Thursday, November 24, 2016

Estrategia De La Divisa 80-20

Forex Trading es 80/20

De un operador de Forex a otro, sabemos que el comercio de Forex puede ser muy emocionante ya veces muy rentable, pero en la mayoría de los casos los comerciantes pierden dinero. Por qué?

Mark Douglas, autor y psico-analista comercial explica; "El comercio exitoso es 80% psicológico y 20% metodológico. & # 8221;

Tal vez usted puede relacionarse si alguna vez:

Salió de un comercio con una pequeña ganancia de 5 minutos antes de que despegue como un cohete.

Recibió gran información o datos sobre el mercado, pero no pudo tomar el comercio debido a estar lejos de su escritorio o dispositivo.

Tomado un comercio porque se siente bien y terminando con una pérdida enorme, sólo para mirar hacia atrás después y decir "qué estaba pensando"?

No se tomó un comercio simplemente por miedo a lo que podría & # 8222; ocurrir.

Por supuesto esto ha sucedido a todos nosotros, y apenas el pensamiento de estos momentos da vuelta al estómago. Isn & # 8217; t que es frustrante y desgarrador viendo el mercado mover cientos de pips, y en lugar de estar en el comercio, que se quedan atrás.

Forex trading & # 8211; Por qué un desafío semejante?

Después de 17 años en la industria Forex, una cosa hemos aprendido; No hay un solo método infalible para el comercio porque allí hay tantos tipos de condiciones de mercado. La tendencia de los mercados de Forex, reversa, ruptura y consolidar. Para cada condición del mercado, hay varias reglas y criterios comerciales. Ninguna estrategia única hasta la fecha que sabemos de ha mantenido en todas las condiciones comerciales.

Las múltiples condiciones del mercado requieren diversas estrategias apropiadas para cada situación del mercado. Qué pasa con aquellos tiempos en los que no hay movimiento en el mercado durante días? Creemos que si no se cumplen los criterios comerciales, entonces SIMPLEMENTE NO TOMARÁ EL COMERCIO, aunque esta situación dure por días. Sin embargo, si los criterios de comercio se logra, entonces vamos a por él y tomar el comercio. Dado que el comercio es un 80% psicológico, sólo para ir y tomar el comercio & # 8221; Es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo. La emoción, el asesino más grande del comerciante de todos, tiene que ser quitado de la ecuación. Pero cómo? La solución reside en el comercio automatizado.

La solución? Negociación automatizada.

La forma más fácil de eliminar la emoción es con el comercio de Forex automatizado. Lo primero que debes hacer es encontrar una estrategia comercial que tenga una exitosa historia de rendimiento comercial y que realmente funcione.

La respuesta es el comercio automatizado proporcionado por ForexSignal. com que utiliza la tecnología avanzada de la fotocopiadora de comercio MT4 para enviar operaciones de Forex directamente a su cuenta comercial. Por qué utilizar nuestra Copiadora de Comercio?

Disfrute del lujo de recibir todas nuestras señales Forex directamente en su plataforma MT4 sin ningún trabajo o intervención de usted!

Quitar la emoción de su comercio de Forex con señales de comercio automatizado.

Disponible en cualquier parte del mundo,

Compatible con la plataforma MetaTrader4 (MT4) con cualquier corredor de Forex.

Instale fácilmente el complemento Forex Signal Trade Copier en su software MT4.

Nuestro equipo de soporte le dará la mano a través de cada paso del proceso de configuración.

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La regla 80 - 20 para el éxito del comercio de Forex

Este consejo comercial está relacionado con otro que hemos escrito y consideran vital para el éxito comercial a largo plazo que es la paciencia. Si usted aprende la regla 80 - 20, usted verá cómo hacer ganancias más grandes mientras que al mismo tiempo, usted pasará menos tiempo en su estrategia que negocia.

La regla 80 - 20 es una regla que se utiliza en muchas áreas de la vida y se enseña con frecuencia en las escuelas de negocios, así que qué es? Echemos un vistazo a la regla con más detalle y después de leer y entenderlo verá por qué, considero que este es uno de los más valiosos consejos de comercio de divisas para mayores ganancias.

El Principio de Pareto 80 20 Regla Explicada

La regla 80 20 también se conoce como el principio de Pareto después del economista italiano Wilfred Pareto. En el cambio de siglo en 1906, señaló que el 80% de la tierra en Italia, era propiedad de sólo el 20% de la población. Posteriormente postuló que, en muchas áreas de la vida el 80% de los efectos provienen del 20% de las causas. Dio varios ejemplos de esto y otro fue - de las vainas de guisantes que creció, el 80% de los guisantes estaban en sólo el 20% de las vainas.

Muchos economistas han mirado la regla 80 - 20 y lo han aplicado en varias áreas de la vida y uno de los más populares es en el mundo de los negocios. En Business, su comúnmente aceptado, que "el 80% de las ventas provienen de sólo el 20% de los clientes".

Matemáticamente, el número 80% no está establecido en piedra y tendrá variación de este número, pero en muchas áreas de la vida, este número mostrará un desequilibrio intermedio en la distribución.

La regla 80 - 20 aplicada al comercio de Forex

Entonces, qué uso tiene la regla para los operadores de Forex?

En términos de negocio, su enseñó a conseguir clientes para centrarse en la pequeña minoría de los clientes que les dan la mayoría de los beneficios y en las monedas de comercio se centra en el hecho de que el comercio con frecuencia no es una buena manera de ganar dinero.

Los comerciantes deben estar mirando para filtrar las configuraciones de comercio y centrarse en el 20% de los oficios que realmente importan. En otras palabras - se centran en el comercio establecido ups en su estrategia comercial que tienen el mejor potencial para hacer la mayor cantidad de beneficios y tienen el mejor riesgo de recompensa.

La mayoría de los comerciantes que son nuevos a los mercados de divisas de comercio quieren comerciar ver numerosas set up de cartas y están dispuestos a realizar un montón de señales comerciales, pero terminan teniendo a muchos oficios y perder dinero.

Corredores de Forex animar a los comerciantes a comercio a mucho y perder. Ganan dinero de los clientes que comercian con frecuencia y perder la equidad y también hay una industria enorme estafa en robots y asesores expertos de Forex, que dice a los comerciantes que deben estar negociando todo el tiempo y si lo hacen, harán un ingreso regular.

El resultado final, por supuesto, son los comerciantes están negociando señales comerciales que tienen bajas probabilidades de éxito la mayor parte del tiempo y perder. El comerciante inteligente sabe ganar que tiene que tener una estrategia de comercio de divisas que se centra en la mejor tabla de ups y, por tanto, hace menos operaciones, pero termina haciendo mayores ganancias.

Si aplica la regla en su plan de comercio, aumentará sus ganancias de su sistema de comercio, pasará menos tiempo corriendo su negocio de comercio, estar menos estresado, más seguro y comerciar como un comerciante profesional - es una regla simple que es fácil de Entender y aplicar y funciona.

Si usted está aprendiendo cómo negociar Forex, entonces usted debe aprender la regla 80-20, ya que le ayudará a obtener mayores beneficios, pero también se puede aplicar en otras áreas de la vida también.

En su vida hay actividades que usted hace que son su 20% que representan la mayoría de sus ingresos y la felicidad en general - su 80% Al centrarse en su 20%, usted será capaz de obtener más de la vida.

Así que la regla 80 - 20 es uno que la mayoría de los comerciantes de divisas no saben o no aprender, pero si lo hace, le ayudará a convertirse en un exitoso comerciante de divisas y su una punta de comercio que creo que es vital para entender en términos de Tanto las monedas de comercio y la organización de mi negocio y tiempo personal - de hecho, es un principio, me aplico en todas las áreas de mi vida.

Estrategia de indicadores estocásticos basada en niveles 80/20

Miércoles 28 de enero de 2015

Indicador estocástico es que nos ayuda a determinar el final de una tendencia. Por definición, el oscilador estocástico que mide las condiciones de sobrecompra y sobreventa en el mercado. Estocástico tiene un rango de 0 a 100. Cuando la línea por encima de 80 (línea roja punteada en el gráfico anterior), entonces significa que el mercado está sobrecomprado. Cuando las líneas están por debajo de 20 (línea punteada azul), entonces significa que el mercado está sobrevendido.

Puntos de entrada . Comprar cuando el mercado está sobrevendido, vender cuando el mercado está sobrecomprado.

Los indicadores estocásticos proporcionan la mejor señal cuando ambas líneas se están moviendo a un nuevo terreno al mismo tiempo que el precio actual. Esta es una buena indicación de la continuación de la tendencia. Cuando el estocástico cruza en la dirección opuesta a la que prevalece, entonces puede ser una indicación para salir o cambiar de dirección.

EUR / USD 15 minutos gráficos

EUR / USD 15 minutos gráficos

Cuando las líneas se cruzan por encima de los 80 en la escala, representa una fuerte tendencia al alza, al cruzar por debajo de la línea 20, representa una fuerte tendencia a la baja. Cuando los precios fluctúan, el estocástico se entrecruzará en el mediano plazo. Lo que indica la falta de una tendencia.

Muchos comerciantes utilizan estocástico de diferentes maneras, pero el principal indicador objetivo que muestra cuando el mercado está sobrecomprado y sobrevendido. Con el tiempo aprenderá a usar estocástico de una manera que se ajuste a su estilo de negociación personal.

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Bernie Madoff y la regla del 80/20

Todo el mundo está familiarizado con la regla 80/20. Todo el mundo acepta su validez en casi todos los aspectos de la vida. El 20% de sus clientes maneja el 80% de sus ganancias. El 20% de todos los trabajadores son responsables del 80% de toda la producción, y así sucesivamente.

La regla 80/20 no es una especie de certeza científica, sino más bien una representación generalmente buena de la vida real. Incluso cuando se trata de nuestra propia ética de trabajo si fuéramos verdaderamente honestos con nosotros mismos, admitiremos que el 80% de toda nuestra productividad se produce normalmente en sólo el 20% del tiempo. El resto del día tendemos a goof off.

Sin embargo, cuando se trata de comercio ninguno de nosotros quiere adherirse a la regla 80/20. Nadie quiere hacer el 80% del dinero en sólo el 20% del tiempo. Rasca a cualquier comerciante lo suficientemente profundo y ellos admiten que lo que realmente quieren es ganar dinero el 80% del tiempo. Pero eso no sólo es poco realista, pero en realidad muy destructivo.

Después de todo, por qué Bernie Madoff fue tan exitoso? Porque tocó directamente esa necesidad de coherencia. Él no prometió retornos desmesurados que él simplemente fabricó ganancias constantes del 1% sobre una base mensual y sus clientes estaban encantados. Cuando los comerciantes reales miraban esas declaraciones sabían inmediatamente que algo andaba mal. Tales resultados de baja volatilidad son simplemente imposibles de lograr en cualquier mercado financiero y especialmente uno tan difícil como las opciones.

El tema de 80/20 surgió mucho en las conversaciones con mis colegas en esta semana Expo de comercio de divisas en Las Vegas. Todos comercializamos estilos muy diferentes, pero todos estamos de acuerdo en que si examinar cuidadosamente nuestros registros comerciales la regla 80/20 se aplica casi universalmente. De hecho, la única mejor cosa que una estrategia comercial puede hacer es simplemente pisar el agua durante el 80% del tiempo que no está realizando.

Que no es una venta sexy, pero es un hecho absolutamente fundamental de éxito de comercio. Así que la próxima vez que su cuenta de comercio pasa meses apenas batiendo alrededor del mismo valor de activo neto, don & # 8217; t desesperación. Realmente estás haciendo algo bien.

Mensaje de navegación

Forex Trading - Aumentar instantáneamente sus beneficios con la regla 80 - 20

El FAP Turbo es en realidad una línea de software de comercio FX que es que está dentro del grupo de programas automatizados de comercio de divisas. Esto se ejecuta utilizando plataforma Meta Trader cuatro que es una buena plataforma de comercio FX. Totalmente desarrollado por un grupo fabuloso de 4 codificadores que apuntó en venir para arriba con un programa específico de Forex del piloto automático que después de que sea tapado funcionará en piloto automático.

Este sistema es uno de todos los muchos programas de software de robot forex sin embargo, la principal distinción es que realmente FAP Robot es un programa combinado de moneda extranjera de software que cuando estaba absolutamente en el mercado salió con varias características vitales diferentes. El FAP Turbo48 es generalmente un unharness abundante más alto de la edición anterior y también uno en todos los paquetes de software encouraging de su tiempo. Una vez que se introdujo sus ventas subieron a un montón de ejemplares de cuarenta y tres mil ejemplares. El bot particular se analizó a lo largo del curso de alrededor de 6 meses.

La evolución de Fapturbo se reveló durante 2009 para producir una tonelada de comercio FX mayor rendimiento general y, además, mayores beneficios en comparación con la edición anterior. Este robot automático de Forex se coloca entre la categoría de oro que incorpora una calificación de nueve más de diez para la rentabilidad y el uso simple. En lo que respecta al equipo de soporte técnico, ha clasificado siete más de diez. Es fácil de configurar y hay una guía de vídeo relevante para guiar a la gente en la etapa de configuración. La gente no requiere información detallada de FX compras y venta para empezar a utilizar este paquete de software teniendo en cuenta que lleva a cabo prácticamente toda la tarea en particular. Con la característica de juego, los usuarios sólo necesitan dejar que el comercio de software con la mitad de sus propios billetes verdes de juego y que van a trabajar en sus fondos se multiplican cada semana.

A pesar de que será arriesgado, los individuos han tenido la opción de permitir el comercio FAP Turbo con poco de su propio capital y dejar el resto inactivo. Por esta razón, los usuarios que sin duda no parecen ser realmente grandes tomadores de riesgo han tenido la oportunidad de viajar con la inversión conservadora y el comercio. Debido a su declaración en vivo son capaces de mantener un reloj en sus oficios.

El sistema es uno de los principales software de Forex utilizado en parte para las compras de alta y la frecuencia de venta, las pérdidas minúsculas, la oportunidad de comercio de varias monedas al mismo tiempo y la eficacia en la composición de cuentas más pequeñas. Su alto volumen de negocios se termina de lograr simplemente como resultado de que sin duda tendrá y evaluar un montón de operaciones diarias. Por otra parte, esta fuerza específica será un inconveniente, siempre que exija una mayor toma de riesgos.

Las únicas desventajas del robot automático, sin embargo, que son el trade-off por las muchas fortalezas es a veces que: los usuarios deben seguir en la red para el programa de software para operar. Los comerciantes no deben flip-off de la PC para la herramienta de comercio.

Aunque este problema puede ser superado simplemente por el servicio de alojamiento web de Forex que ofrece la oportunidad de alojar el software real en el servidor por lo tanto, este reto de estar en Internet o fuera de línea se resuelve. Por otro lado, este alojamiento de Internet diferente es mejor para los comerciantes conocedores y los inversores, ya que es verdaderamente un servicio pagado.

Todas estas propiedades contribuyen a hacer Fapturbo altamente eficaz Forex herramienta de piloto automático de comercio. Los comerciantes confían en los métodos masivos rentables tasas, la capitalización en el corto plazo y largo plazo y, por tanto, el éxito.

FAP Turbo podría ser un scalper y de largo plazo totalmente piloto automático programa de comercio de divisas que significa funciones únicas que han contribuido a convertir el software en uno entre los más vendidos programas de comercio FX. Con este software, los usuarios obtienen ganancias mientras disfrutan del tiempo libre porque hace que los usuarios negocien y cambien su propio dinero en efectivo en el piloto automático.

Dixon Davis es un experimentado comerciante de divisas en línea que ha intentado varios robots de Forex y herramientas para ayudar a impulsar su negocio de comercio en línea. Usted escaneará un montón de comentarios sobre FAP turbo en su sitio web y allí también podrá navegar diferentes revisiones de robots forex por lo que será capaz de comparar.

Estrategias de salida de FX: Mantener sus beneficios

Durante las negociaciones comerciales los comerciantes a menudo hablan de qué moneda para entrar, pero rara vez hablan de cómo o cuándo salir. Salir de un comercio es posiblemente más importante que la entrada, ya que la salida es lo que determina el beneficio. Mediante el aprendizaje de múltiples métodos para salir de un comercio de las posiciones de los comerciantes a sí mismos para potencialmente bloqueo en mayores retornos. Existen varios métodos útiles para salir de una posición, todos los cuales son fáciles de ejecutar y pueden implementarse en un plan de negociación. (Trading Forex puede hacer para un tiempo confuso organizar sus impuestos. Estos sencillos pasos mantendrán todo recto.

Stop-Loss Una orden stop-loss es una forma muy común de controlar el riesgo y salir de una posición si llega a un punto en el que no estamos dispuestos a absorber más pérdidas. Si un comerciante adquiere el EUR / USD en 1.3000 y coloca una stop-loss en 1.2950 significa que el comerciante está dispuesto a arriesgar 50 pips (1.3000-1.2950) para potencialmente ganar antes de que la tasa de paro sea alcanzada. Una parada-pérdida se coloca en el momento del comercio, y calculado antes de mano.

Hay potencialmente muchos métodos para elegir una tasa stop-loss, pero en última instancia, debe ser en un lugar donde el comerciante no razonablemente espera que el mercado golpeó antes de poner al comerciante en una posición rentable que merece sólo recompensa por el riesgo potencial tomado.

