brokers have varying trading minimums. A trading minimum simply refers to amount you’re required to have before executing a trade.

This sums up the list of commonly used binary options terms. Although you may be tempted to memorize the definitions provided above, it’s not necessary. Instead, make an effort to become reasonably familiar with them and visit this page whenever the need arise.

What are Binary Options?

Basically, a Binary Option is nothing more than a prediction on which way the price of an underlying asset (see below) will move by a designated expiration. These expirations are pre-defined and always in the close future. The shortest expirations are below one minute whereas the longest ones could be end of week, month or year.

Once a Binary Option expires the payoff is structured to be either a fixed amount or nothing at all and thus Binary Options are also known as Fixed Return Options (FROs), All-or-Nothing Options or Digital Options. The success of a binary option is based on a YES/NO proposition, hence “binary”.

When trading Binary Options a trader never purchase or owns the underlying asset but only predicts which direction the asset will go. There are only two possible outcomes (UP or DOWN) and the asset price as such does not matter but if the prediction was correct or incorrect.

If the prediction was correct the trade is considered as "in the money” and the trader receives the fixed return on his investment. In case it was incorrect the trade is considered as "out of the money” and loses the amount agreed upon in the option.

What are Underlying Assets?

Underlying assets are any kind of an investment product, which can be selected out of a range of close to 200 different assets. The platform allows opening multiple trades at the same time and for a different type of asset. Here are some examples of assets available with GK Option;

Commodities: Gold, Silver, Oil

Indices: DOW Jones, FTSE, NASDAQ


Stocks: Apple, IBM, Coca-Cola

Risk Control

With Binary Options a trader can easily control the level of risk taken for each position as the exact level of risk involved is known in advance.

Expiry Level (Rate)

The expiration rate is the value of the underlying asset at expiration time. This determines if the option expires “in the money” or “out of the money.” For each underlying asset a different expiry level is determined.

What is a Call Option?

A Call Options is an agreement that grants the investor the right (but not the obligation) to buy an underlying asset at a specified price within a specific time period. It results into a profit when the underlying asset increases in price compared with the level at which it was purchased.

What is a Put Option?

A Put Option grants the investor the right to sell a specified amount of an underlying security at a specified price within a specified time. It results into a profit when the underlying asset depreciates relative to the purchase level. If the option expires at exactly the same price, the full original investment amount is returned to the investor.

Binary Options Glossary – Terms Definition


ASK The Ask is the market price for buying an asset in the financial markets. The ask price refers to the price at which an investor can buy an asset in the financial markets. The ask price is a part of the formula which is used to calculate the expiry level of an asset. ASSETS The “Asset” or “Instrument” is the underlying index, stock, commodity, or currency on which each trade is based. Each asset is a unique tradable instrument. Some assets are traded on multiple exchanges in which case they are different and have different ticker symbols, e. g. Google is GOOG on NASDAQ and GGQ1 on Frankfurt Stock Exchange. AT-THE-MONEY (ATM) One of three terms used to describe an option’s current status in terms of its ability to generate profit. At-the-money refers to a situation in which the option’s target price is identical to the underlying asset’s price. If an option expires in this status, the investment amount will be returned. In other words it is a tie or a draw, there is no profit nor loss, you receive the stakes back.


BID The bid is the price for selling an asset in financial market. In binary options, this is used in the calculation of expiry levels. BINARY OPTIONS (DIGITIAL OPTIONS/FROS) A type of option where the return is all or nothing. Also known as Digital Options or Fixed Return Options (FROs). The return is a fixed amount rather than a variable amount such as with spread betting or contracts for difference. For example, a typical binary option would ask if the underlying asset, such as Gold, would rise or fall in value and offer an 85% return for a correct prediction. Boundary Instrument A tool used in trading binary options whereby a trader must try to predict if the underlying asset will reach a value that is within or out of a specified range of values when the option expires.


CALL OPTION A call option provides the investor with the opportunity to gain if the asset rally’s above the open rate of the call transaction. In the event that the expiry rate is the same as the open rate, the investor will be refunded the full investment amount. Current Price The price in near real time as reported. The term current price is often used to contrast real-time reporting from most free price information, which is often delayed by fifteen minutes or more. COMMODITIES Commodities are raw products that are traded on the markets. They include Crude Oil, precious metals such as Gold and Silver, and agricultural instruments, such as Coffee, Wheat, Sugar and Corn.


Draw A “Draw” or “At-The-Money” trade is when the price of the asset at expiry is the same as the strike price so the trade expires “At-The-Money”. When this occurs your investment stakes are returned to you. In other words it is a tie or a draw, there is no profit nor loss, you receive the stakes back.


EXPIRY RATE The expiry rate is the price of the underlying asset at the time the option expires. In above-below binary trading, whether the option finished in-the-money or out-of-the-money is based on the expiry price of the asset. EXPIRY TIME The expiry time is the exact time and date at which the trade closes and the option expires. Exotic Options Binary Options are a simplified version of exotic options, which were traded on exclusive markets by brokers for years before they were available to the public as binary options. Early Closure A feature that allows traders to exit an option prior to the decided expiration time for a reduced return. EXECUTION RATE The entry level of the underlying asset when the position is placed.


Futures A class of indirect securities, made up of a contract to either buy or sell some sort of commodity at a time in the future. A strict futures contract requires that the holder buy or sell the commodity, while a futures option gives them the choice to do so. Fundamental Analysis One of the two major schools of analysis, used to examine macroeconomic data such as national economic health, central bank decisions, political events, or geologic events. At its core fundamental analysis believes that assets may be mispriced temporarily, but eventually will reach their correct price, and by examining macroeconomic events one can deduce what that eventual correct price will be.


High Option An option on a High/Low instrument offering a fixed return of up to 91% return if the underlying asset expires at a higher level than the option target price. High/Low Instrument A binary options trading instrument in which a trader must predict if the underlying asset will reach a value that is above or below the strike price when the option expires.


Investment Amount The amount of capital invested in a single binary option; the stake. IN-THE-MONEY (ITM ) Being “In-The-Money” simply means that your trade has won. Where you correctly predict an asset’s price will be higher than the strike price at the time of expiry or correctly predict the asset’s price will be lower than the strike price at the time of expiry, you will be “In-The-Money”. When you win or are “In-The-Money”, you will receive your invested stakes back plus the profit so for example if the profit is 100% and you stake $100 in the trade, you will receive $195 for a total return to you of 200%. INDICES Indices are exchanges around the world, where stocks are traded, for example the American Dow Jones 30 and NASDAQ, the European FTSE 100, or the Asian NIKKEI.


MID MARKET The average of the bid and ask, this price represent the real price of the market with no spreads between bid and ask. Binary options brokers use the mid-market prices for their expiry rates. Market Price The current value of an underlying asset.


No Touch Option An option on a One Touch instrument typically offering a return up to 91% if the underlying asset does not reach the target price during the lifetime of the option. Note: Should a No Touch option reach the target price at any time during the lifetime of the option then the option automatically and immediately expires “Out of the money”.