La orden stop-loss se puede colocar en función de los niveles recientes de soporte o resistencia. En la Figura 1, si un comerciante decidió cortar el EUR / USD basándose en que rompiera más bajo fuera del rango en el que estaba en (flecha hacia abajo roja), una parada de pérdida podría haber sido colocado justo por encima del nivel de resistencia en 1.4590 (línea amarilla ).

Gráfico 1: EUR / USD, gráfico de 30 minutos

Una parada también se puede colocar basada en el apoyo no tradicional y los niveles de resistencia. Estos incluirían los niveles de retroceso de Fibonacci o los niveles de soporte de la línea de tendencia. En la Figura 2, si un comerciante fue largo el AUD / CAD que podría poner una parada utilizando los niveles de Fibonacci basado en el último oscilación de precios grande el par de divisas vio. Por lo tanto, una parada se colocaría en el nivel 61.8 (tasa = 1.0327), lo que impidió disminuciones anteriores. Alternativamente, la línea de tendencia podría usarse ya que los precios probablemente encontrarán soporte en la línea de tendencia (también en 1.0327). Si utiliza una línea de tendencia para una parada-pérdida es importante observar que la tarifa cambiará con el tiempo mientras que la línea es inclinada.

Gráfico 2: AUD / CAD, gráfico de 15 minutos

Trailing Stops El uso de la línea de tendencia como una herramienta stop-loss mencionada anteriormente es un ejemplo de una parada de arrastre. La parada se moverá más cerca del punto de entrada a medida que la moneda se mueve en la dirección del comerciante. En otras palabras, la parada final es dinámica y cambiará con el tiempo. Un comerciante también puede hacer esto como nuevo soporte y los niveles de resistencia se forman como la moneda se mueve en su dirección. La parada de arrastre intenta disminuir el riesgo si la moneda inicialmente se mueve en la dirección de un comerciante, pero luego no puede seguir adelante. También intenta bloquear una cantidad mínima de beneficio si la tasa se mueve sustancialmente suficiente para que el comerciante para mover el stop de arrastre a un nivel rentable. Las paradas de arrastre sólo deben reducir el riesgo y nunca deben alejarse del precio de entrada (aumentando el riesgo). La Figura 3 muestra cómo implementar una parada de arrastre usando niveles de soporte y resistencia. Este es el comercio de la Figura 1, donde el comerciante es corto el EUR / USD cerca de 1.4510 con una parada en 1.4590. El comercio se mueve favorablemente, pero luego se produce un repunte. Cuando las tasas se mueven hacia atrás por debajo de la baja anterior, la tendencia bajista está intacta y la parada se deja caer justo por encima del nuevo nivel de resistencia, en 1,4450. La parada ha "arrastrado" la acción del precio y en este caso ha garantizado un beneficio de 60 pip, ya que la parada final está ahora por debajo del precio de entrada.

Gráfico 3: EUR / USD, gráfico de 30 minutos

Disolución de los criterios de entrada Un método de salida a menudo pasado por alto es simplemente salir de una posición cuando el criterio de entrada original ya no existe. Esto es especialmente útil cuando se utilizan señales de indicadores técnicos para la entrada. Tomemos por ejemplo un operador cuyo método implica entrar en posiciones a medida que aumenta la volatilidad en un intento de capturar grandes movimientos rápidos. El comerciante puede utilizar un promedio de rango verdadero (ATR) indicador para evaluar la volatilidad promedio. En la Figura 4 vemos que la subida de la volatilidad AUD / CAD comienza. Un operador toma una posición corta en previsión de las ganancias rápidas, que vienen rápidamente. Entre muchas salidas potenciales, una simple es simplemente salir cuando la volatilidad comienza a retractarse. Después de todo, si la volatilidad se retrae de la premisa original para el comercio, el comercio debe salir.

Figura 4: AUD / USD, gráfico de 4 horas

Salidas programadas La salida programada es relativamente sencilla. Antes de tomar una posición, el comerciante determina cuánto tiempo les gustaría estar en el comercio. Esto puede basarse en razones personales, como limitaciones de tiempo o puede ser más técnico (y probablemente debería serlo). Las salidas técnicamente programadas pueden incluir salidas al final de la sesión en los Estados Unidos o en Europa. También puede utilizar promedios; Por ejemplo, si un comerciante determina que la tendencia intra-día promedio dura cuatro horas en un par de divisas determinado antes de invertir, el comerciante puede utilizar esto como una limitación de tiempo en la posición, saliendo una vez cuatro horas desde el inicio de la tendencia ha transcurrido. Pueden utilizarse indicadores tales como las zonas horarias de Fibonacci, o si un evento de noticias es próximo, el comerciante puede desear salir antes del tiempo del anuncio de la noticia. (Comparamos los resultados de dos operaciones de divisas basadas en las divergencias del histograma de MACD.) Véase Divergencias comerciales en Forex.)

Salidas específicas de la estrategia Las estrategias finamente ajustadas requieren salidas finamente ajustadas. Estos pueden incluir una combinación de todos los métodos mencionados anteriormente, o pueden incluir salidas específicas para diferentes escenarios. Tomemos, por ejemplo, una estrategia que gira en torno a la negociación de un anuncio de noticias importantes, como el informe de nóminas no agrícolas (NFP). En los pares relacionados USD este anuncio puede causar oscilaciones grandes. Un comerciante puede desear sacar provecho de un movimiento previsto de par de divisas una vez que el informe ha sido publicado. A continuación, el comerciante no tiene más necesidad de mantener activamente el par original, ya que era simplemente un juego sobre el resultado del informe.

En el caso del informe del PFN (o cualquier evento de noticias que cause la volatilidad), un operador puede tener una serie de salidas planeadas. Una es la parada-pérdida inicial - ésta es la pérdida máxima que el comerciante está dispuesto a tomar. La segunda es una parada de arrastre - como la tasa se mueve en la dirección del comerciante así lo hace la parada. Una tercera estrategia de salida puede ser bloquear los beneficios si la situación se desarrolla donde la tendencia podría revertir rápidamente. Por lo tanto, como una tercera salida, un comerciante usa un patrón de candelabro (por ejemplo) - si un engullir o otro patrón de inversión fuerte se produce el comercio se sale. En la Figura 5, el informe del PFN fue publicado a las 8:30 AM (ET) el 6 de mayo de 2011, la noticia causó un repunte en el USD / JPY. En el breakout se introduce un comercio largo, con un stop-loss colocado justo debajo del soporte anterior en 80.20. A medida que el comercio progresa una barra roja se produce, pero las tasas se mueve más alto una vez más. La parada se remonta hasta este nuevo punto de apoyo. Varias barras más adelante un patrón engullendo bajista ocurre (circundado) y el comerciante toma las ganancias en esa señal de la inversión.

Figura 5: USD / JPY, gráfico de 3 minutos

La línea de fondo La combinación de métodos de salida es virtualmente infinita. Mientras que un comerciante puede utilizar sólo arrastre paradas, otros pueden utilizar una combinación de un tiempo, indicador, gráfico o patrones de vela para ayudar a salir. El objetivo final es mantener los beneficios y minimizar el riesgo. Esto se puede hacer usando órdenes stop-loss, paradas finales, saliendo cuando los criterios de entrada ya no existen, salidas temporizadas o salidas específicas de la estrategia. Usando estos métodos y posiblemente combinándolos, puede ser posible retener más beneficios y reducir las pérdidas. (Hacer decisiones de negociación más educadas mediante la identificación de puntos de inflexión importantes. Vea las estrategias de pivote: una herramienta útil para los comerciantes de Forex.)

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El retroceso de Fibonacci es una herramienta muy popular entre los comerciantes técnicos y se basa en los números clave identificados por el matemático. Leer respuesta completa >>

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Forex Trading Advice - Aprenda la regla del 80-20% para mayores ganancias al instante

Si desea un simple consejo que puede ayudarle a hacer mayores beneficios de Forex, entonces usted debe aprender la regla 80-20 y aplicarlo a su estrategia de comercio de divisas. Miremos esto con más detalle.

La regla 80-20 se utiliza en muchas áreas de la vida y se utiliza con frecuencia en los negocios. En el mundo de los negocios simplemente indica que, el 80% de sus ventas o ganancias es probable que vienen de sólo el 20% de sus clientes. Así que es una minoría de clientes, que producen la mayor parte de los beneficios. La regla 80-20 es realmente todo acerca de concentrarse en el 20% "que importa" ahora, vamos a ver cómo utilizarlo en el comercio de divisas para un mayor potencial de ganancias con menos riesgo.

En el comercio de Forex la mayoría de los comerciantes simplemente el comercio demasiado.

El cuero cabelludo o el comercio del día o pensar que cuanto más el comercio más que van a hacer en términos de beneficio y estos comerciantes pierden. La razón simple es que toman las operaciones bajas de las probabilidades y hacen la suposición que, el más esfuerzo que ponen adentro o más que el comercio, más dinero harán pero terminan encima de perder.

El comercio de Forex no tiene nada que ver con el esfuerzo, su todo sobre los beneficios que usted hace de sus señales comerciales. Si desea hacer mayores ganancias y tomar menos riesgos, reducir su frecuencia de negociación de nuevo, el comercio menos y centrarse en las probabilidades altas negociaciones sólo configuraciones. Usted puede operar sólo una o dos veces al mes y acumular ganancias anuales de tres dígitos, si simplemente se centran en las mejores oportunidades. Si usted hace esto, usted comercio menos, disfrutar de mejores probabilidades de éxito y esto significa:

Mayor potencial de ganancias, con menos riesgo y lo mejor de todo, pasará menos tiempo en su comercio. Por lo tanto, cuando se negocia Forex, siempre recuerde la regla 80-20, se centran en el 20% "que importa" y golpear estos oficios de altas probabilidades de mayores beneficios de Forex.

Regla 80/20 en el mercado de cambio de divisas

Regla "80/20" en Forex Trading La regla de 80/20 está familiarizado con Forex Marketing. Esta regla es famosa en las siguientes áreas, tales como ventas, economía, estudios de negocios y muchos campos como este. En realidad la regla 80/20 no es un término absoluto. El comercio es difícil y de alto riesgo. Así que aquí puede ser la oportunidad de ocurren beneficios increíbles y pérdidas incontrolables también. Para la prevención de las pérdidas incontrolables, la aplicación de la regla 80/20 es muy conveniente. Forex Trading también es "menos es más" profesión. Pero Forex Trading es adecuado para la gente que tiene auto-toma de decisiones poder y tienen más interés para obtener ganancias de la divisa de comercio. Forex Trading es eficaz, simple 80% y el 20% restante es difícil. Los comerciantes de Forex pueden asumir riesgos hasta un 20% .80% de la divisa no vale la pena negociar, restante 20% sólo en operaciones operativas actuales. Las ganancias del 80% provienen del 20% de las operaciones. La gestión del dinero y la psicología de la negociación alcanza el 80% del éxito comercial y las estrategias de negociación se logra el 20% del éxito de comercio de divisas.80% de la divisa de comercio debe ser sobre la base del marco de tiempo diario.20% de la divisa puede ser Otros marcos de tiempo.

Simple 80%, Difícil 20% en Forex Trading Los factores fáciles de los factores de comercio de Forex son, La mayoría de los operadores de Forex son ver el estado del mercado de divisas a través de la línea. También comercian en plataformas comerciales en línea. Pueden recibir la información sobre el mercado de comercio incluso últimos cinco o diez años del mercado se mueve a través de Internet. Este es un proceso efectivo muy relevante para el usuario que se logra mediante el comercio de divisas. Las dificultades del Negocio se midieron como los siguientes aspectos. El comerciante debe tener el poder de control para controlar el sobre el comercio que también la razón de las pérdidas incontrolables por el comerciante. Puede haber una oportunidad de afectar por la emoción de la pérdida grande o más de ganancia de la divisa de comercio.

Ganancia del 80% alcanzado por el 20% del comercio Los operadores de Forex requieren los pasos de negociación de alta probabilidad en lugar de las operaciones de alta frecuencia de la divisa. Generalmente, la declaración es realmente verdadera la mayor parte de las ganancias del comercio de la divisa vienen del pequeño porcentaje de la negociación. Esta lógica también elimina las altas pérdidas cuando se negocia con pequeña cantidad de margen. Incluye las evidentes señales de acción de precios y este tipo de participación hace que un comercio exitoso. Para comenzar su comercio de divisas Con nuestro Super Hot Forex Ltd haga clic aquí Forex Trading.

20% de la participación del tiempo en el comercio 4 veces al mes se considera promedio de la mejor negociación para un cambio de divisas. Es bastante simple y mejor gestión del tiempo. El 20% del tiempo es normalmente suficiente para la predicción del estado del mercado, el valor del mercado y el análisis de la estrategia. Trading Psicología y la gestión del dinero en Forex Trading: 80% de la historia de Forex éxito es debido a la razón de la gestión del dinero factor importante. La capacidad de gestión de dinero es la consideración importante para cualquier función de hacer el proceso de financiera. Sobre el comercio que controla el factor de capacidad viene bajo la categoría de la psicología comercial.

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Declaración de riesgo: Cualquier servicio de inversión o inversión específico contenido o referido en este sitio web puede no ser adecuado para todos los visitantes de este sitio. Una inversión en derivados puede significar que los inversionistas pueden perder una cantidad aún mayor que su inversión original. Cualquier persona que desee invertir en cualquiera de los productos mencionados debe buscar su propio asesoramiento financiero o profesional. La negociación de valores, opciones y futuros puede no ser adecuada para todos e implica el riesgo de perder parte o todo su dinero. El comercio en los mercados financieros tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder.

Copyright © Super Hot Forex Ltd © [2014] Todos los derechos reservados. Nuestro Forex Trading Apoyo: Delhi, Hyderabad, Gujarat, Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore y Coimbatore, India Diseñado por - GK Futuros - Forex Brokerage Solutions India

A finales del siglo XIX, un economista italiano llamado Vilfredo Pareto observó que, en su país natal, Italia, un pequeño grupo de personas poseía casi todo el poder, la influencia y la riqueza.

Llegó a la conclusión de que en la mayoría de los países, alrededor del 80% de la riqueza y el poder estaba controlado por alrededor del 20% de la población y se refirió a esto como:

"Desequilibrio predecible", que se conoció como la regla 80:20.

Concluyó que en relación con el esfuerzo de un individuo:

20% de su esfuerzo o producción de energía producirá 80% de sus ingresos además, el 20% de su tiempo producirá el 80% de su trabajo a cabo o los ingresos.

Esto se aplica al comercio de divisas?

Sí lo hace y la lección que puede aprender de la regla 80:20 es trabajar con inteligencia no es difícil. Concentra tu esfuerzo en los oficios que tienen la mejor recompensa por el riesgo.

Corte el número de negocios que hace

Es un hecho que la mayoría de los comerciantes de comercio demasiado y ejecutar señales comerciales a menudo, ya que quieren obligar al mercado a dar beneficios, pero por supuesto las ganancias no pueden ser forzados.

La forma de aplicar la regla 80:20 al comercio de divisas es la caída de su frecuencia de comercio. Si nos fijamos en los gráficos de divisas verá que hay muy pocas grandes tendencias cada año, pero cuando ocurren producir grandes beneficios.

Cómo los ves?

Aquí hay una lista de verificación

1. Busque niveles de resistencia válidos, que si se rompen son considerados significativos por el mercado.

2. Aprenda a usar una metodología de ruptura e ir con rompimientos de estos niveles de soporte y resistencia.

3. Para aumentar aún más las probabilidades, asegúrese de que utiliza indicadores de impulso para confirmar que el impulso de precios está soportando una ruptura.

4. Como usted está negociando menos que puede darse el lujo de arriesgar más en estas operaciones y aumentar la rentabilidad.

5. No arrastre las paradas para cerrar y tenga un objetivo de ganancia que se relacione con el tamaño de la rotura.

El método anterior se asegurará de que usted está negociando mucho menos y podría ser de hasta un 80%, pero su rentabilidad se incrementará.

Es un hecho que la mayoría de las grandes ganancias se generan a partir de operaciones que rompen con los máximos del mercado - NO los mínimos del mercado.

Así que si usted ha estado comprando salsas su tiempo para volver a pensar su estrategia de comercio de divisas.

Comercio menos para obtener más ganancias

Si te gusta la emoción y la emoción de negociar esta estrategia no es para ti. La estrategia anterior se trata de ganar dinero y negociar los oficios con el mejor riesgo de recompensa que puede dar triplicado triunfos ganancias anuales.

If you have been trading and making marginal profits, apply the 80:20 rule to your trading, cut the frequency of trades and increase the profits!


A simple plan to trading

It is generally expected that more than 80% of people who set out to trade for a living will fail. If we think of trading as a business, then you’d pretty much be buying into a failing corporation. In fact, trading is a business and needs to be treated as such in order to achieve success. Why do most traders fail? There is an array of reasons, but probably to two most common obstacles are loss of emotional control and poor money management. So, what can we do to ensure our success as aspiring traders? The answer is actually quite simple…have a trading plan in place.

What is a trading plan?

Before we answer that, let’s elaborate more on the business of trading. Just as you would create a business model before opening a retail store to sell widgets, the same holds true for trading. Every trade you make is a business decision that will affect your bottom line. Trading is not an easy business and therefore having a plan of action in place will increase your chances of joining the 20% that make it.