ONE-TOUCH OPTION An option which gives the investor a fixed payout once the price of the underlying asset reaches or surpasses a predetermined level. To be eligible for payout, it is sufficient that the option touches or surpasses the predetermined level just once at 17:00 GMT during the week throughout the option’s life cycle. If the predicted level is not reached or surpassed even once, the initial investment is lost. The options will be sampled over a period of five days, Monday – Friday, once a day in accordance with the Reuters 17:00 Sample Rate. The promised payout will be transferred to the client’s account on the expiration date of the option (Friday 20:00 pm), even if the terms of the options have been realized before the end of the period. Option In binary options the investor can trade any financial product, without having to purchase the actual asset. When trading a commodity such as Gold, or a stock, like Apple, the trader is not physically buying and selling the product. They are trading a virtual stand-in called an option (also known as an underlying asset). An option is therefore a virtual asset that represents the real-time movements of the actual asset. Over-the-Counter (OTC ) Products which are sold directly between two parties; distinguished from exchange trading, which occurs via exchanges and brokers set up for the purpose of managing these transactions. Binary options are available in a limited number of exchanges, but are primarily sold as over-the-counter products online. OUT-OF-THE-MONEY (OTM ) Being “Out-Of-The-Money” simply means that your trade has lost. A trade will lose where you incorrectly predict an asset’s price will be higher than the strike price at the expiry time, or where you incorrectly predict the asset’s price will be lower than the strike price at the expiry time, you will be “Out-Of-The-Money” meaning that your trade will have lost and your loss is limited to the invested stakes only.


Payout The profit realized when a contract expires in-the-money. In binary options the payout is generally between 75% and 91%. PUT OPTION A put option allows the trader to benefit from a prediction that by the time the trade expires, the value of the asset will have fallen below the opening price. In the event that the expiry price is the same as the open price, the investor will be refunded with the full investment amount.


Return/ Return on Investment (ROI ) The amount given back to the investor once an option expires “in-the-money”. For example, if investing €1,000 in an option that offers an 91% return, the trader will receive €1,910 in returns (€910 in profit) if the option expires “in-the-money”.


STOCKS Stocks confirm that the holder of stocks has purchased a percent of a company; as such it is entitled to a profit sharing relative to the percent he has in the company. In case of a bankruptcy, the stock holders are the last to receive any of the company’s assets. Strike Price The “Strike Price”, also known as the “Exercise Price”, is the price of the underlying “Asset” or “Instrument” at the time the trade is placed. The strike price forms the basis of the trade contract. At the trade’s “Expiry Time”, the asset’s “Expiry Price” gets compared to the strike price to determine whether the trade contract finished either “In-The-Money” so the trader wins and is entitled to the payout for the winning trade, or “Out-Of-The-Money” so the trader loses and is entitled to no payout. For example, when using the “one touch” instrument and selecting “touch”, the option will end “in-the-money” if the underlying asset touches the target price. Seed Capital The initial deposited capital for making investments. Slippage The difference between the closing level of an asset at payout time versus the actual market level at that time. This can occur during periods of higher market volatility when market prices move rapidly.


TRADING HOURS Each asset has its own trading hours and trading days and holidays. Technical Analysis One of the two major schools of analysis, used to examine historical data to predict future trends in an asset price. At its core technical analysis believes that all aspects of an asset price are built into the market price, and that trends can be deduced to determine the direction an asset will take. Our choice for top binary broker

AnyOption Review


Large number of tradable assets

Mobile trading

One of the oldest licensed brokers

Has shown reliability over the years


Mobile app has a few bugs

Revision completa

Introduction and Licensing AnyOption is owned and operated by Ouroboros Derivative Trading Ltd. AnyOption is one of the oldest binary options companies in the market, having commenced operations in 2008. AnyOption operates with CySEC license number 187/12. The company headquarters is located in Limassol, Cyprus.

Trade Types AnyOption operates with a proprietary binary options trading platform, which permits the company to offers its traders unique binary options trade contracts which are not seen with other Cyprus-based binary options brokers. These trade contracts and their expiry times are as follows:

a) Up/Down: The Up/Down trade type is equivalent to the Call/Put classical binary options trade, where the trader bets on the expiry value of the asset ending the trade higher or lower than price at market entry. Expiry time starts at 15 minutes, then progresses to 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and end of day. b) Binary 0-100: This is a unique trade type which mirrors the US-style binary options. Options can expire at 0 or at 100, and the difference between expiry price and entry price is multiplied by number of contracts traded to arrive at the payout or loss on the trade. The expiration time is hourly. c) One Touch: The One Touch lasts for a week and is a bet placed on whether the market will touch either a strike price located above the market price, or a strike price located below the market price. d) Options +: This refers to a type of Up/Down trade which is used to take profits early. This trade is therefore used when the trader wants to exercise the option of early closure of trades. e) Special Trades: The special trade combines three assets and he trader makes the trade on the basis of where the expiry value of each of these assets will be at the end of the tradiing day. The expiry is therefore an End-of-Day expiry.

Trade Types One of the unique features of the AnyOption platform is that you can trade about 95 assets in different classes. These include currencies, agricultural, metal and energy commodities, stocks and stock market indices. Four assets classes are recognized on AnyOption. They are:

1) Currency pairs: AUDUSD, USDSEK, EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, EURJPY, EURGBP, GBPJPY, GBPUSD, NZDUSD 2) Commodities: Copper, gold, silver and oil. 3) Stock Indices: CAC40, DAX, Dow, FTSE MIB, PSI 20, Hang Seng, IBEX35, ASX200, KLSE (Malaysia), Kospi, S&P500, NASDAQ, Bombay 30, TECDAX, MDAX, Stockholm 30, FTSE100, RTS Futures. TECDAX, TOPIX500, Nikkei 225, PSI20, SSE180, Tel Aviv25, VIX, Straits Times. 4) Stocks: Walt Disney, Allianz, Apple, Banco Santander, Facebook, Barclays, Pfizer, Silver Wheaton, British Petroleum, BBVA, Check Point, Deutsche Bank, Exxon Mobil, Daimler AG, France Telecom, Noble Energy, Goldman Sachs, Intel, JPMorgan Chase, Las Vegas Sands, Microsoft, Gazprom, Morgan Stanley, McDonalds, Teva, Turkcell NYSE. 5) Special assets: Bitcoin, Alibaba, Candy Crush

Bonuses and Promotions The only bonuses awarded on AnyOption are account opening bonuses for new traders and the cash back trade bonuses. Account deposit bonuses range from 10% to 100% of the total account deposit, and is not awarded uniformly. The exact bonus is negotiated between the trader and the account officer assigned to that trader.

Traders who are new on AnyOption are provided with a 20% cashback on the first few trades made on the AnyOption platform.

Account Types There are no specialized account types on the AnyOption platform.

Special Features The special features available to traders on AnyOption are as follows: a) Mobile trading platforms for the iPhone/iPad and Android devices, enabling trading on the go. b) SMS alert service, which enables traders know their trade results. This service is provided only to traders who have made trades above $100, at no charge. c) The Live Page feature which enables the trader to view the trade meter; a kind of meter bar that displays the two sides of a binary options trade that have been taken by clients on the AnyOption platform. This is a measure of market sentiment. d) AnyOption has also introduced Bitcoin trading; one of the first brokers in the binary options market to do so. This is traded as part of the Special Assets category. e) Traders also have access to the Take Profit function, thus allowing traders to close trades manually before the expiration to take profits early. However, this will cause a reduction in the original payout to the trader. f) The Roll Forward tool allows for postponement of expiry times when the trade is looking like it will have an unfavourable ending. An extra cost is incurred in using this tool though. g) The Loss Return tool is a risk management tool used to recover some equity in the event of a losing trade. This is set as a percentage of the investment amount prior to commencement of the trade.

Deposit and Withdrawal Methods Traders have a variety of ways that they can withdraw profits or deposit money to start trading. Deposits usually start at $100 or 100 Euros. Accounts can be funded in US Dollars, Euros of British Pounds. However once a currency of transaction is chosen, it cannot be changed. Transactions can be performed with: a) Credit cards: Credit card usage on AnyOption must be preceded by card verification. b) E-payment methods such as CashU, Skrill and Ukash are also deployed. These are country-specific and not available to all traders. c) Bank wire transfer is the method of transaction that is universally available.