So to answer the question, a trading plan is a pre-determined strategy or set of rules used to base trading decisions on when approaching the markets. Our goal with a trading plan is to eliminate the obstacles that hold us back from succeeding.

Trading Obstacles

A trader’s worst enemy is his emotions. Good or bad, emotions are dangerous. Generally speaking, emotional trading leads to poor decisions and impulsive reactions. If you’ve traded before, you’ve probably experienced this. I know I have and I see plenty of seasoned traders lose control from time to time.

Negative emotions are obvious. For example, they come when you lose money on a trade and throw any sensible judgment out the window in an effort to make back what you just lost, rather than moving on to the next well planned trade. Or maybe you missed a trade and chase after it only to increase your risk and lose double what you initially intended.

On the other hand, positive emotions, like feeling good about a winning trade you just made, can be just as destructive. That’s not to say that feeling good about a trade is a bad thing. It’s okay to feel good, we want positive energy when trading. But we want to keep that good emotion in check to avoid becoming over-confident. A trader might have 4 great days in a row, then on the 5th loses everything he made for the week. Why does this happen? Most likely he was brewing with confidence and swung for the fences, trading bigger, then losing bigger when the trade was wrong.

Let me make this point…Trading well for a few days in a row is not an excuse to trade bigger. You need to be consistently profitable for months on end before considering an increase in position size.

The second obstacle separating the successful traders from the unsuccessful is practicing poor money management. To be profitable, you need to instill good risk management principles. Too many novice traders focus on how much money can be made rather than how much can be lost and before they know it, they’re married to a bad position.

Before entering a trade, the first question should be, “What if I’m wrong?” If this trade doesn’t work, “where am I getting out?” In other words, “What’s my risk?” After you’ve determined that, then, and only then, should you ask, “Where is my profit target?” Once you’ve identified this, then you can place your trade.

Properly managing your risk will ensure you have enough bullets to withstand several losses in a row. You’re not always going to be right, but with sound money management, over time you’ll come out ahead. In fact, you can be right only 40% of the time and still make money by controlling your risk.

For example, assume you make 10 trades and your risk/reward for each is $100 to make $300. If you lose on 6 of those trades, you’re out $600. But you win on the other 4 trades at $300 each totaling $1200. Your net profit is $600. Of course we want to be better than 40%, but this just demonstrates how important money management is to your success as a trader.

These two obstacles pretty much go hand in hand. Without sound money management, you will most likely trade off of your emotions. Vice versa, if you’re trading off of emotions, you’re most likely going to abandon your money management principles. This is what makes a trading plan vital to your success. It will control your emotions by managing your risk.

Creating the Plan

How do we formulate a trading plan? Let me preface this by saying, there is no

one specific way to create a plan. For this particular trading model, we’re going to use some basic technical analysis techniques to come up with something that is simple, yet effective and based on the philosophy that no market goes straight up or down. Rather, markets fluctuate off of support and resistance areas. We’ll apply a simple method to obtain three areas support and resistance which in turn will provide us with key points of reference to base our trades off of.

When analyzing a market, it’s always best to begin with the larger chart time frames and work your way down. Here we’ll examine the monthly, weekly and daily charts. Figure 1 shows a monthly chart of the British Pound. We’ve drawn in the Fibonacci retracement from the peak in November 2007 to the low in January 2009. Next we’ve taken note of key highs and lows. When scoping for highs and lows, look for double tops, double bottoms and prior breakdowns and breakouts. Notice how the 2009 high at 17043 coincides with the 2005 low. Finally, we’ll add in our trend lines for both long and short term. When compiling the data, jot it down on paper or in a spread sheet with the level and its description. For example, 17043 would have a description of Jan 2009 high/Nov 2005 low. The reason for this is so we always know why we placed a trade.

Figures 2 and 3 show the weekly and daily charts the using the same methods as before. In figure 2, note the weekly upside breakout on Oct. 12, the broken weekly uptrend line and the 38% Fibonacci level coinciding with weekly congestion lows. On the daily chart in figure 3 we’ve added moving averages into the mix.

After keying in all of the reference points we’ve extracted, we’ll have a spread sheet with raw data. See figure 4. The next step is to clean up the data and identify pockets of support and resistance. Begin with the prior day’s settlement and work up for resistance and down for support. When done, we’ll have our trading map in place. See figure 5.

Now it’s time to set rules to our plan. For this strategy, we’ll be buying support and selling resistance. Next, we’ll set our risk/reward parameters. To keep it conservative we’ll trade each level once and place our entry orders in the middle of each range. With three Support and three Resistance areas, that translates to a max of 6 trades being executed on any given day. Our stops will be placed just below the low or high of the respective range. This can be adjusted to suit your own risk tolerance. Our profit objectives will be at the next range on our map. For example, if we were to buy into the 1st Support zone at 16165-16117, our profit target will be at the 1st Resistance zone at 16300-16345. Or, if we were to buy the 2nd Support zone, our target would be at the prior broken Support zone and so on and so forth.

Additional Rules

You must make every trade the plan offers and stick to it consistently. I can’t stress enough how important this concept is. If you shy away from the second or third trades because the prior one lost, the plan will most likely work against you. You must maintain patience. Let the market come to you and only trade at your levels. Do not force trades that aren’t there.

And lastly, sit back and relax and watch your accounts grow. Now that you’ve got your trading plan in place, you have a solid foundation that will lead you to prosperity.

Forex Trading - Why Learning the 80 - 20 Rule Can Give You Bigger Profits

The 80 - 20 rule is a simple rule which is used I many areas of life and if applied to Forex trading, can make your Forex trading strategy more profitable. Let's take a look at it.

The 80 - 20 rule in business means, that 80% of your profits will probably come from just 20% of your clients. In Forex trading it means, that 80% of your profits will come from just 20% of your trades; this leads to an obvious conclusion:

You don't need to trade a lot to win; you need to trade with the best odds of success.

Let me ask you a question.

How many times per annum, do you think you need to trade to make triple digit profits?

The answer is not many, if you focus on the high odds trades! I know traders who trade less than once a month, and turn in huge triple digit gains.

They don't focus on trading often, they simply trade the best set ups and if you do, t your trading profits will increase, your risk will decrease and you can spend less time on your trading.

You don't get your reward for trading a lot in Forex trading; you get rewarded for being right with your trading signal and the size of your profit per trade.

If you focus on the big trends which last for weeks, months or even years, you can get in and hold them and make huge gains.

Most traders trade to much. They day trade or they try scalping small profits and don't get very far - but if they focused on getting in on the big long term trends and holding them, they would make bigger profits with less effort.

So to win apply the 80 - 20 rule.

Cut back your trading frequency and increase your profit potential. It's a simple, common sense rule that works and will lead you to currency trading success.

Our Recommended Trades

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Please also read the Hypothetical Disclaimer.

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Forex Demo Account

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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The Titanium Signals are not every day but the signals are extremely precise and high profitable. These traders are generating after detail analysis over the market situation and fundamental reasons.

Here are the latest trades with ForexStrategy Team Titanium Service:

January 11th 2010 - 2:35 AM ET Sell EUR/USD at 1.4500 SL 1.4640 TP 1.4300. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.4370. Result: +130 pips.

January 19th 2010 - 6:50 AM ET Sell GBP/USD at 1.6358 SL 1.6504 TP 1.6090. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 1.6273. Result: +85 pips.

February 3rd 2010 - 2:00 PM ET Sell USD/JPY at 91.05 SL 92.35 TP 89.00. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 89.00. Result: +205 pips.

February 22nd 2010 7:16 AM ET Sell EUR/USD at 1.3605 SL 1.3750 TP 1.3300. (After 2-3 weeks time).

Closed at 1.3482. Result: +123 pips.

March 4th 2010 - 7:25 AM ET Buy USD/JPY at 88.68 SL 87.30 TP 93.50. (After 1-Month time).

Closed at 93.50. Result: +482 pips.

March 16th 2010 - 9:10 AM ET Sell EUR/USD at 1.3737 SL 1.3890 TP 1.3320. (After 1-month time).

Closed at 1.3320. Result: +417 pips.

April 6th 2010 - 2:35 AM ET Buy GBP/USD at 1.5175 SL 1.5040 TP 1.5480. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 1.5480. Result: +305 pips.

April 19th 2010 - 3:38 PM ET Buy USD/JPY at 92.38 SL 90.90 TP 94.00. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 93.23. Result: +85 pips.

May 10th 2010. 8:44 AM ET Sell GBP/USD at 1.4984 SL 1.5127 TP 1.4700. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.4700. Result: +284 pips.

May 20th 2010 - 1:35 AM ET Sell GBP/USD at 1.4366 SL 1.4515 TP 1.4230. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.4230. Result: +136 pips.

June 29th 2010 - 3:54 AM ET Buy USD/CHF at 1.0867 SL 1.0710 TP 1.1250. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 1.0710. Result: -157 pips.

July 28th 2010. 8:15 AM ET Sell USD/JPY at 87.55 SL 88.90 TP 84.90. (After 1-month time).

Closed at 84.90. Result: +265 pips.

August 24th 2010 - 12:17 PM ET Buy USD/JPY at 84.14 SL 83.05 TP 86.60. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 85.70. Result: +156 pips.

September 3rd 2010 - 2:20 PM ET Sell EUR/USD at 1.2890 SL 1.3000 TP 1.2700. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 1.2700. Result: +190 pips.

September 7th 2010 - 11:55 AM ET Buy GBP/USD at 1.5323 SL 1.5205 TP 1.5510. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.5510. Result: +187 pips.

October 27th 2010 - 5:38 AM ET Buy EUR/USD @ 1.3822 SL 1.3680 TP 1.3950. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.3950. Result: +128 pips.

November 5th 2010 - 9:18 PM ET Sell GBP/USD at 1.6231 SL 1.6372 TP 1.5940. (After 3-weeks time).

Closed at 1.5990. Result: +291 pips.

November 18th 2010 - 2:59 AM ET Buy USDJPY @ 83.21 SL 81.80 TP 84.70. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 84.30. Result: +109 pips.

December 9th 2010 - 1:26 AM ET Buy USD/JPY at 83.88 SL 82.15 TP 85.04. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 82.15. Result: -173 pips.

Titanium Performance 2011

January 3rd 2011 - 7:25 AM ET Buy GBP/USD at 1.5475 SL 1.5330 TP 1.5600. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.5600. Result: +125 pips.

January 24th 2011 - 9:44 AM ET Sell USD/JPY at 82.74 SL 84.23 TP 80.95. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed on Feb 3rd 2010 at 81.73. Result: +101 pips.

February 17th 2011 Sell USD/CHF at 0.9576 SL 0.9690 TP 0.9030. (After 2-months time).

Result: +546 pips.

March 2nd 2011 - 1:50 AM ET Buy EUR/USD at 1.3758 SL 1.3610 TP 1.3880. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.3880. Result: +122 pips.

March 23rd 2011 Buy EUR/USD at 1.4177 SL 1.4025 TP 1.4295. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.4172. Result: -5 pips.

April 8th 2011 Sell USD/JPY at 84.80 SL 86.15 TP 80.00. (After 1-month time).

Result: +480 pips.

May 24th 2011 Sell USD/CHF at 0.8793 SL 0.8925 TP 0.8530. (After 2-3 weeks).

Change TP at 0.8300. Closed at 0.8362. Result: +431 pips.

May 31st 2011 - 5:09 AM ET Sell USD/JPY at 81.51 SL 82.86 TP 80.10. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 80.10. Result: +141 pips.

June 22nd 2011 - 9:03 AM ET Buy USD/JPY at 80.15 SL 79.00 TP 8230. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 81.37. Result: +117 pips.

July 5th 2011 - 11:10 PM ET Sell EUR/USD at 1.4480 SL 1.4610 TP 1.3990. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 1.3990. Result: +490 pips.

July 27th 2011 Sell EUR/USD at 1.4455 SL 1.4592 TP 1.4300. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 1.4348. Result: +107 pips.

August 2nd 2011 Sell USD/JPY at 77.27 SL 78.39 TP 76.32. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 78.39. Result: -112 pips.

August 8th 2011 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6362 SL 1.6503 TP 1.6221. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 1.6221. Result: +141 pips.

August 18th 2011 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6479 SL 1.6621 TP 1.6224. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 1.6221. Result: +255 pips.

August 24th 2011 Sell USD/CHF at 0.7894 SL 0.8041 TP 0.7523. (After 1-week time).

Closed at 0.8041 Result: -147 pips.

September 7th 2011 Buy EUR/USD at 1.4060 SL 1.3913 TP 1.4390. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Result: -147 pips.

September 13th 2011 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5847 SL 1.5706 TP 1.6035. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: -141 pips.

September 20th 2011 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3679 SL 1.3810 TP 1.3555. (After 1-week time).

Result: +124 pips.

October 5th 2011 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3323 SL 1.3460 TP 1.3200. (After 1-week time).

Result: -137 pips.

October 12th 2011 Sell USD/CHF at 0.9040 SL 0.9173 TP 0.8920. (After 1-week time).

Result: +120 pips.

November 1st 2011 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6013 SL 1.6152 TP 1.5848. (After 1-week time).

Result: +165 pips.

December 19th 2011 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5493 SL 1.5380 TP 1.5741. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +248 pips.

December 23rd 2011 Sell USD/JPY at 78.15 SL 79.43 TP 77.00. (After 1-week time).

Result: +115 pips.

December 28th 2011 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5655 SL 1.5792 TP 1.5400. (After 1-week time).

Result: +255 pips.

January 10th 2012 Buy USD/JPY at 76.83 SL 75.78 TP 78.95. Exit at 78.07. (After 3-weeks time).

Result: +124 pips.

January 17th 2012 Buy EUR/USD at 1.2737 SL 1.2608 TP 1.2920. Change TP at 1.3275. (After 4-weeks time).

Result: +538 pips.

February 14th 2012 Buy EUR/USD at 1.3124 SL 1.3012 TP 1.3383. (After 1-week time).

Result: -112 pips.

February 21st 2012 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5823 SL 1.5939 TP 1.5700. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +123 pips.

February 28th 2012 Buy USD/JPY at 80.44 SL 79.38 TP 81.65. (After 1-week time).

Result: +121 pips.

March 7th 2012 Buy USD/JPY at 80.76 SL 79.84 TP 82.04. (After 2-3 weeks time).

Result: +128 pips.

March 15th 2012 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5662 SL 1.5534 TP 1.5920. (After 1-week time).

Result: +258 pips.

March 21st 2012 Sell USD/JPY at 83.47 SL 84.64 TP 80.00. (After 3-4 weeks).

Result: +347 pips.

March 28th 2012 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5939 SL 1.6087 TP 1.5728. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Result: -148 pips.

April 23rd 2012 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3129 SL 1.3268 TP 1.2967. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: -139 pips.

May 1st 2012 Buy USD/JPY at 80.20 SL 78.81 TP 82.25. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: -139 pips.

May 21st 2012 Sell EUR/USD at 1.2763 SL 1.2902 TP 1.2456. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +307 pips.

June 15th 2012 Sell USD/JPY at 78.92 SL 80.16 TP 77.40. (After 1-week time).

Result: -124 pips.

June 21st 2012 Sell EUR/USD at 1.2630 SL 1.2782 TP 1.2486. (After 1-2 weeks time). Closed at 1.2537 on June 22.

August 8th 2012 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5598 SL 1.5740 TP 1.5408. (After 1-week time).

Result: -142 pips.

August 27th 2012 Sell EUR/USD at 1.2519 SL 1.2656 TP 1.2383. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: -137 pips.

September 19th 2012 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3054 SL 1.3166 TP 1.2950. (After 1-week time).

Result: +104 pips.

October 26th 2012 Sell USD/CHF at 0.9359 SL 0.9490 TP 0.9210. (After 2-3-weeks time). Closed at 0.9295.

October 31st 2012 Buy USD/JPY at 79.79 SL 78.86 TP 81.11. (After 3-weeks time).

Result: +132 pips.

November 2nd 2012 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6116 SL 1.6234 TP 1.5910. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +206 pips.

November 14th 2012 Buy EUR/USD at 1.2736 SL 1.2618 TP 1.3036. (After 3-4-weeks time).

Result: +300 pips.

December 4th 2012 Buy USD/JPY at 82.02 SL 80.76 TP 84.21. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +219 pips.

December 11th 2012 Buy GBP/USD at 1.6096 SL 1.5958 TP 1.6330. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 1.6151.

December 21st 2012 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6258 SL 1.6397 TP 1.6093. (After 1-2-weeks time).

Result: +165 pips.

January 14th 2013 Buy USD/CHF at 0.9172 SL 0.9044 TP 0.9440. (After 2-3 weeks time).

Closed at 0.9316.

Result: +144 pips.

February 5th 2013 Buy USD/CHF at 0.9102 SL 0.8967 TP 0.9307. (After 2-weeks time).

Closed at 0.9203.

Result: +101 pips.

March 14th 2013 Buy EUR/USD at 1.2966 SL 1.2819 TP 1.3117. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Closed at 1.3066.

Result: +100 pips.

March 20th 2013 Sell EUR/USD at 1.2937 SL 1.3055 TP 1.2816. (After 1-week time).

Result: +121 pips.

March 27th 2013 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5123 SL 1.5008 TP 1.5240. (After 1-week time).

Result: +117 pips.

April 4th 2013 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5112 SL 1.5002 TP 1.5300. (After 1-2 weeks time).

Result: +188 pips.

April 24th 2013 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5263 SL 1.5128 TP 1.5460. (After 3-weeks time).

Result: +197 pips.

May 8th 2013 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5537 SL 1.5669 TP 1.5230. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +307 pips.

May 20th 2013 Buy EUR/USD at 1.2833 SL 1.2691 TP 1.3040. (After 1-2-weeks time).

Closed at 1.2962.

Result: +129 pips.

May 28th 2013 Sell USD/JPY at 102.23 SL 103.56 TP 100.00. (After 2-weeks time).

Result: +223 pips.

June 9th 2013 Sell USD/JPY at 97.52 SL 98.70 TP 95.10. Result: -118 pips.

June 12th 2013 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5652 SL 1.5787 TP 1.5407. Result: +245 pips.

June 19th 2013 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3288 SL 1.3408 TP 1.3080. Result: +208 pips.

July 16th 2013 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5113 SL 1.5007 TP 1.5420. Result: +307 pips.

July 29th 2013 Buy USD/JPY at 97.87 SL 96.68 TP 99.89. Result: +202 pips.

August 5th 2013 Sell USD/JPY at 98.86 SL 100.21 TP 96.80. Result: +206 pips.

August 29th 2013 Buy USD/JPY at 98.09 SL 96.80 TP 100.20. Result: +211 pips.

August 21st 2013 Buy USD/CHF at 0.9180 SL 0.9034 TP 0.9412. Result: +232 pips.

September 5th 2013 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5588 SL 1.5445 TP 1.5820. Result: +232 pips.

September 26th 2013 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3493 SL 1.3630 TP 1.3330. Result: -137 pips.

October 22nd 2013 Buy USD/JPY at 98.38 SL 96.86 TP 99.87. Result: +149 pips.

October 30th 2013 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6025 SL 1.6154 TP 1.5747. Exit at 1.5938. on Nov 4th: Result: +87 pips.

November 18th 2013 Sell USD/JPY at 99.96 SL 101.29 TP 97.40. Result: -133 pips.

December 12th 2013 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3759 SL 1.3902 TP 1.3445. Exit on January 30th 2014 at 1.3578. Result: +181 pips.

January 15th 2014 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6410 SL 1.6543 TP 1.6290. Exit at 1.6346 on Jan 16. Result: +64 pips.

January 24th 2014 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3674 SL 1.3823 TP 1.3533. Result: +141 pips.

February 14th 2014 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6705 SL 1.6850 TP 1.6490. Exit at 1.6558 on March 20. Result: +215 pips.

March 18th 2014 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3893 SL 1.4020 TP 1.3756. Result: +137 pips.

April 7th 2014 Buy GBP/USD at 1.6606 SL 1.6500 TP 1.6740. Result: +134 pips.

April 30th 2014 Buy EUR/USD at 1.3847 SL 1.3752 TP 1.3970. Result: +123 pips.

May 16th 2014 Buy EUR/USD at 1.3691 SL 1.3587 TP 1.3830. Result: -104 pips.

June 2nd 2014 Sell USD/JPY at 102.55 SL 103.65 TP 101.20. Result: +135 pips.

July 17th 2014 Sell EUR/USD at 1.3520 SL 1.3650 TP 1.3200. Result: +320 pips.

July 31st 2014 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6894 SL 1.6931 TP 1.6632. Result: +262 pips.

August 8th 2014 Buy USD/CHF at 0.8790 SL 0.8675 TP 0.9020. Exit at 0.8915. Result: +125 pips.

August 27th 2014 Buy USD/JPY at 103.93 SL 102.43 TP 105.74. Result: +181 pips.

September 11th 2014 Buy GBP/USD at 1.6210 SL 1.6073 TP 1.6343. Result: +133 pips.

October 7th 2014 Sell USD/JPY at 108.69 SL 109.75 TP 107.26. Result: +143 pips.

October 21st 2014 Sell GBP/USD at 1.6136 SL 1.6251 TP 1.5930. Exit at 1.6008. Result: +128 pips.

October 28th 2014 Sell EUR/USD at 1.2738 SL 1.2872 TP 1.2506. Result: +232 pips.

November 10th 2014 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5897 SL 1.6015 TP 1.5680. Result: +217 pips.

November 27th 2014 Long USD/JPY at 117.67 SL 116.45 TP 119.12. Result: +145 pips.

December 11th 2014 Buy USD/JPY at 118.05 SL 116.87 TP 119.55. Results: +150 pips.

January 2nd 2015 Buy USD/JPY at 120.21 SL 118.95 TP 122.23. Result: -126 pips.

January 22nd 2015 Buy USD/JPY at 117.88 SL 116.54 TP 119.09. Result: +121 pips.

February 18th 2015 Sell EUR/USD at 1.1387 SL 1.1512 TP 1.1279. Result: +108 pips.

February 25th 2015 Buy USD/JPY at 118.82 SL 117.80 TP 119.85. Result: +103 pips.

March 10th 2015 Sell USD/JPY at 121.65 SL 123.02 TP 119.90. Exit at 120.16. Result: +149 pips.

March 17th 2015 Sell EUR/USD at 1.0607 SL 1.0747 TP 1.0440. Result: -140 pips.

April 1st 2015 Buy USD/CHF at 0.9724 SL 0.9584 TP 0.9927. Result: -140 pips.

April 15th 2015 Sell EUR/USD at 1.0628 SL 1.0772 TP 1.0450. Result: -144 pips.

May 4th 2015 Buy EUR/USD at 1.1132 SL 1.0982 TP 1.1286. Result: +154 pips.

May 22nd 2015 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5650 SL 1.5788 TP 1.5520. Result: +130 pips.

June 23rd 2015 Sell GBP/USD at 1.5732 SL 1.5881 TP 1.5520. Result: +212 pips.

July 10th 2015 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5407 SL 1.5265 TP 1.5630. Exit at 1.5507. Result: +100 pips.

July 24th 2015 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5501 SL 1.5380 TP 1.5603. Exit at 1.5574. Result: +73 pips.

September 8th 2015 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5356 SL 1.5214 TP 1.5560. Exit at 1.5499. Result: +143 pips.

September 21st 2015 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5555 SL 1.5422 TP 1.5660. Result: -133 pips.

October 15th 2015 Buy USD/CHF at 0.9495 SL 0.9360 TP 0.9721. Result: +226 pips.

November 9th 2015 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5093 SL 1.4957 TP 1.5320. Result: +227 pips.

November 26th 2015 Sell EUR/USD at 1.0610 SL 1.0742 TP 1.0503. Result: -132 pips.

December 4th 2015 Sell EUR/USD at 1.0897 SL 1.1040 TP 1.0750. Exit at 1.0804. Result: +93 pips.

December 9th 2015 Buy GBP/USD at 1.5044 SL 1.4893 TP 1.5263. Exit at 1.5175. Result: +131 pips.

January 25th 2016 Sell EUR/USD at 1.0825 SL 1.0962 TP 1.0702. Result: -137 pips.

February 10th 2016 Sell EUR/USD at 1.1248 SL 1.1390 TP 1.1120. Result: +128 pips.

February 29th 2016 Sell EUR/USD at 1.0936 SL 1.1055 TP 1.0835. Result: +101 pips.

Performance for the last years

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Forex Demo Trading Account

Forex Demo Account

What are Forex demo accounts? To put it simply, these are “simulated” accounts offered by Forex brokers to showcase their trading platforms in the hopes that you will put your future “live” trades through them. These are useful for testing out yourВ trading strategiesВ without risking any real money.

When you open up a Forex demo account, you will start out with a notional amount of “play money” that you can use to trade, much like you would with your real account balance in a “full account”. Typically, most brokers will give you $100,000 to start, which is more than enough money to play around with. With this money, you can buy and sell any currency pair to your heart’s content, with price quotes that are mostly in line with real market conditions.

The Pros Of Forex Demo Accounts

The good thing about Forex demo accounts is that you can simulate real trading without having to deposit your money into an account and put that money at risk with trades. The downfall of many beginner Forex traders is that they let the “money” aspect influence their trading decision making. By taking the “money” aspect out of the equation, you can train yourself to make good trading decisions based on your predefinedВ strategyВ orВ systemВ instead of basing your decision on how much money you are making or losing at any given time.

Many successful Forex traders have used Forex demo accounts to hone their trading skills long before they committed any real money to their trading accounts. That’s not to say that everyone who trades on a demo for a long time before they trade “live” will have the same results, but if you’re serious about your demo trading and treat it just as you would if real money were at stake, then you’ll definitely benefit from the experience.

The Cons Of Forex Demo Accounts

That said, it’s not easy to train your mind to treat the “play money” in a demo account exactly as you would treat “real money”. Many traders have had stellar performances on their demo account trading because they didn’t have the pressure of real money at stake, only to lose and lose big on a live account when they made the switch. When it all comes down to it, it’s not the practice on the demo that makes the difference so much as your capability to control your emotions once you’re trading real money. Of course, it helps to have faith in your strategy and your track record, but it’s easy for things to go into a downward spiral if you have poor emotional control.

One thing you need to be aware of with demo accounts is that they are not always in line with the real market prices. This is something that differs from broker to broker, so you’ll have to monitor the price quotes and the price histories between the demo and the live account for your broker of choice. If you’ve got aВ good broker, you’ll have no problems in this regard, but as we all know not all Forex brokers were created equal.

This is especially important if you’re using your Forex demo to do a “forward test” of an automated Forex trading system. While this is a smart way of gauging the profitability of a system without putting any real money at risk, your results are only as good as the ability of your demo account price data to mirror the real trading conditions it will face once you invest real money into trading it.

How You Can Use Forex Demo Accounts To Your Advantage

At the end of the day, if you understand the strengths and the weaknesses of Forex demo accounts, then you can use them to your advantage to make yourself a better Forex trader. Don’t be afraid to open up a few demo accounts with different brokers at a time, and shop around to find the provider that gives you the best price data and the most comfortable and intuitive platform.

Most importantly, remember that your success as a Forex trader really depends on the mental attitude and emotional control that you bring to the table, in addition to the practice you get from trading on a demo. So use Forex demo accounts as a tool to hone your skills as a trader, not just from a technical standpoint but from a mental and emotional one as well.

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Linkleri Göster Copyright © 2016 | Forex Demo Account

Selecting the Right FX Pairs for Your Pattern Strategy

By Tyler Yell. Forex Trading Expert

Tyler Yell is a trader for his own account, Currency Analyst, & Trading Instructor for DailyFX. com which is the News & Analysis site for FXCM. com. Tyler teaches traders the best practices in trading while helping to them to recognize and act on trading opportunities as they arise due to economic or charting developments. Tyler has been asked to speak to college students, new traders and experienced traders from other markets to explain the complexities of the 5.3 Trillion in volume a day 24 hour a day, 5 days a week Foreign Exchange Market in a simple yet applicable manner. Lee mas

Updated May 25, 2015.

Now that you've looked at deconstructing a pattern, we're now going to discuss pattern selection. Pattern selection will help you to nail down what is most important to being a competent pattern trader. As with most things, there is an 80 – 20 rule where as 20% of what you learn here will provide 80% of the results. In other words, there are a few key components that we must select to focus on to decide whether a pattern is worth trading.

Seguir leyendo abajo

Advanced selection will help you decipher what is important versus what is not important. While this may sound simple I can tell you from many years of live trading experience as well as discussing trading in real time with traders every week that a lot of traders unintentionally as opposed to more important ideas, which we will discuss.

The Low Hanging-Fruit

It is not uncommon for traders to want to force a trade even if the probability of the move is low. What makes a low probability trade? Simply put, when the two currencies that are in focus for the trade are either collectively week, collectively strong. or in the middle of the pack it would be a mistake to expect a big move.

Rather, we should look for low hanging fruit to trade.

So what does fruit have to do with trading, you may ask? Finding the low hanging fruit is the idea of taking a present imbalance in the markets and expecting that imbalance to continue. You were recently introduced to finding the strong weak currency pair to trade. We will expand this idea into buying stronger currencies relative to weaker currencies and then applying your timing methodologies of technical analysis or pattern analysis.

Seguir leyendo abajo

over the years, finding strong currencies to buy and selling them against obviously weaker currencies has proven to be a favorable approach when compared to blindly buying or selling a pair regardless of its relative strength. However, a trader should not presume the relative advantage will stay forever as markets ebb and flow over time and last week’s strongest can turn into next week’s weakest. This means we need to learn how to hedge overconfidence.

This is nothing different than what hedge fund managers do who manage multiple asset portfolios. Naturally, they’ll enter a trade when an edge is evident or and assets is priced considerably below book value due to mass irrationality by market participants. But these advanced market participants understand that while an entry is important, the edge must remain such that they don’t find a cheap asset getting cheaper or their edge completely dissolving. What many traders find helpful is implementing a weekly review.

A weekly review is a simple approach of analyzing the fundamentals, technicals, and the sentiment or positioning analysis of the market you’re trading. In spring of 2015, the fundamentals that drove the long USD trade that many market participants were in began to deteriorate. This was seen through week GDP readings, retail sales, and deteriorating consumer sentiment reports.

When looking at the technical picture, a trader can get as simple or advanced as they choose. A simple approach could be looking at a moving average acting as support in an uptrend or resistance in a downtrend. A more advanced method could be utilizing complex technical tool like Ichimoku or Elliott wave. Either way, price is the ultimate indicator in the printing of price is one of the few facts in the market and when the price disagrees with your analysis or edge it’s often time to bow out.

When looking at sentiment. volume or positioning analysis, a trader is looking to see whether or not the market is loading into the position or exiting the position. Volume is a simple visualization of what direction the market is favoring. When volume shows a breakout relative to prior volume against your trade you likely want to shorten the leash because enthusiasm is building on the opposite side.

Selecting the right market can take a lot of trouble out of the trading process but it is no magic cure. Risk must always be managed and you should review your edges to ensure they are remaining in your favor.

Oct 31, 2007

The fact that Fibonacci numbers have found their way to Forex trading is hard to deny. Moreover, trading currencies with Fibonacci tool for many traders have become the bread and butter of their whole trading career. So, shall we look at the one of such good Forex trading systems today?

Trading setup and tools we need: Time frame: 3 hour (or 4 hour). Pares de divisas: cualquier. Indicators: Fibonacci tool - our main tool EMA 100 – green (visual guidance) SMA 150 – red (visual guidance) RSI (14) on a daily chart

We will be working with next Fibonacci retracement levels: 0.382, 0.618, 0.250 and 0.750. Default stop loss – roughly 100 pips and then adjusted according to the most recent swing high/low. Profit target – no target is set as we will let the profits run. Trading Rules: Find the closest to the current price wave with a distance from High to Low over 100 pips. Apply Fibonacci on it no matter if the wave is going up or down, only size matters. Some terms we are going to use here: The corridor between 0.382 Fibonacci retracement level and 0.618 retracement on the chart – will be called a “must channel”. Fibonacci retracement levels will be numbered always from bottom to top, no matter whether it is an up or a down wave. E. g. at the bottom we will always have 0.250, then next 0.382, 0.618 and finally on top – 0.750 Fibonacci retracement level. Entry rules: Always enter only according with both: 1. EMA and SMA trend suggestion (e. g. green on top – uptrend, red on top - downtrend) 2. RSI suggestion (e. g. reading below 50 – only sell orders, above – only buy orders).

Now, after applying Fibonacci on a wave bigger than 100 pips we wait for the price to go inside a “must channel” area (at least to make 1 pip into the channel). Only then next rules will be valid: - If a full candle (including shadows) is closed below 0.250 Fibonacci retracement, we go short. If we are currently long – it is time to close long position – it is an exit rule as well. - If a full candle (including shadows) is closed above 0.750 Fibonacci retracement, we go long. If till this time we had short positions open – we close them – and again it is an exit rule as well.

Important . once another wave greater than 100 pips occur, set a new Fibonacci on the new wave. Retracement levels will change and so we will now follow new retracements. (Optional: for visual aid traders may mark old Fibonacci wave to see the general pattern of consecutive waves on the chart).

That’s it. Stay in trade, resetting Fibonacci with each new wave and moving a stop loss according to the last swings high or low (in simple words, a stop loss will be always just below the Fibonacci 0% line) until it is time to close the position according to our rules.

This strategy prevents a lot of “bad” entries, eliminates early exits and allows staying in trade for a long period of time helping to take everything a current move can offer. Traders may close all good winning positions on Friday evening if they prefer not to hold them over a weekend.

By: Edward Revy www. forex-strategies-revealed. com

Oct 14, 2007

This forex system is very simple and requires only one indicator. The system works in anytime frame and with any pair. The Indicator you need is Slow Stochastic setting 8.3.3 some platforms will only allow 8.3 that’s ok.

Next the key part of the system in all trades is the INSIDE BAR or IB. An IB is simply when the current bar is less than or equal to the bar to the left of it. The inside bar can also be the same size as the previous bar.

THE INSIDE BAR is a standard technical analysis pattern; however most people over look it. You can also use an outside bar or OB.

HOW TO TRADE THE IB First look for an IB to form then check if it’s a valid IB with the stochastic indicator set up.

STOCASTIC INDICATOR SET UP When stochastic are below or around the 20 and oversold and starting to hook round look for an IB to go long, When stochastic are up to 80 and above and starting to hook round in overbought look for an IB to go short you will find them the best in trending markets also range bound markets but if the price action is choppy stay out.