As part of its withdrawal conditions, AnyOption does not set limits when it comes to withdrawal amounts. However, frequency of withdrawals is limited as traders are allowed only one free withdrawal each month. Subsequent withdrawals are charged $30 per withdrawal.

Customer Support Customer support on AnyOption is available using the following means of communication: • Phone: +44-2080997262 • Live chat • Email: support@anyoption. com

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24option Review

Why 24option?

24option is the largest binary options broker and is also by far, one of the most reputable. Should you open an account with 24option there’ll be no need for you to have nightmares regarding withdrawals. We say this since not only have 24option built enormous trust within the binary options marketplace but they also have enormous liquidity by virtue of the size of their customer base. Not only does 24ption boast a sleek platform, outstanding performance and features but they also offer excellent customer support. The accumulation of all of these positive attributes, guarantees a friendly and calm trading environment. The only disadvantage that 24option has is that they are unable to accept US traders since they are EU regulated.

24option Company Overview

24option, the most popular binary options broker, first opened their doors in the year 2010. Over the years they have developed a large and loyal following and are constantly acquiring many new customers as a result of their superb reputation. The platform is extremely user friendly making it easy for beginners understand and learn trading. Although situated in Limassol, Cyprus, the company has their headquarters in London, UK. If you Google “24option”, you will find nothing but positive reviews that support and give the proof of this broker’s excellence.

24option Trading Features

24option is based on the highly acclaimed TechFinancials binary options trading platform and offers a selection of over 100 assets. These can be traded in several ways like the boundary, high/low option, one touch, no touch, and 60 seconds. The array of assets includes currency pairs, commodities, financial stocks, and indices.

The 60 seconds option offers excitement and the possibility of high rewards for scalpers. For standard Hi/Lo options, 24option offers 70 to 89 percent payouts while more exotic options such as One Touch can yeild as high as 350 percent. 24option allows you to manage your risk via the Early Closure tool. This feature enables you to recover a portion of your original investment if you decide to sell back a trade that appears to be going against you, before expiry.

Mobile Trading 24option offers exceptional mobile trading capabilities. They not only have a well designed mobile website but free downloadable apps for Android and iPhone. Trading on the go, viewing charts and news reports via your smartphone or tablet has never been so easy.

24 option Deposits and Withdrawals

The platform requires a deposit of minimum 250 USD, EUR or GBP for trading but signing up is free of cost. Clients can deposit and withdraw through various means. Some common methods are through debit/credit card, domestic pay or through wire transfer. Currencies like Yen, Dollar, Euro, and Sterling Pound are supported. Withdrawals are normally processed within 3-7 business days and the first withdrawal is free.

24option Customer Service

The customer service available to customers of 24option is great since the staff is available 24 hours a day, even on weekends to assist with any kinds of problems one might be facing. The nature of the staff is hospitable and therefore the clients feel more at ease. Support for international languages like Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Turkish, Arabic and Japanese make it easy for people all over the world to use this platform. There are 13 different phone lines and thus one can easily reach the customer service people without having to wait for long.


24option is without a doubt, one of the finest binary options brokers. It is regulated in the EU by multiple organisations, including: CySec (Cypress), AMF (France), BaFin(Germany), CONSOB(Italy) & FCA (UK). The platform is very friendly to beginners and features a wealth of educational resources. 24 option also gives away large sums of cash on on regular basis via their frequent trading competitions. Taking into consideration the wide variety of assets, high payouts, platform features and friendly and attentive customer service, 24Option is indeed one of the best trading platforms all round.

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Grand Option starts by offering Trading Signals to its depositing traders

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Grand Option does more than this though, offering things like early closure to further ensure a good trading experience. Early closure consists of two useful features: Stop Loss which allows a trader to stop a trade that looks like it’ll end Out The Money so they can reclaim a portion of the initial investment thereby not losing everything, and Take Profit which works the other way allowing traders to end a trade early which is currently In The Money to safeguard the profit before the actual time of expiry.

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The following binary options glossary contains some of the more commonly used terms in binary options trading.