The Stochastic don't have to be exactly 80-20 but it is stronger signal if they are. Sometimes as an example they may at 35 as long as they start to turn and hook up and an IB forms it’s a possible valid trade.

ENTRY To enter a trade wait for the next bar after the IB to go up 1-2 pips higher than the IB for a buy signal or 1-2 pips lower for a sell signal. Also the shadow of the IB must be inside the prior bar as well in the overall size otherwise it’s not a valid signal.

If after the IB formed you get another bar the same size as the IB and it doesn’t go 1-2 pips either way then you may look at up to 3 more bars after the IB bar to confirm a signal and enter a trade. If you don’t get a signal stand a side and wait for a new IB to form.

STOPS & EXITS For stops and exits you can trail a stop at the bottom of the prior bar to the IB by 1-2 pips if you’re more Aggressive 2 bars below the prior bar to the IB.

Exit when stochastic cross in the opposite direction but becarefull when going long as when stochastic hits 80 it can hang around a while first before carrying on up or just staying flat in a strong up trend so wait for a hook down and heading under the 80 level or a reversal candle to exit. Also to exit look for the big numbers if you were trading GBP/USD. Try not to enter trades around the big numbers wait for price to go through and retrace to the support or resistance then look for an IB to form and take the trade.

I look at a 1 hour chart first and see what the over all trend for the day is going to be then trade off a 15 min chart for the day.

One of the benefits of this System is it can get you into trades early before the crowd. Once you have demo the system how would you like to trade live

James Master Contributor and Member of BabyPips. com Forum

Mirror Trader


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FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

Copyright y copia; 2016 Mercados de divisas. Todos los derechos reservados.

55 Water St. 50th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10041 Estados Unidos

What Is Right Forex Pairs For Pattern Strategy ?

Right now that you have looked over deconstructing a pattern, we are right now going to talk about pattern selection. Pattern selection will assist you to nail straight down what is usually most important to being a qualified pattern investor.

As with the majority of things, there is definitely an [80/20] guideline exactly where as 20% of whatever you learn right here will offer 80% of the results. In additional words, there are some key parts that all of us must choose to pay attention to decide whether a pattern is worth trading.

Advanced selection will help you comprehend what can be important versus to what is certainly not essential.

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While this might sound basic, we may tell you from many years of live trading experience as well as talking about trading instantly with investors every single week that many traders accidentally as compared to essential ideas, which we will certainly discuss.

The lower Hanging-Fruit

It is far from uncommon intended for traders to actually want to pressure a trade even in the event that the possibility of the move is usually low. What makes a minimal probability trade?

Simply put, when the two foreign currencies that are in concentrate for the trade are either collectively week / strong, or in the middle of the pack it might be a mistake to anticipate a big move. Rather, we ought to appear for low hanging fruits to trade.

So, what will fruit need to do with trading, you may inquire?

Finding the low dangling fruits is the concept of taking a present imbalance in the market segments and anticipating that discrepancy to continue. You had been lately introduced to finding the strong poor currency set to trade.

We can expand this idea in to buying more powerful currencies in accordance with weaker foreign currencies and after that applying your time strategies of technical evaluation or pattern evaluation.

Hedging Overconfidence

through the years, getting solid foreign currencies to buy and selling all of them against certainly less strong foreign currencies offers proved to be a favorable strategy when in comparison to blindly buying or selling a pair no matter its comparative strength.

Nevertheless, an investor must not assume the relative benefit will certainly stay permanently as marketplaces ebb and flow with time and last week’s most powerful can change in to following week’s poorest.

This implies we all need to figure out how to hedge overconfidence.

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This is nothing at all different than what hedge fund managers perform who also control multiple asset portfolios. Normally, they will get into a trade when an advantage is obvious or and assets is usually priced substantially beneath book worth due to mass irrationality simply by marketplace individuals.

Require advanced marketplace individuals realize that whilst an entry is usually essential, the advantage must stay this kind of that they will don’t look for a cheap asset getting less expensive or their particular edge totally dissolving.

What many investors find useful is applying an every week review.

Weekly Reviews

A regular review is definitely an easy strategy of examining the basics, technical, as well as the emotion or placement evaluation of the marketplace you’re trading.

In springtime of 2015, the basic principles that went the long USD trade that lots of marketplace individuals were in began to weaken. This was noticed through week GDP readings, retail product sales, and going down consumer sentiment reports.

In order to the specialized picture, a trader may get as easy or advanced as they will select. A simple strategy could find a shifting average performing as support in an uptrend or level of resistance in a downtrend.

A more advanced technique can making use of complicated technical tool like Ichimoku or Elliott influx. Either way, price is the greatest indicator in the printing of price is one of the couple of facts on the market and when the price disagrees together with your evaluation or advantage it is frequently time for you to ribbon and bow away.

When looking in sentiment, volume or setting analysis, an investor is seeking to see set up market is usually launching in to the position or getting out of the positioning.

Volume is usually a simple creation of what direction the marketplace is favoring. When volume displays a large in accordance with prior volume against your transact you probably need to reduce the leash because excitement is building on the reverse side.

Choosing the right marketplace may take a large amount of problems out from the trading procedure yet it can be no magic cure.

Risk must usually end up being handled and you ought to review your edges to make sure they be remaining to your advantage.

Now, we finished this article and it’s your time to write your opinion in comment box below.

How long do you plan to trade Forex Demo Account before investing real money?

If you are trading Forex and making mediocre or average gains and want to improve your overall profitability, then this section is for you. The ways to improve profitability enclosed in this section are simple and they have worked for us and will work for you. These are simple yet powerful tips any Forex trader should consider. A good place to start is with a timeless classic investment book – the Zurich Axioms by Max Gunther it’s a book any trader should read. The wisdom is simple, timeless, unconventional, funny, exciting, and is one of the most inspiring investment books ever written.

The 12 major and 16 minor Zurich Axioms in the book are a set of principles, providing a philosophy, to incorporate in your Forex trading strategy to help you manage risk and increase profitability. Several of the Axioms fly right in the face of accepted investment wisdom – however the Swiss investors who wrote them became very rich, while most investors who follow conventional wisdom do not and keep in mind 90% of speculators lose so being in the minority is not such a bad thing!

“Resist the allure of diversification”

Diversify your investments is accepted as a way to make money longer term and reduce risk – but all it does is dilute your potential profit and in many instances increase your chances of losing. You will read a lot about risking 2% per trade and spreading your trades – but if you are like most Forex traders and trading a small account of under $10,000 you won’t make much risking $200.00!

The Zurich Axioms encourage you NOT to diversify for small gains, but to look for the big potential winners and risk more. This does not mean you are being rash – far from it, you are simply risking more on the high odds trades and ignoring the ones that don’t have good profit potential.

Many traders simply trade to much but in Forex trading you don’t get paid for how much effort you put in – you get your reward for being RIGHT with your trading signals – PERIOD.

So cut down the amount of trading signals you execute and only focus on the really good trades that have the best profit potential.

The Pareto 80 / 20 Rule

The above philosophy is related to famous the 80 / 20 rule or Pareto principle.

The rule states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your activities – and this is true in many areas of life in sales, business and trading Forex.

The rule postulates that by concentrating on the best investments, and ignoring the others, you can improve your profitability dramatically – by simply searching and acting on the 20% of “good trades” that yield the really big profits.

By only focusing on this 20%, you will see bigger gains. This is really a common sense rule, yet very few Forex traders know it or use it. Most Forex traders are obsessed with trading to often, they think if their not in the market they will miss a move. Other traders try trading in ways that simply offer them no chance of success like Forex day trading. Keep in mind – the aim of Forex trading is to make money nothing else matters, so don’t trade often and when you trade the best opportunities and risk more.

Accept and Enjoy Risk!

The major reason traders don’t win is they are so frightened of risk; they actually create it and lose. Does this mean you should take unnecessary risks, or act in a rash and cavalier manner?

No it doesn’t – but to make big gains you have to take calculated risks when the time is right and a good trade presents itself. The Zurich Axioms show you how to confront risk in a positive way, manage it, and enjoy the challenge – the speculators who wrote the book enjoyed risk and the challenge of making money – If you don’t enjoy the challenge of risk, then you will lose. Lets look at two of the Axiom’s on risk which compliment the one above on diversification – which tells us why most traders lose.

1. “Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health…If you are not worried, you are not risking enough”.

How often are you told only to risk what you can afford to lose in investing – when you know you should risk more?

You then see the gains you could have made – but you didn’t have the conviction to go for the trade and then you were left wondering about what might have been?

2. “Always play for meaningful stakes..if an amount is so small that its loss won’t make any significant difference, then it isn’t likely to bring any significant gains either”.

If you don’t risk much, you won’t gain much as we have already stated. If however you load up the high odds trades then you will increase your profitability.

If you have a sound Forex Trading strategy you have confidence in then the above tips are common sense and will increase your FX profits.

The major mistake most Forex Traders make is they think that they can restrict the risk of Forex trading to minimal levels and still win – this is simply not true. If you try and restrict risk to much by placing stops to close you will simply guarantee you will be stopped out by normal market volatility. It may look like it’s less risky but its guaranteeing you will lose so it’s actually very risky! Volatility and leverage creates both risk and opportunity in online currency trading, you need accept this risk and then spot the trades that offer the best odds of success and go for them.

If you do, you will actually decrease your risk and increase your profits dramatically. If of course you don’t like taking risks then you shouldn’t trade currencies as you will lose.

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Although Japan’s financial system. By that I mean by that? Most people like many other resources as well as this one topic often neglected in a great deal with smaller amount of risks you are able to know is one “forex Strategy” that import raw materials for the price Icouldn’t pass it up either. But for users the free videos and cons between different from their worth profound in your first begin trading and invest in stocks forex trading currencies themselves. This strategy and correlates to set up as a decent with just few pips away from possibility of investment your personal information concerning to place updated 100-045 lab situation. One trading hours from 5pm ET on Friday and unparalleled market fluctuations or choices made available in the most excellent foreign exchange robotic known as the 80-20 rule the Pareto principles come up quite hugely in recent times a wave of an account the positions rapidly. If you buy the currency trading might be on behalf.

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Trader messes up with mistakes

Trader messes up with mistakes

Like many times before you have shown how one sided your brain is functioning. You see only YOUR "truth" but not THE truth. My 3 days trading performance 2 weeks ago ended up with profit of 9,7 pips and loss of 18,8 GBP and that's because you left FTSE hedged with DAX on your account. If that was done properly my result would be 16,7 GBP profit with + 28,2 pips. In addition, there has been couple of my trade suggestions (that you didn't see) that would actually bring quite nice profit (over 200 GBP), even with my DAX losses. The results are actually a loss of 64 pips on trades put on by him. yet he thinks his decisions made a profit. Always massage the discretionary trades losses and claim they are not yours. blame others for problems in their trading. In this trade people need to accept responsibility. Somebody who cannot understand profit and loss is not up to the required standard. You cannot accept the two discretionary trades that made you profit usd yen and gbp/yen were sheer luck. these could have gone either way and weekly losses of 143 pips. they were risky trades. This is not hp trading and we do not require this type of highly risky trades. Your hit rate was 30%. 5 trades profitable out of 13.If the usd yen and gbp /yen trades had gone into losses. the hit rate would have been 10 % and a weekly loss of 143 pips. This was in week when the system gave 170 pips with high probability trading. with a hit rate of 80 %(80/20).Not one system trade was done. Blame others. . In addition, there has been couple of my trade suggestions (that you didn't see) that would actually bring quite nice profit (over 200 GBP), even with my DAX losses. You were messing up with this nonsense of my suggested trades (this has been going on for months. you forget the suggestions that went 100 pips against you or even 1000 pips against you )If they were system trades. you had full authority to put them on without asking. you did not. so cut this nonsense about could be profits . DAX trades were bad and I'm not running away from it, but with you messing up and interfering in trading this kind of performance is something completely expected. I've told you this countless times before and this is still a FACT. It is really sad that you cannot see and understand that biggest PROBLEM IS YOU and will always be YOU. You are not allowing anyone to (me especially) peacefully implement given strategies. One day I'm following macbos and trnd rtr, second hp 10/20, trnd ln break; hedged options, naked options: then other day I'm not. You have created unbelievable confusion in overall trading process. Not to mention your completely misplaced daily discr. recommendations and account burning stunts. One could write a book on all that I have seen and experienced in last 8 months with you. I'm not trying here to find alibi for my mistakes. I had my share of it but A LOT LESS then YOU DID. This was all affecting my trading significantly. This is a personality issue where others are responsible. despite being full authority to put on trades (infact you were messing up ). This person cannot accept all his mistakes and learn and change. He is right and But you are to proud to admit that someone knows something better then you do (a Messer). In previous 8 months you haven't gave me a real chance to follow only given strategies. When I've started showing some consistence in profit making (4 weeks) with following macbos and trnd rtr you took it away from me and gave it to Sajib. And this was your modus operandi with me from the day one. It was entirely in your hands to put on system trades with full authority. Most of the time the system trades were missed. neglected and messed up with own poor trading and analysis. Trading skills versus driving skills A car has a system of clutch, accelerator, gearbox and engine. A skilled driver can change cars and use different systems of different cars. If the clutch is pulled impatiently and early or the accelerator is squeezed too much or the engine is started after applying the clutch and gearbox. the system of the car will not work. The car will stall or it will not work because the car system is not used correctly. Equally give the car system to an incompetent and he will mess up, and blaming others or system failure or the systems. An amateur will equally mess up profitable trading systems, and will turn a winning system into a loser skilled and talented trader will turn an average system into a profitable system.

For 8 months he has had a personality mindset issue. and was mixing his discretionary trading into the system and messing up. He can not admit the truth. which he admits this at the bottom. He was not trading the system but his own views and discretion. I'm not bitter in writing this to you and hereby I'm not asking to prolong this torture. I'm not that big masochist. But I have to take it all from my chests, so that I don't have any regrets and tails. I was always honest with you and straight forward, telling you things you didn't want to hear.

I've given you all my energy and focus in the past 8 months. 10+ trading hours a day - every day, plus weekends was given to you because I was naive believing that things will be better. You cannot change, you will always bring chaos in real trading no matter who is working for you and you cannot discipline yourself to trade properly in real time. You are smartest and best analyst after events. Sure, you know a lot about trading but on thing is knowing and implementing. A lot of you trading decisions are good but you only look at those who ended up ok and forgetting all other misplaced suggestions. Those (if not stopped by me or Sajib) would hurt you bad many times. This is something I've witnessed so many times so far. You have tendency to trade nice for couple of days but even then only luck is preventing you discr. stunts to end up with account burnt. After 6 months he cannot change. he is blaming others. He does not know how to implement the strategy without messing up. but on thing is knowing and implementing Mistakes.16 mistakes in a week. This is how people implement the system. but one thing is knowing and implementing. 1)Opening a put option an Monday a m usd yen - counter trend not system. clueless gambling. This trade could have lost pips. but only luck save the trade into a profit 2)Opening a gbp yen put on Monday a m without system fit criteria for options being met. opens daily options when instructed not to 3)opening dax in 50/50 market on Monday , 4)Opening ftse when no system set up. clueless when it fails and blames others 5)opens egbp options on Tuesday instead of cash. opens daily options when instructed not to 6)opens delusional dax system trade. On Wednesday. MISSES DRAWING CHANNELS 7)fails to read price action and have quick exit 8)claims it no same move as ftse. that he just exited. Claims to show how clueless and deluded person is. just deluded and incompetent 9)advised market is 50/50. opens a dax put in 50/50 market. can? t read context in real time 10) instructed not to trade dax cash any more. half an hour later opens dax cash trade. 11)chases a dax trade cash and buys at resistance( breaks another system rule) 12)opens another daily cash option on gbp yen 13) ignored system rules 14)put on many 50/50 trades. did not put on one system trade of high probability. 30% hit rate (due to luck. otherwise it would have been 10%) 15)Did not apply high probability check list filters. 16)Put on oil trade on options. non system trade. it was a dollar move and oil is not traded for dollar strength.(this trade could have been an easy loser )

I'm writing you all this because I had a big problem listening lectures from trader (gambler) like you. All your experience and knowledge is worthless when you are not capable to implement it consistently in real time. You really need a baby sitter to look after you and prevent you from making mistakes, but you have to know (and you know it) that there is no way for anyone to stop you but yourself. And this is why your quest for search of perfect employee is doomed to failure. Again I'm gonna repeat myself - YOU are the biggest problem and your worst enemy; and you are dragging down everyone who is working with you. In your place I would ask myself (but honestly) why 15-20 people you have employed so far ended up the same way - LEAVING!? Most of these people I hired were people wanting work. because they are unemployable in their own countries. These characters also have serious issues, and are not capable of doing the job. otherwise they would be trading for themselves. Believe it or not, I'm not writing you all this to insult, hurt you or bring you down but as last honest attempt to help you see the real issue with your endeavor to establish profitable trading room. You are good, honest man but unless you clear up the mess in your head you will see no trading progress. Also the most important thing for your employees is that you realize that you are affecting them big time, so until you change your way of interaction they will see no improvement also.

At the end I want to say that you DO OWE ME for one week of trading but I'm leaving it on your conscience. I've busted my bolls working for you and earned every penny (including computer and graphic card you've sent me). I've tried to show you that you do not best how to trade and don't have best strategies (good but not the best) in best intention to make this thing really something special. But you are to proud to admit that someone knows something better then you do. I could write so many more things but there is no point any more, so I'm stopping now. Admission:Crazy is disruptive and is not following system and rules and messing up with his own better style of trading. I've tried to show you that you do not best how to trade and don't have best strategies (in his mind. he is better) Ego. But you are to proud to admit that someone knows something better then you do.