Binary Options Glossary

ASSET *a. k.a.- Underlying Asset – an entity that can be owned or traded and falls into one these categories: Stocks, Commodities, Indices and Currencies.

AT-THE-MONEY *a. k.a. ATM – when the option’s target price is the same as the underlying asset’s price. When an option expires at-the-money, the traders investment amount is returned.

BID – financial markets set bid prices for all assets. The bid price is the price at which a trader/investor can sell the assets they own.

BINARY OPTIONS *a. k.a. – All-Or-Nothing Options; Digital Options; Exotic Options – these are the assets being used in a certain type of market trading offering a fixed pay-out for the accurately predicting between a yes/no propositions. A typical binary option would ask if the underlying asset, such as a currency pair, would rise or fall in value in a specified period of time (usually a number of minutes) and offer a percentage return for an accurate prediction.

BOUNDARY INSTRUMENT – a tool used in trading binary options whereby a trader must try to predict if the underlying asset will reach a value that is within or out of a specified range of values when the option expires. A trading tool used in binary options for predicting if the underlying asset will either hit a value IN a specified range of values or OUT of a specified range of values at the expiry time of the option.

CALL OPTION *a. k.a. Call – a prediction that suggests the rate of a given asset will be higher at the expiry time of the option then it was at the start time of the option (the expiry rate is higher than the starting rate).

EARLY CLOSURE – a feature offered by certain binary option brokers that offers the trader a reduced return to exit an option before the decided expiration time.

EXECUTION RATE *a. k.a Purchase Rate – the value the trader/investor purchased the underlying asset for upon entering the trade.

EXPIRY LEVEL *a. k.a Expiry Rate – the value of the underlying asset at the time the option expires, thereby determining whether the option is ‘in-the-money’, ‘out-the-money’ or ‘at-the-money’ level.

EXPIRY TIME – the pre-set time and date that the binary option will expire.

Binary Options Glossary

HIGH OPTION – the underlying asset expires at a higher level than the option target price.

HIGH/LOW INSTRUMENT – A binary options trading instrument in which a trader must predict if the underlying asset will reach a value that is above or below the strike price when the option expires.

IN-THE-MONEY *a. k.a. ITM – a situation in which the underlying asset’s value will generate profit. For example, if the trader/investor makes a Call Option, and the expiry level or rate of the underlying asset is higher than the trader’s purchase price of that asset, then the trader/investor would be ‘In-the-Money’ or ITM.

INDICES – are made up of a wide-range of stocks, examples of which are: Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), an index representing a wide-range of certain stocks.

INVESTMENT AMOUNT – an amount of money a trader/investor has invested in a given binary option trade.

MARKET PRICE – the underlying asset’s value.

MID MARKET – the average price of the ask and the bid without spreads.

NO TOUCH OPTION – the trader/investor enters an option trade on a One Touch instrument predicting the underlying asset will not reach the target price during the option’ s lifetime. If the target price reached the option automatically and immediately expires “Out of the money” and the trader/investor will have lost their initial investment.

Binary Options Glossary

ONE-TOUCH INSTRUMENT – the trader/investor is predicting whether or not the underlying asset will reach a specific value prior to expiration or not, in a binary options trading instrument.

OUT-THE-MONEY – the option the trader/investor has invested in is deemed unprofitable. For example, when the trader/investor enters a call option and the trade ends with the expiration rate of the underlying asset lower than its purchase rate, then the investor would be ‘Out-of-the-Money’ and the investment amount is lost.

PLATFORM – provided to the trader/investor by the binary options broker when an account is established. Necessary for the execution of binary option trades.

PUT OPTION – a prediction that suggests the rate of a given asset will be lower at the expiry time of the option then it was at the start time of the option (the expiry rate is lower than the starting rate).

RETURN ON INVESTMENT *a. k.a ROI – the amount of profit the trader/investor will receive when an option expires “in-the-money”.

STRIKE RATE *a. k.a. Strike Price or Target Price – the value an underlying asset must reach to allow for an option to end “in-the-money”. For example, the trader/investor uses the one touch instrument, the option will end “in-the-money” if the underlying asset touches the strike rate or target price.

TRADING MINIMUM – the minimum amount a trader/investor is required to invest in order to execute a binary option

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Early closure allows you to get out of a trade before the end of his time in exchange for rate of return. For example, if one of the trading operations are as you want, but you are not sure of the continuity of success, you can in this case the use of early closure to close the option option before the arrival of the time of completion and receipt of the rate of return from 10% instead of 70% based on the market. This example also works the opposite way. Imagine that the market suddenly turn on your investment and your success instead of your investment seems to be closed in the event of Out of the Money. In this case, you can use the early closure option out of the investment process and receipt of the ratio of the amount of the original investment.

How do I use the early closure?

The early closure option is easy to use and is located in the center of the trading screen. There are certain times in the life of the deliberation period in which early closure option is available. Where early closure tool is available only after three minutes on the purchase of one of the options until five minutes before the end of time which option you purchased. Is early closure options available for each?

Not all options bilateral provide proper variables required to activate the early closure, so the only tool available early closure in certain types of options. For example, The Fisher Method APP possibility of early closure is not available in the 60 second option as the end time is much more accurate than that allowed for early closure.

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The importance of planning out your binary options trade

Planning is everything in binary options and a well executed plan equals a consistent trading strategy. Although this sounds obvious, creating a trading plan when the market is moving in front of your eyes and, more importantly, sticking to this throughout the trade is one of the most difficult aspects of binary options trading. Since trading is about reducing emotion and applying a method within the madness of the markets having a plan for each and every trade is essential to achieve consistent success.

What to look out for when planning a binary options trade

The first thing that most binary options traders do is to look at the potential profits of each trade. Whilst this is not wrong it can become something of a preoccupation with many successful traders suggesting that a focus on the potential losses, should the trade be a disaster, is the most successful way to plan a trade. Assuming we don’t all have this discipline and want to look at what we can earn when planning a binary options trade, it is important to remember that binary options is different from regular trading in several respects.

First, binary options are not valued on the degree of the movement from the strike price (the trade is simply based on a higher or lower prediction) therefore a trader will need to establish when the trade is likely to be in the money and set an exit timeframe accordingly. Second, because they don’t rely on the degree that the price moves the potential losses will never increase. This is good news for those who don’t enjoy placing stop losses as there is absolutely no requirement for these in binary options trading. Finally, binary options platforms are not renowned for their charting software so having additional access to charts is essential especially for technical traders.

Involving the variable of time

Planning a trade should involve using a coherent strategy that has reliably performed over time. Having this confidence will make the trade both much less stressful and also provide you with the consistency that you will need to succeed. This will inevitably involve extensive back-testing and, unlike regular forms of trading, this does not simply mean looking for a price target on each trade set-up. Whilst traditional trading allows you to do this, binary options removes stop and take profit levels but instead includes the new variable of time. Timing an exit after an entry signal is the single most important aspect of planning and takes a slightly different approach to the trade than planning the take profit levels in conventional trading.

Planning what to do when it all goes wrong

Binary options trading can go wrong but the great thing is the potential for a profitable outcome throughout the trade. With no stop losses, a big loser can turn in to an in the money trade before the expiry although many traders prefer to see their trading go to plan. By planning for an unfavourable turn in the markets, binary options traders can save themselves losses and the stress of maintaining a losing position. Many platforms offer early closure for a lower loss and, for those that prepare to spot the signs of an early reversal, early profits can also be taken. Alongside this one of the best ways to plan to safeguard a binary options trade is to prepare a hedge in the opposite direction should price turn against you. In doing this you will guarantee at least one winner and the losing position will be mitigated by this. This will not only protect your account but also allow the unsuccessful trades in your strategy to have a minimal impact.

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