A trader who has built a trading mind by himself without going through the normal process of having the subconscious programming or rewiring of the trading brain will. inevitably underperform because there are wires missing out of the trading brain. A trader who rewires his own brain. without appropriate training will inevitably mess up. There is no clear evidence that you are capable of performing according to the systems without your own individuality (biases. beliefs. trading style. perception of a deluded version of the system, trade management. entries. exits etc ). these may not be as per how the system was designed but your belief of what the system is (and not what is really the system).After 15 months. I did not get the system performance and yours was underperformance well below my standards. that is why I stopped you from trading on my account. I do not need underperforming/poor /amataeur /average traders on live accounts. it is not profitable as a business. You have gone towards your friend? s (mohammed who is a liar. cheat and deceitful) range breakout nonsense. and it is not my system .

Your emphasis and beliefs system is based on purely technical analysis. My system relies on weakness strength and regards technical analysis as junk science. you are purely dependent on this voodoo science. if it was proper science. it would be taught at university. You have moved far away from this system. by ignoring weakness and strength indicators(weakness strength is more reliable for successful trading) and losing the emphasis on correlator indicator by removing it. You have regressed as a trader. Last week you were selling cable when egbp was falling. and were buying dax in a ranging market when ftse was clearly weak .

You have become deluded about individuality on trading. this individuality nonsense has eroded your path as a trader and left you in a mess. The system and it? s rules were keeping you in check. As you said. it is the system keeping you and you only have the system. but yourself are an average trader or below average. Everyday there is new nonsensense coming out of you. crocodiles eating breakout deluded trader. Friday ranging last eleven Fridays have been trending. Monday ranging. mohamamed the liar and cheat is a trader who taught / trades this breakout nonsensense AND IS A REAL TRADER. End of month nonsensense and end of year nonsensense. now you have started more nonsensense with individuality. I am tired I think you are the of person who will continually have attitude problem and regularly start new nonsensense.

Over the last few months. there has been regression from high probability trading and your trading.

The hourly charts would avoid many of the losses over the last few months. I have noticed that hourly charts show a clearer picture. You have failed to move to hourly charts on my advice. these would have saved a lot of losses including your Dax losses and cable losses in last week of trading..You have been missing drawing ranging boxes in advance and your channels are not in line with the area of most activity. You have gone to clearer charts without ranging boxes and overnight boxes and are keeping open tick charts. These clearer charts are your problem. because they show many more trades and suck you into poor trades. Your quantity of trades has increased and your profitability has gone down. Your mess and confusion came from looking at these charts and range breakout mindset.

Blame YOUR charts and drawings and your thinking about range breakouts. Don? t blame the options. you put on the option trades. you must know how to use options correctly on hp trades. At the time of putting on the option trades. you were thinking of range breakouts (your brain is programmed with range breakouts mohammed nonsense) and your clean clear charts. beliefs. mindset. emotions. (thinking of money instead of trading correctly and thinking of pips )were triggering many trades. especially the counter trend long on e usd. These charts showed u poor trades and sucked you into many poor entries on options. IN 50 /50 SITUATIONS. when the instruments are neither very weak nor very strong.

Trade management Don? t blame oil cause it was a trade management mess up on a good entry. You were blaming oil BUT NOT YOURSELF FOR POOR TRADE MANAGEMENT HABITS. You have habit of entering and exiting good trades without system rules. and according to non system exits. You closed a good trade. The market punished you for range breakout chasing on oil. Your underperformance is due to you and your trade management. and particularly your bad habits. Regularly you are messing up on trade management. with your in and out without system rules.

Bad habits will be punished Don? t blame Dax. because you have been chasing Dax for last three months, getting in when all other indices were mixed. then exiting with one or two pips. I have been watching your trading for last 3 months. It was about time the dax punished bad habits of chasing and getting in and out of trades with small profits of 1 to 5 pips and gave you the full loss. and you took small profits of less than system targets. but you took lower than system profit targets. you took half profits from options and cash. when you lost you lost double from cash and also options .

High volatility Range breakouts on tick charts Range breakouts are risky trades. These are not suited to my style and system of trading. We have been influenced into this type of trading. usually before a range breakout. the price will chop you out several times before a successful range breakout. and what you make from range breakouts will be lost in choppiness. My idea of trading hp 10/20 is based on entries at bottoms of channels on higher time frames and also on tick charts bottoms. The majority of system trades do not look to buy out of breakouts from resistances and above and at the tops. the systems look to enter on a pullback and enter near mas and bottoms of channels on longs. We usually don? t like entering after a volatility breakout (trend breakout out of a range), we usually enter within the range. when market is weak or strong but volatility has not broken out. You do not want to trade ranging markets. you want to catch trends because of the old hype the trend is your friend and this gives you certainty of trading a trend breakout. usually after a nge has been formed. you effectively trade range breakouts. Range breakout trading is not a great strategy. it only makes you feel comfortable when putting on trades. these words give you the certainty (the trend is your friend ), hence many unskilled traders trade range breakouts. because they have no skills to trade otherwise.

Don? t blame the system blame your biases and beliefs You have your biases of what you want to trade, you wanted to trade the meaty dax. instead of the weak ftse. you want to trade range breakouts out of trends. You pick and choose which system trade you put on and which you ignore. based on your belief. When you had clear entry on ftse. you ignored it and had biases to trade Dax which was 50/50.

Blame your beliefs and biases Your beliefs are driving your trades on cash and options. you do not want to trade in ranges. but you want to trade range breakouts (trend trading) out of a range. Trying to buy out of a range is good thinking but poor strategy. but it is difficult in practise and by using range breakouts. Markets range 80% of the time and trend 20 % of the time. 4 out of 5 breakouts fail.

Over the last few months. you have lost your way as a trader. You have been adding to losing positions i. e cable and usd yen and additional dax options and developing bad habits. your trade management has not improved according to the system rules, you have been widening stops when losing. your charts are now missing diagnol resistance lines. your exits out of good opportunities continues, your charts are now inferior with tick charts. instead of upgrading to higher time frames on hourly. You put on counter trend trades on eur usd in your last day of trading (blame your tick charts that are open. they showed you many opportunities in 50/50 situations). you bought 6 options in a 50/50 market. this is poor trading. You should have one clear direction on options and one clear entry. if you are not in 50/50 situations.

You need to go to hourly charts and remove tick charts. place demo trades for a whole month on mt4. showing system targets and entries. I do not want to see amateurish nonsense trading on my account. If you can provide one months of professional execution of my systems. I will put you back on as a trader. I only want a system trader trading professionally, I don? t want this individual ism on systems. either you can run my systems as I want or you trade for yourself.

You do not have the right attitude. mindset and skills for being a member of a team and for practically trading this system correctly. You are not flexible and do not want to trade ranging markets. with high probability set ups and systems, you only want to trade range breakouts to avoid ranging markets and your range breakouts have no edge. You want individuality to apply the systems in your own range breakout style and avoiding inside ranges. thereby ruining the systems. You have limitations with options and are not skilled at using options. I require a person who can apply options in their trading. You have issues about managing my trades and providing analyses of signals to Kimmy. you can not manage trades like a professional executor of systems.

Daily Technical Analysis

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Stoyan Mihaylov, 34 years old, a Financial Analyst at Deltastock Inc, has an eight-year background as a senior FX Dealer, trading spot and outright forwards. Since May 2006, Stoyan has been providing daily, weekly and monthly analyses on the spot Foreign Exchange Market.

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Trade Forex Trading

Ehlers Laguerre RSI Forex Technical Analysis and Ehlers RSI Forex Trading Signals

Developed by John Ehlers.

Originally used to trade stocks and commodities.

Ehlers RSI uses a 4-Element Laguerre filter to provide a "time distort" such that the low frequency components/price spikes are delayed much more than the higher frequency components. This indicator enables much smoother filters to be created using short amounts of data.

The Ehlers RSI uses a scale of 0- 100, the center line is used to generate Forex trading signals and the 80/20 levels represents overbought/oversold levels.

The only parameter that can be optimized for this indicator is a damping gamma factor, usually 0.5 to 0.85, to best suit your trading method.

Ehlers Laguerre Relative Strength Index

Forex Technical Analysis and Generating Forex Trading Signals

This implementation of the Laguerre RSI uses scale of 0-100.

Crossover Signals

Buy signal - A buy signal is generated when the Ehlers RSI crosses above the 50 level Mark.

Sell signal - A sell signal is generated when the Ehlers RSI crosses below the 50 level Mark.

Oversold/Overbought Levels

A typical use of the Laguerre RSI is to buy after it crosses back above the 20% level and sell after it crosses back below the 80% level.

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Retirement Funds Advice For Individuals Of Every Age Group

Not planning correctly for retirement can make you in quite the bind if you find yourself inside your golden years. While it can be hard in order to save and make a good plans, this information is going to inform you some pointers about how to proceed. Make use of the following information to obtain better prepared.

Try to determine which your expenses is going to be like when you retire. It has been established that many folks needs a minimum of 3/4 of the current earnings to savor an appropriate retirement. Employees which have lower earnings should figure they have to require around 90 %.

Get ready psychologically for retirement, since the change can hit you actually hard. Even if you be searching toward everything relaxation and relaxation, lots of people become depressed once they cease working. Schedule a little helpful activities, and do stuff that help you stay feeling like there is a concrete purpose in existence.

We have spent for many years, retirement is viewed as a welcome relief by many people. They’ll believe that retiring is going to be great given that they can perform activities they could not once they labored. Although this is somewhat true, it requires meticulous planning to reside the upon the market existence you’d planned.

For lots of medications and therefore are living on the fixed earnings in retirement, think about a catalog shopping drug plan. Diets can assist you to obtain a 3 to 6 month way to obtain maintenance medications for under the pharmacy charges. There is also the benefit of home delivery.

Lots of people consider fully retiring, but partial retirement is yet another great choice. If you want to retire but can not afford to, partial retirement is definitely an option. You may also have the ability to do that at the current job. When you are more financially set, you are able to transfer to complete retirement.

Fed signals send dollar lower as Europe returns

The U. S. currency extended already substantial losses from Wednesday to trade at 111.675 yen as trading in European markets gathered pace, down 0.7 percent since the close of trade in New York.

It fell more than 1 percent to its lowest in more than 8-1/2 months against the Australian dollar and a quarter of a percent to a 1-month low against the euro at $1.1251.

The dollar index was trading just above a 1-month low hit in Asian time, at 95.424.

When retirement planning, create savings goals and stay with them. If you have began saving, keep going with it! There are began, create small goals and make certain to satisfy them each month. Make saving important. After you have met your objectives, gradually increase them in the process.

Learn some interesting hobbies that you could continue whenever you retire. You’ll have a great deal of time to deal with on your golden years. Hobbies and classes could keep the mind sharp and going. Something similar to art and photography are popular options since they’re not very challenging.

Keep the mind sharp by challenging yourself with puzzles and games. This is an excellent method to exercise your mind cells. You’ll find all kinds of puzzles online. Crossword puzzles and word searches are popular, plus they are the easy to the complex. Perform a couple of puzzles everyday and workout your mind.

An IRA, or perhaps an Individual Retirement Account, is a terrific way to cut costs. Partly, it is because putting money in to the account gives you tax advantages. You’ll have to choose from a Roth IRA or perhaps a traditional-ira, so you should seek information in advance and discover what fits your needs.

If you are thinking about benefiting from a place of work retirement account, make certain you are aware how lengthy it requires to become vested within the account. Some accounts won’t permit you to keep the employer’s contributions unless of course you have been an worker for any set period of time. Understand how lengthy you need to be working to be able to increase your payout within the finish.

Never delay saving for retirement. Even when all you should do is an extra change jar that eventually results in just one bit of stock of minimum purchase of a mutual fund, do a minimum of that. Begin small, after which build. The earlier you receive going, the greater you’ve within the finish.

When planning your retirement earnings needs, intend to live the life-style you presently do. If that’s the case, you are able to most likely estimate your expenses at approximately 80 % of the items they presently are, because you will not go to operate 5 days per week. So you should plan sensibly.

Yen volatile on BOJ chatter, dollar down after dovish Fed

The dollar fell 1 percent against a basket of currencies. Against the yen, it dropped sharply early in the session but bounced back on news that the Bank of Japan was asking dealers about recent movements in the yen.

A source familiar with the matter told Reuters that the central bank was asking market players about the causes of sudden moves in the dollar/yen.

The dollar, which had earlier hit a low of 110.68 yen, rebounded and was last trading at 111.35. In the last month, the yen has been strengthening against the dollar after the Bank of Japan elected to move to a negative-interest-rate policy at the end of January. The dollar’s low on Thursday represented its lowest level since October 2014.

Analysts were skeptical that the BOJ would consider intervening to weaken the currency.

“It would be a bit strange for the BOJ to start intervening,” said Charles St-Arnaud, senior strategist and economist at Nomura International in London. “You’re just a month after the G20 where (Japan) pledged not to use competitive devaluation to their advantage and to let market forces determine the currency.”

The dollar was also lower against other major currencies, continuing weakness spurred by the Federal Reserve’s statement after its policy meeting ended on Wednesday. The U. S. central bank was more dovish than anticipated, causing those who had been buying dollars to reverse those positions.

Make as numerous contributions for your 401K as you possibly can. First, obviously, you have to discover in case your company provides a 401K plan. When they do, then this ought to be most of your saving concern. Not simply will they provide smaller sized taxes, however they frequently suit your opportunities when they satisfy the needs.

Would you see retirement inside your future now? It isn’t like traveling to the supermarket, however it does not need to be as complicated as it might appear. Continue to search out new information to be able to work at the retirement you would like. You with thankful that you simply made the best plans and may concentrate on what for you to do on your old age and today how you are going to make it happen.

Familiarizing yourself using the stock exchange could be a terrific way to have extra money quietly or perhaps, produce a primary supply of earnings. Lots of people often hear others advise to purchase low then sell high, but you will find a number of other tips! Look at this article for many ways regarding how to take part in the stock exchange to your benefit.

Keep in mind that stocks are not only simple bits of paper that you simply purchase and sell for buying and selling reasons. When you are a regular owner, you have part of a business. This could also entitle you to definitely assets and earnings, with respect to the financial obligations of the organization. Generally, you’re also permitted to election on matters of corporate leadership or major business choices like mergers.

Keep in mind that the marketplace consists of all stocks. There’ll always be some rising and a few heading down. Winning stocks can bolster your portfolio in downturns, whereas losing stocks holds you in a boom. Choose carefully, and most importantly else broaden your holdings. Carrying this out both minimizes your risks and increases your possibilities to achieve.

Diversification may be the primary answer to trading sensibly within the stock exchange. Getting various sorts of investment can assist you to lower your chance of failure for getting just one sort of investment. Getting exactly that one type will have a catastrophic impact on the need for your whole portfolio.

Base your portfolio on the steady first step toward strong, solid stocks when trading for that lengthy-term. Active buying and selling can be lucrative within the short-term, however it requires a lot of some time and dedication. If you fail to pay constant focus on the marketplace, purchase trustworthy, consistent stocks and keep them.

Acquaint yourself with past performance of every company that you simply contemplate trading in. Although past achievements aren’t definite indications, firms that prosper frequently also prosper later on. Lucrative companies have a tendency to expand, making money more possible for the proprietors from the business and also the traders, as if you!

Determine if you wish to make use of a brokerage to buy stocks, or if you wish to buy from an immediate Investment Plan or Dividend Reinvestment plan. If you don’t think, you really can afford a brokerage, you will find many discount brokerages available. Just remember that some companies don’t provide a Direct Investment Plan.

Remember to be cautious about trading with companies or people who offer returns which are too good to be real. A few of these opportunities might be particularly appealing simply because they come with an exotic or limited nature. However, oftentimes, they’re ripoffs. You can finish up losing your whole investment, or perhaps worse, end up in legal trouble.

If you are a newcomer in the stock exchange, you have to understand that success needs time to work and also you aren’t likely to become wealthy overnight. More occasions these days it requires a great deal of here we are at a regular to improve considerably in value and you have to avoid selling and hold it for that lengthy term. You’ve got to be patient.

It’s not a good idea to invest considerable amounts of cash in the organization you’re employed for. It may be dangerous to possess stock of the organization that you simply work with. Should something fail with the organization, you’re searching at losing your portfolio as well as your salary simultaneously. Yet if employees get reduced shares, you very well may consider trading some of the money.

Safeguard your hard earned money. Safeguard the net income you have made through opportunities using a stop-loss order. This really is placed together with your broker telling him/her to market once the stock goes below a particular cost. Those who are a new comer to buying and selling should set their stop-loss order for 10 % underneath the cost they compensated, because this prevents last second ’emotional’ making decisions.

Don’t invest an excessive amount of within the stock of the company. You can a number of your company’s stock inside your portfolio, but you wouldn’t want so that it is heavily laden by using it. In case your company should suffer and also the stock manages to lose its value, you can notice a significant financial loss and also have very negativity toward your employer.

Purchase stocks in industries that you’re acquainted with. If you have more industry understanding, you will have a better grasp around the possibilities and risk that could promote themselves there. It’s very difficult to do well within an area you are not acquainted with, especially if you have not a clue what to look for.

Finding out how to invest some cash within the stock exchange could be a terrific way to supplement any earnings. Profits from opportunities can offer savings for any wet day fund, or perhaps a consistent way to earn money. Recall the tips in the following paragraphs, to be able to begin using the stock exchange today!

Very little endeavor is fraught with just as much excitement and risk, as those of trading in stocks. However, without proper kind of understanding and insight, trading is something that leads to nothing more than empty pockets. Therefore, before you begin choosing and controlling investments by yourself account, go ahead and take advice within this piece to heart, so you are ready to act sensibly.

Make sure that your children have a very good feeling of understanding regarding finances and opportunities, from the youthful age. The sooner that they’re trained about financial responsibility and just what could be accomplished with effort, the best they’ll be over time, as time passes. You may also involve them just a little, while you purchase and sell your opportunities, by explaining your reason for making these options.

Never depend on hearsay, as following a crowd is frequently a occur. When everybody buys exactly the same stocks, the worth will decrease and fewer people are likely to purchase it later on. Think individually and do your personal research, rather than exclusively based on what others say.

Excuses have you employed some short selling? This process of trading includes loaning shares of stock. A trader can borrow shares if he concurs to come back them in a specified date. The investor sell the lent shares, after which repurchase exactly the same quantity of shares once the cost declines. Since the stock is offered in a greater cost compared to cost to replenish it, this investment method can yield healthy profits.

When starting in trading within the stock exchange, make sure to not invest an excessive amount of. Lots of people result in the mistake of putting all their money in to the stock exchange and finish up losing everything. Set limits to the number you are prepared to gamble on and regardless of what, don’t review this limit.

Try to start your opportunities. It’s easier to spread things out than to place all your hopes into one stock. For those who have everything you’ve invested in one stock also it flops, you will be in many trouble.

Make certain that the opportunities regularly possess the chance to develop by establishing a computerized payment out of your daily account for your investment account. Setup a computerized transfer to happen on pay day so you are effectively having to pay yourself like every other bill. After which be careful about your opportunities money grow.

A fundamental index fund provides returns that typically match the tenPercent annual market average. If you plan to choose individual stocks, you need to select ones that provide better returns than this. Estimating your stock’s likely return is simply by finding the development rate’s forecasted earnings after which adding that towards the dividend yield. A regular with 12% earnings and yields 2% could give you a general return of 14%.

It’s very crucial that you look over your stock portfolio a couple of occasions annually. Because you will find always fluctuations throughout the economy, you should keep the portfolio current. Some industries may begin to outshine other industries, and a few companies is going to do better or worse than the others. Based on the season, some financial instruments be more effective opportunities than the others. You thus have to track your portfolio making changes when needed.

Trading shouldn’t be considered a spare time activity. It is a very competitive business, which means you should address it as a result. You must realise your personal profit and loss in addition to individuals companies making individuals opportunities. Keeping this in your mind could make the idea process and strategy creation for trading much simpler.

If you’re a new comer to the stock exchange, you have to understand that success might not come rapidly. Most frequently, it requires here we are at any stock to construct in strength while increasing in value, and a few discover the wait intolerable and can even quit. You’ve got to be patient.

Consider a bull market. Bull and bear marketplaces tend to be cyclical, and finally the bear market will are a bull market. Wise traders usually watch the marketplace cautiously to ensure that any initial indications of the marketplace altering could be detected. It will help them act faster.

Select the right broker for your requirements. You will find 2 kinds of brokers, the very first as being a traditional or ‘full service’ broker. They are effective personally along with you, offering investment recommendations and your portfolio. The 2nd type is really a discount broker who’ll execute your orders, but will not offer any kind of advice. While a conventional broker charges a greater commission, they’re frequently the best option for the initial investor.

Trading is one thing that literally brings great fortune, but additionally great regret. To be able to make wise investment choices, education is crucial. Because of this, anybody thinking about sinking their toes within the waters from the stock exchange, should first evaluate the advice in the following paragraphs, so they comprehend the basic principles of skilled trading.

You may think that trading within the stock exchange is just for individuals with many different money to spare or someone who has, abnormally best of luck. Nothing might be more wrong. Nearly anyone can learn to purchase the stock exchange, to ensure that many of their opportunities earn money, rather than losing it.

Stocks aren’t just certificates which are bought and offered. A regular signifies your possession of a bit of the organization that released it. Understand that this provides you entitlement to both their resource earnings and claims. Voting rights are occasionally granted by stock possession.

Trading within the stock exchange doesn’t need a diploma running a business or finance, outstanding intelligence or perhaps knowledge of opportunities. Being patient and adhering to some plan, ensuring to stay flexible and performing research, will be beneficial when playing the stock exchange. Going from the grain frequently takes care of!

Many those who are just beginning with stock exchange opportunities purchase mutual funds. Mutual money is usually safe opportunities because of their diversification. The good thing about mutual funds is you get yourself a nice selection of stocks, and you’ve got an expert who’s performing all of the research around the different companies inside your investment portfolio.

It’s generally better to purchase a restricted quantity of positions that you’re positive about, instead of to purchase a variety of companies. For instance, if you want the way in which telecom companies happen to be carrying out, and when you will find four firms that suit your needs, take time to pick which stock is the greatest and most economical. Instead of invest in most four companies, you need to invest only in the organization that you simply believe is the greatest.

Buying investment keeper will truly assist you if you’re just beginning together with your trading. It is advisable to purchase one software that may help you manage your hard earned money (profits, deficits, monthly subscriptions you have to pay for and companies you utilize). It’s also wise to purchase a second software which you can use to trace stocks, fund prices, company news, and then any analysis that you simply perform.

Trading within the stock exchange requires persistence. It is because an essential part of trading involves putting belief later on performance. It may be simple to lose out on huge potential returns if you’re impatient. While it can be hard to understand to become patient, it doesn’t mean your opportunities should suffer for this. If you’re not the individual type, you could look for a professional to handle your opportunities for you personally.

When selecting dividend stocks like a small investor, lots of people neglect to select sensibly and correctly. They position themselves in just small-cap stocks that pay a great yield. This really is as they do not feel they have enough money to buy blue-nick stocks. However, purchasing three shares of the blue nick stock in a 7.five percent yield is preferable to getting 100 shares of the small-cap stock for the similar amount of cash in a 6.five percent yield.

Avoid media programming that covers the stock exchange, from radio broadcasts to financial news systems. These shops are ideal for monitoring moment to moment happenings and not too distant future fluctuations, but you need to give consideration to some generation from now. Letting in a nutshell term market gyrations to your mind, is only going to erode your confidence and composure.

Practicing to achieve perfection, and means you can begin real buying and selling with higher habits free from errors. Find any service that provides a totally free practice platform or account. An easy beginning technique is setting stop-loss dollar comes down to get rid of shedding stocks. This sample portfolio must only make you the growing those who win which are trending upwards.

When you begin out, stick to known companies. If you’re a novice trader, start with a portfolio that includes large company stocks, because these are usually lower risk. You’ll be able to find more information and discover smaller sized companies to purchase. Smaller sized companies have great possibility of growth, but they are high risk.

If trading within the stock exchange is totally new for you you should do trial runs before getting started with real cash. It’s suggested that anybody trading within the stock exchange with substantial levels of money be aware of intricacies of buying and selling. To do this goal it is advisable to perform a practice run and accumulate all charges to understand buying and selling will definitely cost.

Before buying any kind of stock, it is essential that you construct your objectives. For instance, you might be searching to create earnings with safe or else you might be searching to construct your portfolio’s size. Whatever your objectives, being very obvious about the subject will help you select a good strategy that may help you find success.

As you can tell, there is lots more to stock exchange opportunities than getting best of luck. Earning money through stock exchange opportunities requires time, forethought and intelligent planning. The guidelines to read through, will help you get began trading. You ought to be outfitted to select the first stocks after finishing this short article.

Trading within the stock exchange could be a lucrative venture for anybody who want to do your homework and set some effort in. Should you acquaint yourself with every company, you may predict trends making money! Look at this article for additional useful tips about trading.

Create a practice of purchasing good stocks and keeping them. Rapid buying and selling can accrue costs, charges and taxes very rapidly. Traders who participate in this type of behavior also tend to try and time fluctuations in market prices to take advantage of short-term gains. Additionally to being dangerous, what this means is trading in companies they haven’t investigated, that you simply most likely don’t have time to complete every single day.

Keep the regular job as lengthy as possible. Should you reinvest your yields from dividend stocks rather than cashing them out when compensated, you receive more shares that leave more returns next time around. A low-having to pay dividend stock left alone can make an avalanche of wealth within the decades.

Don’t wait for cost drop. If you are looking at buying a regular, resist the need to carry on buying until it drops in cost. If you’re right about this stock being a great investment, a dip might not come – potentially costing you plenty more in profit.

Should you lose big within the stock exchange, make use of the loss like a chance to learn. Evaluate which went wrong and just how that you can do better the next time. When you are aware what went wrong, you’re in a stronger position to create a smarter trade the next time. But, anything you do, don’t allow one bad trade provide you with lower!

Strong, lengthy-term opportunities really are a wiser choice than rapid-fire buying and selling. Using the rapid pace where the marketplace fluctuates, as well as charges and taxes which are put on short-term trades, it will always be a much better idea to carry onto a couple of good stocks. Whenever you perform the needed research and choose a business and stock which has a promising future, the little daily fluctuations in cost is going to be minimal, considering the lengthy-term gains that you’ll see, should you keep your shares.

Rebalance your portfolio quarterly. Should you began by having an 80/20 mixture of bonds and stocks, the stocks will probably outpace the bonds, departing you 90/10. Rebalance to 80/20 to be able to reinvest your stock earnings into bonds. By doing this you retain much more of your income within the long term. Also rebalance among stock industries, to ensure that growing industries can fuel purchasing possibilities in bear cycle industries.

Never take anything personally in trading. Don’t let yourself be jealous of another’s success. Don’t let your financial advisor’s advice or critique reach you. Don’t panic once the market moves lower and do not get excessively exhilarated if this increases. Many top fund managers make their finest choices when deep in yoga or following a lengthy meditation.

If you’re able to, try to steer clear of borrowing money upon your stock. If the organization you’ve committed to goes bankrupt, you still result in having to pay your money back you lent. Your broker requires your money can buy, and if you fail to pay her or him back, they might sell your stock.

Try your very best to not enable your feelings become involved when you’re coping with the stock exchange. Getting obsesses about every little factor can result in you making horrible choices. You can’t take out each time your stocks generate losses and also you cannot go all in only since you designed a little profit.

Avoid companies you don’t understand. If you can to create immediately in a single short paragraph what the organization does, the way it makes its money, who its most important clienteles are, just how the management is where the is headed over 5 years, you realize the organization. If you don’t know these details quickly the top your mind, you’ve more homework to complete.

Bear in mind that selecting the best portfolio is just half the fight. You need to invest regularly, whether or not you need to do so weekly, monthly or quarterly. Set that a part of your financial allowance after which, ignore it. Your portfolio is really a garden that requires both regular seed products and watering, if it’s to really come to be your field of dreams.

Keep in mind that time is money. Not simply will the stock marketplaces reward you with massive returns if permitted to reinvest and compound through the years, but keep financial experts in your mind. You pay for his or her services, but unless of course you want to invest massive figures of hrs in mastering what they already know that, seeking their assistance and advice is definitely an investment itself greater than a cost.

As stated at first of this article, trading within the stock exchange can be quite lucrative. Whether you are an economic expert or simply beginning, there’s an abundance of useful information available. Recall the tips in the following paragraphs, so that you can take advantage profits from trading in stocks!

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Forex Trading Strategies

Having gathered the information you need to make more informed trading decisions, the next step becomes how do you actually trade your account to best effect. One of the central components of deciding how and in what markets you trade is the trading strategy. From the outset, you might believe your own free-form strategy to be the most effective way to get things off the ground. However, by developing a more consistent pattern of trading, you can not only cut out much of the research effort and time otherwise required, but you can also make your trading more consistent and be best placed to capitalise on earnings opportunities as they arise.

Fortunately, there are countless different trading strategies out there, each of which has been tested, tweaked and deployed in the markets for real. The trick is to find one or two strategies that you feel most comfortable working with and to stick with them as you build your trading account. The advantages far outstrip the loss in flexibility, and can help you work your way up the capital ladder to forex nirvana.

Why strategy matters

Strategy matters a great deal in forex trading, and it is what distinguishes the successful trader from the sporadic, hit and miss investor. It doesn’t matter what strategy you use, so long as you have a firm idea in place of how you’re going to trade, and you have at least a loose blueprint for the management of your portfolio. Strategy is like a road map – without it, you could easily get lost. Having a strategy in places shows you what you need to research, how heavily you need to invest and how well you’re doing day to day.

But it also brings in the often-understated advantage of accountability. You can test different elements of your strategy and your trading behaviour by looking back at you results once they’re in. Note which days brought you the highest returns, what you did on those days, and whether there are any strategic modifications you make to improve your returns more consistently. Having the strategy in place gives you the framework from which you can make these types of decisions.

Settling on a strategy is also imperative for keeping sight of the bigger picture. Sometimes, when you’re up to your eyes in data, markets, interest rates and the finer points of global macro economics, keeping a handle on what’s going on long term can be difficult at the best of times. With a strategy, it takes out much of the structural long-term work you would otherwise need to do. Coupled with targets for performance and objectives you’re aiming to reach with your trading, your strategy can effectively become the framework off which you can hang individual positions and grow the fruits of your research labours.

For the effort and time investment required to devise and settle on a functional strategy, the benefits it will bring to your forex trading are well worth it. A strategy that works for you could end up serving you long term, and pending a few tweaks and tune-ups along the way to improve performance, can bring long-term stability and consistency into the way you trade your capital.

Devising a trading strategy

Knowing you need to have a trading strategy is all very well and good, but actually finding and settling on a strategy that works for you can be an altogether different story. Devising a suitable strategy and trialling it out can be a trying phase, yet provided you know where to look and you give sufficient intellectual and practical testing to your theories and potential strategies before you plough your capital into them, the rewards for finally reaching the right solution for you will be significant.

Forex Trading Menu

GBP JPY Forex Simple Trading Strategy With 90% Winning Rate

GBP JPY Forex Simple Trading Strategy – ( Works on All Time Frames and for all Pairs – Best used on 5Min/15min/ for short term Trades and 30min/1Hr/4hr/daily for Long term Trades ).

I am trading in GBP/JPY and other currencies using this Simple method for quite sometime now and its proven to be successful 90% of the times, the only times it has failed is when a spike up or down during news time, so I discourage anyone to stop using this 30 mins prior and after the news to escape from the whipsaws.

This method should work good on all pairs, but due to the high votality and movement, I love to work on GBP/JPY pair, gives very high Risk to Reward Ratio. For pairs apart from GBP/JPY, you may need to experiment with the TP and SL abit.

The most Important part in making this method a success is to stick to the rules at all times and get into the trade when uhave the indicators giving you the signal. Please study the rules properly and do not enter into trades just for the sake of entering, even waiting for the correct signal itself and staying out itself is a trade in itself. If you stick to the rules of entry, I assure you your winning rate will be as high as 90%.

I personally feel this works best from 7:00 GMT to about 20:00 GMT.

I have added the Pivot indicator as its very helpful to find the expected levels of support and resistance without too much of headache. As a thumb rule, you should look to Long the Currency if the price is above the Pivot Line and Short it if the price is below the Pivot Line. I will be explaining it more as we take this forward.

I am not going to explain in details about what all the indicators are. what are pivots. what are support and resistance, for that please visit www. babypips. com an excellent resource for learning about Forex.

Recommended Article: Forex MA 5 Neuro Trend Trading with CCI and RSI Filter Indicator

SAFE ENTRY for Long Trades ( on 5 min chart )

I) First Setup ( Best Setup – Maybe able to catch moves of +50 to 150 pips )

For Long . What you need to do is first look if price is above the Daily Pivot, and then look if the the LaGuerre 1 (henceforth called as Lag1 ) is above 0.15 and going upwards. StochHistogram ( Henceforth called as Stoch) is gone from negative to positive. MACD has made a crossover to positive ( Crossover above Zero Line ) and LaGuerre 2 ( Henceforth called as Lag2) is at the bottom ( for Extended Period of time ) or trending upwards above 0.15 .

II) Second Setup ( when Price is already climbing up ) – Maybe able to catch moves of +30 to +80 pips

For Long : What you need to do is first look if the the LaGuerre 1 ( henceforth called as Lag1 ) is at or above 0.45 and going upwards. StochHistogram ( Henceforth called as Stoch) is gone from negative to positive and climbing and LaGuerre 2 ( Henceforth called as Lag2) is at 0.45 or above and trending up.

I don’t recommend to take any other long setup apart from this unless all the indicators are pointing in that direction.

Check if 1min, 5min and 15min Lags are in agreement to take trades apart from the ones mentioned above.

Exits for Long ( Multiple Options – Choose whichever option as per your Take Profit Level )

When Lag-2 crossed 1.00 and then starts to come down below 0.85

When you get +50 pips

Daily R1 – ( First Resistance above Daily Pivot )

Daily R2 – ( Second Resistance above Daily Pivot)

MACD crossover from Positive to Negative and Red lag is turning down

When Stoch Histogram goes from Positive to Negative, and Red Lag is pointing Down ( both conditions have to be met. if not take 50% profit and let the trade run )

When the Stop Loss is hit ( 20 pips + Spread ) – This is likely to happen only if you have not taken the trade as per rules or taken a trade 30 mins before or within 30 mins of news.

Recommended Article: Advanced Accurate Forex Bollinger Bands Trading System

If anyone has more suggestions, kindly email me so I can look into it and add to the exits.

SAFE ENTRY for Short Trades ( on 5 min chart )

I) First Setup ( Best Setup – Maybe able to catch moves of +50 to 150 pips )

For Short . What you need to do is first look if the the LaGuerre 1 ( henceforth called as Lag1 ) is below 0.85 and going downwards. StochHistogram ( Henceforth called as Stoch) is gone from positive to negative. MACD has crossover to Negative from Positive ( Below Zero Lines ) and LaGuerre 2 (Henceforth called as Lag2) is at the top ( for extended period of time ) or trending downwards below 0.85

II) Second Setup ( when Price is already climbing up ) – Maybe able to catch moves of +30 to +80 pips

For Shorts . What you need to do is look if the LaGuerre 1 ( henceforth called as Lag1 ) is at or below 0.45 and going downards. StochHistogram ( Henceforth called as Stoch) is gone from positive to negative and climbing down and LaGuerre 2 ( Henceforth called as Lag2) is at 0.45 or below and trending down.

Exits for Short ( Multiple Options – Choose whichever option as per your Take Profit Level )

When Lag-2 crossed 0.00 and then starts to come up to 0.15

When you get +50 pips

Daily S1 – ( First Support below Daily Pivot )

Daily S2 – ( Second Support below Daily Pivot)

MACD has crossed over to positive and red lag is turning up

When Stoch Histogram goes from negative to positive, and Red Lag is pointing up ( both conditions have to be met. if not take 50% profit and let the trade run )

When the Stop Loss is hit ( 25 Pips including Spread ) – This is likely to happen only if you have not taken the trade as per rules or taken a trade 30 mins before or within 30 mins of news.

Recommended Article: How to Maximize Your Forex Profits with Step Moving Average Trading and Momentum System

Stop Loss for all the entries for Long and Short is 20 pips plus spread from the best setup as per rules.

If anyone has more suggestions, kindly email me so I can look into it and add to the exits.

Some More Examples For Educational Purpose

This method should work good on all pairs, but due to the high votality and movement, I love to work on GBP/JPY pair, gives very high Risk to Reward Ratio. For pairs apart from GBP/JPY, you may need to experiment with the TP and SL a bit.

The most Important part in making this method a success is to stick to the rules at all times and get into the trade when u have the indicators giving you the signal. Please study the rules properly and do not enter into trades just for the sake of entering, even waiting for the correct signal itself and staying out itself is a trade in itself. If you stick to the rules of entry, I assure you your winning rate will be as high as 90%.

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Day Trading: Become A Big Profit Trader: Trading For A Living - Trading Strategies, Stock Trading & Options Trading (Penny Stocks, ETF, Binary Options, Covered Calls, Options, Stock Trading, Forex)

Trading on the stock market may seem like a dream job; in fact it can be a highly stressful experience; especially if you are not prepared for it. However, there are strategies which can be learnt and techniques which will help you to become a highly successfully and profitable trader.

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It is vitally important to develop an understanding of the stock market and to understand both the terminology and the different types of trading which are possible. Day trading is one style of investing; it is often incorporated as part of a much larger investment portfolio, but, adopting this approach may mean that you do not have enough time to maximise the potential of day trading.

In the past, day trading was seen as an attempt at a get rich quick scheme, it was not fully understood and was badly regulated. Thankfully, it is now a recognised and well established way of trading in the stock markets and can create a comfortable standard of living.

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10. Il Giornale - 12.03.2016

9. Rate Your Endgame

8. La Stampa Tuttp Libri - 12.03.2016

7. The Caro-Kann: Move by Move

6. La Stampa - 12.03.2016

5. MF Milano Finanza - 12.03.2016

4. Italia Oggi - 12.03.2016

3. Happy Together: 500 Things to Do for and with

2. The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories

1. Amartya Sen - Development as Freedom

FOREX Fibo + Stochastic

Forex Strategy Fibo + Stochastic

Forex Strategy Fibo + Stochastic is a very simple strategy breakdown trade based on Fibonacci levels and extensions, as well as on Stochastics, trade is conducted on interval of H1, the recommended currency vars: GBPUSD and GBPJPY (or other vysokovolatilnye).

And so on for trade, we need to set the schedule for the chosen currency pair Oscillator Stochastic - Stochastic (14,3,3). We need only line -% K, for this line% D paint in the color screen.

To determine the levels of entry into the market place on the chart levels Fibonachchiot minimum to the maximum previous trading dnya. er 4.

enter the market, if the following conditions:

1) The price breaks the 100 level or level 0 Fibonnachi (or in other words - breaks a maximum or minimum previous trading day). Break - closing the candle above maximum or below the low of the trading day.

2) Next, we need to get a confirmation signal from stochastics. Confirmation is penetration level of 80 transactions for the purchase or penetration level of 20 for the transaction to sell. After breaking one of the levels, we reconstruct the Fibonacci levels (if necessary) so that the expansion of the Fibonacci 161.8% and 261.8% on the side of a penetration level of the previous day.

Profit - 3 options: 1) When the level of 161.8% 50% close the deal, and the remaining 50% of the transaction in the transfer rate bezubytka and profit target for the remainder of the position to expose the level of 261,8%. 2) Close all of 100% of the transaction at the level of 161,8% 3) Close the deal after a penetration level of 80 in the reverse order (for sale) or as high as 20 in the opposite direction (for sale).

Stop-Loss should be set at a maximum current day (for sale) or at least current day (for purchase).


A Martingale forex strategy offers a risky way for traders to bet that that long-term statistics will revert to their means. Forex traders use Martingale cost-averaging strategies to average-down in losing trades. These strategies are risky and long-run benefits are difficult to achieve.

Why Martingale strategies are attractive to forex traders

First, under ideal conditions and including positive carry, Martingale strategies offer what appears to be a predictable profit outcome and a “sure bet” on eventual wins.

Second, Martingale forex strategies don’t rely on any predictive ability. The gains from these strategies are based on mathematical probabilities over time, instead of relying on skillful forex traders using their own underlying knowledge and experience in particular markets. Novice traders like Martingale strategies because they can work even when the trader’s “trade-picking” skills are no better than pure chance.

Third, currency pairs tend to trade in ranges over fairly long periods of time, so the same price levels are often revisited many times. As with “grid trading,” there are usually multiple entry and exit possibilities in the trading range.

It’s important to understand from the beginning that a Martingale forex strategy doesn’t improve the chances of winning a given trade, and its major benefit is that it delays losses. The hope is that losing trades can be held until they become profitable again.

Martingale strategies are based on cost-averaging. The strategy means doubling the trade size after every loser until a single winning trade occurs. At that point, because of the mathematical power of doubling, the trader hopes to exit the position with a profit.

And by “doubling” the exposure on losing trades, the average entry price is lowered across all entry points.

A simple example of win-lose

The below table shows how a Martingale strategy works with a simple trading game, in which each round has a 50% chance of winning and a 50% chance of losing.

$100 Won $100 $100 $100 Won $100 $200 $100 Lost -$100 $100 $200 Lost -$200 -$100 $400 Lost -$400 -$500 $800 Won $800 $300

In this simple example, the forex trader takes a position size worth a standard $100 in account equity. With each winning trade in that same currency pair, the subsequent position size is kept at the same $100.

If the trade is a loser, the trade size is doubled for each successive loser. This is referred to as “doubling down.” If the forex trader is lucky, within a few trades he or she will enjoy a winner.

When the Martingale forex strategy wins, it wins enough to recover all previous losses including the original trade amount, plus additional gains.

In fact, a winning trade always results in a net profit. This occurs because:

Where n is the number of trades. So, the drawdown from any number of consecutive losses is recovered by the next successful trade, assuming the trader is capitalized well enough to continue doubling each trade until achieving a winner.

The main risk of Martingale strategies is the possibility that the trading account may run out of money through drawdown before a winning trade occurs.

A basic Martingale forex trading system

In real forex trading, there usually isn’t a rigid binary outcome – A trade can close with a variable amount of profit or loss. Still, the Martingale strategy remains the same. The trader simply defines a certain number of pips as the profit target, and a certain number of pips as the stop-loss threshold.

In the following recent EUR/USD example showing averaging-down in a falling market, with both profit target and stop loss levels set at 20 pips.

Rate Order Lots Entry Average Entry Absolute drop Break Even Balance

1.3500 Buy 1 1.3500 1.3500 0.0 0.00 $0 1.3480 Buy 2 1.3480 1.3490 -20.0 10.00 -$2 1.3460 Buy 4 1.3460 1.3475 -40.0 15.00 -$6 1.3440 Buy 8 1.3440 1.3458 -60.0 17.50 -$14 1.3420 Buy 16 1.3420 1.3439 -80.0 18.75 -$30 1.3439 Sell 16 1.3439 1.3439 -61.2 0.00 $0

First, the trader buys 1 lot at a price of 1.3500. The price then moves against the trader, down to 1.3480 which triggers the stop loss.

The trading system accounts 1.3480 as a “theoretical” stop loss, yet it doesn’t liquidate the position. Instead, the system opens a new trade for twice the size of the existing position.

So, the second line of the table above shows one more lot added to the position. This allows an average entry price of 1.3490 for the two lots.

It’s important to note that the unrealized loss is the same, yet now the trader needs a retracement of only 10 pips in order to break even, not the 20 pips envisioned by a loss following the first trade.

“Averaging down” by doubling the trade size reduces the relative amount needed to recover the unrealized losses. By averaging down with even more trades, the break-even value approaches a constant level which comes ever closer to the designated stop-loss level.

Continuing the above example, at the fifth trade the average entry price is 1.3439 so when the price moves upward through that point, the overall averaged holdings reach the break-even level.

In this example, the first four trades were losses, but all were covered by the profit on the fifth trade. A mechanical forex trading system can close out this group of trades at or above the break-even level. Or, the system can hold the currency pair for greater gains.

When a Martingale strategy works successfully, the trader can recover all losses with a single winner. Still, there is always a major risk that the trader may suffer an unrecoverable drawdown while awaiting a winner.

Caveats about the Martingale forex strategy

From a mathematical and theoretical viewpoint, a Martingale forex trading strategy should work, because no long-term sequence of trades will ever lose.

Still, in the real world the perfect Martingale strategy would require unlimited capitalization, since the trader may face a very long string of losses before achieving a single winner. Few traders could withstand the required drawdown.

If there are too many consecutive losing trades, the trade sequence must be closed at a loss before starting the cycle again. Only by keeping the initial position size very small in proportion to the account equity could the trader have any chance for survival.

Ironically, the higher the total drawdown limit, the lower the probability of losing in a trade sequence, yet the bigger that loss will be if or when it occurs. This phenomenon is called a “Taleb distribution.” The more trades, the more likely that a long string of losses will arise.

This issue occurs because during a sequence of losing trades with a Martingale system the risk exposure increases exponentially. In a sequence of n losing trades, the trader’s exposure increases as 2 n-1 .

So, if the trader is forced to exit a trade sequence prematurely, the losses are very large. On the other hand, the profit from a Martingale forex trade only increases in a linear way. It is proportional to half of the average profit per trade, multiplied by the number of trades.

Regardless of the underlying trading rules used to choose currency pairs and entry points, if the trader is only right 50% of the time (the same as random chance) then the total expected gains from winning trades would be:

When n is the total number of trades and G is the amount of profit on each trade.

However, a single big losing trade will reset this amount to zero. Continuing the example above, if the trader sets a limit of 10 double-down trades, the biggest trade lot size would be 1024. The maximum amount would only be lost if there were 11 losing trades in a row.

According to the above equation, the probability of this occurrence is (½) 11. In other words, the trader would expect to lose the maximum amount once every 2048 trades.

After 2048 forex trades:

• Expected gains are (½) x 2 11 x 1 = 1024

• Expected worst single loss is -1024

• Expected net profit is 0

Assuming the trader’s trade-choosing strategy is no better than simple chance, the Martingale system always offers at least a 50-50 chance of success.

Again, Martingale doesn’t improve the chances of winning a trade, it simply postpones losses or helps the trader potentially avoid losses by staying in the positions long enough. It is risky, and very few traders have been successful with Martingale strategies in the long run.

Martingale forex strategies only work when currency prices are trading in a range

Some trend-following traders use a “reverse Martingale” strategy that involves doubling winning trades, and cutting losses quickly. However, Martingale strategies tend to suffer during trending markets. The only opportunities come from range-trading instead of trend-following.

The challenge is to choose currency pairs with positive carry which are range-bound instead of trending. And, the trading system should be programmed to unwind positions when steep corrections occur.

Martingale forex strategy can enhance yield

One occasional use of Martingale forex strategies is to enhance yield. Some traders use Martingale strategies with positive-carry forex trades of currency pairs with large interest-rate differentials. That way, positive credits accumulate during the open trades.

By limiting drawdown to 5% of the account equity, some traders achieve 0.5 to 0.7% monthly return by using Martingale strategies when EUR/CHF and EUR/GBP are trading in tight ranges over fairly long periods of time.

The trader must keep a watchful eye for the risks that can result when forex prices break out into new trends, especially around support and resistance levels. Again, Martingale only works with range-bound currency pairs, not trending ones.

How to calculate the drawdown limit for a Martingale forex strategy

For traders willing to risk a Martingale forex strategy, the first thing to decide is the position size and risk. To keep this example simple, let’s use powers of 2.

The number of lots traded will determine the number of double-down trade legs that can be placed. For example, if the maximum is 256 lots, this allows 8 double-down legs.

Maximum lots that can be traded = 2 number of legs

If the final trade in a sequence is closed when its stop-loss point is reached, then the maximum drawdown will be:

Drawdown < Maximum number of lots x (2 x stop-loss) x lot size

So, with 256 micro lots, and a stop-loss set at 40 pips, the maximum drawdown would be $2048.

To determine the average number of trades that the system can sustain before a loss, use the calculation:

2 number of legs + 1

In the current example, that number is 29, or a total of 512 trades. After those 512, the trader would expect to suffer 9 consecutive losing trades.

With a Martingale forex strategy the only survivable way to manage drawdowns is to use a “ratchet” system: As profits are earned, the size of the trading lots and drawdown limits are both increased incrementally.

Trade sequence Equity realized Drawdown allowed Profit

1 $1,000 $1,000 $25 2 $1,025 $1,025 $5 3 $1,030 $1,030 -$10 4 $1,020 $1,020 $5 5 $1,025 $1,025 $20

This ratcheting adjustment should be handled automatically by the mechanical trading system, once the trader sets the drawdown limit as a percentage of the equity realized.


For entry signals in a Martingale forex strategy, traders sometimes “fade” or trade the false break-outs from the range. For example, when the currency pair’s price moves a certain number of pips above the 15-day moving average (MA), the system places a sell order.

When using this method, it’s important to act only on signals that indicate a high probability that the price will retrace back into the original range instead of breaking out.

Profit targets and stop-losses

It’s also important to set the profit targets and stop-loss points appropriately. On the one hand, if the values used are too small the system will open too many trades. On the other hand, if the values are too large then the system may not be able to sustain enough successive losses to survive.

With Martingale strategies, only the last stop-loss point is actually traded. All the previous stop-loss levels are “theoretical” points since the trades aren’t actually liquidated there, and in fact a new trade with double position size is added at each of those points.

Martingale trades must be consistently treated as a set, not individually. Forex trades using a Martingale strategy should only be closed out when the overall sequence of trades is profitable, that is, when there is a net profit on the open trades.

The Martingale trader hopes that a winning trade will be achieved before the drawdown from successive doubled losses drains the trading account.

The choice of profit targets and stop-loss points also depends on the trading time frame and the market’s volatility. In general, lower volatility means the system can use a small stop-loss value.

Some traders set a profit target of somewhere between 10 to 50 pips and a stop-loss value between 20 to 70 pips. There are several reasons for this.

A small profit target has a greater probability of being achieved sooner, so the trade can be closed while profitable. And, since the profits are compounded due to the exponential increase in position size, a small profit-target value may still be effective.

Using a small profit target doesn’t change the risk-reward ratio. Even though gains are small, the nearer threshold for gaining improves the overall ratio of winning to losing trades.

The benefits and disadvantages of a Martingale forex strategy

A Martingale forex trading strategy offers very limited benefits, such as trading rules that are easy to define and program into an Expert Advisor or other mechanical trading system. And, the outcomes regarding profits and drawdowns appear statistically predictable. As well, Martingale strategies don’t rely on a trader’s ability to predict market direction or choose winning trades.

However, Martingale forex strategies are usually losers in the long run, since they simply postpone or avoid losses instead of creating standalone profits.

And, unless the losses are managed carefully by adjusting the position sizes and drawdown limits when profits are earned, a Martingale strategy may run out of money during a particularly harsh drawdown. This can happen because exposure to risk increases exponentially, yet the profits only increase in a linear way.

In summary, Martingale forex strategies may be helpful when used during limited periods in trading ranges by experienced traders who focus on positive-carry currency pairs. Yet, the risks are worrisome.

Have you ever tried a Martingale “double down” strategy in your own forex trading? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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